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Nurse to Nurse Chronicles - The Podcast

Talk Show Replays

Nurse to Nurse Chronicles: The Podcast for Nurses! Step into a world of Authentic Conversations – a prescription for professional growth, personal connection, and amplifying voices within the healthcare industry. Whether you’re launching your nursing career, refining your expertise, or aiming for new heights as an advanced practice nurse, our tailored content is crafted just for you. Stay informed, inspired, and connected as we navigate the dynamic world of nursing together. Let’s elevate the standard of care, share empowering stories, and cultivate leadership skills to make a lasting impact in the healthcare industry! Join the conversation here:


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Nurse to Nurse Chronicles: The Podcast for Nurses! Step into a world of Authentic Conversations – a prescription for professional growth, personal connection, and amplifying voices within the healthcare industry. Whether you’re launching your nursing career, refining your expertise, or aiming for new heights as an advanced practice nurse, our tailored content is crafted just for you. Stay informed, inspired, and connected as we navigate the dynamic world of nursing together. Let’s elevate the standard of care, share empowering stories, and cultivate leadership skills to make a lasting impact in the healthcare industry! Join the conversation here:





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S3E4: Building a Successful Nursing Career: Insights from Industry Leaders

What does it truly mean to be a successful nurse leader? Join us in this episode as we explore the essential skills, personal development, and strategies needed to build a successful nursing career and inspire others. Hello, everybody, and welcome back to Nurse to Nurse Podcast! In today's episode, we explored a topic that lies at the heart of every nurse's career: building a successful nursing career. In this episode, we delved into the critical aspects of building a successful nursing career. We discussed the importance of defining your purpose and why it serves as the foundation of every successful nursing journey. By understanding your "why," you can navigate challenges, stay focused on your goals, and drive impact, just like nursing pioneer Florence Nightingale did. We also highlighted the significance of personal development, emphasizing the need for continuous education and skill enhancement. Despite the lack of formal leadership training in many healthcare organizations, we encouraged listeners to take initiative. Pursue certifications like Certified Nursing Management Leader, invest in leadership programs, and create your own path to becoming a capable leader. Additionally, we addressed the disconnect between leadership and clinical competency in some healthcare organizations. True leaders lead from the front, getting their hands dirty, understanding the challenges faced by their staff, and actively participating in patient care. We stressed the importance of managers and directors possessing both excellent people skills and clinical experiences to effectively support their teams. Lessons that the listener will learn from the episode: Are you ready to take your nursing career to the next level? Start by defining your purpose and understanding your "why." Invest in continuous education and seek opportunities for personal development. Don't wait for formal leadership training – take the initiative to enhance your skills independently. Thank you for joining us in this episode of Nurse to Nurse Podcast. Don't forget to subscribe, share, and leave a review if you found our discussion valuable. Stay tuned for our next episode, where we'll continue our journey towards empowering nurse leaders like you. Just the Tip!! If you like our blog and free download guides. Send us a Tip to show us your appreciation. Our staff work hard to create excellent content and we are always thankful for your support! Join the conversation! Join our Facebook community at Nurse to Nurse Podcast, where we support each other in becoming outstanding nurse leaders! ____________________________________________________________ Stay connected with the hosts: Kevin: Looking for chart reviews, expert consultation, and legal briefings? Connect with Kevin at Website: Linktree: Starshema: Are you ready to package up your skills and knowledge and build your personal brand as a nurse? Start your journey today with Starshema! Facebook: Linktree:


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S3E3: Emerging Technologies in Nursing: Enhancing Patient Care

