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Evergreen Insights On The Topic of Podcasting My name is Cliff Ravenscraft and I started podcasting as a hobby in December 2005. Within the first two years of Podcasting, I had launched a number of shows related to entertainment, business, social media, technology, faith, family and more, producing as many seven to fifteen podcast episodes a week, reaching hundreds of thousands of subscribers from all over the world. Podcast Answer Man was the 5th podcast that I launched. Starting in December 2006, it was this show that made it possible for me to start a podcast coaching / consulting business that proved that I could generate more than enough income to provide for my family. In January 2008, I left an extremely lucrative career as an independent insurance agent, in a family run insurance agency that was started by my grandfather in 1937. I was next in line to take over the agency from my father. Yet I became convinced that I wanted to find a way to do what I was doing through podcasting, full-time, as my career. Over the next decade, I built an online business where I became the world's leading authority on podcasting. I am personally responsible for training more than 40,000 people on the successful launch of their podcast. After a decade of teaching people how to podcast, I began to desire another significant career transition. Rather than answer technical questions related to the topic of podcasting, I wanted to coach others on far more important issues such as mindset, career and overall life transformation. In March 2016, I began a significant rebranding process where I transitioned my original Podcast Answer Man podcast into The Cliff Ravenscraft Show. It is in the archives of this, my main podcast, that you'll find the ORIGINAL 438 episodes of The Podcast Answer Man podcast. In September 2017, I ended the final session of my Podcasting A To Z Group Training Program, shutting down 100% of all income streams from a half a million dollar per year business, so that I could focus all of my work time, effort and energy on what I felt most passionate about doing in the world. Mindset & Life Transformation Coaching is what I do today and you can learn about the products and services I offer on my Work With Me Page at CliffRavenscraft.com. In August 2021, I made the decision to relaunch this ALL-NEW VERSION of the Podcast Answer Man Podcast to share Evergreen Insights On The Topic of Podcasting. I am still in love with Podcasting as much today as I was back when I published my first episodes back in 2005. It is my desire that the content that you'll find in this show will only enhance your own enjoyment of all that Podcasting can bring into your life.


United States


Evergreen Insights On The Topic of Podcasting My name is Cliff Ravenscraft and I started podcasting as a hobby in December 2005. Within the first two years of Podcasting, I had launched a number of shows related to entertainment, business, social media, technology, faith, family and more, producing as many seven to fifteen podcast episodes a week, reaching hundreds of thousands of subscribers from all over the world. Podcast Answer Man was the 5th podcast that I launched. Starting in December 2006, it was this show that made it possible for me to start a podcast coaching / consulting business that proved that I could generate more than enough income to provide for my family. In January 2008, I left an extremely lucrative career as an independent insurance agent, in a family run insurance agency that was started by my grandfather in 1937. I was next in line to take over the agency from my father. Yet I became convinced that I wanted to find a way to do what I was doing through podcasting, full-time, as my career. Over the next decade, I built an online business where I became the world's leading authority on podcasting. I am personally responsible for training more than 40,000 people on the successful launch of their podcast. After a decade of teaching people how to podcast, I began to desire another significant career transition. Rather than answer technical questions related to the topic of podcasting, I wanted to coach others on far more important issues such as mindset, career and overall life transformation. In March 2016, I began a significant rebranding process where I transitioned my original Podcast Answer Man podcast into The Cliff Ravenscraft Show. It is in the archives of this, my main podcast, that you'll find the ORIGINAL 438 episodes of The Podcast Answer Man podcast. In September 2017, I ended the final session of my Podcasting A To Z Group Training Program, shutting down 100% of all income streams from a half a million dollar per year business, so that I could focus all of my work time, effort and energy on what I felt most passionate about doing in the world. Mindset & Life Transformation Coaching is what I do today and you can learn about the products and services I offer on my Work With Me Page at CliffRavenscraft.com. In August 2021, I made the decision to relaunch this ALL-NEW VERSION of the Podcast Answer Man Podcast to share Evergreen Insights On The Topic of Podcasting. I am still in love with Podcasting as much today as I was back when I published my first episodes back in 2005. It is my desire that the content that you'll find in this show will only enhance your own enjoyment of all that Podcasting can bring into your life.







