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Day Two Cloud

Technology Podcasts

Join hosts Ned Bellavance and Kyler Middleton as they dive deep into the challenges of cloud operations from the perspective of seasoned practitioners. You'll hear from expert guests—technical leaders, trainers, and consultants with years of hands-on experience—discussing the nuances of modern cloud environments. From AWS to Azure, networking to security, automation to DevOps, each weekly episode equips you with the insights to confidently address tech and business challenges such as resilience, cost management, and performance. Whether you want to hone your skills today or prepare for what’s coming next, Day Two Cloud cuts through the vendor fog to guide you through a shifting IT landscape.


United States


Join hosts Ned Bellavance and Kyler Middleton as they dive deep into the challenges of cloud operations from the perspective of seasoned practitioners. You'll hear from expert guests—technical leaders, trainers, and consultants with years of hands-on experience—discussing the nuances of modern cloud environments. From AWS to Azure, networking to security, automation to DevOps, each weekly episode equips you with the insights to confidently address tech and business challenges such as resilience, cost management, and performance. Whether you want to hone your skills today or prepare for what’s coming next, Day Two Cloud cuts through the vendor fog to guide you through a shifting IT landscape.



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D2C244: When the Cloud was Born

Eric Chou was there for the birth of the public cloud. Before DevOps or SREs were a thing, before Azure was Azure, Eric was a network engineer for Amazon, helping them build out their retail technology platform. Of course, that platform evolved into the world’s leading public cloud–AWS. Eric joins the show today to tell... Read more »


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Heavy Strategy: Failure and Resilience

Welcome to a crossover episode with the Heavy Strategy podcast! Firing the wrong person, mistakenly rebooting core switches in a massive network, not passing the CCIE exam– today we talk all about failure. For this conversation, we’re joined by fellow Packet Pushers Kyler Middleton and Ned Bellavance, hosts of the Day Two Cloud podcast. We... Read more »


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D2C243: Your Kubernetes Clusters are Showing

There are about 1.4 million Kubernetes clusters just sitting out there on the public internet as we speak. That is 1.4 million lateral-movement rich, highly privileged environments. The bearer of this anxiety-provoking news is today’s guest, Lee Briggs. Lee explains why major cloud providers make this the default option– ease of use. The good news... Read more »


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D2C242: Data Engineering and its Streams, Rivers, and Lakes

Keith Gregory teaches us about data engineering in a way DevOps folks (and hydrologists) can understand. He explains that the role of a data engineer is to create pipelines to transport data from metaphorical rivers and make it usable for data analysts. Keith walks us through the testing process; the difference between streaming pipelines and... Read more »


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D2C241: Choose Your Own Adventure: Manager, Director, or IC

What makes for a good manager, director, and independent contributor (IC), and how do you figure out which is the best fit for you? Hazel Weakly has had a whirlwind tour of all three and is ready to share her insight into each. We talk about the skill set needed for each, and figuring out... Read more »


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D2C240: The Duality of Enterprise AI

AI has been around forever; AI is emergent. AI is just data analytics; AI hallucinates. AI doesn’t have many business use cases; AI is already being used by your employees. Today, Greg and Johna from the Heavy Strategy podcast join Day Two Cloud to give their takes on enterprise AI. Johna brings with her the... Read more »


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D2C239: “(Almost) Every Infrastructure Decision I Endorse or Regret”

You can’t just drop a knife on fish and expect there to be sushi. Jack Lindamood joins us today to share his metaphors and thoughts on picking the right IT tools and processes as outlined in his popular article, “(Almost) Every Infrastructure Decision I Endorse or Regret after 4 Years Running Infrastructure at a Startup.”... Read more »


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D2C238: Tech Hiring is Borked

Life isn’t easy for someone looking for a job in tech. There are lots of content mills pushing the idea that if you just pass this one six-month course, you’ll have a six-figure career in no time. There are lots of hiring companies who make job applicants jump through a ton of hoops, but often... Read more »


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D2C237: Managing Medical IoT Devices on AWS