Are you ready to embrace the technological revolution in healthcare and nursing? As nurses, we understand that the modern healthcare environment is different from what it was just a couple of decades ago. We face the pressure of increasingly time-consuming administrative tasks, including extensive documentation requirements that can detract from direct patient care. The good news is, that we're on the brink of a significant transformation that can help us refocus on what matters most – our patients. Welcome back #nursenation to the Nurse to Nurse podcast! In today's episode, we delved into the fascinating world of emerging technologies in nursing and their potential to enhance patient care. We explored topics like predictive analytics, mobile applications, robotic systems, AI for clinical decision support, and telehealth with remote patient monitoring. While some may find these topics daunting or uninteresting, they are paramount in reshaping the landscape of healthcare and addressing the very real challenges we face as healthcare providers. We also discussed the incredible potential of telehealth and remote patient monitoring. With the advent of wearable devices and health apps, patients can take charge of their own health like never before. These tools empower individuals to monitor their vital signs, keep their chronic conditions in check, and proactively engage with healthcare professionals, all from the comfort of their homes. As nurses, we have the opportunity to guide our patients in embracing this technology, fostering a new era of preventive and patient-centered care. Key takeaways from the episode: By learning about and embracing these lessons, you can position yourselves as leaders in the evolving healthcare landscape, providing high-quality care while embracing the benefits of technological advancements. Are you using wearables or health apps to monitor your health? Have you witnessed the positive impact of AI on your nursing practice? Let's discuss how these innovations are changing the way we provide and receive healthcare. Join the conversation in our nursing community! Just the Tip!! If you like our blog and free download guides. Send us a Tip to show us your appreciation. Our staff work hard to create excellent content and we are always thankful for your support! ____________________________________________________________ Stay connected with the hosts: Kevin: Looking for chart reviews, expert consultation, and legal briefings? Connect with Kevin at Website: Linktree: Starshema: Are you ready to package up your skills and knowledge and build your personal brand as a nurse? Start your journey today with Starshema! Facebook: Linktree:


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S3E2: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Nursing: Navigating The Challenges

What are some challenges and opportunities for providing diversity, equity, and inclusion in nursing? Promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in nursing is not just about meeting a quota or ticking a box; it's about creating an environment where everyone feels valued, respected, and included. Addressing these issues requires ongoing education, open dialogue, and a commitment to dismantling discriminatory practices. Welcome back #nursenation to the Nurse to Nurse podcast! In this episode, we engage in a candid and thought-provoking discussion about the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in nursing. We dive deep into topics like recognizing and addressing implicit bias in healthcare, promoting culturally competent care, and the challenges and opportunities for creating a more inclusive healthcare environment. We also share personal experiences and insights, highlighting the significance of understanding and respecting different cultures in nursing practice. Lessons you can get from this episode: -Understanding the concept of implicit bias and its impact on healthcare. -Exploring the importance of cultural competence and self-reflection for healthcare professionals. -Gaining insights into promoting culturally competent care in nursing practice. -Recognizing the challenges faced by minority nurses in the workplace and the need for inclusive healthcare environments. Stay tuned for more insightful discussions on diverse topics in nursing. Remember to share your thoughts and experiences with us on social media, and let's continue the conversation! Join the conversation in our nursing community: ____________________________________________________________ Stay connected with the hosts: Kevin: Looking for chart reviews, expert consultation, and legal briefings? Connect with Kevin at Website: Linktree: Starshema: Are you ready to package up your skills and knowledge and build your personal brand as a nurse? Start your journey today with Starshema! Facebook: Linktree:


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S3.E1: Advancement in Nursing Education Preparing for the Future

How can advancements in nursing education enhance our ability to provide compassionate patient care? Welcome back, Nurse Nation! In this season's debut episode, we dive into the heart of nursing, discussing advancements in nursing education and the essence of compassionate patient care. We are thrilled to explore the evolution of online learning, emotional intelligence, and the crucial connection between technology and human compassion in nursing. Stay tuned for valuable insights and inspiring discussions. What we discussed in this episode: As we navigate this transformative journey in nursing education, we invite you, Nurse Nation, to participate in this conversation. Share your stories, your insights, and your challenges in our Facebook community: or use the hashtag #nursetonursepodcast. Let's build a community where we learn from each other, and where our collective knowledge propels us forward. Together, let's ensure that the essence of nursing—this profound, human connection—remains at the heart of everything we do. Join us in this endeavor. Let's learn, grow, and provide exceptional care to those in need. Together, we can redefine the future of nursing! We appreciate your presence in this enlightening episode! Leaving you with these words of wisdom: “You cannot transmit wisdom and insight to another person. The seed is already there. A good teacher touches the seed, allowing it to wake up, sprout, and grow.” -Thich Nhat Hanh- Join the conversation in our nursing community: ____________________________________________________________ Stay connected with the hosts: Kevin: Looking for chart reviews, expert consultation, and legal briefings? Connect with Kevin at Starshema: Are you ready to package up your skills and knowledge and build your personal brand as a nurse? Start your journey today with Starshema!