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020 - Let’s Put An End To The Myth of The Overnight Success

I’ve been observing an alarming trend. Many people are prematurely quitting their day jobs, having fallen for the myth of overnight success. In this episode, I will discuss the myth of overnight success and its negative impact on the wellbeing of those who believe in it. I will introduce three questions to consider before quitting your day job and four essential business foundations to establish beforehand. Additionally, I will provide three suggestions for those who may have prematurely left their day jobs. Next Level Mastermind As a self-employed business owner, applying for the Next Level Mastermind could be the transformative decision that propels your business and personal growth to unprecedented heights. This mastermind group is designed specifically for driven entrepreneurs like you who seek not only to excel in their business ventures but also to live a life marked by fulfillment, peace, and continuous learning. By joining, you will connect with like-minded professionals in a supportive, collaborative environment that challenges you to surpass your current boundaries. Whether it's overcoming obstacles, strategizing for growth, or simply finding your path to personal satisfaction, the Next Level Mastermind provides the community, resources, and expert guidance necessary to make each step forward impactful. Don't miss this chance to elevate your business and yourself. Apply today at NextLevelMastermind.info. Outline for this episode Central Theme(s) Three Questions To Ask Before You Quit Day Job Four Key Foundations For A Thriving Business A Proven and sustainable business model. (Validated Products/Services) Significant Savings (Min 9-12 months runway) A commitment to developing necessary entrepreneurial skills. (Time Management, Pricing, Sales, Marketing, Software, etc.) Three Recommendations For Those Who Have Quit The Day Job Prematurely


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019 - Turning Podcasting Failures into Success: My Top Three Mistakes Over The Past Four Years

In this episode, I open up about the top three mistakes I've made over the past. I'll share how stopping my weekly podcast content, neglecting consistent email communication with my audience, and abandoning my life-giving early morning routine impacted my journey. Join me as I share the lessons I've learned from these mistakes and how they are shaping my approach moving forward. Whether you're an entrepreneur, content creator, or someone striving for personal growth, there's something valuable in these reflections for you. Next Level Mastermind As a self-employed business owner, applying for the Next Level Mastermind could be the transformative decision that propels your business and personal growth to unprecedented heights. This mastermind group is designed specifically for driven entrepreneurs like you who seek not only to excel in their business ventures but also to live a life marked by fulfillment, peace, and continuous learning. By joining, you will connect with like-minded professionals in a supportive, collaborative environment that challenges you to surpass your current boundaries. Whether it's overcoming obstacles, strategizing for growth, or simply finding your path to personal satisfaction, the Next Level Mastermind provides the community, resources, and expert guidance necessary to make each step forward impactful. Don't miss this chance to elevate your business and yourself. Apply today at NextLevelMastermind.info.


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018 - The Number One Method For Growing Your Audience

In this podcast episode, I interview my dear friend Jessica Rhodes about her podcast guesting service business, Interview Connections, which she started in 2013. Over the past decade, her business has become a powerful entity that helps individuals reach their ideal clients and expand their audience. Listen in to learn valuable tips on how to make a strong impact when given the opportunity to be a guest on other people's podcasts. Hear are just a few of the key insights from this episode I fully endorse Jessica Rhodes and her podcast booking services. Book a call with Jessica today at InterviewConnections.com. Let her know that Cliff sent you.


