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Deep Dive with Dana Falsetti

Storytelling Podcasts

The Deep Dive podcast was born from a desire for critical thought, vulnerability and awareness. Your host Dana Falsetti is a thinker, a writer, a yoga teacher, an activist, and authenticity agent. Each month you’ll hear from Dana and her guests, ranging from iconic disruptors to everyday people, all candidly sharing their personal experiences on topics ranging from sexuality to social justice and consciousness to capitalism. Deep dive is a space to tackle hard-hitting questions and controversial topics in a raw, empathic and curious way. And it’s Dana’s space to rant and ramble freely, no holding back. Let’s dive in.


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The Deep Dive podcast was born from a desire for critical thought, vulnerability and awareness. Your host Dana Falsetti is a thinker, a writer, a yoga teacher, an activist, and authenticity agent. Each month you’ll hear from Dana and her guests, ranging from iconic disruptors to everyday people, all candidly sharing their personal experiences on topics ranging from sexuality to social justice and consciousness to capitalism. Deep dive is a space to tackle hard-hitting questions and controversial topics in a raw, empathic and curious way. And it’s Dana’s space to rant and ramble freely, no holding back. Let’s dive in.



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Dana Falsetti on the Process of Unlearning

In this episode of Deep Dive, Dana discusses the continued process of unlearning the narrative society holds around pleasure and releasing shame in order to live the life that serves you as you grow. Change is inevitable and it is ok to have new desires, new standards, and new perspectives. Dana also talks about where her journey and focus has led her in the past months by sharing about her new endeavors in sensual photography and plus size vintage clothing.


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Fat Rope Bondage & Finding Intimacy, Pleasure, and Healing Through Kink with Cynna Rae

Content Warning: Weight (including the mention of numbers), Kink/Bdsm Practices. Potentially triggering for those recovering from body related complexities and/or sexual trauma. The stigma around vocalizing needs makes speaking up for pleasure difficult, especially for those who are marginalized. But the same conversation translates across different communities: while there are exclusionary spaces and people, there are others who will care and who will always make space for you - and that...


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Self Exploration, Healing Trauma & The Importance Of Community with Keiko El

We deserve more than we often allow into our lives and far more than many of us are offered. But there are ways we can all deconstruct mindsets to expand how we much we feel and experience. In this episode of Deep Dive, Dana chats with friend, Keiko El, about her passions and business while also tackling topics of self awareness, sexual exploration, vulnerability and the importance of safety, trust and community. Keiko shares her personal experience with sexuality and body acceptance as a...


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Fat Trauma, Moralism as Ableism, & Advocating For Yourself + Others with Sonalee Rashatwar

Content Warning: Weight Loss Surgery So much of how we exist in this world is informed by our experiences as children. When we experience trauma, healing is a lifelong process. In this episode of Deep Dive, Dana chats with Sonalee Rashatwar about growing up fat, fat trauma, food morality, healthism, and how fat liberation also intersects with other topics such as anti-capitalism and white supremacy (amongst others). Dana and Sonalee emphasize the need to continue working to dismantle all...


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Dana Falsetti on Consumption, Boundaries & Growth

In this episode, Dana shares her thoughts on what it is like to be consumed but not truly seen or understood. What happens when we want people for personal gain without making space for their pain or understanding our own role? Dana discusses her rise to public visibility and it being symptomatic of problematic thought. She talks about her own growth & the many boundaries she is setting to honor the person she is now - even though the process is painful (and maybe not just for her).


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Dana Falsetti on Self-Preservation & Believing in You

In this episode of Deep Dive, Dana shares her reasoning for leaving the Instagram account she’s grown for the past five years, @nolatrees. Dana discusses why she started her Instagram account five years ago and how that decision parallels her decision to leave now: self preservation & the need to re-spark the faith in herself that she can do all the things that feel right to her while setting boundaries. If you’re struggling with the desire for radical change but haven't made a move due to...


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Living Intentionally & Intuitively with Racheal Weathers

Have you ever woken up one day to realize something that’s become your ‘normal’ is not longer working for you? In this roadside, Dana chats with friend & colleague, Racheal Weathers, about her recent shifts towards living a life filled with intention & balance. They touch on mental health, the importance of asking for help, letting go of what doesn’t serve, and living life at one’s own pace — not society’s ‘traditional’ timeline or path to success.