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S2E17 Informed Consent: To Consent or Not To Consent, Nurse’s Role

Welcome back to Nurse to Nurse Podcast- Straight Talk, a podcast designed specifically for nurses, by nurses. In today’s episode, we delve into the crucial topic of consent, exploring its relevance, challenges, and ethical considerations within the nursing profession. As healthcare providers, nurses encounter diverse situations that require informed consent on a daily basis. Join us as we navigate the intricacies of consent within the healthcare context, examining the nuances of patient autonomy, shared decision-making, and the legal and ethical frameworks that guide our practice. Keypoints of what we talked about: Want to win Podcast Merch? Listen to Episode 10: Navigating Some Of The Most Stressful Job In Nursing to know how! Join the conversation in our FaceBook group: ************** Stay in touch with the hosts Connect with Kevin: Looking for chart reviews, expert consultation, and legal briefings? Email Kevin at now! Website: LinkedIn: Connect with Starshema: Are you ready to package up your skills and knowledge and build your personal brand as a nurse? Visit to start your journey today! IG: @nursecoachstarshemaRN FB: Starshema RN


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S2E16: Nurses, Are You Ready for Your Well-Deserved Retirement?

As a nurse, you've dedicated your career to caring for others, ensuring their well-being, and making a positive impact on countless lives. After years of tireless service and commitment, the time to consider your retirement has finally arrived. This momentous transition marks the beginning of a new chapter, filled with opportunities for relaxation, personal growth, and the fulfilment of lifelong dreams. But the question is, are you well prepared? In this episode, Kevin and Starshema explored strategies for effectively planning your future and enjoying the rewards of your hard work during retirement. Key points: ----more---- Want to win Podcast Merch? Listen to Episode 10: Navigating Some Of The Most Stressful Job In Nursing to know how! Join the conversation in our FaceBook group: ************** Stay in touch with the hosts Connect with Kevin: Looking for chart reviews, expert consultation, and legal briefings? Email Kevin at now! Website: LinkedIn: Connect with Starshema: Are you ready to package up your skills and knowledge and build your personal brand as a nurse? Visit to start your journey today! IG: @nursecoachstarshemaRN FB: Starshema RN


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S2E15: Urinary Catheterization Procedure: Types, The How To’s, and Complications with Kevin Stansbury

BEST TO WATCH THIS ON VIDEO POSTED IN OUR FACEBOOK COMMUNITY! Join the conversation: Welcome, everyone, to the Nurse to Nurse Podcast, where we engage in candid conversations with Kevin and Starshema. We are truly grateful for your presence today. In today's episode, Kevin will be taking the spotlight as we delve into the various types of urinary catheters, their proper usage, and potential complications. Before we dive into our topic, let's take a moment to recap what catheterization entails. As most of you are already aware, urinary catheterization is a widely employed medical procedure that aids in the drainage of urine from the bladder. It involves the gentle insertion of a slender and flexible tube, known as a catheter, into the urinary tract. This procedure is typically employed when a patient experiences difficulty urinating naturally or when there is a need to closely monitor and manage urinary output. As healthcare professionals, it is crucial for us to grasp the fundamental principles and techniques of catheterization. By doing so, we can provide the highest standard of care and safeguard the well-being of our patients. So, without further ado, let's jump right into today's episode where we'll be discussing urinary catheter types, step-by-step instructions, and potential complications. More of the topics discussed: 1:13 The different types of Foley Catheter 3:24 Why and when to use 100% Silicone Foley Catheter 4:52 What are Coude Catheter 6:03 Look at the risk versus the benefit. Does the patient really need a Foley? 7:17 Understanding patient’s anatomy and the effect of Foley catheter to each 11:12 A BIG rookie mistake when doing CBI continuous bladder irrigation 13:03 What to do when you've already had the patient with the Foley catheter 13:47 Follow CDC guidelines for Foley Catheter 15:07 The use of Purewick Catheter 16:56 What to remember when you're opening a Foley tray 21:34 Why is Aseptic Insertion so important 22:44 Ensure Proper Insertion Technique 24:06 Contamination of the sterile field 25:49 Maintenance of a catheter 28:11 Prevention of obstruction 29:09 The importance of incorporating observation of urinary catheter back into your routine process 30:21 Take home points Other links and resources mentioned: *********** Want to win Podcast Merch? Listen to Episode 10: Navigating Some Of The Most Stressful Job In Nursing to know how! Join the conversation in our FaceBook group: ************** Stay in touch with the hosts Connect with Kevin: Looking for chart reviews, expert consultation, and legal briefings? Email Kevin at now! Website: LinkedIn: Connect with Starshema: Are you ready to package up your skills and knowledge and build your personal brand as a nurse? Visit to start your journey today! IG: @nursecoachstarshemaRN FB: Starshema RN


