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Listen to the weekly audio messages from Resonate Church



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Packaging a Promise

Most of us probably feel like there's something God has promised us, something specific for our lives. But then life doesn't go the way we think it should, and we're left like a kid on Christmas unwrapping a gift to find it's not what we asked for. God loves to give us good gifts, but those gifts are not the best He has for us. Whether or not we get whatever "presents" we ask God for, He'll never fail to deliver something far better: His presence.


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Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

Have you ever felt like a misfit? It's easy to believe we don't belong because of what we've done, what we've done to us, or even what we think we are. But God doesn't see us like that. He's in the business of taking the most unlikely, unqualified people and redeeming them for something greater than they could ever imagine. That's His offer to every one of us; all we have to do is accept it. Note: Due to copyright restrictions, we are unable to include the clips from Rudolph the Red-Nosed...


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Miracle on 34th St.

For many of us, this time of year in our childhoods was defined by one person: Santa Claus. We believed that while we were asleep on Christmas Eve, a jolly old man would come down the chimney and bring us presents. It was the most magical time of the year. Now our beliefs in Santa may have changed, but what about our belief in God? Most of us probably believe there is a God, but when life gets hard and confusing, do we really believe what God says? Note: Due to copyright restrictions, we...


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Home Alone

In Home Alone, Kevin McCallister is "lost" and faces thieves coming to steal from him. This makes for a great Christmas movie, but it also mirrors the story we all find ourselves in. Everyone of us is or has been lost, and there is a thief coming to steal, kill, and destroy. But for those of us who know Jesus, we don't have to worry about the thief. But will we take on the responsibility of doing whatever it takes to get to those who are still lost? Note: Due to copyright restrictions, we...


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Too Far Gone

Is there anyone in your life that you think is beyond help? It's easy to pay lip service to the idea that salvation if for everyone, but we all probably know some people who we'd never expect to be saved. When the church was beginning, most of the entire world seemed outside the lines. The whole world was changed as a result of grace reaching those that the early Christians would have written off. That same grace is available today, and there's no one it can't reach.


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Words have a lot of power. They can wound or they can heal, encourage or discourage, give life or take it. Like the rudder of a ship, our tongues can take us to our destination or steer us into disaster. It's up to us to use our words wisely and harness their power to bring life to the world around us.


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The Prison of Offense

It's easy to be offended in our world today, and often with good reason. We've all had things done to us, either intentionally or not, that hurt us. We have the right to be offended. But when we choose to hold on to that offense, all it does it hurt us more. We can lock ourselves away in a prison of our own offenses, or we can seize the opportunity to let go and offer grace.


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Along the Way

What's your story? We all have a path that we've walked to get where we are now, and we'll keep walking into the future. Whether our stories are full of dramatic events or they seems "boring," God is working in each of our lives. An encounter with God changes us in an instant, but it doesn't stop there. God will use the people in our lives to keep growing us as long as we live. Who are we letting shape us, and whose lives are we shaping?


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Gatorade and Grace

What keeps us from experiencing the grace we expect from God? If we believe that He wants to give His grace to us, then why don't we always experience it? God is ready and waiting to pour out His grace for us; all we have to do is break the seal and drink.


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Struggles and the Price Tag on Grace

How can a good God let bad things happen to us? If God gives us grace, why don't our lives look like it sometimes? When we go through trials, it's easy to wonder what God's up to. We have a picture of grace in our heads, and we think we've earned it. But that's not how grace works. Grace doesn't come easy, and we can't earn it in the first place. It may not look like what we expect, but if we let God work, we'll see a picture of His grace that is far greater than the one we've tried to earn.


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Dying Grace

Christians like to talk about this idea of "grace," but if we're honest, it doesn't always line up with our idea of God. Sometimes we can look at God as a bully, or as a stickler for the rules waiting to zap us with a punishment as soon as we step out of line. But that isn't really God's character. In the Bible, we see a God who shows up in every circumstance and gives us more than we could ever need or deserve no matter what we're going through.


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Waiting Tables

Who does the work of the church? Is it the pastor? The church staff? An elite few who are gifted and called? God doesn't just call pastors and people in full time ministry, He calls every single person who knows Him to be a part of what He's doing. When each of us works in our own way to bring the message of God to people, extraordinary things can and will happen.


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GLOW pt. 2

Every one of us is called to be a light in the world. As Christians, our goal should be to shine a light into the darkness. But being light is a big goal, and it can be pretty hard. We all face circumstances that don't seem very "bright." So how do we do it? What are some practical steps to make sure we shine a lasting light into the world no matter what happens in our lives?


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Glow in the Dark

Light is perhaps the most powerful force of nature. We're drawn to it. We use it to represent goodness. We even need it to survive. Followers of Jesus are called to be the light of the world. That's a powerful statement. If that's true, then everyone around us should be drawn to the light we give off. But where does that light come from? In the darkest places in the world, how can we shine a light so bright that everyone who sees it can't help but be drawn in?


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Masks and Movements

The word "hypocrite" has almost become synonymous with Christians. And why wouldn't it? Anyone who's known someone who claims to follow Jesus has probably seen them fail to live up to their own ideals. Falling short is just a part of being human, but that doesn't mean it has to define us. We can choose to wear a mask and pretend to be a perfect person that we obviously aren't, or we can live honestly in our brokenness and watch God work.


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"Safety" is something we all want. We've probably prayed for it, asking God to protect us or our loved ones. That's not a bad thing. It's only natural to want to be safe. But if that's our goal, we won't see everything God has for us. Safety doesn't see great movements of God. Living the lives God wants for us means stepping out of our "safe" comfort zones and risking it all on God's plans.


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Catch the Wave

We all want to feel refreshed. It's often one of our biggest prayers. God promises refreshment in the Bible, but the problem is that we often aren't ready when he sends it. For all of us, there are areas of our life where we are going the wrong way. To experience everything great that God has for us, we have to turn around.


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Keep On Running

We all feel discouraged sometimes. Life can be difficult. It can feel like we're all in a race, and we're falling behind. God knows our struggles, and he wants to encourage us. When things get hard, he will come alongside us and tell us to keep going. Guest speaker Jake Baird from Comeback City Church shares four things that God tells us when we need His help to keep running.


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A Lame Man, Disappointment, and a Rawlings Big Stick

We've all probably not gotten something we really wanted. Maybe it's a job, health, a relationship, or a family. Whatever the situation, we've all felt like a kid on Christmas, waiting for that special toy that just wasn't under the tree. When disappointment hits, it can feel like God hasn't come through. He hasn't given us what we asked for. But these moments aren't God's rejection, but an invitation. All we have to do is trust God and watch what we thought we wanted be replaced by...


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The Mission, Not a Man

Why do we do church? Have you ever thought about it? We get up on Sunday mornings and go to church, we sing and pray and maybe we even give and serve, but do we really know the reason? The church is called to something great, and that calling is far beyond what any one person can carry. If we follow a man, no matter how good he is, we'll fail. Following God's plan for the church means moving beyond a person and getting behind a mission.
