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Kut2ThaChase Podcast

Storytelling Podcasts

Stepping out beyond boundaries takes courage and the ability to dream. We are excited to share our new audio podcast called Kut2thaChase. The structure of this podcast embodies open dialog with friends, family, and professional colleagues talking about reality and things that impact our means to thrive. We hope that you will join our unscripted, unbridled podcast.


United States


Stepping out beyond boundaries takes courage and the ability to dream. We are excited to share our new audio podcast called Kut2thaChase. The structure of this podcast embodies open dialog with friends, family, and professional colleagues talking about reality and things that impact our means to thrive. We hope that you will join our unscripted, unbridled podcast.





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Becoming a Visionary: Making a Difference to Cancel Blood Cancer

In this episode of Becoming a Visionary, we meet Alhashmin Muri, a passionate Physician Assistant who is on a mission to cancel blood cancer. Al believes that everyone deserves the chance to live a healthy and happy life, and he's working tirelessly to make a difference in the lives of those affected by this devastating disease. We follow Al as he shares his personal journey and how he came to be involved in this cause. From his early days in Toronto to his years at Baylor University and the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, Al's experiences have shaped his perspective on healthcare and inspired him to take action. Through his work with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Al is helping to raise awareness and funds for research that could lead to a cure for blood cancer. We see him organizing a charity concert featuring local musicians, speaking with patients and their families, and working with other healthcare professionals to develop new treatment options. Throughout it all, Al remains committed to his family and his passion for music and art. We see him juggling his many responsibilities with grace and determination, and inspiring others to join him in his efforts to make a difference. Join us as we follow Alhashmin Muri on his journey to becoming a visionary and making a difference in the fight against blood cancer. We hope you donate to the Visionaries of the Year campaign. For immediate contributions to my campaign, please utilize the link to the page as noted below: https://pages.lls.org/voy/stx/sat23/amurji --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kut2thachase/support


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E145 - Hitting Rock Bottom

He is a stranger among thousands of people you may encounter throughout your lifetime. But those who have had the privilege to meet with him understand why he worked so hard and the price he paid for positive results. He has given us some important life lessons he learned the hard way. He's a prior US Navy veteran, entrepreneur, innovator, and podcaster with a passion for helping others overcome challenges by creating opportunities that add value. A seasoned 25+ year dynamic leader who understands business and the humans who power it, he has an uncanny ability to anticipate trends and see things others cannot. For years, as founder and Managing Director of SchXer, he uses his unique talents as a project controls advisor, helping companies mitigate risk so they can survive and prosper long-term. As co-founder of Tru-Spot Technologies, he and his business partner have revolutionized augmented reality for online virtual seat purchasing, immersive fan viewing without the Oculus headgear all from the comfort of home. And lastly, as the founder of Kut2ThaChase Podcast, he has disrupted the podcasting ecosystem by bringing forth a social & cultural platform for everyone to sharing stories that nourish our souls through an unscripted dialogue. He is one of the most vibrant, instrumental & passionate thought leaders who consistently place others ahead of himself through his infectious determination and strength to bring out the best in those he encounters. Like a big brother to most, Gregory has touched many thousands of lives worldwide throughout his life’s journey, not professionally but unconditionally, as a mentor, friend, father to his daughters, and loving husband. For good and very sincere reasoning remarkable individuals, like Gregory, help us realize there are real human beings who truly care about you and helping anyone that comes on their path. For the first time in Kut2ThaChase Podcast history, we have allowed the hosts of CtrlAltHamsa Podcast to interview our host. To set the stage for this episode this discussion occurs 2 days after the discovery that Gregory has been diagnosed with two bulging disks L4/L5, multiple osteolytic bone lesions, the largest in the right ilium & multiple myeloma. As devasting news as one could expect these three podcasters tackling from their own point of view what it takes to pull yourself up from - Hitting Rock Bottom. Welcome to our interveiwers, Mirvat Kitab & Tara Hissen ft. Gregory Proctor #kut2thachase #podcast #unscripted #unbridled #episode4everyone #145 #hittingrockbottom #podcast #devastingnews #setbacks #mindset #challenges #getbackup #nevergetup #resetyourlifegoals #defycancer #gregorystrong #satx #sanantonio #sanantoniopodcast #sanantoniopodcaster #sanantonioinfluencer --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kut2thachase/support