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S2E14: Understanding the 3 Major Complaints of Patients to Provide Quality Care

Welcome back to Nurse To Nurse Podcast Straight Talk! Dealing with different types of patients every day can be very stressful especially when you're not communicating well with each other. Today, we are talking about what patients are complaining about in the hospital and give you some insight as to ways that can help you make your patients feel comfortable. We all know that nurses sometimes need proper training on how to run different departments because all of the different positions that nurses can occupy require different training even if that training is sometimes given on the job. But understanding common difficult personality types plays an important role that can help you plan effective strategies for dealing with your patients, resulting in more effective communication, less stress and better health outcomes. In this episode, we talked about the three major complaints of patients: pain, communication, and wait times. Understanding these 3 key factors will help make your patients feel mattered, heard, and valued. Key points in what we discussed: Want to win Podcast Merch? Listen to Episode 10: Navigating Some Of The Most Stressful Job In Nursing to know how! Join the conversation in our FaceBook group: ************** Stay in touch with the hosts Connect with Kevin: Looking for chart reviews, expert consultation, and legal briefings? Email Kevin at now! Website: LinkedIn: Connect with Starshema: Are you ready to package up your skills and knowledge and build your personal brand as a nurse? Visit to start your journey today! IG: @nursecoachstarshemaRN FB: Starshema RN


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S2E13: Iconic is the Goal, Take Your Nursing Career to the Next Level with Starshema

Welcome back to another episode of the Nurse to Nurse podcast! We have received so much love from you all so to serve you better, I and my co-host, Kevin, decided to do a solo podcast episode at least each season to be able to come and teach you something around your magic and our level of expertise. We aim to help you be able to show up in the world and make a greater impact in the work that you do at the bedside. And before we jump into the episode today, we want to know if you have had these concerns lately: Stay tuned as these are the topics we’ll be talking about today- Taking your nursing career to the next level. And I’m going to challenge you in a different way. Key points in what we discussed: 3:19 The stark difference when you are no longer the nurse but you're the patient that is sitting on the gurney 6:04 The next level of impact for bedside nurses 9:26 What it means to take your nursing career to the next level 13:59 The impact of leaving the organization 16:26 Becoming who you need to Become 22:30 Proven steps to take your career to the next level Want to win Podcast Merch? Listen to Episode 10: Navigating Some Of The Most Stressful Job In Nursing to know how! Join the conversation in our FaceBook group: ************** Stay in touch with the hosts Connect with Kevin: Looking for chart reviews, expert consultation, and legal briefings? Email Kevin at now! Website: LinkedIn: Connect with Starshema: Are you ready to package up your skills and knowledge and build your personal brand as a nurse? Visit to start your journey today! IG: @nursecoachstarshemaRN FB: Starshema RN


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S2E12: The Pros and Cons of Being A Float Pool Nurse

