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OT Security Made Simple Podcast

Technology Podcasts

OT Security Made Simple is about OT security from practice for practice, hosted by Rhebo CEO Klaus Mochalski. The podcast invites experts from the forefront of OT security at energy suppliers, distribution system operators, manufacturing companies and critical infrastructures to share their experiences and best practices.


United States


OT Security Made Simple is about OT security from practice for practice, hosted by Rhebo CEO Klaus Mochalski. The podcast invites experts from the forefront of OT security at energy suppliers, distribution system operators, manufacturing companies and critical infrastructures to share their experiences and best practices.



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OT Security Made Simple | Why CISOs are becoming a the companies' supermen and superwomen

This episode of OT Security Made Simple welcomes Jonathan Gordon of the OT cybersecurity researchers and analyst Takepoint. Jonathan argues that OT security needs to merge the bottom up and top down approach to succeed and that the CISOs will be at the frontline of driving and moderating this process.


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OT Security Made Simple | Hatte der Energiesektor bei Cyberangriffen bisher nur Glück?

OT Security Made Simple Host Klaus Mochalski spricht mit Stefan Grützmacher, der in den letzten Jahrzehnten mehrere Energieversorger geleitet hat. Für Stefan wird die OT-Sicherheit bei den Kritischen Infrastrukturen noch immer viel zu stiefmütterlich behandelt. Er stellt als Branchenkenner aber auch klare Anforderungen an Lösungen für den KRITIS-Sektor.


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OT Security Made Simple | Forensic analysis in OT - a case study

In this episode of OT Security Made Simple, Klaus Mochalski welcomes Digital Forensics Managing Director Dr. Frank Stummer. Frank talks about the importance of digital forensics in security incidents in OT, the challenges he faces and how he was able to thwart another security incident worth hundreds of millions of euros at a logistics service provider.


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OT Security Made Simple | Wie entwickelt sich der OT-Markt (aus Investorensicht)?

In dieser Episode von OT Security Made Simple begrüßen wir den Cybersecurity-Experten Dirk Seewald vom B2B-Investor eCapital. Dirk spricht über die Entwicklung des OT-Sicherheitsmarktes von 2006 bis heute, kommende Trends, warum Cyberversicherungen nicht der Weisheits letzter Schluss sind und die Bedeutung militärischer Forschung für Innovationen. Und er erklärt, warum Internationalisierung deutscher Startups von Tag 1 mitgedacht werden muss.


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OT Security Made Simple | What is Zero Trust really (and does it work in OT)?

Klaus Mochalski invited cyber security expert Stefan Sebastian from Zscaler to talk about the paradigm shift Zero Trust entails. Stefan Sebastian explains who Zero Trust would have prevented the cyber attack on the Danish energy sector in May 2023 from the onset and how companies can implement this security concept step by step and can get rid of the notoriously problematic VPN connections in OT.


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OT Security Made Simple | Wer ist für Security by Design zuständig? (nicht wer du denkst)

OT Sicherheitsexpertin Sarah Fluchs und OT Sicherheitsexperte Klaus Mochalski diskutieren in der neuesten Folge von OT Security Made Simple über Sinn und Unsinn von Security by Design und stellen die entscheidende Frage nach der Verantwortlichkeit. Ihre Antwort sieht nicht nur die Geräte- und Systemhersteller in der Pflicht.


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OT Security Made Simple | The 4 types of OT monitoring and which to choose

Raphael Arakelian has been testing OT monitoring system for their effectiveness for many years. He has developed a guide that identifies 4 categories of OT monitoring. In this episode of OT Security Made Simple, Raphael explains host Klaus Mochalski and our listeners the differences and which type works best depending on the operational goal(s) within a company.


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OT Security Made Simple | OT-Sicherheit aus Sicht eines Pentesters

Klaus Mochalski hat dieses Mal Sascha Zinke vom Pentest-Dienstleister Splone zu Gast. Sascha gibt Einblicke in seine Erfahrungen mit Stadtwerken und Energieversorgungsunternehmen, skizziert die Herausforderungen und diskutiert mit Klaus Möglichkeiten, mit ruhigem Puls OT-Sicherheit in den eigenen Netzwerken zu etablieren.


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OT Security Made Simple | How to overcome the insecure-by-design challenge?

This episode sees Hans-Michael Krause from Bosch Rexroth and Dr. Frank Stummer from Digital Forensics talk about how to integrate OT security in new and existing automation environments without having to wait for all vendors to comply to security requirements. We dig into how Bosch Rexroth make their industrial automation platform ctrlX secure and discuss why the ROI of an OT monitoring should not only be evaluated in terms of cyber security but also production availability.


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OT Security Made Simple | How to deal with the complexity of the OT security challenge?

This episode welcomes Alexander Harsch, the Head of the Cybersecurity Consulting Practice of E.ON's grid companies that runs the Cyberrange-e training center. We reflect on the change in OT security awareness over the last 4 years, why AI is not the general key to success, how to reduce the complexity of the OT security challenge and what electrical companies perceive as the biggest cyber threats today.


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OT Security Made Simple | End-to-end cybersecurity of the smart grid from the control system to the edge

Klaus Mochalski is joined by none other than Todd Wiedman, CSO of Landis+Gyr and CEO of Rhebo. Todd talks about his 30 years of experience in industrial enterprise cybersecurity and provides insights into the security challenges of the Smart Grid and Advanced Metering Infrastructure with its millions of smart meters and essential head-end systems.


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OT Security Made Simple | Why OT Security needs to become a platform solution

This episode features Jos Zenner, managing director and CTO at Welotec, a provider of rugged computing and communication platforms for DSOs and TSOs in the electrical sector. Jos and Klaus talk about the challenge to think and implement “security by design” on infrastructure level and from the very first step of planning. And we dive into the discussion on how OT security in distributed infrastructures could work as a platform solution to balance limited budgets with the need to secure thousands of secondary substations.


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OT Security Made Simple | The challenge and relevance of OT security services

In this OT Security Made Simple episode, Thomas Menze, Sensior Consultant at the ARC Advisory Group, talks about the contrast between the highly dynamic cyber risk evolution and companies' sluggish ability to respond. He discusses with Klaus Mochalski the issue of lack of OT visibility while the number of networked devices is increasing, and why very few companies will be able to get by without OT security services.


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OT Security Made Simple | Was die NIS 2 Direktive für Industrieunternehmen bedeutet

Andreas Könen, Leiter der Abteilung für Cyber und Informationssicherheit beim Bundesministerium des Inneren und für Heimat, gibt im Gespräch mit Klaus Mochalski, Einblicke in die Arbeit des BMI, die Cybersicherheit in Deutschland zu stärken. Er erklärt, warum die Durchsetzung von Cybersicherheit Gesetze braucht, warum Unternehmen bereit sind, Cyberrisiken einzugehen und wie die NIS2-Direktive der EU Cybersicherheit auf stabilere Füße stellt.


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OT Security Made Simple | Lessons Learned from 10 Years OT Anomaly Detection

Rhebo CEO Klaus Mochalski starts off the new podcast series OT Security Made Simple with a reflection on his last 10 years in OT security. How did the threat landscape evolve? Has the security level improved? Why is OT security still a challenge for many companies? And which vulnerabilities and risks can be considered a classic in operational technology networks?