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017 - From Seven Years of Intention To Taking Action Within 7 Days

In today's episode, I share a transformative conversation highlighting how one coaching session can shift years of aspirations into rapid reality. Recently, I had the pleasure of coaching Ryan Hamilton, a visionary who had been nurturing the dream of launching his own podcast and becoming an industry thought leader for seven years. During our intensive 90-minute session, Ryan sought to break free from the shackles of perfectionism and to gain momentum on his journey. We focused on practical steps that would empower him to "get the train out of the station" and bring his long-awaited passion project to the world. This episode underscores a vital lesson: the 'perfect' time or idea is a myth that often impedes progress. Taking incremental, yet deliberate, steps can ignite a powerful chain reaction, propelling your dreams into existence. It’s about progress, not perfection. Be sure to check out Ryan's "Make Real Stuff" podcast. Click here for a link to episode 001. My hope is that Ryan’s story and our coaching conversation inspire you to translate your intentions into tangible steps. Remember, starting with even the smallest act can lay the groundwork for greater achievements. And if you’re seeking guidance or a collaborative brainstorm to advance your objectives, I'm here to lend my expertise. For those interested in exploring the Next Level Mastermind or a one-on-one coaching relationship, reach out to me directly at Cliff@CliffRavenscraft.com and use “Coaching” as your email subject. Let's make your vision a reality, together.


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016 - AI Takes the Mic: A New Kind of Podcast Conversation

In this episode of Podcast Answer Man, I wanted to share how I used ChatGPT's new voice functionality to interview me for an episode of my main podcast, The Cliff Ravenscraft Show. I simply felt that this topic might be insightful and inspirational in your podcasting efforts. Since I simply included the entire episode of The Cliff Ravenscraft Show, I'm simply going to copy and paste the show notes from that episode below: In this episode of The Cliff Ravenscraft Show, I delve deep into my personal journey with reading. I recall a time when the mere thought of picking up a book was enough to make me groan in protest. But oh, how times have changed! Dive in with me as I recount my transformation from a reluctant reader to someone who now revels in the world of books. Key Takeaways: My Aversion to Reading: The roots of my reading aversion can be traced back to my elementary, high school and college days. Books assigned were often not aligned with my personal interests. But was that the only reason? A Turnaround in 2009: It was the book 48 Days to the Work You Love by Dan Miller that reignited my love for reading. Learn how it changed my perspectives on work and income. Embracing the Digital Age: The convenience of e-books and audio books transformed my reading habits. I share how the Kindle app and Audible app on my iPhone shifted my approach to books and allowed me to read more frequently and in more places. Tackling Multiple Books: Today, I'm currently juggling more than 70 books at once! I discuss my technique for managing multiple reads and how not feeling obligated to finish each one has given me a newfound sense of freedom. Book Organization Tips: From the power of Kindle samples to creating book collections, I provide some of my personal tips and insights that have enhanced my reading experience. An Interview Twist: In a special segment, I'm interviewed by none other than ChatGPT from OpenAI. Dive into a unique experience as I answer questions crafted to pull out the essence of my reading journey. I hope my journey inspires you to look at reading in a new light, to find joy in the pages of a book, and to embrace the knowledge and experiences they offer without any reservations. Call to Action: If this episode resonated with you, please drop me an email at cliff@cliffravenscraft.com. I'd love to hear from you!


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015 - Why I Transitioned All My Podcast Hosting to Kajabi: A Game-Changing Insight

In this info-packed episode, I'm joined by my longtime friend and fellow online business expert Ray Edwards to dive deep into why we believe Kajabi is the ultimate all-in-one platform for online business owners. Ray and I take a trip down memory lane to remember the "bad old days" of cobbling together a frankenstein's monster of different tools, services, and platforms just to create and sell an online course or membership site. We share horror stories of downtime, limited storage and bandwidth, security issues, and the general hassle of managing it all. We then explain how Kajabi changed everything for us and made our online businesses infinitely easier to manage. Key benefits I discuss include: And all this for just $159/month on the Growth plan! Ray and I agree this is an amazing value compared to paying for individual tools and services. Whether you're just starting out or already have an established online business, Kajabi has everything you need to create, market, sell, and deliver your digital products and services all in one place. Listen now to hear our full discussion and decide for yourself if Kajabi could be a gamechanger for your online business! Ready to transform your online business with Kajabi? Sign up using my affiliate link and experience the difference for yourself! Affiliate Link: http://MindsetAnswerMan.com/Kajabi