We reached 2000 downloads! We want to grab this chance to thank you all for tuning into the podcast. The way that you all have shown up for us has been absolutely amazing! So we are absolutely grateful to you all. And to continue serving you with resources, tips and advice to help you succeed in your nursing career and beyond, today, we are going to talk about the pros and cons of being a float pool nurse from the perspective of yours truly, your hosts, Kevin and Starshema. So if you are a nurse who’s looking to be a float pool nurse or you already are or only want to know about it, then this episode is for you. Key points in what we discussed: Want to win Podcast Merch? Listen to Episode 10: Navigating Some Of The Most Stressful Job In Nursing to know how! Join the conversation in our FaceBook group: ************** Stay in touch with the hosts Connect with Kevin: Looking for chart reviews, expert consultation, and legal briefings? Email Kevin at now! Website: LinkedIn: Connect with Starshema: Are you ready to package up your skills and knowledge and build your personal brand as a nurse? Visit to start your journey today! IG: @nursecoachstarshemaRN FB: Starshema RN


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S2E11: Medication Administration Error: A Better Understanding of Medications in Nursing

Welcome back everyone to another episode of the Nurse to Nurse podcast-straight talk with the two skilled nurses Kevin and Starshema! Today we’re going to talk about medication errors. Some of you might be able to understand our point of view in this episode and some might have the slightest idea or knowledge of the drugs you administer or some of you don't (nobody’s perfect). Medication is a drug used to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Not knowing the proper formula or dosage leads to the death of the patient, so it is very important to know all these important factors when administering drugs. What better way to save more lives is to have the proper knowledge and understanding of medications and dosages. Drugs can be dangerous, though, even when they’re meant to improve our health. Taking them correctly and understanding the right way to administer them can reduce the risks. And that’s what we’ll be talking about today. Key points in what we discussed: Join the conversation in our Facebook group: ************** Stay in touch with the hosts Connect with Kevin: Looking for chart reviews, expert consultation, and legal briefings? Email Kevin at now! Website: LinkedIn: Connect with Starshema: Are you ready to package up your skills and knowledge and build your personal brand as a nurse? Visit to start your journey today! IG: @nursecoachstarshemaRN FB: Starshema RN


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S2E10: Navigating Some Of The Most Stressful Job In Nursing

Welcome back everyone to another episode of the Nurse to Nurse podcast-straight talk with the two skilled nurses Kevin and Starshema! Nursing is considered a hard job and their work stresses can have negative effects on health and quality of life. In today’s episode, we are going to help you understand the stressful environment nurses experience every day. But first, let us ask you a question, “Is being an ER and ICU nurse the same?” You probably know that there are different roles in the healthcare facility as an ER Nurse and ICU Nurse that most people would find hard to respect speciality. How medication works for all nurses also differs from their experience. Take note that it's an important role of a nurse to educate patients about medications, dosages, and possible side effects. This also helps to determine if nurses had adequate pharmacology knowledge of the drugs they administer. We also talked about how you manage stress and what you could have done to be able to get back on track and save lives. Although not all stress is negative, even positive stress can have a negative effect on an individual. Sometimes they get stressed about Patients and family members who demand, lack of needed resources to do the work, or even unsupportive workers. Self-care is not optional in the nursing profession. Nurses can only care for patients if they’ve taken steps to take care of themselves. Therefore, learning how to manage stress as a nurse is the key to enjoying a long and healthy career. Starshema “The most dangerous person is a person who doesn't understand their own limitation” More of the topics we discussed: 00:00 Hot tea that you don’t want to miss if you want Freebies! 9:30 Starts of conversation 10:40 The most stressful job in the healthcare society 14:40 How do you put yourself in a situation when your profession is needed 29:00 Why ER and ICU nurses are the most stressful job 43:08 How to transition from being a good nurse to an awesome nurse 45:00 Administering medications 59:00 Kevin and Starshema’s message to their younger selves. ************** Other links and resources mentioned: If you want to learn Critical Care you can go to: Association Critical Care Nurses You can look up Mrs Laura Gasparis Vonfrolio on this website: Follow her on Facebook: (2) Laura Gasparis Vonfrolio | Facebook Stay in touch with the hosts Connect with Kevin: Looking for chart reviews, expert consultation, and legal briefings? Email Kevin at now! Website: LinkedIn: Connect with Starshema: Are you ready to package up your skills and knowledge and build your personal brand as a nurse? Visit to start your journey today! IG: @nursecoachstarshemaRN FB: Starshema RN Website:


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S2E9: Stepping Up to Life Difficulties and Building Your Nursing Career

