Technology Podcasts
The podcast versions of ColdFusion TV episodes. Experience the latest in science, technology and business as well as fascinating moments in history.
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Technology Podcasts
The podcast versions of ColdFusion TV episodes. Experience the latest in science, technology and business as well as fascinating moments in history.
Batteries Will Save The Human Race! Here’s Why.
Yes, Batteries Are Our Future. Here’s Why.
A Brief History of the Internet
A Brief History of the Internet
Big Brother: China
Imagine a world where the government tracks your every move, text, email, and social media post. A government that not only knows all of your deepest darkest secrets, but controls every almost every aspect of your life through surveillance. This Orwellian scenario is a reality for hundreds of millions of Chinese people who have accepted Big Brother's over reaching influence on their daily lives thanks to a newly introduced social credit system. China says the new program is aimed at...
How Big is Huawei?
Is one of the biggest companies in the world merely a front for the Chinese government to spy on other countries, or is it a legitimate technology company with aspirations to become the next Apple? In this episode of ColdFusion we'll take a look at Huwaei, a Chinese corporation that has become technological titan powering the communications networks and smartphones of the world. But as the company reaped enormous success from the internet revolution, it has found itself at the center of a...
The Man Who Missed Out On Becoming The Richest Person In History
The Man Who Missed Out On Becoming The Richest Person In History
Enron - The Biggest Fraud in History
In this episode of ColdFusion, we take a look at the Enron story. This US Energy company was once the darling of Wall Street thanks to its aggressive business tactics and powerful connections to two US Presidents. But the rosy picture painted by the company’s CEO was a facade that ended costing the American people over $60-billion. The company’s implosion went down as the biggest case of fraud in history.
Is Thorium The Key To Reversing Global Warming and Saving Humanity?
Is Thorium The Key To Reversing Global Warming and Saving Humanity?
Sex, Violence, and Money: How Rockstar Revolutionized Video Games
Sex, Violence, Money and Controversy, lots and lots of controversy. This is the story of Rockstar Games. A company started by two maverick brothers that revolutionized the video game industry and raked in billions of dollars with games like Grand Theft Auto.
From $12 A Month to $38-Billion In The Bank: The Incredible Rise of Alibaba and Jack Ma
Most tech billionaires achieve success early in their lives. Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs were all in their early 20s when they founded their companies. But the founder of the Chinese behometh Alibaba had a totally different route to success. Jack Ma started Alibaba while in his mid thirties after a string of failed businesses and setbacks including being rejected for a job at a Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant. How did this former school teacher and Chinese entrepreneur...
Billions, Bribes and Fraud: The Come Back of Wall Street A Con-Man
One of the men responsible for the biggest corporate fraud in history is on a quest to make a comeback and he's got Wall Street investors lined up to help him make a dramatic return to the business world. Who would want to work with a felon convicted of corporate fraud? And what type of business can this man be a part of considering he was barred from the energy sector? We'll find you in this episode of Cold Fusion.
Tesla's Million Mile Battery
A car battery that lasts over 1-million miles? That's what Tesla CEO Elon Musk is claiming his company has just created. In a world where the average car averages only 150,000 miles before it becomes too expensive to operate, the creation of a million-mile battery would revolutionize automotive transportation and efficiency. Is this bold new claim by Elon Musk true? It just might be. Join us as we take a look at the science behind the million-mile battery and what might be one of the most...
Plastic Waste Is Swallowing the Earth and Invading Our Bodies
Millions of tons of plastic wastes are dumped into the environment every, year polluting our oceans and even invading our bodies. The amount of plastic humans eat every year is rising at an alarming rate as the ubiqiutous packaging material is now even found in snow that turns into our drinking water. Plastic can take hundreds, or even thousands of years to break down. As economies of Asian countries such as China begin to mature, the plastic waste problem has only gotten worse. Will the...
The Untold Story of the iPhone
The iPhone was initially a product that the majority of Apple's executive team, including Steve Jobs, didn't want to develop or see a need for. The revolutionary device had the odds stacked against it from the very beginning. What could go wrong did go wrong— everything from faulty computer processors to attempts from Apple's own management team to kill it. But, a talented group of innovators bent on creating the device persevered and pushed Apple to think beyond the iPod and computer...
The Rise and Fall of BlackBerry
BlackBerry once dominated the smartphone market with its slick software and amazing hardware. It seemed as if this Canadian company was poised to dominate the smart phone market forever until a computer company named Apple came along and revolutionized the way people communicate and access the internet with the iPhone. How could BlackBerry have been blindsided by a company with absolutely no experience in the mobile phone business industry? The truth? BlackBerry wasn't blindsided. The...
Carbon Dioxide May Reverse Climate Change
In this episode of ColdFusion we look at a new technological breath through that may be the key to reversing climate change and finally make the transition from fossil fuels to electric an economic reality. What's behind this new breakthrough? Carbon Dioxide. That's right! The most significant contributor to climate change may also be the key to reversing it thanks to a promising new battery technology.
How Steve Jobs Saved Pixar from Bankruptcy
In this episode of ColdFusion we look at how a struggling digital animation company spun off from Lucasfilm, revolutionised how films were animated, almost put Disney's animation division out of business, brought apple co-founder Steve Jobs to the brink of bankruptcy, and barely avoided imploding. WTF Podcast Toy Story 2 Links Apple Spotify Google Podcasts
What Killed MySpace? (It Wasn't Facebook)
A lot of people think that Facebook ended MySpace but in reality, this isn't the case. In this podcast we'll go back to the 2000's to find out what really ended MySpace.
How To Lose $39-Billion In 6-Months - The Story of WeWork
WeWork was supposed to be one of the biggest IPO's in history. The startup headed by a charismatic entrepreneur was at one time valued at almost $100-billion. But cracks started to appear in the company's facade as soon as it announced plans to become public. The rosy picture that CEO Adam Neumann had been painting to Wall Street looked more like a horror story as massive losses, lavish spending, and a shaky business model scared off potential investors. The IPO was shelved, the CEO was and...
iPad OS - A New Direction for Apple?
My quick take on Apple's WWDC and the iPad in particular.
Worst Tech Predictions | 6 CEOs Who Got it VERY Wrong
In this episode of ColdFusion, we look at six CEO's who made the worst tech predictions and suffered devestating consequences. We'll touch on business blunders like Steve Ballmer saying that the iPhone was going to be a flop and Blockbuster turning down the chance to buy Netflix for a measly $50-million.