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E144 - My Style, My Values

Today, our featured guest is an independent science communicator with a background in science, technology, and culture. She has ten years of experience as an academic researcher. She holds a Ph.D. in computer science and two masters in music and musicology. She has worked in Italy, Belgium, Egypt, and the US. She is also a musician, a teacher, an avid reader, and a seasoned traveler. She believes in a vital role for science in society and in evidence-based discussions. She is also the host of the podcast "Technoculture," for which she interviewed CERN physicists and NASA engineers. During the pandemic, she bought her first electric guitar, and embraced heavy metal. Welcome to our featured guest, Federica Bressan. #kut2thachase #podcast #unscripted #unbridled #episode4everyone #144 #mystyle #myvalues #science #technology #culture #music #podcatser #technoculture #academicresearcher #cernphysicists #nasaengineers #satx #sanantonio #sanantoniopodcast #sanantoniopodcaster #sanantonioinfluencer --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kut2thachase/support


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E143 - Hack My Way Back to Happiness

Today, our featured guest is a proud single parent, TEDx speaker and coach, life and divorce coach, and author. She is a graduate of UBC and Western Law School. Following her call to the bar, she discovered her coaching passion as career development director at Western Law School. Her expertise is in assisting women who have given up their full-time careers or businesses to stay home and raise their children. She helps them have clarity about what life looks like now, confidence in their changing roles, as well as security in knowing it is all going to be OK. Pivotal experiences in her life catapulted her on a quest for answers to find “her happy,” culminating in her books, YOLO: Essential Life Hacks for Happiness and an upcoming journal book follow up: YOLO: 52 Weeks Of Happiness Hacks. In YOLO: Essential Life Hacks For Happiness, she authentically shares practical and meaningful tips on communication, self-reflection, and how helping others also results in helping yourself. She fearlessly digs deep into the complexity of being human and how critical it is to have a degree of honesty with yourself to find, protect, maintain and share “your happy.” She is also a co-author in two anthologies, Passed Down From Mom: A Collection of Inspiring Stories About Moms & Motherhood and soon-to-be-released From The Frontlines Of COVID-19: Inspiring True Stories Of Everyday Heroes. Welcome to our featured guest, Vindy Teja. #kut2thachase #podcast #unscripted #unbridled #episode4everyone #143 #hackmywaybacktohappiness #lifehacks #tedx #speaker #coach #life #divorcecoach #yolo #empoweringwomen #author #communication #selfreflection #helpingyourself #satx #sanantonio #sanantoniopodcast #sanantoniopodcaster #sanantonioinfluencer --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kut2thachase/support


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E142 - Struggle, Strength & Success

Today, our featured guest is a public speaker, professional writer, columnist, bestseller author, creative consultant, ex-NFL wife, and business owner of "In Other Words, By Stone." Her topics of expertise include but are not limited to; Converting the Downs in Life to Wins, Making Positive Plays Every Day, and The Scores That Do Not Count. She teaches, enlightens, and shares motivating and transparent topics encouraging struggles to strength. She has inspired minds to stretch and evolve across the globe. Her heart and passion for liberating, illuminate, and motivating others has appropriately nick-named her "wise words woman." Also known as "Author Stone," she is an Augusta, Ga., native, positive words powerhouse that utilizes her personal life experiences of struggle, strength, and success to captivate audiences and readers abroad. She resigned from twenty years in the corporate world to embrace the purpose of pursuing her throughout life - to be unmasked, unchained and untamed. She struggled through a lavish but sorely lacking lifestyle as a former NFL wife. That chapter in her life produced the transparency in her inspiring inquiring minds want to know autobiography, 'Reality to Rags to Riches; The Story and Life of an Ex-NFL Wife." She has graced influential platforms globally and is also a featured author in the "Women Who Lead" anthology that chronicles successful women across the globe. Welcome to our featured guest, Angela Marshall. #kut2thachase #podcast #unscripted #unbridled #episode4everyone #142 #struggle #strength #success #liberating #illuminate #motivating #inspiring #wisewords #publicspeaker #professionalwriter #columnist #bestsellerauthor #creativeconsultant #formernflwife #satx #sanantonio #sanantoniopodcast #sanantoniopodcaster #sanantonioinfluencer --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kut2thachase/support