Welcome back everyone to another episode of the Nurse to Nurse podcast-straight talk with the two skilled nurses Kevin and Starshema! In the last episode, we talked about Refocusing Life and Career as a Nurse. Starshema shared her own experience in life and how she was able to transition from being a nurse to being a nurse coach, focusing on teaching nurses to package up their skills and build their personal brand. In this episode, we are going to talk about our co-host, Kevin Stansbury. If you all don’t know, Kevin is an Advanced Instructor at Central Valley Medical. And today, we are going to unpack Kevin. Who is Kevin and what is he all about. What are some things that motivate him and keep him going in life. We are also going to talk about his employment journey, why he decided to build a school for nurses certification and the impact its making. More of the topics we discussed: 5:16 How did Kevin starts in nursing 10:51 What makes Kevin relatable 28:13 What it’s like to be self-employed and to work alongside a woman 35:32 Services and mentoring that Kevin offers at Central Valley Medical Kevin Stansbury Daisy’s Award: ************** Stay in touch with the hosts Connect with Kevin: Looking for chart reviews, expert consultation, and legal briefings? Email Kevin at now! Website: LinkedIn: Connect with Starshema: Are you ready to package up your skills and knowledge and build your personal brand as a nurse? Visit to start your journey today! IG: @nursecoachstarshemaRN FB: Starshema RN Website:


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S2E8: Refocusing Life and Career As a Nurse During Midlife Crisis

Welcome back everyone to another episode of the Nurse to Nurse podcast-straight talk with the two skilled nurses Kevin and Starshema! Ralph Mando Emerson once said, “In order to learn the important lessons in Life, one must, each day, surmount a fear.” Do you ever struggle choosing between career over business? Does the minimum wage really pay off all the mortgages and bills? In this episode we’re going to talk about Business, Investments, and Life. We’re also going to talk about the life of one of our co-hosts, Starshema Dimery, how she started and how she transitioned from being a nurse to being a nurse coach where she helps women package up their skills and knowledge and build their personal brand as a nurse. Might be an eye opener to all your what ifs and how. More of the topics we discussed: ************** Stay in touch with the hosts Connect with Kevin: Looking for chart reviews, expert consultation, and legal briefings? Email Kevin at now! Website: LinkedIn: Connect with Starshema: Are you ready to package up your skills and knowledge and build your personal brand as a nurse? Visit to start your journey today! IG: @nursecoachstarshemaRN FB: Starshema RN Website: If you're feeling inspired and ready to build your personal brand and create a premium coaching practice in 90 days, visit to start your journey today!


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S2E7: The Good Nurse Movie Review From Two Highly Skilled Nurses

Welcome back everyone to another episode of The Nurse to Nurse podcast- Straight talk with two skilled nurses Kevin and Starshema! Have you seen The Good Nurse movie? Today, we are going to give a review of that movie and how we can relate that to our profession as a nurse. We also tap into laws where police seek access to patients or patient information. Stay tuned. Other links and resources mentioned: Join the conversation at Nurse to Nurse Podcast Community! _________ Stay in touch with the hosts Connect with Kevin: Looking for chart reviews, expert consultation, and legal briefings? Email Kevin at now! Website: LinkedIn: Connect with Starshema: Are you ready to package up your skills and knowledge and build your personal brand as a nurse? Visit to start your journey today! IG: @nursecoachstarshemaRN FB: Starshema RN Website:


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S2E6: Nursing Questions and Answers

Welcome back everyone to another episode of The Nurse to Nurse podcast- Straight talk with two skilled nurses Kevin and Starshema! Today is our very first LIVE podcast and we are answering some of your questions so stay tuned! Some of the questions we answered: Other links and resources mentioned: _________ Stay in touch with the hosts Connect with Kevin: Website: LinkedIn: Connect with me: IG: @nursecoachstarshemaRN FB: Starshema RN Website: If you're feeling inspired and ready to build your personal brand and create a premium coaching practice in 90 days, visit to start your journey today!


