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Distributed Conversations


Distributed Conversations takes on the future with a perspective that the results of technology revolutions are more significant than we are aware of and that progress must accelerate as these factors combine and eliminate friction in everything we do. The only thing between us an abundant future is the friction of existing systems and our ability to embrace change. Guests of the podcast include innovators in blockchain, machine learning, 5g connections along with tech startups in fintech, business processes, healthcare and beyond.


United States




Distributed Conversations takes on the future with a perspective that the results of technology revolutions are more significant than we are aware of and that progress must accelerate as these factors combine and eliminate friction in everything we do. The only thing between us an abundant future is the friction of existing systems and our ability to embrace change. Guests of the podcast include innovators in blockchain, machine learning, 5g connections along with tech startups in fintech, business processes, healthcare and beyond.



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Understanding the Conflicts Behind the Arrest of Huawei's CFO in Canada

The arrest of Huawei's CFO in Canada has raised a lot of concern. I was not clear what the charges are, and there seem to be many conflicting stories about how this situation should be approached by all parties. It seems like one side is trying to undermine the other from doing business outside its borders, but at the same time another country might want to protect its own people against espionage risks that come with using Chinese technology products in sensitive industries. The conflict here is between protecting national security and ensuring economic development, but also keeping an eye on new technologies being developed which could potentially disrupt everything we know today when it comes to tech innovation. There may be very different opinions among governments as well as citizens when it comes to this. I wanted to know, so I'm talking to Warren Vincent, a global banking expert, to learn the conflict and how it affects future business and investments.


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The Future of AgriTech - David Rockwood

Farming is not a guy with a hoe and some seed. Agriculture and Agritech is a big part of our economy. Much less is done by hand, and there we're seeing emerging technologies, like AI, satellites, IoT, blockchain for supply chain management, and better yields from fields in every region of the planet. My friend and AgriTech specialist David Rockwood joined me for a live chat via Zoom. This episode is an edited version of that event, chock full of interesting information on where the money and tech are flowing into agriculture and a few great stories along the way. See the YouTube version here: The Future of AgriTech


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Tokenize Every Business Transaction? Telos Says We Can

Creating tokens has become as easy as setting up a website, blog or TikTok account. But what good is this doing business? We know about tokens for rewards programs or to keep track of things and we know that we won't need programmers creating currencies for everything. Fintech is going to be huge, but just a tiny part of the things we count in business. Enter Telos and an easy way to create smart contracts through their platform. Telos is a blockchain tuned to handle transactions at super fast speed and has the ability to scale beyond any assessment of transactions happening today. Douglass Horn and I will talk about the future and how platforms such as TELOS will accelerated the growth of blockchain in the next few years. Full discloser, I own a small amount of TLOS and advise companies building on the platform. It's not the only way to add blockchain but the smart contracts make it a current favorite.


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Change Will Bring Abundance with Chris Brogan

Do you see change as a problem or an opportunity? Chris Brogan and Warren Whitlock take about rapid change and how adapting can bring new opportunities and faster growth for the future. Listen in on the conversation, always great fun to hear from Chris.


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Enabling Transactions When Institutions Don't Want Free Trade With Rob McNealy

Banks and mainstream payment institutions aren’t exactly very friendly to the notion of free trade when it comes to guns and other industries they consider to be red flag. Enter the TUSC Network, a blockchain payment processing solution that enables crypto payments for gun businesses and other retailers. TUSC stands for The Universal Settlement Coin, a decentralized, non-ICO cryptocurrency that was launched in 2018. Crypto entrepreneur and personal liberty activist Rob McNealy joins Warren Whitlock on the podcast to share the details of this crypto payment solution and the unique benefits that it offers to gun retailers. They also talk about how crypto entrepreneurs can get mass adoption of crypto products – a long overdue prospect that has the potential to solve pesky problems like what TUSC is doing for the gun industry.


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Now Anyone Can Have Their Own Crypto Token -Aspire Crypto

First there was Bitcoin and it's blockchain. Then there were alt-coins and many ideas to replace currency. What we have now is a lot of blockchain that is not necessarily built for finance. And tools to make creating new tokens as simple as filling in forms at a web site. Meet Jim and Michael from Aspire. On this episode of Distributed Conversations, we talk about the world of opportunities that are possible with tokens for anything you want to keep track of.