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Dana Falsetti on Trauma, Survival, & Compassion

As empathetic humans, we need to release judgment and show compassion for the experiences of others, whether their actions seem to serve them or not. In this episode, Dana shares her experience with an eating disorder and calls for giving others the space to work through what have been demonized as “unhealthy” outlets and to experience joy free of judgement. There is no linear path to healing and we don’t need to compare. In a world ruled by systems of oppression, we can all stand to be a...


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Living your practice & the importance of being present with Jessamyn Stanley

In this episode, Dana catches up with friend and colleague, Jessamyn Stanley, as they chat about their growth for the past four years. They discuss how their yoga practice has evolved, the importance of being present in the moment, prioritizing the things that light you up over the need to make money, and how life is so much more than the glossy moments shown on social media.


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Dana Falsetti on Balance, Patience & Re-calibrating

Although change can be frightening and even perceived negatively, there is value in remaining true to the person we’ve become. In this season opener, Dana shares a recap of the past months and sheds light on recent changes: her hiatus from social media and break from teaching yoga asana workshops. Dana discusses the part social media plays in her identity, the anxieties that come with shifting patterns, her experience with starting therapy, and her excitement for growth.


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Dana Falsetti on Sex, Self-Worth, & Personal Growth

The human experience is complex and no one should feel unworthy or isolated in what they’re feeling. In this episode, Dana opens up about her past struggles with sex and her own feelings of isolation and shame. Dana talks about how she was able to dial back and find out who she was in order ... Read More about Dana Falsetti on Sex, Self-Worth, & Personal Growth


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Dana Falsetti on White Entitlement, Self-Appointed Authority, and Claiming “Yogi”

In this episode of Deep Dive, Dana discusses why she doesn’t self-identify as a yogi and questions white folks (herself included) feeling innately entitled to words, ideas, symbols, and cultures that aren’t theirs to claim. Dana discusses the role of ego and self-appointed authority in these conversations and their connection to social justice & activism.


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Accessibility, Equity & Inclusion with Dianne Bondy

Although our experiences and perspectives are different we all share a connection: our humanity. In this episode, Dana speaks with Dianne Bondy about accessibility, equity, and inclusion. They explore topics such as the insidious role of diet culture in the yoga world, the allocation of resources and wealth in our society and the enormous power of ... Read More about Accessibility, Equity & Inclusion with Dianne Bondy


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Allyship, Activism, & Accountability with Sassy Latte

Are you open to the experiences of others? Are you aware of how the world interacts with marginalized bodies? Many of us want to do the right thing and be a good person, but how do we make sure the outcome of our actions actually serves others beyond good intentions and rewarding ourselves? In this ... Read More about Allyship, Activism, & Accountability with Sassy Latte


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Dana Falsetti on Hustle vs Alignment and Redefining Success

Does hustling actually benefit you if it’s not aligned with your goals and values? In this episode, Dana dissects the flashiness of “the hustle” and its unexpected downsides, such as fueling the need for validation, leading to potential misalignment, and the dreaded feeling of not doing enough.


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Dana Falsetti on Chronic Pain, Silent Illness, & Ableism

In this episode, Dana touches on her personal experiences with a silent illness, including isolation, ableism, and learning to put yourself first.


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Exploring Fat Sex with Andrea Rodriguez

In this episode, Dana hosts guest Andrea Rodriguez for a candid conversation on sexuality and conditioning.


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Dana Falsetti on Intimacy, Sex and Dynamic Relationships

In this episode, Dana delves into the intricacies of dynamic relationships. Acknowledging ingrained cultural bias as well as the barriers of our own personal perspectives on sex and intimacy, she discusses the practices of monogamy and non-monogamy, as well as the unique complexities of differing relationships.


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Setting Boundaries with Alex Elle

In this episode, Dana hosts author, storyteller and self-care advocate Alex Elle for a candid conversation on the journey of motherhood, setting boundaries and the false fragility of women.


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Dana Falsetti On Constructive Anger

In this episode, Dana dissects a valid, powerful and easily misunderstood emotion: anger. Drawing from personal experiences, Dana looks introspectively for the roots of her anger, including her own battles with tokenism, self-awareness, validation and rationality.
