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Learning 2.0 Tip of the Week


Welcome to The Otter Group's Learning 2.0 Tip of the Week podcast. Kathleen Gilroy, Founder and CEO offers weekly insights on learning in the world of Web 2.0.


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Welcome to The Otter Group's Learning 2.0 Tip of the Week podcast. Kathleen Gilroy, Founder and CEO offers weekly insights on learning in the world of Web 2.0.



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Dave Weinberger Interview - Everything is Miscellaneous

I recorded this interview with Dave Weinberger in April and it was embargoed until his book was published in early May. I am late in publishing it but I highly recommend you the the time to listen to it in full. It is chock-a-bloc with very important insights into what the new web means. I also highly recommend Dave Weinberger's new book, Everything is Miscellaneous. It is a deep look at why things are unfolding in new and surprising ways on the web. It is a must read.


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Jay Bryant Interview

I had the pleasure of interviewing Jay Bryant of TV Guide on the subject of TV Guide's communities. Jay describes how communities at TV work and the impact they are having on TV Guide's business. This is one of the most successful communities I have come across and well worth the time to listen to Jay's commentary.


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Tom Mandel Interview

As part of my role as a podcaster for the upcoming Fast Forward Conference in San Diego I spoke with Tom Mandel of Connect Beam. Tom has been involved in developing social software for a number of years and during our 30 minute conversation we talked about how web 2.0 technologies like tagging and digital identities are migrating inside the enterprise. Tom has some powerful insights into how enterprises begin to adopt these new technologies and how they are integrated into the existing "IT...


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McAfee Interview

As part of my assignment as resident podcaster for the upcoming Fast Forward conference, I sat down with Professor Andrew McAfee at Harvard Business School to discuss enterprise 2.0. My twenty minute interview covers technology, management, incentives, and leadership in this new world.


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Blogs and Teams

In this podcast, Bill Ives talks about how blogs can help teams improve their performance. He discusses how a medical management group used a blog to coordinate their work. Bill explains how blogs can increase transparency and create searchable archives for teams.


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Aggregators, part 4

In this final part of our series on rss aggregators. In this podcast I talk about aggregators as social networking devices.


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Blogs for Personal Knowledge Management

Bill Ives joins this podcast series with a focus on personal productivity. In this first podcast, he focusses on how blogs can be used as personal productivity tools.


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Aggregators, part 3 - new recording

This is a new, better recording of the third part in our series on aggregators. This podcast looks at how you choose the right aggregator and talks about what we like in terms of features.


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Learning 2.0 Tip: All About Aggregators, 2

In this second episode of a series introducing aggregators, Glen Mohr of The Otter Group explains how aggregators organize and filter to help you seek information more widely and use it more efficiently. Duration: 4 minutes, 21 seconds


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Learning 2.0 Tip: All About Aggregators, 1

Wouldn't it be nice if you could find information faster without wasting time on stuff you don't need? Wouldn't it be nice if you had a tool that would search for you, while you do other things, so that when you need information, it's already there at your fingertips? Glen Mohr explains what an aggregator does and why you should use one. Duration: 5 minutes, 48 seconds


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Welcome to Learning 2.0 Tip of the Week Podcast

This is the first in a series of podcasts on the subject of Learning 2.0.
