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Episode 21 - Beyond The Wall

Robert is flying solo this week due to Al's school conflict. He talks about his disappointment with "Beyond the Wall" and what might happen in the finale on Sunday. Shorter because it's only one person talking at you, so why not listen before Sunday's season finale? Thanks as always for listening!


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Episode 20 - Eastwatch

It's our 20th episode! Thanks to everyone that has listened to this podcast to help us reach this milestone. This week, we broke down all the stuff that happened in "Eastwatch," an episode named for a place that shows up in the credit sequence for the first time but only in the episode for five minutes. We then wildly speculate about the penultimate episode of Season 7 - "Beyond the Wall" - and what might transpire there and elsewhere in Westeros this week. We also present a wild theory...


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Episode 19 - The Spoils of War

In our latest episode, we chat about "The Spoils of War," a possible entrant in the Top 5 of Game of Thrones episodes ever. Then we wildly speculate about what we expect from Sunday night as the season winds down. Thanks as always for listening and let us know what you think!


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Episode 18 - The Queen's Justice

We recap what happened in "The Queen's Justice," Episode 3 of the current season of Game of Thrones and how it will kick of some fiery things in the next episode on Sunday. Thanks as always for listening, and we promise that we didn't watch the leaked episode ahead of time!


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Episode 17 - Stormborn

In this week's episode, we chat about the happenings in Westeros from Episode 2 of Season 7 - "Stormborn." Then, we preview what we think is coming in Episode 3 - "The Queen's Justice." Thanks as always for listening and feel free to leave a comment below!


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Episode 16 - Dragonstone

In Episode 16, we pay our respects to Chester Bennington from Linkin Park who unfortunately passed away this week. Then, we talked about "Dragonstone," the season premiere of Season 7 of Game of Thrones. We closed with some predictions for Sunday's Episode 2, entitled "Stormborn." Feel free to leave a comment below about the episode or if there is anything else that you would like us to talk about on future episodes. Thanks, as always, for listening!


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Episode 15 - We're Back! (After 361 Days)

We quickly preview the upcoming season of Game of Thrones with some of the things we are expecting, talk briefly about Vinny Chase and the boys from Entourage, and I get a little inside baseball talking about podcast downloads towards the end. Have a listen, and thanks as always for listening!


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Episode 14 - Just Google Mike Pence

It's been almost three weeks but we're back! We talked about the delay to the upcoming Game of Thrones season and the handful of Emmy nominations the show received. We then dive into world events, like the failed coup in Turkey, before turning our attention to the state of the U.S. presidential election. We close with a discussion on the Pokemon Go! phenomenon and the recent sale of the UFC for $ billion. Thanks for being patience with us as we took some time off for the 4th of July and...


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Episode 13 - The Winds of Winter

In this episode, we wrap up the Game of Thrones season with our discussion of "The Winds of Winter." Cersei pretty much eliminates all her King's Landing threats in grand fashion, Jon is anointed KINGINDANORF by Young Lady Lyanna Mormont, and Daenerys finally sets sail with the largest fleet and army in the known world (though the Night's King might have something to say about that). We briefly touch on some of our thoughts where the story will go in the future, but we try to keep the...


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Episode 12 - Battle of the Bastards

In this episode, we take an in-depth look at "Battle of the Bastards," the penultimate episode of Season 6 of Game of Thrones. Topics discussed include Sansa's treatment of Jon regarding her hidden Army, what Dany and all her boats mean for the Mereneese knot, and the demise of the Lord of Winterfell. We spend that last bit of the episode discussing many of the possibilities for Episode 10 - "The Winds of Winter" - and where everyone might end up at the end of the season. Thanks for...


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Episode 11 - Love For Orlando

With 49 dead, and 53 wounded, the mass shooting at Pulse night club in Orlando in the early morning of June 12th is the deadliest mass shooting in American history. In this special episode, Al and I have a discussion about the tragic events in Orlando over the weekend and discuss what sensible gun control would look like in this country. There are a lot of things we agree on, but this wasn't about politics; it was about two friends talking through their feelings about the past weekend....


