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Jim and Barb Work From Home

Storytelling Podcasts

I guess we have a podcast now? Jim and Barb are siblings who sit down to chat on the internet because nobody is going outside anymore.


United States


I guess we have a podcast now? Jim and Barb are siblings who sit down to chat on the internet because nobody is going outside anymore.



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Jim and Barb record live from Barb's dining room so there is a lot of mouth and nose sound that comes from a setup like that unfortunately. Also our voicemail number has expired so don't call it any more. Send us an email: ⁠⁠jimandbarbworkfromhome@gmail.com⁠⁠ Join us on Facebook: ⁠⁠https://www.facebook.com/Jim-and-Barb-Work-From-Home-100869298757384


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What Vacuums the Vacuums?

Barb asks what you use to clean your cleaning implements and it all goes down hill from there. Also Barb invites a strange man into her home and he abruptly leaves when she's not buying what he's selling, and admits there is likely a list of people who want her dead that is completely unrelated to the strange. You'll have to listen for the full context, because I'm shameless. Leave us a voice message: 402+913-0054 Send us an email: ⁠⁠jimandbarbworkfromhome@gmail.com⁠⁠ Join us on Facebook: ⁠⁠https://www.facebook.com/Jim-and-Barb-Work-From-Home-100869298757384


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Dishwasher Drama

From what I've read it seems like this is a "lifestyle" podcast so we just talk about whatever random stuff that pops into our heads which means that it has a very limited audience but people like niche things. Anyway, maybe you also think about dishwashers. Leave us a voice message: 402+913-0054 Send us an email: ⁠⁠jimandbarbworkfromhome@gmail.com⁠⁠ Join us on Facebook: ⁠⁠https://www.facebook.com/Jim-and-Barb-Work-From-Home-100869298757384


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Totally Killer (2023)-final-final-mixed.mp3

The previous version of this episode didn't have all the audio tracks. This one does. We did not secretly become a movie podcast. It was the intent to talk about this movie and we got there eventually, but we took the long way there through Couches, Beds, Work, and Tanzania. Anyway it's a good listen. Leave us a voice message: 402+913-0054Send us an email: ⁠⁠jimandbarbworkfromhome@gmail.com⁠⁠Join us on Facebook: ⁠⁠https://www.facebook.com/Jim-and-Barb-Work-From-Home-100869298757384


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Totally Killer (2023) - JIM'S AUDIO ONLY

This was accidentally published as only Jim's audio and Barb requested that this stays always available to our listeners. We did not secretly become a movie podcast. It was the intent to talk about this movie and we got there eventually, but we took the long way there through Couches, Beds, Work, and Tanzania. Anyway it's a good listen. Leave us a voice message: 402+913-0054 Send us an email: ⁠jimandbarbworkfromhome@gmail.com⁠ Join us on Facebook: ⁠https://www.facebook.com/Jim-and-Barb-Work-From-Home-100869298757384


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Fantastic Fest '23

Do you run a film festival? Do you want untrained amateur podcasters to cover the films you play? Call us! This is the kind of expert coverage you might expect if you pay for us to attend and promote your event. But it would be better because it wouldn't be just Barb and also it would be more timely. Trust me. Leave us a voice message: 402+913-0054 Send us an email: ⁠jimandbarbworkfromhome@gmail.com⁠ Join us on Facebook: ⁠https://www.facebook.com/Jim-and-Barb-Work-From-Home-100869298757384


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Cars Final Final

You ever think we would talk about cars this much? We didn't. anyway here's like an hours of us chatting and stuff we talk about cars. We find out if our voice mail works (which it does so please use it). Leave us a voice message: 402+913-0054 Send us an email: ⁠jimandbarbworkfromhome@gmail.com⁠ Join us on Facebook: ⁠https://www.facebook.com/Jim-and-Barb-Work-From-Home-100869298757384


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App Alert Notifications

You try to get Barb to talk about anything and she immediately wants to talk about her car and her car problems. We did eventually get to the topic as noted in the title but first you have to listen to exciting stories of Catalytic Converters, Removable Faceplates, Mind Palaces, and More! Leave us a voice message: 402+913-0054 Send us an email: ⁠jimandbarbworkfromhome@gmail.com⁠ Join us on Facebook: ⁠https://www.facebook.com/Jim-and-Barb-Work-From-Home-100869298757384


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Cars Part II: The Revenge of Cars

I don't know any more. We are basically just Car Talk. Much respect to Tom and Ray Magliozzi. Barb is disappointed that we don't have real topics and are just doing catch-up shows but she also didn't bring a topic to the table so this is where we are. We also talked about TVs, Dogs, and Roller Derby. We are on brand as always. Predictable some might say. Leave us a voice message: 402+913-0054 Send us an email: ⁠jimandbarbworkfromhome@gmail.com⁠ Join us on Facebook: ⁠https://www.facebook.com/Jim-and-Barb-Work-From-Home-100869298757384


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Cars and Dogs and Cars and Taxes and Disappointment

We recorded this episode back in April of 2023 but I forgot about it and so well it took a while for it to get out. Very little in this episode is still accurate except that Barb still has a list of cars that she is contemplating but has refused to do anything about. In the words of the late great Iron Shiek; "Never give up or you are big time jabroni." Leave us a voice message: 402+913-0054 Send us an email: ⁠jimandbarbworkfromhome@gmail.com⁠ Join us on Facebook: ⁠https://www.facebook.com/Jim-and-Barb-Work-From-Home-100869298757384


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Willow (2022)