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E141 - Awareness vs Blindness

Today, our featured guest is a strategic mentor, podcaster, speaker, and a surfer. As a lifelong surfer, he grew up on the coast of New Jersey. He allowed his love for water to lead him to experience living on the coasts of Hawaii, California, Oregon and now Tampa, Florida. Having spent 20 years traveling the world's oceans and experiencing nearly 40 countries as a United States Merchant Marine officer, he has led others through seemingly insurmountable challenges while sailing the world. After experiencing his spiritual awakening through multiple near-death experiences, aptly termed 'The Inner Voyage', he made it his mission to support other leaders in navigating the uncharted waters of fear and isolation to achieve spiritual breakthroughs and personal and professional growth. Welcome to our featured guest, Matthew Schwab. #kut2thachase #podcast #unscripted #unbridled #episode4everyone #141 #awareness #blindness #merchant #marine #officer #theinnervoyage #spiritualawakening #sailing #insurmountable #challenges #breakthroughs #personal #professional #growth #mentor #podcaster #speaker #surfer #satx #sanantonio #sanantoniopodcast #sanantoniopodcaster #sanantonioinfluencer --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kut2thachase/support


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E140 - Your Life, Your Fight

Today, our featured guest is a best-selling author, speaker, and health advocate. To anyone facing a deadly diagnosis, to those caring for a loved one with severe health challenges, Bari shares a profound and powerful message that will empower, educate, and equip you to understand how to live and thrive through any health crisis with courage and hope. As the #1 best-selling author of Stronger with Two: The inspiring True Story of a Husband and Wife Winning the Battle Against Cancer Together, she holds nothing back as she reveals her journey. She is a ten-year head and neck a cancer survivor. She is the past volunteer chair of the Winship Cancer Institute's Patient & Family Advisors (PFA). She has also been an active member of the Winship Peer Partner program, which pairs volunteer survivors with patients going through cancer treatment. She shows patients that they can survive cancer. It's not over just because you hear the word cancer. Welcome to our featured guest, Bari Ross #kut2thachase #podcast #unscripted #unbridled #episode4everyone #140 #yourlifeyourfight #cancer #health #crisis #courage #author #health #advocate #survivors #satx #sanantonio #sanantoniopodcast #sanantoniopodcaster #sanantonioinfluencer --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kut2thachase/support


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E139 - Who R U?

Today, our featured guest is an enthusiastic, persistent, and creative problem solver who wants to help the world. She loves working in entertainment and employee advocacy; that is why she and her family founded a golf community Fairest Way. She currently leads customer marketing and content strategy for EveryoneSocial, where she helps teammates create, engage, and share with her ambassador amplification platform. Before joining the tech startup world, she worked in the entertainment industry for ten years in content research. Also, she is experienced at uncovering what matters to audiences and using insights to tell better stories. Her specialty is connecting people, research, and ideas to create innovative marketing campaigns and communities. She is also on a quest to learn as much as possible about growing engagement. We can hear all about it on her podcast, Engagement Drivers. Fun Fact: She has a “phonographic” memory. If she hears something, she likes she will remember the sound, lyrics and be instantly transported to the memory of when she last listened. You can test her on just about any pop song. Welcome to our featured guest, Courtney Morrison. #kut2thachase #podcast #unscripted #unbridled #episode4everyone #139 #whoareyou #you #are #who #loveyourself #loveyou #whoareyou #knowwhoyouare #selfcare #foryou #beyourself #whocares #care #awareness #music #livemusic #socialmedia #socialmediamarketing #socialgrowthmedia #socialmediaagency #satx #sanantonio #sanantoniopodcast #sanantoniopodcaster #sanantonioinfluencer --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kut2thachase/support


