

Technology Podcasts

Wanna innovate faster and smarter? Getting2Alpha pulls back the curtain on how breakthrough innovators bring their ideas to life - and delivers actionable tips to help you bring innovative ideas to life. You’ll meet luminaries who've created genre-defining hits - and rising stars who are shaping the future. Listen in and get inspired to innovate smarter and increase your odds of success.


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Wanna innovate faster and smarter? Getting2Alpha pulls back the curtain on how breakthrough innovators bring their ideas to life - and delivers actionable tips to help you bring innovative ideas to life. You’ll meet luminaries who've created genre-defining hits - and rising stars who are shaping the future. Listen in and get inspired to innovate smarter and increase your odds of success.



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Ryan Douglas: Immersive Digital Therapeutics

Ryan Douglas is the co-founder of DeepWell DTx, a digital therapeutics Venture Lab focused on creating immersive experiences that address mental health concerns. Ryan has created numerous medical devices, along with several profitable startups. He has deep experience with the regulatory landscape for digital therapeutics, and is pushing to get digital therapeutics accepted by the medical community. Check out the video here:


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Starr Long: Creating Ultima Online

Long before World of Warcraft, there was Ultima Online, the first MMO. How did this highly innovative & influential game come to be? And what can we learn from its successes and failures? Starr Long is a game designer and producer who directed the team that built Ultima Online, the first popular Massively Multiplayer Online game. In this in-depth interview, you'll learn how a theater major became a game designer, how Ultima IV blew player's minds, and the shocking things players did early the development of Ultima Online. Check out the video here:


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Samuel Hulick: User Onboarding

Samuel Hulick, a renowned UX consultant and leading authority in user onboarding, operates the well-known website Through this platform, he expertly deconstructs the initial experiences of popular apps and services, showcasing his insights into effective user onboarding processes. Check out the video here:


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Jason Hreha: Building Habit-Forming Products

Jason Hreha is a behavioral scientist, formerly Global Head of Behavioral Sciences at Walmart, who uses his knowledge of human behavior to build better products. With a decade of applying behavioral science to tech challenges, he co-founded Walmart's Behavioral Science Team and pioneered Behavioral Strategy as an interdisciplinary approach. He studied human biology and neuroscience at Stanford University, and is currently co-founder and CEO of Persona, the Startup Assistant company.


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Alfie Kohn: Thriving Beyond Competition

Alfie Kohn is an American author and lecturer in education, parenting, and human behavior. The author of fourteen books and hundreds of articles, he is a proponent of progressive education and a strong critic of competition and rewards. Kohn has been described by Time magazine as “perhaps the country’s most outspoken critic of education’s fixation on grades [and] test scores.” Check out the video here:


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Adrian Hon: Making Zombies, Run!

Adrian Hon is an English writer and game designer, known for his expertise in alternate reality games and transmedia storytelling. As the CEO of Six to Start, he created the bestselling fitness game "Zombies, Run!" and authored books like "You've Been Played" (2022) and "A History of the Future in 100 Objects" (2020). He studied neuroscience at Cambridge, UCSD, and Oxford, and has spoken at TED, Long Now Foundation, GoogleX, and Disney Imagineering. Check out the video here:


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Robin Allenson: Creating AI-powered Tools

Robin Allenson is a serial entrepreneur who studied AI at University of Edinburgh in the early 90s, and went on to found a series of AI-powered ventures. His current venture uses AI to automate the important and often laborious process of optimizing web sites for SEO. Check out the video here:


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Doug Hofstadter: Reflections on AI

Douglas Hofstadter is a professor of Cognitive Science and Comparative Literature at Indiana University in Bloomington. His research into cognitive science includes concepts such as the sense of self in relation to the external world, consciousness, artistic creation, literary translation, and discovery in mathematics and physics. His 1979 book Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid won both the Pulitzer Prize for general nonfiction. His AI interests explore the subtlest and most slippery aspects of human intelligence, as embodied in deceptively deep analogy problems like ABC is to ABD as XYZ is to what? Check out the video here:


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Dr. Julie Gurner: Unlocking Peak Performance

Dr. Julie Gurner is an executive performance coach with a Doctorate in Psychology. She has coached top-percentile executives, talent, and teams operating in fast-paced, competitive environments for over ten years, helping her clients unlock peak performance. She publishes the Ultra Successful newsletter on Substack. Check out the video here:


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Joakim Achrén: Investing in Games

Joakim Achrén, “the gaming startup guy”, is a games investor, and founder of Elite Game Developers, which provides advice for game founders. He co-founded Next Games (which was acquired by Netflix), and worked as Director of Analytics at Supercell. Check out the video here:


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Pavel Samsonov: Storyboarding for UX