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A New Taxonomy For The Future With Tomo Albanese

Language as we know it is messy and divisive. To transform it into a truly unifying factor, we need to create a new taxonomy that gets everyone on the same page. In this conversation with Warren Whitlock, copy director, writer and philosopher, Tomo Albanese argues that emerging technologies like machine learning, artificial intelligence and nanotechnology have the potential to help bring us closer to that reality. How exactly is this going to occur? Does this mean we are relinquishing our expression to machines? What does it mean for the future of contracts and agreements? Listen as Warren and Tomo engage in a deeply philosophical discussion about these questions and learn just how emerging technologies may hold the secrets to world peace.


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Keeping A Diary Of Your Guns On A Blockchain With Duane Jacobsen

Blockchain technology is known to be a modification-resistant method of storing data. GuniaryTM, the world’s first blockchain gun diary, is the first to leverage the anonymous power of this technology to help gun owners privately store and track their firearms maintenance information, ammo count, and even the location of their guns and ammo. Joining Warren Whitlock in this episode is Duane Jacobsen, CEO of Blocksafe Holdings Inc., a blockchain-as-a-service network that powers the Guniary platform. In this conversation, Duane explains how the platform helps gun owners become more private, secure and law-abiding with respect to their firearms and why blockchain technology is uniquely suited to do the task. He also shares how Guinary applications can be used to borrow money against, the platform’s future thrust towards a blockchain-powered gun marketplace and more.


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Creating Digital Humans With Luc Schurgers

It's fairly straightforward to make a realistic and good-looking avatar these days. Making that for millions of people is the tricky part. Luc Schurgers, the Founder of DNABLOCK, is an expert in creating avatars or what we call digital humans, a virtual representation of yourself. He chats with Warren Whitlock about their product called Replikant and how we got to the point of being able to create a digital human.


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Breaking Down The Myths About The Future With Tom Bell

Things are happening quickly that it can be so easy to fall trap into the myths about the future. Breaking those down, Warren Whitlock interviews the legendary copywriter and underground maverick in the world of Internet Marketing, Tom Bell. Together, they break down the myths of the future that are running rampant in this crazy world of information overload—and at a time of the pandemic at that! Is the future going to be better? Will the government take over our peer-to-peer transactions? Will our jobs be taken over by robots and automation? What will the future of healthcare look like? Why is branding important? Tom answers these questions and more in this conversation.


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Powerful Academic Partnerships Through Sports With Hany Syed Of Athleta-Ed

Sports has a lot more to offer to higher education than we give it credit for. That is what Athleta-Ed proves as it leverages its partnerships with top-ranked business schools and sports leaders and athletes to create business courses to address the demand for leaders and prime movers in the global sports industry. In this episode, Warren Whitlock chats with its Founder and CEO, Hany Syed. Starting as a project within a broader venture capital educational platform, Athleta-Ed quickly evolved its own independent existence. Listen and learn about how the platform is coping with the changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic and why the ground is fertile for it to continue to excel in what it does in the future.


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Is Distributed Architecture More Secure? With Vince Romney

There is a misunderstanding that hackers are all-powerful and can do anything they want with your computer. According to Vince Romney of SK2Tech, however, a lot has to align for an adversary to gain access to any given system, especially with the current trend moving towards a distributed world from a technological standpoint. Vince is an avid proponent of security-as-a-lifestyle and takes every opportunity to advance security within every environment. He has been a student and practitioner of IT security for over 20 years across military and civilian organizations. On today’s show, he joins Warren Whitlock to discuss whether distributed architecture is more secure, cryptocurrency versus the fiat, the transparency concept, and more.


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Fast-Changing Times Require New Perspectives About The Future With David Goldsmith

The number one rule of thriving in the fast-paced world of the present day is changing your perspective as constantly as the world around you changes. Without the ability to shift paradigms, you are not ensured survival - much less growth and development. David Goldsmith is the President of the Goldsmith Organization. He joins Warren Whitlock to discuss how we must shift our perspectives to acclimate to the changes constantly happening around us. Change is the world's only true constant, so don't get left behind.


