

Technology Podcasts

PerfBytes: Helping IT Professionals to improve Performance Practices!


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PerfBytes: Helping IT Professionals to improve Performance Practices!





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Performance testing tools in 2024

In this episode Henrik and Leandro go over the tools types we must learn of to be a great performance engineer in this new 2024. It is not anymore just automating for generating load. There are many new things that a performance engineer needs in the belt.


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Performance Job Offers

In this episode, Henrik and Leandro go browsing for performance testing jobs and analyze what are the requirements that a performance engineer needs in 2024. Not a performance tester(they are almost extinct now), but a Performance Engineer! The requirements are very different from when we used to get performance testing jobs a few years ago.


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Performance Engineer skills for 2024

In this episode Henrik and Leandro are back (and hopefully more often now) to talk about the new skills that technologies, methodologies and the industry are requiring from a Performance Engineer. It is not the same old performance testing that you used to know anymore. You need to let go of a few skills and engage in several others. Which ones? Lets find out!


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Talking with Lisa Waugh, example for women in Performance

A while ago we met Lisa Waugh on a panel in a conference. She is a rockstar that has been around for a while and knows her IT, has had lots of adventures in performance and several recommendations for women who are interested in the field. Check the panel here:


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Talking performance and conferences with Theron Melrose

We met Theron at StarEast last summer who participated in a performance testing panel and he accepted our invitation to join us for an interview. A tech manager at State Farm, he shares the story on how he is moving performance testing into modern times.


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Back to PerfBytes with Mark Tomlinson

Mark and leandro were at StarEast conference 2023 and talked a lot about performance, conferences and much more fun! We are getting some more PerfBytes!


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How to start in Performance

In this episode Henrik and Leandro analyze how it is to start in the world of performance testing. They share a bit of their origin stories, skills needed, the changes of the trade in 2023, and recommendations to interested newcomers. This is a long conversation which, beware, may be continued in a further episode!


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We are Back!

PerfBytes podcasts ramping up again! After some hiatus we are back keep generating content that helps performance enthusiasts and professionals to polish your skills! In this episode Henrik, James and Leandro will be talking a bit about the new trends and some differences the industry is experiencing. Stay tuned as more will come!


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Los Expertos del WOPR

Continuando las aventuras en Uruguay, despues de Las Mujeres del WOPR, le tocó participar a los hombres. Discutimos de que se trata el WOPR, las experiencias de cada quien y expectativas que nos llevamos despues del evento. Un agradecimiento a MArk Tomlinson por las tomas especiales.


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Especial fin de año

Hagamos una pequeña remembranza de lo que fue este 2022 y los mayores aprendizajes que tuvimos. Ademas algunas pequeñas noticias para 2023!


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Las Expertas del WOPR

Con el mayor ratio de mujeres en performance que hemos visto, Almudena Vivaco hostea un episodio especial con las mujeres performers que participaron en el WOPR. Empezando por la anfitriona del episodio Almudena Vivanco, tuvimos también a Anisbert Suarez, Belen Vignolo, Leticia Almeida, Mikaella Mateos y Sabrina Lanzotti. No se pierdan toda su sabiduría y experiencias!


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News of the Damned, Daily Edition for December 12, 2022

We take a look at the failure of Junior Eurovision over the weekend and what lessons can we learn from its failure


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The WOPR is back and QSConf with Federico Toledo

Come by to learn about the latest WOPR event happening in Uruguay December 6-8 2022 and right after the Quality Sense Conference on December 9th 2022 described by our amigo Federico Toledo from Abstracta Register at


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Black Friday 2022 Hour 2



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Blackl Friday 2022 Hour 1



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Anunciando el WOPR y Quality Sense Conference

En este episodio tenemos a nuestro amigo Federico Toledo de regreso para platicarnos de que se tratan el WOPR y la Quality Sense Conference. Ambos a celebrarse en Uruguay! WOPR del 6 al 8 de Diciembre 2022 Quality Sense Conf el 9 de Diciembre QSC es gratis, hibrida, y en Ingles y Español! Subscribanse en:


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Muerte a los usuarios virtuales

Especial de dia de muertos! Por que ya no es tan valido pensar en terminos de usuarios virtuales y tratar de medir la capacidad de los sistemas midiendo numero de usuarios en estos tiempos de servicios y microservicios.


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Cerrando con Roger Abelenda CTO de Abstracta, desde Uruguay

Cerrando estas entrevistas y platicas, tenemos la ultima con el mismisimo CTO de Abstracta, Roger Abelenda El nos cuenta de su historia, algo de historia de Abstracta y de las iniciativas que esta bella empresa tiene para inovar y apoyar al crecimiento del performance en Uruguay y todo el mundo


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Performance femenino con Mika y Belen desde Abstracta en Uruguay

Siguiendo con las entrevistas desde las oficinas de Abstracta en Uruguay, me encantó toparme con dos representantes del poder femenino en performance, Mikaella Mateos y Belen Bignolo. Un honor conocer la perspectiva femenina, obtener tips y modos para promover que mas chicas se unan a la profesion de las pruebas de performance


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Visitando Abstracta en Uruguay con Andrei Guchin

Estamos visitando las oficinas de Abstracta en Montvideo Uruguay. Ahi pasamos algunos dias platicando con mucha gente bella! Entre ellos, nuestro amigo Andrei Guchin, maestro de Performance nos comparte su historia, recomendaciones y perspectiva.