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014 - Don't Make The Mistake of Starting With A Podcast - How To Build An Online Business

In this episode, I share a recording from a recent Ask Me Anything session that I hosted. During the session, Kristy posted the following question in the chat: "I need courage to start a blog that I can monetize. Do you have any words of wisdom? I've tried starting a blog in the past but struggled with maintaining consistency. I don't want to fall into old habits. Please advise. Thanks!" In response, I shared a powerful story to illustrate why Kristy may have been struggling to find the courage to consistently create content for her blog and take the necessary steps towards monetizing it. Following this, I discussed the most common mistake that bloggers and podcasters make when they are looking to establish an online business, and offered advice on how to avoid falling into the same trap. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER FOR THE BUILDING AN ONLINE BUSINESS WORKSHOP


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013 - The Rich Tapestry of Pat Flynn's Online Ventures: Successes, Missteps, and Lessons

In this episode of "Podcast Answer Man," I had the pleasure to deep dive into the creative side of the multifaceted Pat Flynn. Pat, an entrepreneur, author, speaker, and the brain behind "Smart Passive Income," shares how his identity has evolved over time. We talk about how his love for fishing has offered him peace away from his bustling life and business. His answer to why he's here iwas simply profound: to serve and help others. You'll discover to top 3 things that Pat is most proud of creating and how Pat expresses the value of time over money, which he learned while building his team for SPI media. Pat's new venture into the Pokémon YouTube channel "Deep Pocket Monster" and his strategy behind it is a true testament to his creative spirit. His story of walking away from his Premium WordPress Plugins project offers valuable lessons about knowing what you want and validating your ideas. Ending on a thoughtful note, Pat revealed his desire to be an "Agent of Change in the Education Space," and how he's creating space and boundaries in his life for peace. Pat Flynn Links Let Go BookWill It Fly? BookSuperfans BookSmartPassiveIncome.comPat Flynn YouTube ChannelPat’s Deep Pocket Monster Channel Other Links Shared At The End of The Episode Building An Online Business WorkshopDay With Cliff Mentoring OfferNext Level Mastermind


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012 - Why Most Podcasters Fail To Generate Income From Their Podcasting Efforts

Several years ago, I realized that my brand, Podcast Answer Man, wasn't fully reflecting the guidance I was providing to those seeking strategies, tools and techniques to [fill in the blank]. That's why I decided to evolve my brand to Mindset Answer Man - to provide a better indication of the kind of advice I was giving. As the result of working with so many people, I began to recognize patterns between those who were successful in achieving their podcasting goals and those who were not. What I found was that despite having helped many people launch their podcasts, many of them had built their podcasting efforts on a shaky foundation, leaving them unable to experience the full potential of podcasting. In this episode, I explore how important the order of operations of STATE, STORY, and STRATEGY is to creating the most successful outcomes. Are you looking to drive growth and increase the visibility of your business? I am a Master Business Coach, Mentor & Speaker. I have over fifteen years of experience in online business. Through my business, I've helped tens of thousands of people find their purpose and passion and create an online, personal brand and business that allows them to have a powerful, positive and profound impact in the world. I have generated millions of dollars through online course sales, physical products, one-off training tutorials, paid webinars, public speaking, in person workshops, conferences, paid mastermind groups, one-on-one coaching and several other streams of income. I want to help you break free from anything that is holding you back from living the life of your dreams and doing the work you feel most called to do in this world. Below are the the products and services that I know will allow you to take your message, your business and your life to the next level. 1. Train With Cliff Audio Journal Podcast - This "audio journal format" podcast provides invaluable insights that my high-paying clients receive from me directly, plus exclusive, never-before-seen behind-the-scenes knowledge about how I run my business. My clients have found this podcast so valuable that nearly all of them have subscribed to it. Click Here To Learn More. 2. Free The Dream Online Course - Are you struggling to make your dream or goal a reality? Don't waste any more time! Take the time to go through the six-hours of content in the Free The Dream Online Course and unlock the power of transformation. Whether you choose to go through the material in a single day or take a weekend retreat, you will find yourself completely changed after your experience with this course. Discover the world from a new perspective and unleash the potential that lies within. Click Here To Free Your Dream Today. 3. Next Level Mastermind - If you're a full-time self-employed professional and not yet part of an ongoing mastermind group, it's time to take action! Stop what you're doing and take advantage of all the incredible video content and written content about mastermind groups found at NextLevelMastermind.info. Unlock the power of collaboration and networking with like-minded professionals and be part of a group that will help you achieve success! Click Here To Apply Today! 4. One-On-One Coaching - God has blessed me with extraordinary gifts and the ability to help clients uncover solutions they can't see on their own. No matter the problem or desired outcome, I can help guide you on the path to success – with multiple paths available to explore. Through one-on-one coaching, I'll equip you with the tools and confidence to reach your highest potential. Click Here To Apply For One-On-One Coaching With Me. Of course you might be interested in some of my other free content Click Here To See My Other Podcast ShowsClick Here For My Best Keynote Message “All Beliefs Have Consequences.”