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Blockchain Solution For Remote Working Contact Centers - Marlon Williams, CEO Of Qubicles

Working from home is a new reality for many. As COVID-19 continues to spread and place hundreds of thousands of lives at risk, companies such as Google, Amazon and others have been quick to respond by mandating their staff to work from home. For many, this convenience comes with a new set of challenges and introduces a new reality — and a new possibility. While they’re forced to find strategies to manage time effectively and communicate with fellow coworkers in different ways, the flexibility and freedom of remote work forced upon millions of individuals in the labor force is a major boon for the future of telework. Marlon Williams, the CEO of Qubicles, joins Warren Whitlock to discuss the future of contact centers with the use of blockchain technology, where clients can be matched directly with agents working remotely.


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Caring For Patients At Home With Face-Reading AI With Hfeels CEO, Anna Kaczmarska

Measuring and evaluating mental health and well-being is very challenging, especially during the COVID-19 outbreak. Our emotions are key for overall well-being, but there is a lack of objective and scalable patient perspective evaluations. Social distancing, quarantine, and isolation during the pandemic outbreak exponentially magnify the problem. In this episode, Anna Kaczmarska shares an innovative solution. Through her company, Hfeels, people can access tools for well-being within the comforts of their own home. With its facial recognition system, Hfeels enables remote access to healthcare that aid in evaluating the emotional and mental state of an individual. Read about how Anna is transforming the industry by bridging the long-standing gap between innovation and healthcare.


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It's Time To Get Real About The Business Of Blockchain With Bill Inman

What does the future of the business of blockchain look like? Will it be able to penetrate in many industries such as health care? Today, host Warren Whitlock interviews blockchain expert, patent holder, and executive at Hashcorp (http://hashcorp.com/aboutus/), Bill Inman (https://www.linkedin.com/in/billinman/) about what's happening in the space. Known as someone who has launched profitable companies from idea, Bill convinces us why it makes sense to put blockchain on. He shows us how we, too, can - like what he is doing with his app - can generate revenue and value for clients through blockchain.


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Podcrypt: An Easier Way To Listen To Podcast With Jordan Last

A lot of people listen to podcasts because they want to learn something and be entertained along the way. Software developer Jordan Last presents Podcrypt app, a progressive web app that serves as a way for podcast listeners to appreciate and enjoy podcasts with ease. Jordan also explains some information on the app that allows you to optionally donate back to podcasts. Learn more about podcasting and how you can capture a lot of value for yourself and others.


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What3words: Solving The Address Problem Anywhere In The World with Giles Rhys Jones

In many other parts of the world, it's difficult to find places and getting lost is a common problem. The world is very badly addressed, and talking about specific locations is difficult. You have to do long-winded descriptions and you often don't meet people. However, finding an address has become very easy with what3words. Three-word addresses are easy to say and share. Giles Rhys Jones, the CMO for what3words, explains how their app works, its various benefits, and how they’re solving the address problem anywhere in the world.


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How To Build A Company And Get The Right Kind Of Attention with Dennis H. Lewis

Building a sustainable long-term business takes more than just that disruptive dream. It takes a lot of experience. It takes boring stuff like accounting, knowing how to build a marketing plan, knowing the go-to market, and knowing how to do so many other things that business owners do every day. ICO marketing specialist Dennis H. Lewis says that is the reason he wrote his book, Behold The Cryptopreneurs. Defining a cryptopreneur as somebody who understands business as more than the tech and the token, but about solving problems, Dennis dives into what we should be focusing on when building a company.


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Using Blockchain And AI To Solve The World’s Immigration Problems – Migranet.io with Murtaza Khan

Migration is broken. Let’s fix it. Warren Whitlock interviews Murtaza Khan, the Founder of Migranet in this episode of Distributed Conversations. We believe everyone has the born right to choose which part of the world to call home with full freedom, safety, and dignity. Instead, every year millions of migrants and refugees surrender their shot at a better life due to red tape, unfair fees, and fraudulent practices. This is where Migranet comes in. Learn how Migranet is using blockchain and AI to solve the world's immigration problems.
