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The Music NFT Podcast

Technology Podcasts

Helping musicians understand Web3 without the jargon. A weekly podcast about Music NFTs. Combined 30+ years experience in legacy music


United States


Helping musicians understand Web3 without the jargon. A weekly podcast about Music NFTs. Combined 30+ years experience in legacy music



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Building Your B-Roll Arsenal and the NFT Mastercard Artist Accelerator Returns for Season 2! | Ep99.

In today's episode, we're diving into two exciting topics that every musician should know about. First off, we'll talk about the importance of creating a B-Roll warchest of content for yourself as a musician. Ever find yourself thinking, "I don't have anything to post"? Well, having a library of behind-the-scenes footage, live performances, and snippets of your creative process can help you overcome that hurdle. We'll discuss why it's essential and share some tips on how to build your own B-Roll arsenal. Next, we'll discuss some fantastic news for aspiring musicians: the Mastercard Artist Accelerator is back for Season 2! This program offers invaluable resources and mentorship to help up-and-coming artists succeed in the music industry. We'll talk about what the accelerator offers and how you can get involved. Tune in to learn more and get inspired!


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This Insane new Song Creation AI SUNO and the US Tik Tok Ban Threat | Ep98.

In today's podcast, we're talking about two exciting things happening in the world of music and social media! First up, we'll dive into, a brand-new AI tool that lets you create songs just by typing in text prompts. How cool is that? We'll explore how it works and discuss the possibilities it opens up for music creators everywhere. Next, we'll chat about the latest buzz surrounding TikTok. Did you know that TikTok is facing another possible ban in the US? Yup, it's true! We'll take a closer look at what's going on and how it could impact the millions of TikTok users out there.


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Coachella Returns with even more NFTs, While Warpcast Gives Free Cash to Creators! | Ep97.

In this podcast episode, we're sharing some super cool news! First off, Coachella, are back and they're adding even more NFTs! But that's not all! There's a new web3 social platform called Warpcast. They're giving free money to creators! Yup, you heard it right. If you're a creator making cool stuff, you could get some free cash from Warpcast. So, whether you're a music fan excited about Coachella's NFTs or a creator looking to score some free money with Warpcast, this episode is full of exciting news you won't want to miss!


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How NFTs Could Rescue Failing Licensed Venues & Fred Agains Sydney Show | Ep96.

In this episode, we kick things off by delving into the ingenous marketing strategies of Fred Again during his live shows. Join us as we recount our recent experience in Sydney during his Australian Tour, shedding light on his innovative approach to engaging fans and creating unforgettable experiences. Moving forward, we shift our focus to the challenges confronting licensed venues amidst today's rapidly evolving landscape. With declining attendance and escalating operational expenses, many venues find themselves grappling to stay afloat in an increasingly competitive market. However, we firmly believe that the integration of NFTs and Web3 technologies holds the potential to breathe new life into the live music scene. Through the utilisation of blockchain technology, venues can explore innovative revenue streams like NFT ticketing, fractional ownership, and engaging fan initiatives. Whether you're a passionate music enthusiast, a vested venue owner, or simply intrigued by the future of live entertainment, this episode offers invaluable insights into the transformative capabilities of NFTs and Web3. Tune in to discover how these emerging technologies could revolutionise the way we experience and engage with live music, reshaping the industry landscape for the better.


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How Fred Again's Australian Adventure is Setting the Standard for Crafting Communities | Ep95.

Join us as we shine a spotlight on Fred Again, the innovative artist whose Australian tour is redefining how fan communities are crafted and nurtured. Fred Again's immersive experience Down Under is setting a new standard for connecting artists with their fans. From intimate live performances to arenas, Fred Again is pioneering a model that prioritises genuine connections and shared experiences. We'll delve into the impact of these initiatives on both artists and fans, exploring how they foster creativity, inspire collaboration, and cultivate a sense of belonging within the fan community. Learn how Fred Again's approach is breaking down barriers and reimagining the relationship between creators and their audiences. Whether you're a music enthusiast seeking meaningful connections or an artist looking to forge deeper bonds with your fans, this episode offers valuable insights into the power of crafting communities through music. It's a journey you won't want to miss, right here on the Music NFT Podcast!


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Pre-Save, Pre-Listen, Pre-NFT:'s Innovative Approach to Music Release | Ep94.