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Black Friday Through Cyber Monday Special Coaching Package Offer

This is a TEMPORARY podcast announcement to make sure that you are aware of my Black Friday through Cyber Monday sale where I am offering an incredible one-one-one coaching package to work with me over the next three months for only $1,500. Sign Up For This Special Offer at MindsetAnswerMan.com/Sale


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011 - The Most Frequently Asked Question - How Can I Monetize This Podcast?

If you ever wondered why I shut down my Podcast Answer Man business and rebranded myself as the Mindset Answer Man, this episode will give greater insight into my decision than I've shared previously. Recently, I hosted an "Ask Me Anything" session on the topic of "The Business of Coaching." Kate Nankivell let me know that she would be participating live and that she planned to ask the following question: "I’ve just started a new podcast called The Shape of Kate. I’m at the beginning of my much needed weight loss and regain my fitness and health journey and I want to share this journey and so much more through this podcast. Now this represents a departure from my current business so I’m thinking about my monetization strategies. My clear intention with this podcast is to be an inspiration through sharing my journey but not a weight loss coach or fitness expert. I’ll interview those experts as I go. They rightly claim their expertise. My monetization ideas at this early stage is to bring on advertisers who pay for results. Eg when people who listen and click through to their offer and/or use my coupon code they pay me an agreed affiliate fee." When it came time to have my conversation with Kate, I had already created an outline of insights that would have helped her optimize the effectiveness of her affiliate income streams, plus I had created a list of several other income streams that most people have not considered. Yet, within a few moments into our conversation, I closed the browser that had all the pre-outlined insights that I had prepared. It had become clear to me that there was a much more powerful and important conversation to be had. Have a listen to this episode to see where our conversation went. After the conversation, I give a commentary on the overall experience. I know that you'll gain a lot of value from this conversation. If you are resonating with the content that I create, you will find one or more of the following products and services extremely valuable and life transformative. 1. Train With Cliff Audio Journal Podcast - This "audio journal format" podcast provides invaluable insights that my high-paying clients receive from me directly, plus exclusive, never-before-seen behind-the-scenes knowledge about how I run my business. My clients have found this podcast so valuable that nearly all of them have subscribed to it. Click Here To Learn More. 2. Free The Dream Online Course - Are you struggling to make your dream or goal a reality? Don't waste any more time! Take the time to go through the six-hours of content in the Free The Dream Online Course and unlock the power of transformation. Whether you choose to go through the material in a single day or take a weekend retreat, you will find yourself completely changed after your experience with this course. Discover the world from a new perspective and unleash the potential that lies within. Click Here To Free Your Dream Today. 3. Next Level Mastermind - If you're a full-time self-employed professional and not yet part of an ongoing mastermind group, it's time to take action! Stop what you're doing and take advantage of all the incredible video content and written content about mastermind groups found at NextLevelMastermind.info. Unlock the power of collaboration and networking with like-minded professionals and be part of a group that will help you achieve success! Click Here To Apply Today! 4. One-On-One Coaching - God has blessed me with extraordinary gifts and the ability to help clients uncover solutions they can't see on their own. No matter the problem or desired outcome, I can help guide you on the path to success – with multiple paths available to explore. Through one-on-one coaching, I'll equip you with the tools and confidence to reach your highest potential. Click Here To Apply For One-On-One Coaching With Me. Of course you might be interested in some of my other free content Click Here To See My Other Podcast ShowsClick Here...