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E138 - Defy the Odds

Today, our featured guest has a degree in Psychology, and also she is currently an Art, Project, and Talent Manager for a local artist. For a decade, she was a successful career woman, holding titles such as a Corporate Trainer, Branch, and Regional Manager over five states. However, she left her career to care for her daughter, who has neurological and language-based learning differences, and her father’s primary caregiver, who was in the early stages of cancer. She spent the last decade dedicating her time and efforts as a volunteer and philanthropist, serving on multiple Advisory Boards, attended annual mission trips, and held positions with 11 nonprofits within her community. Even she loved the work; she had forgotten the power-driven and successful career woman she once was. After some soul searching, she began looking for a new career. Having been out of the workforce for nearly 12 years, mixed with the pandemic, hurt her ability to recognize her value. Her executive titles and years of community service were heavily discounted, and it caused her to feel unappreciated and wondering what her purpose was outside of being a mother. Under the guidance and encouragement of her husband, she began weightlifting nine months ago. Building her muscles had put an end to her aches and pains, she began to feel invincible. She started her IG account hoping to inspire friends to follow her new weightlifting journey and begin their own. And after five months, she hit 50,000 followers; she has over a 25% engagement rate which is 10x the average for an account of that size. Her IG account represents her fully. She is not conventional and never has been. She believes that her bold and confident style has caused a separation from some of her friends and family. Surprisingly, for the most part, her closest friends and family are not her biggest supporters! They don’t comment on her journey or check in with her to see how she is progressing. They don’t fully understand the direction she has headed, her goals, or endgame. Many cannot comprehend why she is putting herself out there the way she is. She hopes to continue being an inspiration for her daughter and other women, especially individuals over 40, proving that they are never too old to start a new journey. She encourages them to be unapologetically and authentically free to defy the odds against them. Welcome to our featured guest, Kelly Thompson. #kut2thachase #podcast #unscripted #unbridled #episode4everyone #138 #defytheodds #misfitover40 #over40 #fitness #bodybuilding #gym #weightlifting #strength #mother #wife #inspiration #motivation #unappreciated #lifespurpose #soulsearching #satx #sanantonio #sanantoniopodcast #sanantoniopodcaster #sanantonioinfluencer --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kut2thachase/support


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E137 - Who Knew

She has uses her voice as a source of support, positivity, and strength to encourage those who are struggling with mental health, paving the way to remove the stigma behind mental health conversations for all. Our featured guest Ms. Megan Gallagher is a 25-year-old 2x TED Talk speaker, 3x Amazon Best Selling Author, Afterbuzz TV Host, Mental Health Advocate, and Writer for Meditation Magazine. After starting her business at 18 years old, she embarked on a journey to speak at High Schools and Colleges across the country about her mission to implement courses on mental health in the modern day school system. She recently began speaking in corporate offices and workspaces across the country. With these current stressful times, Gallagher genuinely believes there needs to be open conversations about wellness and mental health, amongst all age groups in schools and workspaces. She has become a well-known figure in the mental health world amongst her fellow millennials. Having grown up in the tech generation, she truly knows first-hand, what it is like to become a healthy, happy adult in the midst of a social media crazed world. Welcome to our featured guest, Megan Gallagher. Please tune in and listen to this episode hands-down it's worth exploring every minute of their discussion. #kut2thachase #podcast #unscripted #unbridled #episode4everyone #137 #whoknew #mentalhealth #healthconversations #pavingtheway #millennials #satx #sanantonio #sanantoniopodcast #sanantoniopodcaster #sanantonioinfluencer --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kut2thachase/support


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E136 - When U Lose Everything

