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The Cacao Crowd

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Grab your mug and your cacao, and get ready for some laughs as you join Meagan Hopper and the Cacao Crowd on an exploration of healing, empowerment, and loving yourself a little bit more each day. Each week we’ll share a cup of cacao and go over the ingredients so you can learn about new additives and their effects in order for you to incorporate them at home. We’ll get a little silly and a little smarter with our “random thought of the week” (always good for bar trivia). And we’ll chat about some healing techniques for you to integrate in your journey, often bringing in some of my friends to help. Ultimately, we’re gonna have a great time, have some wonderful cacao, and create a space for you to just be you.


United States


Grab your mug and your cacao, and get ready for some laughs as you join Meagan Hopper and the Cacao Crowd on an exploration of healing, empowerment, and loving yourself a little bit more each day. Each week we’ll share a cup of cacao and go over the ingredients so you can learn about new additives and their effects in order for you to incorporate them at home. We’ll get a little silly and a little smarter with our “random thought of the week” (always good for bar trivia). And we’ll chat about some healing techniques for you to integrate in your journey, often bringing in some of my friends to help. Ultimately, we’re gonna have a great time, have some wonderful cacao, and create a space for you to just be you.



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Ask Me Anything

Now is your turn to ask me ANYTHING! Been wondering about a modality? An experience you’ve had? A question about your diet? The best modality to start your journey? Where do I come up with my facts and meditations? Whatever your question, join me live to ask and get your answers! . Looking forward to your questions! Linktree #cacao #ceremonialcacao #askmeanything #healing #wellness #selflove


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Is It Fear?

Is fear what's holding you back from taking your first step in your spiritual journey? Are you worried what other people will say about you? Maybe it's cost or time. Let's dig into all of the reasons you haven't jumped into a sound bath or ceremony yet even though you've wanted to. Linktree


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St Patrick's Day: Then and Now

St. Patrick's Day has been my favorite holiday for some time. It's not because of the jameson, the green beer and bagels, or the parades, although those have all factored in at some point. Join me today in our own holiday celebration to learn about what makes this holiday so much more than a catholic celebration and why it's actually one of the most inclusive days of the year! #happystpatricksday #stpaddys #holiday #greenbeer #stpatricksday #celebration Linktree


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Detox has become a buzz word, a fad diet, a beautifully packaged juice cleanse you pick up at the hottest new LA storefront, but what is it? Is there a point to a detox or is it really just the next flash in the pan that will burn out as quickly as it came in? Linktree


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What Are Earseeds

What are Earseeds? You've heard me talk about them. Seen me apply them. But what are they? How did they start? Today's guests will be the creators of Tova and Elie. We'll chat about their beginnings, how earseeds came to be, and what's next for the duo (including a wellness summit). AND Wellness Summit Linktree


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What is a Spiritual Practitioner

What is a spiritual practitioner? How does someone become a spiritual practitioner? How do you choose the right spiritual practitioner to work with? Starting your spiritual journey is difficult enough. Finding someone to help you along your journey shouldn't be. Join me on this episode to make it easier. #spiritual #practitioner #journey LinkTree - Earseeds Virtual Summit


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Where Anger Comes From (Part 2)

Have you ever wondered where anger comes from? Could it be something more than just a hair-trigger reaction to an outside stimulus? In part two we're going to look at the energy of anger, what it's telling us, and the positive components of it #anger #wheredoesangercomefrom #angerisanenergy #theenergyofanger LinkTree - TRS Detox Spray - Milk Thistle and Schisandra Tinctures - EarSeeds - Book an Appointment -


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What To Do With Ceremonial Cacao

Since we have so many new listeners and people excited to work with cacao, we're going to go back to the basics of "What is Ceremonial Cacao" and "How to Work With Ceremonial Cacao". In this episode, we'll go through each step of the journey from how to prepare ceremonial cacao as a warm beverage to understanding some of the language used to how to re-ground after your work. #ceremonialcacao #whatiscacao #howtoworkwithcacao #whattodowithceremonialcacao Links LinkTree - Recommended items - cacao purchase link* * We participate in Affiliate Programs and earn from qualifying purchases.


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Work To Live

Everyone NEEDS a job, right? In order to be an accepted member of society, you need a stable place to live, you need a phone, internet, groceries, maybe a pet. Probably a car or at least access to a way to get around. There's costs. And to cover the costs of being an "acceptable member of society" you get a job. Sure, there are some jobs that are a little bit more flexible, but for most of us that means working for someone else for an agreed upon amount of money regardless of what that company or person gets at the end of the day. We have a fixed income. Maybe we're hourly so if we work more hours, we can make more, but then we break it down to we have a fixed amount of money each of our hours is worth. If that's the case, why do we still look at this as the best way to make a living for ourselves? Why do we "work to live"? Why do we say we'll "pay our dues then it'll be better"? What does that do to our well-being, our immunity, our health - mentally and physically? A LOT. LinkTree - Book an Appointment - Meagan's Metals Appointment I'm going live using StreamYard! Before leaving a comment, please grant StreamYard permission to see your name at