The 2022 series Willow landed on Disney+ in November and Jim and Barb watched some of it in December, and more of it in January and recorded a podcast about it in February and this podcast is getting released in March. With scheduling like this we may as well be the early '90s Image/Valiant crossover Deathmate. Other topics include: • Deep Discussion of Ikea Drawer Pulls • Jim’s New Dog • Barb’s Birthday Stuff Leave us a voice message: 402+913-0054 Send us an email: jimandbarbworkfromhome@gmail.com Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jim-and-Barb-Work-From-Home-100869298757384


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Lemons Rally Recap (Great River Road 2022)

We completed another Lemons Rally. Check out the aftermath on our Purple Rain Instagram Page if you want to go backwards through time. Otherwise you can listen to us chatter about the experience a bit. We have questions for you though. What's the deal with Paducah? What's the deal with those signs that say Speed Monitored By Aircraft? Other topics include: • Barb's Roller Derby Production • Jim's Birthday Leave us a voice message: 402+913-0054 Send us an email: jimandbarbworkfromhome@gmail.com Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jim-and-Barb-Work-From-Home-100869298757384 Follow Barb's cat on Instagram @macmeowattack.


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Barb's BINGO Stories

Barb was a BINGO caller at the Minnesota State Fair. That's a pretty cool thing so we eventually talk about that. Who knew that you'd be listening to a podcast with a minor celebrity on? Here is Barb's 11-hour BINGO Spotify Playlist. Other topics include: • Scooter Talk • Fantastic Fest Chatter • Jim Pick’s Barb’s New Phone Leave us a voice message: 402+913-0054 Send us an email: jimandbarbworkfromhome@gmail.com Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jim-and-Barb-Work-From-Home-100869298757384 Follow Barb's cat on Instagram @macmeowattack.
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Stranger Things & Istanbul

You thought we weren't going to get around to launching an episode in August didn't you? Now there's egg on your face. Other topics include: • Hybrid Work From Home Leave us a voice message: 402+913-0054 Send us an email: jimandbarbworkfromhome@gmail.com Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jim-and-Barb-Work-From-Home-100869298757384 Follow Barb's cat on Instagram @macmeowattack.
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Pets on Instagaram

Follow Barb's cat on Instagram @macmeowattack. Do pets deserve their own account separate from their owners? We kinda talk about that. You know it's the way the show runs. The important thing is that you click that link above and follow Barb's cat on IG. This is real self promotion. Other topics include: • RollerCon • Health (specifically COVID) Leave us a voice message: 402+913-0054 Send us an email: jimandbarbworkfromhome@gmail.com Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jim-and-Barb-Work-From-Home-100869298757384
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Reboots revive beloved characters from our youth. Reboots allow creative people to tell new and interesting stories without needing to explain everybody's life story. Reboots are extremely profitable. Now that the Spider-Man movies are part of a multiverse do they count as reboots? We don't actually answer that question, but we think it is a good one that might make people listen to this episode by including it in the episode description. [NOTE: This was recorded like a month ago and we were too lazy to publish it. Sorry.] Other topics include: • Driving Through a Puddle • Grimace4MN - https://twitter.com/Grimace4MN - https://soundcloud.com/grimace-bothand Leave us a voice message: 402+913-0054 Follow Barb on Untappd: https://untappd.com/user/dorkybarb Send us an email: jimandbarbworkfromhome@gmail.com Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jim-and-Barb-Work-From-Home-100869298757384
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Couches, Sofas, Love Seats, Hide-A-Beds, Chaise Lounges, Davenports. They are the places you put your butts when you decide to do sit down and sometimes you need to buy one and sometimes you just have too many of them hanging around taking up space in your life and you need to get rid of them and replace them with something that actually fits your lifestyle and the vibe you are trying to create in your living room. Other topics include: • Barb's Exciting Adventures Outside • Minnesota United • Himalayan Food • Cars & Lemons Rally Leave us a voice message: 402+913-0054 Follow Barb on Untappd: https://untappd.com/user/dorkybarb Send us an email: jimandbarbworkfromhome@gmail.com Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jim-and-Barb-Work-From-Home-100869298757384
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Computers and their Stickers

Questions: Do you put stickers on your personal laptop? Do you put stickers on your work laptop? Do you put stickers with pictures of butts on your work laptop? It's a hot subject and we are here with our hot takes. Other topics include: • Couch Shopping • Working in Offices • Spring has Sprung • Pinball Repair Leave us a voice message: 402+913-0054 Follow Barb on Untappd: https://untappd.com/user/dorkybarb Send us an email: jimandbarbworkfromhome@gmail.com Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jim-and-Barb-Work-From-Home-100869298757384
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Midlife Crisis

Wikipedia defines a midlife crisis as "a transition of identity and self-confidence that can occur in middle-aged individuals, typically 45 to 65 years old." Neither of us hit the age range that they thing it should occur but we still talk around the topic and don't really come to any conclusions. If that's the sort of thing you are interested in then tune in and listen up. Leave us a voice message: 402+913-0054 Follow Barb on Untappd: https://untappd.com/user/dorkybarb Send us an email: jimandbarbworkfromhome@gmail.com Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jim-and-Barb-Work-From-Home-100869298757384


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Jim and Barb talk about cheese. What is our favorites. What is our least favorites. Why should you get cheeses for presents. Why should you not tell other people that they don't need cheese. Other Topics Include: • Boston Waste Water Virus Detection • Barb's Birthday Celebration Other Links to Stuff Include: • Massachusetts Water Resources Authority Wastewater COVID-19 Tracking • BAT & SPIDER • YouTube's Brian Rummel • Lost Light Leave us a voice message: 402+913-0054 Follow Barb on Untappd: https://untappd.com/user/dorkybarb Send us an email: jimandbarbworkfromhome@gmail.com Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jim-and-Barb-Work-From-Home-100869298757384