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010 - Nine Tips To Secure High Ticket Coaching Clients From Your Podcasting Efforts

Recently, I hosted an "Ask Me Anything" session on the topic of "The Business of Coaching" and Chris Pinckley asked the following question: How can a seasoned or veteran coach, in other words someone who already knows the coaching industry, turn their podcast into a lead generation tool effectively? If you are resonating with the content that I create, you will find one or more of the following products and services extremely valuable and life transformative. 1. Train With Cliff Audio Journal Podcast - This "audio journal format" podcast contains many of the same insights that my clients who pay tens of thousands of dollars to get from me directly. Plus there are "behind the scenes insights," about how I operate my business, that have enticed nearly all my existing clients to subscribe to this show as well. Go to http://TrainWithCliff.com to learn more. 2. Free The Dream Online Course - Do you have a dream or goal that you are struggling to turn into reality? Some have gone through this course in a single day, others have taken a weekend retreat to go through it. However, everyone who has gone through the six hours of this material has completely altered their experience of the world. Go to http://FreeTheDreamCourse.com to learn more. 3. Next Level Mastermind - If you are full-time self-employed and are not yet in an ongoing mastermind group, stop what you are doing and read every word and watch all the video content found at http://NextLevelMastermind.info. 4. One-On-One Coaching - God has granted me unique gifts and a capacity to help clients see things that they are not able see on their own. For every problem there is a solution. For every desired destination, there is always a path to get there (often multiple paths). Click Here To Apply For One-On-One Coaching With Me. Of course you might be interested in some of my other free content Click Here To See My Other Podcast ShowsClick Here For My Best Keynote Message “All Beliefs Have Consequences.”


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009 - The Importance of Speaking Directly To A Specific Target Audience

Brad Miller joined me for an "Ask Me Anything" live broadcast and asked a podcast related question. First, he shared that he's been podcasting for five years, has published 223 episodes of his podcast and he stated that he still doesn't feel like he's achieved much traction with his podcast. He then went on to say that he plans to reach new audience members by becoming a guest on other people's podcasts. His question to me was... "What tips do you have for me so that I can be a great podcast guest?" Our conversation revealed the importance of knowing exactly what specific target audience you are trying to reach with your message. Links Mentioned at the end of the episode TrainWithCliff.comFreeTheDreamCourse.comTheCliffRavenscraftShow.comMy Work With Me Page


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008 - The Biggest Opportunity In My Business And I Couldn’t Afford it!

