Technology Podcasts
Welcome to Hit-or-Miss Podcast! Jake and Alec host this variety podcast where we talk about the many "hits" and "misses" of the entertainment world! We will also be doing segments involving head-ache inducing choices, trivia, hot-takes, and much more! Send us a message if you have a topic/question you would like us to review or talk about! (No political stuff please)
United States
Welcome to Hit-or-Miss Podcast! Jake and Alec host this variety podcast where we talk about the many "hits" and "misses" of the entertainment world! We will also be doing segments involving head-ache inducing choices, trivia, hot-takes, and much more! Send us a message if you have a topic/question you would like us to review or talk about! (No political stuff please)
Hit-or-Miss March Madness Special
Welcome to another special episode where Jake helps Alec fill out a March Madness. Alec will need all the help he can get with his slim to none sports knowledge. Want to join the bracket challenge and see how you do?! Click on the link to join!...
Hit-or-Miss Episode 08 - Jake Gets Quizzed on Anime
For episode 8, Alec quizzes Jake on anime titles and whether they're real or fake. We discuss completed/cancelled TV shows we loved, and which ones we wish to come back. #Anime #TVShows
Hit-or-Miss Episode 07 - Division 2 Beta
In this episode, we mainly talk about the Division 2 Beta and what we thought! Then, we talk about PETA's latest mistake, and reminisce about Steve Irwin.
Hit-or-Miss Episode 06 - Down Memory Lane
After a little video game talk, join Alec and Jake as they talk about memories of each other. Plenty of laughs ensue, and we hope they make you laugh as well! Like us on Facebook to write us and submit questions or topics: https://www.facebook.com/HitorMissPodcast/?eid=ARDvXVQnoiRKjt9Vg-v0XM8vmHlv0kRMjqe3F5v3bagkgI9EeOeoRPhfpqzFSeOJQ_lVVK815xYIPBD7
Hit-or-Miss Episode 05 - Crazy Weather and Goals
Welcome back everyone!! We are so excited to be back. In this episode Alec and Jake talk about the crazy weather, 2019 goals, and some hits and misses of last year.
Hit-or-Miss Christmas 2018 Special
Sorry for the VERY delayed upload but this is our special Christmas extravaganza episode!
Hit-or-Miss Episode 04 - Campuses and Conspiracies
In this episode, Jake and Alec talk about life stats, and what we would like to see. We review college campuses and the Game Awards 2018. And finally, Jake talks about a "conspiracy" about how weird timing and things connect with certain felons and gun sellers.
Hit-or-Miss Episode 03 - Blindfold Skills and #NotMyPhrases
In this episode of Hit-or-Miss Alec and Jake discuss what each other feel confident doing while blindfolded. Jake reviews Amazon Echo vs Google Home (just in time for Christmas shopping!) Finally, in a new rotating segment for the show "A Little Bird Told Me", Alec talks about Peta's anti-animal phrases graph.
Hit-or-Miss Episode 02 - A Powerful Paperweight
Hey all! Episode 2 we talk about Sony dipping out of E3 and what could the future hold for E3. We review things like a Home Alone concert, Handmaid's Tale, and reusable notebooks. Jake wraps up the show with an in-depth review of a cheaper, but awesome 4K blu-ray player!
Hit-or-Miss Episode 01 - Thanksgiving
In our debut episode, Jake and Alec talk about Red Dead Redemption 2, trash talk NBA 2K19, and review a great app and tv series. Alec then gives Jake the ultimate test..deciding between Thanksgiving foods.
Hit-or-Miss Intro Episode
In this short episode, we introduce ourselves and detail the show! Hope you enjoy! New episodes every Monday!