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S2E5: How to cope in a toxic work environment

Welcome back everyone to another episode of The Nurse to Nurse podcast- Straight talk with two skilled nurses Kevin and Starshema! “A toxic environment keeps people in a fight or flight mindset—the constant pump of cortisol, testosterone, and norepinephrine generates physical, emotional, and mental stress,” -Cheri Torres Patient safety should be the number one goal of nurses and all healthcare professionals in the world. But with the toxic environment that we live in, how can you do your responsibility as a healthcare professional when your health and well-being are also at risk? In this episode, we talked about working or navigating a toxic environment More of the topics we discussed: _________ Stay in touch with the hosts Connect with Kevin: Website: LinkedIn: Connect with me: IG: @nursecoachstarshemaRN FB: Starshema RN Website: If you're feeling inspired and ready to build your personal brand and create a premium coaching practice in 90 days, visit to start your journey today!


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S2E4: Staffing Ratio in acute care and long term care facilities

Welcome back everyone to another episode of The Nurse to Nurse podcast- Straight talk with two skilled nurses Kevin and Starshema! Thank you all for tuning in to The Nurse to Nurse podcast! We received a lot of love and a lot of feedback from our last episodes and this one young girl wrote to us about her concern about staffing ratios within facilities, particularly long-term care facilities, and thinking about the same delivery and care around it. So in today’s episode, we are going to be talking about that. We are going to highlight some information and look at what are some of the things California says. We will also be helping you be informed and aware of what those things are in operating in these capacities. Stay tuned as it’s gonna be a very informative episode. More of the topics we discussed: 2:21 Kevin highlighted information about AB 394 Assembly bill in California in 1999 12:41 Staffing ratio in long-term facilities 17:39 What can you do if you are working on a 1:38 patient ratio 27:00 The importance of being informed _________ Stay in touch with the hosts Connect with Kevin: Website: LinkedIn: Connect with me: IG: @nursecoachstarshemaRN FB: Starshema RN Website: If you're feeling inspired and ready to build your personal brand and create a premium coaching practice in 90 days, visit to start your journey today!


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S2E3: Is Nurse Burnout A Real Thing

Welcome back everyone to another episode of The Nurse to Nurse podcast- Straight talk with two skilled nurses Kevin and Starshema! So in today’s episode, we are going to be talking about burnout, specifically, nurse burnout. Is nurse burnout a real thing? What factors do you think contribute to nursing burnout? Is it COVID, the nursing shortage, or our own organization perhaps? Stay tuned as we talk exactly about that and more. More of the topics we discussed: 01:41 Nursing statistics according to numbers 3:28 Factors that lead to nurse burnout 9:40 The reason why you’re burnout 27:22 Why nurses leave their job 37:11 It’s important to understand your level of burnout capacity 46:48 Ways you can do now to prevent burnout Other links and resources mentioned:‘Highly allergic’ patient dies after hospital serves peanut butter sandwich, suit says Read more at: __________ Stay in touch with the hosts Connect with Kevin: Website: LinkedIn: Connect with Starshema: IG: @nursecoachstarshemaRN FB: Starshema RN Website: If you're feeling inspired and ready to build your personal brand and create a premium coaching practice in 90 days, visit to start your journey today!


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S2E2: How To Protect Yourself as a Nurse When The Organization Fails You | Nurse To Nurse Podcast

Welcome back everyone to another episode of The Nurse to Nurse podcast- Straight talk with two skilled nurses Kevin and Starshema. As young nurses, some of you are probably thinking that you don’t need any type of insurance, that the organizations will always have your back and they will be there to protect you in the event that you did something wrong but is that really true? Would they really protect you? In this episode, we are going to be talking exactly about that and how you can protect yourself as a nurse in case the organization fails you. More of the topics we discussed: 2:25 It’s not only nurses that need protection and the case of two EMS who was charged with second-degree murder 5:18 How not knowing what exactly the policy is can put you into litigation 6:47 The importance of liability insurance 12:11 We can’t change people who don’t give a sh**t 31:14 How do you protect yourself when the organization fails you Other links and resources mentioned: NSO Insurance- CM&F Group- __________ Stay in touch with the hosts Connect with Kevin: Website: LinkedIn: FaceBook: Connect with Starshema: IG: @nursecoachstarshemaRN FB: Starshema RN Website: If you're feeling inspired and ready to build your personal brand and create a premium coaching practice in 90 days, visit to start your journey today!