This episode contains just one incredibly powerful story how how my participation within a mastermind group has made my dreams, personally and professionally, become reality. Click here to see the video version of the message included within this episode. If you are full-time self-employed or plan to become full-time self employed within the next 12 to 18 months, I want to invite you to CLICK HERE TO APPLY FOR THE NEXT LEVEL MASTERMIND TODAY. Here are a few testimonials from current and former members of The Next Level Mastermind: Tom Heffner said... Cliff Ravenscraft and the mastermind he created were a major inflection point in my career and life. I went from feeling trapped in a day job to creating my own freedom and autonomy. I left the day job at that time to start my own business to give myself more freedom to do what I want, with whom I want, when I wanted. I've never looked back. Here's the interesting part - as much as Cliff can help you with the tactical/practical (e.g. the in's/out's of online business - he can definitely help with this) ... what really helped me was changing my mindsets and removing the limiting beliefs holding me back from achieving what I wanted. Dan Faulknor said... I joined the group with the plan of maybe leaving my day job in the next year or two. Within 6 months of joining (and attending meetings at 3am my time. It was worth it!) I had a plan to leave my day job within a couple of months. I did leave my day job, much sooner than expected and now 4 years later my business is thriving with 3 employees + myself. Cliff's ability to ask you questions and get you to lead YOURSELF is his greatest strength, in my mind. You have nobody to 'blame' but yourself, because you provide all the answers with Cliff's guidance. Kevin Davis said... I was at a standstill. Didn’t know what the next step was. Actually, I didn’t think I was qualified to make the next step. Didn’t have anyone in my circle at that time to help. So I took a leap and joined Cliffs mastermind. My how things changed! First was overcoming some thoughts that held me back. Then some steps and next action items to get the ball rolling. Now I’ve moved the ball down the field farther and quicker than ever imagined. Leslie Graham said... If you are thinking about this, be sure to reach out to Cliff. Joining NLM was the biggest leap I'd ever made in terms of investing in myself and my business, but my life was radically changed in so many ways as a result of my nearly two years with the group. In fact, my current business was launched as a result and I couldn't be happier with the trajectory of that business. I have other podcasts that might be of interest to you. See my list of shows at http://CliffRavenscraft.com/podcast Let's Work Together! Would you like to connect with me through one-on-one coaching or through one of my paid mastermind groups? If so, visit my WORK WITH ME PAGE and submit an application today.


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007 - John Lee Dumas of Entrepreneur On Fire - What Are You Creating?

In this episode, I feature a conversation with my dear friend, John Lee Dumas, from Entrepreneur on Fire. In this episode, I'm certain that I asked questions that John has never been asked in an interview before and some incredibly fascinating insights came out as a result. Here are some important links related to this episode: The Entrepreneur On Fire PodcastThe Freedom JournalThe Mastery JournalThe Podcast JournalThe 100-Day Goal JournalThe Common Path to Uncommon Success Book Here Is The Dan Miller Story that I referred to: A rabbi was walking along the road after a long day in the synagogue. As he drowsily made his way home, he took a wrong turn and stumbled upon a Roman outpost. A loud voice sprang forth from the Roman centurion standing guard outside its door. With great authority, the centurion inquired, “Who are you and why are you here?” Snapped out of his half-conscious daze, the rabbi responded, “My child, what did you just say to me?” The centurion furrowed his brow, planted his feet, and responded in an even more stern tone, “Who are you and why are you here?” The rabbi replied with a question: “Good sir, what are they paying you to stand here?” The centurion, displaying equal levels of annoyance and intrigue, thundered back, “Four drachma per day. What is it to you?” With a smile on his face, the rabbi answered him, “I will pay you double if you would simply stand outside my tent and ask me those same two questions every morning as I depart.” I have other podcasts that might be of interest to you. See my list of shows at http://CliffRavenscraft.com/podcast Let's Work Together! Would you like to connect with me through one-on-one coaching or through one of my paid mastermind groups? If so, visit my WORK WITH ME PAGE and submit an application today.


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006 - How Do I Decide How Much Content To Give For Free So That Potential Clients Will Still Hire Me?

Creating free content is an amazing way to demonstrate the amount of insight and value that you could provide to potential clients. I'm often asked the question.... "How do I decide how much content to give for free so that potential clients will still hire me?" Almost everyone is shocked when I say.... "GIVE IT ALL AWAY FOR FREE." I explain why this is my philosophy of content creation in this very short podcast episode. I have other podcasts that might be of interest to you. See my list of shows at http://CliffRavenscraft.com/podcast Let's Work Together! Would you like to connect with me through one-on-one coaching or through one of my paid mastermind groups? If so, visit my WORK WITH ME PAGE and submit an application today.