Pavel Samsonov is a design architect and UX Practice Lead at Amazon Web Services (AWS) based in New York City. With a background in graphic design and a passion for human-computer interaction, Pavel has spent the last three years at AWS helping large companies adopt cloud computing and build innovative products using design methods. His professional accomplishments include being named a top UX designer by prominent industry publications, and his work has been featured in major design exhibitions and conferences worldwide. In addition to his work at AWS, Pavel is also a contributor to UX Collective, a prominent online publication in the design community. Check out the video here:


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Kevin Kelly: Excellent Advice for Living

Kevin Kelly is a writer, futurist, and Senior Maverick at Wired magazine. He co-founded Wired in 1993, and served as its Executive Editor for its first seven years. His books include The Inevitable, about future trends, and What Technology Wants, a theory of technology. He is founder of the popular Cool Tools website, which has been reviewing tools daily for 20 years. From 1984-1990 Kelly was publisher and editor of the Whole Earth Review, a subscriber-supported journal of unorthodox conceptual news. He co-founded the ongoing Hackers’ Conference, and was involved with the launch of the WELL, a pioneering online service started in 1985. Check out the video here:


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Celia Hodent: The Gamer’s Brain

Celia Hodent, a Game UX Strategist with a PhD in Psychology, has dedicated 15 years of her career to applying user experience (UX) and cognitive science in product development, particularly in the realm of video games. Her impressive portfolio includes her role as Director of UX at Epic Games for Fortnite, as well as work on well-known franchises such as Star Wars: 1313 at LucasArts and Rainbow 6 at Ubisoft. Hodent has shared her expertise with the world in her book, The Gamer’s Brain: How Neuroscience and UX can Impact Video Game Design. Check out the video here:


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Vinayak Joglekar: Game Thinking in India

Vinayak Joglekar is head of India Operations and Chief Technology Officer at Excellarate, with more than three decades of professional software development and delivery experience. Joglekar earned his mechanical engineering degree from the Indian Institute of Technology and a master’s degree from the Indian Institute of Management and mentors bright minds in software development and product delivery.


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Osama Dorias: Reviewing the Top 10 Games of 2022

Osama Dorias is a Lead Content Designer at Blizzard Entertainment. In the past, he’s worked at Unity, Warner Brothers, Gameloft, GEE Media, Ubisoft, and Minority Media. He also teaches game design at Dawson College and loves to empower people in expressing themselves through game-making, especially marginalized people and causes.


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Steve Meretzky: Game Monetization

Steve Meretzky is an American video game developer best known for creating Infocom games in the early 1980s, including collaborating with author Douglas Adams on the hit interactive fiction version of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and the comically titled Leather Goddesses of Phobos. Later, he created the Spellcasting trilogy, the flagship adventure series of Legend Entertainment. His keen wit, prose, and coding skill made him one of the first interactive fiction writers admitted to the Science Fiction Writers of America. He has been involved in almost every aspect of casual game development, from design to production to quality assurance and box design.


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Hilmar Pétursson: Why EVE Online has insane retention

Hilmar Pétursson is CEO of CCP Games in Iceland, makers of the long-running space battle game EVE Online. Billed as the world’s largest living work of science fiction, EVE has a highly developed internal economy and deep social structure that makes it an ideal testbed for how the coming Metaverse could work.


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Brendan Greene: Building a Virtual Planet

Brendan Greene, better known as PlayerUnknown is a video game developer best known for creating PUBG: Battlegrounds. In 2019 he left active development on the game to form PUBG Special Projects and PlayerUnknown Productions, where he is developing an ambitious virtual world far larger than the one in PUBG.


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Rei Wang: From Investor to Entrepreneur

Entrepreneur and angel investor, Rei Wang is the Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer at The Grand, a group coaching platform to help people navigate transitions at the intersection of work and life. Before The Grand she served as CEO of Dorm Room Fund at First Round Capital where she nurtured a community of 250+ startups, and counseled entrepreneurs on topics ranging from fundraising to management. For her leadership growing Dorm Room Fund from an experiment into the world’s premiere university-focused venture fund, she received the Forbes 30 under 30 award in venture capital.


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Philip Rosedale: What’s Missing from the Metaverse?

Philip Rosedale is the founder of Linden Lab, which launched the popular virtual world Second Life in 2003. His goal has always been to build a viable model for a virtual economy or virtual society, not just an entertainment platform. Before Second Life he served as CTO at RealNetworks, where he wrote some of the earliest algorithms to compress video for transmission across the internet. In 2013 he founded High Fidelity, which builds a spatial audio for group chat. He is currently involved with both Second Life and High Fidelity, and advises on Metaverse efforts.
