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Technology Podcasts

Lew & Adam navigate through the land of technology and gadgets in an ever-changing landscape.


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Lew & Adam navigate through the land of technology and gadgets in an ever-changing landscape.





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060: The Final Countdown

All good things must come to an end at some point. Lew does his last movie review. Adam and Lew reflect on their favorite moments and episodes. Stay tuned to Creative Genius for more great podcasts in 2019!


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059: Second Life: Loading…

Is the world around you still loading? Adam and Lew discuss if everything we know is just a simulation. Lew learns paperless pro-tips. Adam discusses next weeks change up.


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058: Printing in 3D

3D printing, is it a fad? This week Adam and Lew talk all things 3D printing and the future. Lew voices his displeasure for DST. Adam _finally_ fixes some Thunderbolt bridge issues.


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057: F.L.O.S.S. for Votes

Are you still voting with stone and chisel? Adam and Lew discuss the current state of the voting system. Lew gives a not so scary movie update. Adam may never sit at his desk again.


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056: Driving to Drivertown

Do you build it or buy it? Adam and Lew discuss building a custom machine. Lew asks some n00b questions. Adam gets mesmerized by pretty lights.


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055: Defragging the Internet… Legally

Are the days of the free and open internet numbered? Adam and Lew discuss regional laws and the impacts on the future of the web. Adam follows up with some yes-versation. Lew talks about the land of me, myself and I.


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054: Frank (chatbot) is typing…

Phone Tree 2.0? Yes. Chatbots are here to take your fast food order. Lew gives his exhaustive Lord of the Rings movie review. Adam can’t be bothered by keyboard drivers. Plus, Lew shows some leg in LuLuLemon.


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053: Photography ft. Colton von Pertz

Special Guest Colton joins to discuss photography’s evolution and future. Adam requires ELI5 explanations. Colton's unleashes some history knowledge. Lew teases his LoTR movie review. Find Colton on Twitter & Instagram @heli_cvp


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052: Like Gladiator… but with Robots

Let's get ready to rumble! In one corner a vacuum, the other a lawn mower. Lew and Adam talk BattleBots and imagine the ultimate kamikaze bot. Who whill reign supreme? Also, Adam polices grammar and Lew gets a new wrist gadget.


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051: Adam is My Machine Learning Model

Are you smarter than a 5th Grade-AI? Machine Learning is all the rage, so prep your models and crunch some data. Adam gets blindsided by Lew's movie quote knowledge. Also, Lew dips his toes into yoga practice (sort of).


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050: Your TV Only Has 2 Dimensions

Grab your popcorn, 3D glasses, and remote… sit back and watch (or rather listen) to Episode 50 🎉 Lew is prepping for foosball by scouting TVs. Adam still uses some ancient tech. Here's to 50 more episodes!


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049: My Mom was the OG Waze

"You have arrived at your destination" Adam & Lew navigate their way through the current state of mapping apps. Long live AAA Maps! Adam is shocked by Lew's movie review. Lew struggles to find his creativity.


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048: The Mullet of Desktops

Smells of rich mahogany, with many leather-bound books. Adam & Lew discuss their current physical desk setups. Lew needs to invest in longer cables. Adam proudly displays his coveted Beanie Baby. You stay classy San Diego.


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047: Teach a Man to Phish

CLICK HERE TO RESET PASSWORD. Learn how to not get hooked by phishing attacks or scams. Lew spent too much $$$ on WiFi. Adam pulls up his shorts for a workout.


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046: Yo Move Out the Way, A Hurricane’s on its way

How’s the weather outside? Lew craves all of the weather data. Adam is a spoiled Californian. The forecast calls for more weather app reviews.


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045: Peloton® on the Driveway

Adam and Lew do a mid-year fitness check in. Adam’s way of dieting is Taco Bell and Lew discusses why he does not work out in the garage or the driveway. Lew explains how he diets during the holidays. If you want a throwback listen to Adam and Lew discuss their goals for this year in episode 22.


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044: It Depends on My Mood

Sit back and cruise as Adam discusses mood setting with music, while Lew weights the cognitive load of his music selection. Adam and Lew discuss their favorite albums of the day and Adam contemplates how much thigh is to much.


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BONUS: The Guy Who Got Mashed Potatoes at a Buffet

Special Guest Dominic helps celebrate Independence Day by discussing BBQ and cooking (and any tech that goes with it). Adam orders bad cuts of steak. Dom wages war against mashed potatoes.


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043: The Push That Pushed Too Far

Ding! 500 Unread Items. Lew & Adam notify eachother of their notification preferences, FOMO and information overload. How much push could a push notif push if a push notif could push notif?


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042: Love Letter to OmniFocus ❤️

Getting Things Done! Adam is a little too excited to talk about productivity apps (mainly OmniFocus). Adam & Lew break down their workflows for task management. Lew gets his Hoarders episode list. Conversations quickly evolve into a love letter to the OmniGroup,