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005 - How Pat Flynn And I Met And Why We Love Mastermind Groups

This special episode is actually from my brand new UPGRADE YOUR PEER GROUP PODCAST. In this episode, I share a conversation that I had with Pat Flynn eight years ago. Pat had joined me to celebrate the 300th episode of my original Podcast Answer Man podcast back in March 2013. In this episode, you'll discover how Pat and I first met and hear how we made the decision to join forces in an official mastermind group alliance that began on October 8th, 2010. Listen now to hear the story of how a single, 60-minute, meeting of our mastermind group helped lift me out of a season of depression and burnout, inspired a way of generating $16,000 in revenue within four weeks and how that lead to over 1 Million dollars in sales from a single stream of revenue within my business. We started our mastermind group just over 11 years ago now. Pat and I still meet together, ever week, along with four other amazing members of what we call the Green Room Mastermind Group. I hope that you are able to discover all the gold that can mined out of our conversation. This podcast is all about helping you develop and benefit from a fuller understanding of the power behind the Mastermind Principle and Healthy Mastermind Group Alliances. I have other podcasts that might be of interest to you. See my list of shows at http://CliffRavenscraft.com/podcast If you would like to join on of my own, paid, facilitated mastermind groups, check out the details and apply today at http://NextLevelMastermind.info


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004 - Multiple Podcast Strategy - Calls To Action - And More!

There are two main segments to this episode. Segment 1 An update to my portable podcasting studio setup that I spoke about in episode 3 of this podcast. Here are links to the additional items that I have purchased: MonoPrice Hard Case 19” x 16” x 8”Table Top Mic StandHeil PRSM Shock MountHeil PR-40 MicrophoneSony MDR-7506 HeadphonesCase for Sony Headphones6ft XLR Mic Cable Important Link: Be sure to listen to Episode 668 of The Cliff Ravenscraft Show to hear the audio quality of the additional gear above to my portable podcast studio setup as compared to what you can hear in episode 003 of this podcast. Segment 2 My 2021 Podcast Content Strategy I was recently asked to share my thoughts on either the future of podcasting or what I think that podcast producers "should" do to take their own podcasting efforts to the next level. I am not one who is into "predicting" the future of technology. Instead, I prefer to keep my focus on what is available, in the present moment, that allows me to create a powerful, profound and positive impact in the lives of others. I also attempt to AVOID sharing what I think other podcasters "should do." Though, I admit, I've been known to "should on" podcasters occasionally. My apologies... Just Be Yourself! To answer the question that was posed, I simply decided to share my own 2021 Podcast Content Strategy. It is not a recommendation of what you should do but simply a source of potential inspiration of what you might consider as an option for yourself. Jaime Legagneur and Sid Meadows joined one of my recent Ask Me Anything rooms on Clubhouse. In this second segment of the episode, I share the conversation that I had with Jaime and Sid. Learn More About My Clubhouse Rooms going to MindsetAnswerMan.com/clubhouse. Here are the topics covered in this segment "Jake of All Trades, Master of None Is Often Better Than Master of One." Check out my other podcasts I have other podcast shows that you might like. Check out https://www.cliffravenscraft.com/podcast to see a list of shows that I produce. Let's Work Together: If you are ready to take your message, your business and your life to the next level, check out my Work With Me Page to see how we can work together.


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003 - How To Create A Professional Sounding Live Podcast From The Front Seat of Your Car

In this episode, I share a solution for recording full-production, high quality sounding podcasts right from the front seat of your car. Here is a list of the gear that I used to create this episode... Rodecaster Pro!3ft XLR Mic CableAT 2100 dynamic microphoneFoam windscreenSony MDR-7506 HeadphonesTRRS male to male patch cableApple Lightning to TRRS female adapterRode DCUSB1 DC to USB Power CableRavPower 26,800mAh Power Bank / portable battery packCasematix Studio Mixer Hard Case Compatible With RodeCaster Also, in this episode, I answer the question as to why I brought back the Podcast Answer Man podcast after all these years. Be sure to check out my other podcasts Click Here To Learn More About My One-on One Coaching


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002 - How To Overcome Impostor Syndrome

In this episode, I share four simple steps to overcome impostor syndrome. And then simple invite them to join you on the journey. Here are the links to the two podcasts that I mentioned in this episode: The Community VoiceLord of The Rings Fan Podcast And don't forget to check out my Work With Me Page to learn more about the Next Level Mastermind and on my One-on-One coaching.