Today, our featured guest has spent 10 years working and thriving in the field of Art education. After winning the 2016 Maryland Art Education Association Elementary Teacher of the Year Award for the state's highest performing county, she started thinking about how to keep achieving more as a young, hungry, and passionate artist and educator. She decided to quit her job in art education to pursue her own illustration/art workshop business. The leap into this new career pursuit came around the same time her mother was dying of multiple Myeloma. At the most crippling moment of her life and feeling more lost than ever, she was able to use her creative outlet in illustration to build a thriving business in freelance illustration and muraling. The love of art education led her to facilitating professional development workshops for the Maryland State Department of Education as one of the youngest Roster Artists ever hired while working as an Educational Director of an art education non-profit called Leaders of Tomorrow Youth Center. She is a young creative leader, and she believes it is time for young professionals to view themselves as the same to make positive changes in our world. She also designed a coloring book, House of Curiosity, that incorporates unusual juxtapositions of architecture, wildlife, and nature. The coloring book is meant to heighten curiosity through subject distortion and playful imagery. Welcome to our featured guest, Saz Ross. Please tune in and listen to this episode hands-down it's worth exploring every minute of their discussion. #kut2thachase #podcast #unscripted #unbridled #episode4everyone #136 #whenuloseeverything #satx #sanantonio #sanantoniopodcast #sanantoniopodcaster #sanantonioinfluencer --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kut2thachase/support


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E135 - Let Me Introduce Myself Again

Today, our featured guest is an American soul-pop, rock, and R&B artist, originally from Seattle, WA. Classically trained, she has been praised for her powerful bluesy vocals and energetic stage presence. Performing as the frontwoman for popular East Coast bands HyJinx and Steal the Sky, she was recruited by guitar virtuoso Greg Howe as the lead singer for the internationally recognized rock band Maragold. Influenced by music legends such as Whitney Houston, Ann Wilson, and Mariah Carey, she has been singing since she was a young child. Now her new self-titled album, featuring the lead single "Let Me Introduce Myself Again," is ready to be shared with the world. Welcome to our featured guest, Meghan Krauss. Special thanks to AMW Group & David McDonald for coordinating this interview and allowing us to be apart of Meghan' Krass debut album release. For those that listen to the entire episode there is a special bonus at the end; yes debut music track from singer/songwriter Meghan Krauss! featuring the single "Let Me Introduce Myself Again". Please tune in and listen to this episode hands-down it's worth exploring every minute of their discussion. #kut2thachase #podcast #unscripted #unbridled #episode4everyone #135 #letmeintroducemyselfagain #satx #sanantonio #sanantoniopodcast #sanantoniopodcaster #sanantonioinfluencer --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kut2thachase/support


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E134 -The Experience Wrap Up

Today, our featured guests: Antoinette "Toiné" Houston is a Chicago native, who gained her passion and love for entertainment and technology at the tender age of 7. As a leader in User Experience Engineering by "day" and Hip-Hop Soul Artist by "night", Toiné is unapologetic about creative expression on all levels - from how she facilitates UX + Usability-centered workshops and client engagements......to how she transforms + comes alive while performing her music on stage to her fans. Being authentic in ALL she does matters x motivates Toiné. Asia Roberson brings a unique voice to those that struggle to find their place in the technological landscape. With a background in music, theater, and improv she’s been able to combine her arts and entertainment training with her ability to lead agile teams, manage technical programs and develop educational technology curriculum. As a servant leader, Asia prides herself in making the goals clear and doing whatever it takes to help people win. Meeting during their time on the theater stage, Toiné x Asia's friendship, shared experiences and synergy as BOTH entertainers and UX Practitioners, birthed the idea of The Experience (W)rap-Up - an edgy, candid, lyrical storytelling lens and dialogue highlighting their unique perspectives working within & across UX. Welcome to our featured guests, Antoinette “Toiné” Houston & Asia Roberson. Please tune in and listen to this episode that is undoubtedly worth exploring every minute of their discussion. #kut2thachase #podcast #unscripted #unbridled #episode4everyone #134 #theexperiencewrapup #satx #sanantonio #sanantoniopodcast #sanantoniopodcaster #sanantonioinfluencer --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kut2thachase/support


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E133 - Traveling With T

LaTonya and Gregory explore her passion to develop a traveling blog /planning company geared towards helping those who struggle to plan their own vacation. She is a native of Jackson, MS but currently resides in Fairburn, GA. A wife and the mother of three sons and a graduate of Jackson State University. LaTonya's career includes 15 years of property management experience on multiply levels. After retiring from property management, she becomes a full-time caregiver for her son due to his unique needs. She has always had an affinity for travel since childhood. One of her goals is to travel all 50 states by the age of 50. While pursuing this goal Traveling With T was born, and her dreams have now extended to friends, family, and others alike. Traveling With T is designed to plan your travel needs domestically and internationally. Please welcome our featured guest LaTonya Proctor Please tune in and listen to this episode that is undoubtedly worth exploring every minute of their discussion. #kut2thachase #podcast #unscripted #unbridled #episode4everyone #133 #travelingwitht #satx #sanantonio #sanantoniopodcast #sanantoniopodcaster #sanantonioinfluencer --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kut2thachase/support