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Episode 10 - No One

In this episode, Al and I discuss "No One," the most recent episode of Game of Thrones. We try to figure out what exactly happened in Braavos, what Cersei's next move might be, and new developments in Mereen. Then, with no idea what next week will be about because of a lack of synopsis from HBO, we try to figure out what all the various images from the trailer mean for "Battle of the Bastards." As always, thanks for listening and let us know what you think!


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Episode 9 - The Broken Man

In this episode, we talk about "The Broken Man," Episode 7 and the reappearance of a couple of favorite characters. We have Sandor Clegane, in his first appearance since the end of Season 4, in the Riverlands with the smallfolk building a church with Brother Ray (played expertly by Ian McShane). Brynden "The Blackfish" Tully makes his first appearance on screen since the Red Wedding and parlays with Jaime Lannister, who arrives in the Riverlands with his right hand man Bronn, who himself was...


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Episode 8 - Blood of My Blood

In this episode, we discuss the recent developments from Episode 6 - "Blood of My Blood" - and what it all means for the major players involved. We talk about how it is nice to see some long gone characters return to the fray, as well as an introduction of a new character that lives up to the hype. Then, as we preview Episode 7 - "The Broken Man" - we cover a lot of ground on what is happening in the Riverlands with the much anticipated return of another long-lost character, as well as how...


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Episode 7 - Summer Movie Preview

In this episode, we take a break from recapping Game of Thrones to chat about some of the summer movies that we're excited for, including Suicide Squad, The Legend of Tarzan, and Jason Bourne. We also present two movies that might be a little off the radar - Me Before You and Yoga Hosers. Feel free to let us know what movies you're excited for this summer in the comments below! Thanks, as always, for listening!


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Episode 6 - The Door

In our latest episode, delayed a couple of days for reasons, we break down the heroic end of Hodor, Sansa coming into her own at Castle Black, and the disappointing start to the reign of Euron Greyjoy. Then, we look forward to Sunday's episode "Blood of My Blood," with a discussion of the Lannister's pending showdown with the Faith and the other looming plot lines from next week. Find the podcast at your favorite podcast location by clicking here. Thanks for listening!


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Episode 5 - Book of the Stranger

In this episode, Al and I talk about the most recent episode of Game of Thrones, Season 6, entitled “Book of the Stranger.” We focus on the North, with all the happenings in Winterfell and Castle Black, as well as the fiery end to a tent full of khals in Vaes Dothrak. Then, in discussing this Sunday's episode, we cover what the Kingsmoot in the Iron Islands could mean for Daenerys and her return to Winterfell.


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Episode 4 - Oathbreaker

In this episode, Al and I talk about the most recent episode of Game of Thrones, Season 6, entitled "Oathbreaker." We focused primarily on the much discussed Tower of Joy fight scene between Young Eddard Stark and Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning; happenings at the Wall in the wake of the Jon Snow resurrection; and the impact of a gift given to Ramsay Bolton at Winterfell. Then, focus turns to what to expect in Episode 4 - "The Book of the Stranger" and all the potential...


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Episode 3 - Home

In this episode, we take a victory lap for predicting how the Jon Snow resurrection scene was going to play out, and a minor pat on the back for predicting that Ramsay would ultimately kill his family. Then, we look ahead to next episode, with a bit of a focus on the Greyjoys and some more talk about Jon Snow, Ramsay, and other pet theories that kind of live in the ether. Hope you enjoy! Find Bicoastal Podcast on the following podcast providers: iTunes / Stitcher / Soundcloud / TuneIn /...


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Episode 2 - The Red Woman

In this episode, we discuss what happened in Episode 1, Season 6 of Game of Thrones, entitled The Red Woman, focusing on the ever frustrating plot in Dorne and all the excitement happening in the North. We close with a discussion on what to expect based on the preview for next week's episode, entitled Home, and what we might see the rest of the season as well.