In this episode of the Music NFT Podcast we dive into's revolutionary concept, which allows listeners to pre-save and pre-listen to music before its official release date. We'll uncover how this innovative platform is changing the game for artists, fans, and the music industry as a whole. From building anticipation and engagement to empowering fans with early access and a Free NFT. Our discussion will delve into the benefits and challenges of this approach, exploring how it's creating new opportunities for artists to connect with their audience in meaningful ways. Whether you're a music enthusiast eager to discover new tunes or an artist seeking innovative ways to reach your fans, this episode offers valuable insights into the future of music distribution and consumption. Tune in to learn more about's pioneering approach to music!


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Universal Music Group's TikTok Exodus: What It Means for Independent Artists | Ep93.

In this episode of the Music NFT Podcast, we delve into the recent departure of Universal Music Group from TikTok's platform and its potential implications for independent artists. Join us as we dissect the reasons behind this move and explore the ripple effects it could have on the music industry landscape. We'll examine how Universal Music Group's decision might create opportunities for independent artists to shine on TikTok's platform. Could this shift in dynamics pave the way for a more level playing field, allowing emerging talents to garner greater visibility and recognition? Our discussion will also touch upon the broader implications of major labels' relationships with social media platforms and the evolving power dynamics within the music industry. What does this move signify for the future of artist-label partnerships and distribution strategies? Whether you're a music creator navigating the digital landscape or a music enthusiast curious about industry trends, this episode offers valuable insights into the evolving dynamics of music promotion and distribution.


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Gamification of Music NFTs is "Giving Artists the Tools to Take an Uber" (interview w/ Nigel Eccles) | Ep92.

In this exclusive episode of the Music NFT Podcast we sit down with Nigel Eccles, the CEO of Vault Music, to explore the convergence of Music NFTs and gamification. Join us as we dive into how the newly launched Fantasy Record Label is finally giving artists enough money to catch an Uber home from their gig. We'll uncover how gamification can reshape the Music NFT landscape, making it more engaging and interactive for both artists and fans. Nigel Eccles shares insights into Vault Music's pioneering efforts to create immersive experiences that go beyond traditional music distribution. Tune in to hear how gamification is giving artists the tools to drive their music careers forward. It's a visionary conversation you won't want to miss, right here on the Music NFT Podcast! Talk to us:


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We Found This NFT That Links to your Spotify Listening History! | Ep91.

In this week's episode we chat about Greta Van Fleets drop that connects to your listening history and gives you a label according to what you listen to. Bonus!!! You get to collect your listener type as an NFT. We'll discuss the potential benefits and implications of this concept for music enthusiasts, collectors, and the broader music industry. How might this NFT redefine the way we experience and share music? We also chat about consistency, IRL wristband NFT and the AOMetaverse 2024 benefits. Whether you're a music lover, a blockchain enthusiast, or someone curious about the future of personal data ownership, this episode offers a glimpse into the evolving landscape of music and technology.


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ARIAs 2023: The Best Yet, But Does Anyone Care? | Ep90.

ARIAs 2023: The Best Yet, But Does Anyone Care? In this episode of Music NFT Podcast we turn our attention to the Australian music scene and the recent ARIA Awards. The ARIAs have been making headlines as their 2023 event is hailed as the best yet. But the big question remains: does anyone really care? We discuss whether traditional award ceremonies like the ARIAs still capture the attention and excitement of music enthusiasts and the wider public. Whether you're a fan of Australian music, a follower of award ceremonies, or simply curious about the evolving landscape of music recognition, this episode provides a critical look at the ARIAs' place in the contemporary music world. Tune in to join the conversation as we ponder whether the ARIAs' best event yet has truly resonated with today's music audience. It's a discussion you won't want to miss, right here on the Music NFT Podcast.


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Top 20% of Music NFT Artists Rake in 80% of the Revenue | Ep89.

In this episode of the Music NFT Podcast, we delve into the stark income disparity among artists in the space. Join us how such a small portion of Music NFT artists are taking home a whopping 80% of the revenue. We'll discuss the factors contributing to this divide, from established artists leveraging their existing fan base to emerging talents striving to make their mark. What strategies do the top earners employ, and how can aspiring artists navigate this landscape to achieve their own success? We'll also examine the implications of this distribution divide on the music industry as a whole, as well as the broader themes of fairness and opportunity in the NFT space.


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Evolving Music NFTs are the ticket to a viral hit | Ep88.

In this episode, we venture into the exciting realm of evolving music NFTs that reward artists and fans as they gather more streams. Join us as we uncover how these NFTs are revolutionising the way artists engage with their audiences. These innovative tokens don't just represent ownership; they evolve and unlock additional perks as their associated songs gain more streams. We'll dive into the mechanics of these dynamic NFTs, exploring how they work, what benefits they offer, and how they're changing the game for musicians and fans alike. Discover how artists can use this technology to incentivise streaming, engage their fan base, and earn more from their music. Whether you're a music enthusiast, a blockchain buff, or simply curious about the future of music distribution, this episode offers a glimpse into the transformative potential of evolving music NFTs. Tune in to learn how this groundbreaking technology is ushering in a new era of music appreciation, where more streams mean more rewards. It's a musical journey you won't want to miss, right here on The Music NFT Podcast.