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E132 - One Person Can Make A Difference

Our featured guest is a Meteorologist and was on TV for many years as a Chief Weather Anchor and has done guest spots for The Weather Channel, featuring Alaska and the Pacific Northwest. In 2015 she was contacted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to Support the 2015 Ebola Response. Elizabeth also supported the Zika Response and the Flint Michigan Water Crisis. She was born in Anchorage, Alaska, and lived there for 33 years before moving to the Tri-Cities in Washington. She has a Bachelor of Science in Geosciences with a minor in Operational Meteorology from Mississippi State University. She is pursuing her master’s in engineering from The University of Alabama Birmingham in Civil Engineering Construction Management and graduates in a few months. She is also a former NCAA Division I Swimmer and All- American Consideration Athlete and a social media influencer for the American Diabetes Association and created the worldwide campaign, “Be a Friend Friday.” She loves to travel and read true crime novels. She is an avid gardener and a fantastic cooker as well. One of her favorite things to do is pick something from her garden and cook it right away. She spends as much time outside as she can when the weather is above 70 degrees. She believes that one person can make a difference and change the world, and she tries to do that every day. Welcome to our featured guest, Elizabeth Battaglia. Please tune in and listen to this episode that is undoubtedly worth exploring every minute of their discussion. #kut2thachase #podcast #unscripted #unbridled #episode4everyone #132 #onepersoncanmakeadifference #satx #sanantonio #sanantoniopodcast #sanantoniopodcaster #sanantonioinfluencer --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kut2thachase/support


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E131 - Journey to Success

Today, our featured guest was an Ex-Police Officer for over six years in London, UK. Since leaving the force, she has traveled worldwide, working with 6-9 figure Gurus in the digital marketing sector, forming sales procedures, and coaching teams on event sales. She is also an award-winning author, with a copy of her book in Her Majesty the Queen of England’s Private Royal Library. She had her book launch in Toronto, Canada, where Bob Proctor and Dr. Demartini presented her an Award for “My Inspirational Journey to Success.” She has been interviewed on TV and published articles on platforms such as Manhattan Neighborhood Network, The Huffington Post, Roku Channels TV, Amazon Fire TV, Footprint TV, iTunes & One Tribe Magazine. She also started an English School in Bali, Indonesia, where she lived for two years for the local families who were not able to afford to send their kids to English classes – it started with one child, and soon the word got out, and she had 12 children attend her class. She has been involved in a fantastic charity called Bali Wise. Her role was to use her teachings to transform the women from traditional homemakers into growing and monetizing their skills to achieve a better quality of life for themselves and their families. She coaches entrepreneurs and small business owners on implementing the five main pillars of business: sales, Marketing, Finance, Operations & Leadership. She uses her SUPERPOWER and her uncanny way of thinking outside of the box! She is here today to share with us how to stand out and gain new perspectives on how to have clients throw their money at your business rather than you chase them. Welcome to our featured guest, Kalpna Suthar. Please tune in and listen to this episode that is undoubtedly worth exploring every minute of their discussion. #kut2thachase #podcast #unscripted #unbridled #episode4everyone #131 #journeytosuccess #satx #sanantonio #sanantoniopodcast #sanantoniopodcaster #sanantonioinfluencer --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kut2thachase/support


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E130 - Never Practice Life

Today, our featured guest is a Life Coach that was born in Jamaica and migrated to the United States when she was a teenager. After experiencing traumatic childhood events and the traps of unresolved trauma, she pursued a master’s degree in counseling to better understand herself. Along the journey, she discovered patterns, cycles, and limitations that sometimes bind us to our negative inner narratives, preventing us from living our best life. As a life coach, she helps clients navigate their way in life by challenging their mindsets, limited belief systems, and authenticity to themselves. She loves what she does, but she says we are all a work in progress and should allow ourselves to heal, grow, and be open. Welcome to our featured guest, Denise Dixon. Please tune in and listen to this episode that is undoubtedly worth exploring every minute of their discussion. #kut2thachase #podcast #unscripted #unbridled #episode4everyone #130 #neverpracticelife #satx #sanantonio #sanantoniopodcast #sanantoniopodcaster #sanantonioinfluencer --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kut2thachase/support


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E129 - Is This Really Me?

Today, our featured guest is a lifestyle design coach who teaches high achievers how to leverage their individuality to live their truly desired life. Her decluttering methodology helps people lose weight, save money, and build fulfilling lives. She has used decluttering to downsize from a luxury apartment to owning her own home (a 12ft Sprinter van affectionately known as Big Pun). She has also transitioned from working as a sales executive and sales trainer to becoming a full-time entrepreneur; aside from helping her leave her 9 to 5, decluttering helped her launch a luxury conference and lose 45lbs. In her first year in entrepreneurship, she has been featured in Forbes, Becoming Minimalist, and AARP. Now she is helping others build a life overflowing with what they love. In her free time, she enjoys playing the piano, reading self-help books, traveling, and eating Tex-Mex food. Welcome to our featured guest, Jessica Malone. Please tune in and listen to this episode that is undoubtedly worth exploring every minute of their discussion. #kut2thachase #podcast #unscripted #unbridled #episode4everyone #129 #isthisreallyme #satx #sanantonio #sanantoniopodcast #sanantoniopodcaster #sanantonioinfluencer --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kut2thachase/support


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E128 - What Are You Carrying In Your Heart?

Today, our featured guest is a transformational facilitator, teacher, space-holder, coach, author, yoga instructor, retreat leader, and movement artist. She is the creator + leader of Experience Freedom, a 14-week online group program plus luxury retreat for men and women to radically open. She discovers the truth of who they are in a safe, expansive, and loving container. Her passion lies in guiding people to true inner freedom, deeper connection, + authenticity in a way that is practical, sustainable, and miracle-inducing. Her work in the world is to live life to the fullest, challenge every perceived limit, be a living reminder that we are love, bask in our inherent abundance, and share all of this by teaching others to live fully, freely, and purposefully. She is also the co-author of a book, a compilation of seven women's stories. Hers highlighted the period of her life in which she went through a radical awakening because of heartache, loss, and grief, resulting in discovering her purpose. Then she turned her mess into her magic and service to the world. Welcome to our featured guest, Nina Camille. Please tune in and listen to this episode that is undoubtedly worth exploring every minute of their discussion. #kut2thachase #podcast #unscripted #unbridled #episode4everyone #128 #whatareyoucarryinginyourheart #satx #sanantonio #sanantoniopodcast #sanantoniopodcaster #sanantonioinfluencer --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kut2thachase/support


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E127 - Life Is Not A Dress Rehearsal

Today, our featured guest is a renowned and respected high performance, property, and business success coach. As a successful business investor, property entrepreneur, and authority on mindset, his ongoing mission and commitment are in supporting others in building wealth through property and business so that they can live life on their terms. Having had a challenging start in life, growing up in a dysfunctional single-parent family with minimal financial resources, he discovered that a lack of resources was less important than an attitude of resourcefulness, coupled with a healthy mindset of possibility and good old hard work. With no personal funds, no experience, and no track record from a standing start, he built a multi-million-pound portfolio that generated him a 6-figure income that allowed him to retire at the ripe age of 37. He has completed over 200 property deals and is responsible for helping countless others (including many prominent, well-known people in the industry) succeed in property. Welcome to our featured guest, Akhtar Khan. Please tune in and listen to this episode that is undoubtedly worth exploring every minute of their discussion. #kut2thachase #podcast #unscripted #unbridled #episode4everyone #127 #lifeisnotadressrehearsal #satx #sanantonio #sanantoniopodcast #sanantoniopodcaster #sanantonioinfluencer --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kut2thachase/support