In this podcast episode, Randy Horton from Orthogonal and Ian Sutcliffe from AWS discuss the complexities of supporting regulated medical devices in the cloud. They explore the challenges of adhering to regulations, the importance of security, and the need for robust frameworks. The conversation highlights the non-prescriptive nature of regulations, encouraging best practices rather than... Read more »


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D2C236: Introducing New Co-Host Kyler Middleton

Today we welcome a new co-host, Kyler Middleton, to the Day Two Cloud podcast. Kyler grew up in rural Western Nebraska, fixing neighboring farmers’ computers in exchange for brownies and Rice Krispies. Now she’s the newest co-host for Day Two Cloud… perhaps a lateral move, given the lack of baked goods. Kyler will draw on... Read more »


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D2C235: Building Modern Apps In GovCloud

Chances are, you’ve probably only heard of GovCloud because at the bottom of new feature releases from the Big 3 there’s usually an asterisk that says “not yet available in GovCloud.” So what is GovCloud? And why does it not get the newest shiny thing as fast as the rest of us? Chris Wahl has... Read more »


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D2C234: What to Do About VMware

Broadcom’s acquisition of VMware has generated a lot of anxiety among VMware customers. In this episode, we closely analyze the situation. First, we look at Broadcom’s past acquisitions in the infrastructure sector. Then we examine the product alignment and possible new product offerings and whether the acquisition will hamper innovation and development. We also cover... Read more »


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D2C233: Pinning Down Private Clouds

What are we talking about when we are all talking about private clouds? On-prem? Hybrid? Virtualization? Where does hardware fit into it all– and would younger engineers even know what to do with a physical piece of hardware? Driven by Broadcom’s acquisition of VMare and the anticipated rising costs of VMare licenses, enterprises are exploring... Read more »


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D2C232: Chaos Engineering: Breaking Things on Purpose

Chaos engineering is all about resilience and reliability… it just takes the harder path to get there. By injecting random and unpredictable behavior to the point of failure, chaos engineers observe systems’ weak points, apply preventative maintenance, and develop a failover plan. Matt Schillerstrom from Harness introduces Ned and Ethan to this wild corner of... Read more »


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D2C231: Cloud Repatriation: Can Workloads Ever Come Home Again?

Cloud repatriation: Is it a good idea? Guest Marino Wijay, an OSI and networking open source advocate, joins hosts Ethan Banks and Ned Bellavance to discuss the recent interest in cloud repatriation. They cover the intricacies of moving workloads from the cloud back to on-premises or edge environments, and question if it is possible to... Read more »


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D2C230: Adding Python To Your Operations Toolkit

Today we’re talking about Python. If you’re new to Python and want to add it to your toolkit, this is the show for you. This episode offers a broad perspective on all the approaches and plug-ins that Python includes. Our guest Michael Kennedy is a Python enthusiast and Python instructor. We discuss: Why you should... Read more »


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D2C229: Standing Out From The Crowd With Tim Banks

We talk with Tim Banks about a wide range of topics including career development, how to stand out as an interview candidate, building a resume, finding your blind spots, diversity in tech (or lack thereof), and more. Let’s get into all the things with Tim! Episode Guest: Tim Banks | Lead Developer Advocate at Dell... Read more »


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D2C228: Building Local Tech Communities

While it’s easy to find technical content and make professional connections online, in-person interactions are still valuable for learning, forging business and personal connections, and career development. On today’s Day Two Cloud we discuss how and why to build local tech communities. Guest Laura Santamaria is a developer, developer advocate, and longtime community builder. We... Read more »


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D2C227: Platforms Reduce Cognitive Overhead

Today’s show explores platform engineering. Guest Chad McElligott has thought a lot about the practice of platform engineering, and a blog post and talk he gave about the subject inspired us to reach out and have a conversation. Chad describes platform engineering as “the application of a Product Mindset to supporting your engineering organization’s software... Read more »


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D2C226: Creating An Effective Cloud Migration Strategy

On today’s Day Two Cloud podcast we talk about a cloud project where things didn’t go as planned. There were people problems, technical problems, and regulatory problems. Our guest Jonah Andersson shares lessons learned and how they can inform your own cloud strategies. We also talk about how to identify your project goals to determine... Read more »