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Where Anger Comes From

Have you ever wondered where anger comes from? Could it be something more than just a hair-trigger reaction to an outside stimulus? What is your body trying to tell you when you feel anger, and is there anything you can do to help move it along? Join this week for all of this and more! LinkTree - TRS Detox Spray - Milk Thistle and Schisandra Tinctures - EarSeeds - Book an Appointment - I'm going live using StreamYard! Before leaving a comment, please grant StreamYard permission to see your name at #anger #wheredoesangercomefrom #angerisanenergy


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I Can’t Meditate

The absolute #1 comment I hear about why people don't "do the inner work" is because they can't meditate. Today we'll challenge that statement and look into what meditation really is. I'll teach you various methods of meditation as well. By the end of this episode, you won't be able to truthfully say "I can't meditate" ever again. LinkTree - Positivity Kit I'm going live using StreamYard! Before leaving a comment, please grant StreamYard permission to see your name at #meditation #meditate


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Distraction is OK

A train traveling 55mph or more can take up to a mile to come to a complete stop. It's the same with our thoughts. Tune in to hear about why distraction and procrastination can be good things and some mindful ways to distract yourself LinkTree - Adult coloring book: The Alchemist: The Power of Color: Knitting Kit: Grow Your Own Veggie Kit:


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The Essentials of Essential Oils

Essential Oils sound great in theory, but when you're standing in a store or staring at a website with all of these foreign-sounding names in front of you, how do you know which one to get? And then what do you do with it once you have it? Today we'll look at some key things to look for when choosing your essential oils, a few key oils to have, and how to most effectively use them. LinkTree -


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Growing Up Empath

Many of us grew up feeling sick without doctors being able to figure out why. We automatically "lit up a room" but walked out of it feeling awful. We felt unseen, even if we were in a room of hundreds. Join me and my friend Dorian as we go over some common empath childhood experiences and how to help the empaths in your life. If you are a parent or even just the parent of your own unhealed inner child, this is certainly an episode you don't want to miss. Dorian WK Instagram @dorianwk TikTok - LinkTree -


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Why am I Always Tired?

Do you feel tired ALL the time? Fatigued and sluggish? Maybe your digestion is slower than it used to be or you're always on edge. In this day and age suffering something they're calling "Adrenal Fatigue" is the new norm. Join me and my guest Miranda Hall Foster as we talk about some tell tale signs/symptoms and how to help yourself get through it Miranda Hall Foster IG @thrivewithmirandafoster email Meagan TikTok - LinkTree - I'm going live using StreamYard! Before leaving a comment, please grant StreamYard permission to see your name at


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Mindful Giving

Tis the season for giving! With so many holidays upon us all at once, the end of a year wrapping up, and all of the parties and events we're expected to attend, it's easy to get overwhelmed and just order something. On today's episode, we'll go over gifts with meaning, benefit, and whose purchase will support someone directly. These are the types of gifts that are unique and will really make an impact. The ones you can feel good about giving, maybe to yourself :) Linktree Anna Roween Jewelry Sourcefield Serenibee Candles Caol McDonald Art Twisted Sage The Nue Co My Products and TRS Quince HTTP://RWRD.IO/YX4GDDH Cacao


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Mindful Travel

Traveling should be a fun, exciting, and relaxing adventure, right? Then why do we end up needing a vacation from our vacation? Today we'll hear about some travel locations going the extra mile in mindfulness from specific resort offerings, destinations full of splendor and ripe for resets, and things you can do before, during, and after to help make your travels more balanced from our special guest Kaitlan Whitteberry of Whit Travel. TikTok - LinkTree -


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The Art of Reiki Healing

We've all hear of "energy" as it's used to power our devices and automobiles, but what about energy used to help us heal? You see it in machinery at hospitals like EKGs and shock pads, but today we'll talk about a more gentle and subtle energy that exists all around us, how to guide and direct it, and how it can help us heal and grow. Join me and my guest Evelyn from Sacred Healing Sessions to discuss Reiki, Holy Fire Reiki, and all the ways to work with it Evelyn: IG @sacredhealingsessions Meagan: linktree:


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Giving Thanks

Today is a day to be grateful! Let's celebrate it with techniques around gratitude. As the law of attraction states, you are a magnet for what you put out. Together we'll go over how to calibrate to an attitude of gratitude so your universe can be full of things that excite you! TikTok - LinkTree -


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Ears are the windows to the body (Auriculotherapy)

Are you tired all the time without a reason? Anxious even though nothing is really wrong? Maybe your allergies are going crazy or you just feel puffy? Well, there’s a spot on your ear that if you apply pressure, all those things can be helped. Tune in this week to learn those spots and all about auriculotherapy as a whole. Links Telegram - TikTok - LinkTree -