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Music Festival Bags an Extra 50k Through VIP NFTs | Ep87.

In this episode of Music NFT Podcast, we take you behind the scenes of a music festival that did something extraordinary to boost its revenue—an extra 50,000 dollars extraordinary! Discover how this forward-thinking festival leveraged NFT technology to offer exclusive VIP packages, complete with unique NFT tokens. We'll dive into the details of how these digital collectibles transformed the fan experience, providing access to premium perks, backstage passes, and unforgettable memories. We'll also explore the broader implications of VIP NFTs for the music industry, including how they can empower festivals, artists, and fans alike. Is this the future of live music events, where every fan can become a VIP? Follow us:


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Empowering Musicians: Zora's Game-Changing Move to Facilitate Free Music NFT Collections | Ep86.

In this episode of the Music NFT Podcast, we explore the groundbreaking move by Zora, a platform that's empowering musicians like never before. We delve into Zora's game-changing decision to facilitate free music NFT collections, revolutionizing how musicians can connect with their fans and monetize their art. Discover how this move is democratizing the music industry, allowing artists to create and share NFTs without upfront costs. We discuss the implications of this shift, from enabling emerging artists to establish themselves in the NFT space to providing established musicians with new avenues for fan engagement and revenue generation. Join us as we explore the fascinating intersection of music, NFTs, and blockchain technology. Whether you're a music enthusiast, a tech aficionado, or simply curious about the future of music distribution, this episode promises to provide insights and inspiration. Tune in to learn how Zora's visionary move is putting the power back in the hands of musicians, redefining the relationship between artists and their audiences, and changing the game for the music industry. It's a revolutionary story you won't want to miss, right here on the Music NFT Podcast! Follow us


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Ep85. Spotify's Surprising Turnaround: How AI Might Pave the Way for a Programmer's Grammy Win!

In this episode of The Music NFT Podcast, we dive into the unexpected twist in Spotify's AI journey. Spotify has taken a bold step that could rewrite the music industry's playbook. Join us as we unpack Spotify's intriguing about-face and its potential to create a seismic shift in the music world. We explore how this move could even open the door for a programmer to claim the music industry's most prestigious award—the Grammy! Follow along:


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Ep84. Gambling on New Music Fridays

This week we delve into the future of music and investing. Imagine a world where music meets the stock market on Spotifys New Music Fridays. Exploring the concept of music NFTs that allow fans to invest in songs like they're trading stocks. Join us as we discuss how platforms like Spotify could revolutionize the music industry by introducing NFTs tied to new song releases. These NFTs would enable fans to invest in the potential success of a track, much like investing in a stock. Will it be the next chart-topper? Will it go viral? Fans would have the opportunity to put their money where their musical instincts are. We'll explore how this innovation could create a whole new dimension of fan engagement. Picture fans making bets on whether a song will become a smash hit or a sleeper hit, all while owning a piece of that musical journey.


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Ep83. Unravelling Limewire's AI Studio and 3 x Music NFT UK Chart-Topping Drops

Join us as we discuss the potential implications of AI-driven music production and its impact on artists, producers, and the music industry as a whole. Additionally, we unravel the exciting journey of how three Music NFT drops achieved chart-topping success in the UK Follow us:


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Ep82. Seeds of Creativity: Beatstars' New Generative AI Plugin

From AI-assisted composition to the potential challenges and opportunities in the evolving landscape, we discuss the transformative role AI is playing in reshaping the music industry. Tune in to this episode to gain insights on the future of music production and creativity. Follow Us:


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Ep81. What if we lived in a world where Spotify wrapped was an evolving NFT fan badge?

Join us as Brok & Aaron dive into the potential benefits of merging NFT technology with the popular Spotify Wrapped feature. From personalized fan experiences to creating a lasting connection between artists and their supporters, we discuss the implications of this innovative idea. Along with an introduction to BandCamps newest product Listening Parties. Follow Us:


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Ep80. X Gon Give It To YA: Elon Musk's Twitter Name Change and Its Impact on Creators

In this episode, we explore the buzz created by Elon Musk's intriguing Twitter name change and the ripple effects it had on creators and their online presence, alongside the obnoxious money being shelled out via the twitter creator program. Follow Us:
