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Welcome to dhaani - a well-being platform, where i will be sharing views , interviews , inspirations, expressions, glimpses and perspectives of our physical , emotional and spiritual self


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Welcome to dhaani - a well-being platform, where i will be sharing views , interviews , inspirations, expressions, glimpses and perspectives of our physical , emotional and spiritual self



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Fasting emancipates you - Imam Suhaib Webb (Part II)

Part II of a special conversation with one of my teachers, Imam Suhaib Webb Suhaib, William, Webb has a degree in Education from the University of Central Oklahoma, and Islamic Law from al-Azhar in Cairo. He was named as a "Faith Leader to Watch" by The Center for American Progress in 2016, selected by the Muslim Community as one of CNN’s 25 Most Influential Leaders; as well as one of "Five Hundred of the Most Influential Muslims" by the Royal Islamic Studies Center in 2021. He is was a resident scholar at the ICNYU and taught a course at NYU on Islamic Law and Ethics. He sits on the North American Fiqh Council, is a member of the International Union of Muslim Scholars and sits on the advisory board of the Political Theologic Network. His writings have appeared in the New York Times, and he has been on CNN, NBS, al-Jazeera, CBS and more. He runs an online school that focuses on functional religious literacy for English-speaking Muslims and currently serves as the Resident Scholar at Center DC in Washington DC. JazakAllah for listening


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Fasting is growth - Imam Suhaib Webb (Part I)

A special conversation with one of my teachers, Imam Suhaib Webb Suhaib, William, Webb has a degree in Education from the University of Central Oklahoma, and Islamic Law from al-Azhar in Cairo. He was named as a "Faith Leader to Watch" by The Center for American Progress in 2016, selected by the Muslim Community as one of CNN’s 25 Most Influential Leaders; as well as one of "Five Hundred of the Most Influential Muslims" by the Royal Islamic Studies Center in 2021. He is was a resident scholar at the ICNYU and taught a course at NYU on Islamic Law and Ethics. He sits on the North American Fiqh Council, is a member of the International Union of Muslim Scholars and sits on the advisory board of the Political Theologic Network. His writings have appeared in the New York Times, and he has been on CNN, NBS, al-Jazeera, CBS and more. He runs an online school that focuses on functional religious literacy for English-speaking Muslims and currently serves as the Resident Scholar at Center DC in Washington DC. JazakAllah for listening


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Messenger | رسول - Episode 129

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Trial | فتنه - Episode 128

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Moral Charachter | اخلاق - Episode 127

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Hameem | Friend - Episode 126

After a long hiatus, sharing with you the audio counterpart of qalb. thepsiritualheart, an Instagram page that briefly touches upon some of the commonly used words in the Holy Qur'an.


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Qalb | The Heart - Episode 125

After a long hiatus, sharing with you the audio counterpart of qalb. thepsiritualheart, an Instagram page that briefly touches upon some of the commonly used words in the Holy Qur'an.


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Intergenerational Trauma with Aisha Rasul - Episode 124

After a long hiatus we are back with a brilliant conversation with Aisha Rasul who in her own words is a "global nomad." Mother of 3 boys. Two teenagers & 1 young adult, Aisha had an early start in both marriage and mothering.Passionate about mental health & well being she has done a mix of trainings, courses, diplomas, certifications & worked intermittently. Then finally completed a two years masters program in 2020.Having lived in 3 countries outside of Pk , she is soon moving to a 4th one, navigating an expat life with the challenges of parenting children to the best or max of her abilities Aisha Rasul can be contacted on rasulaisha2012@gmail.com In this podcast we talk about: - What is trauma? - What is intergenerational trauma? and its various manifestations. - Mothership, expat lives! -Advice


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Love in its true form! - With Hosai Mojadiddi - Episode 123

We are in conversation with the Internationally acclaimed Hosai Mojadiddi, who has been serving the Muslim community for over 25 years as a teacher, public speaker, author/writer, spiritual counselor, and mental health advocate. She currently teaches self-development and spiritual development classes for adults and youth and is actively involved with promoting social-emotional learning and mental health advocacy to students and educators via workshops and training. She’s a wife and mother of two and resides in California. In this podcast she talked about : - Love in its true form from Allah - Human understanding of humane love - A focus towards Divine Love - Cleansing our hearts from malaise
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Pain , prose & poetry - With Dr. Azra Raza - Episode 122

Our guest on "dhaani" is Dr. Azra Raza - Describing her groundbreaking ideas in the highly acclaimed bestselling book, THE FIRST CELL: And the human costs of pursuing cancer to the last, She is bent upon shifting the treatment focus from trying to kill every last cancer cell to find the first and preventing cancer from developing altogether. Dr. Azra established cash awards at her alma-mater FG College, Islamabad, 20 years ago for the topmost students in Science, Urdu and Humanities. Dr. Azra started Urdu Mehfil in 1987 carefully reading Divan e Ghalib with the help of eleven sharahs over twenty years, and hosting writers, musicians, poets, politicians, and artists at home. The owner of ~10,000 books in Urdu and English, she co-authored GHALIB: Epistemologies of Elegance with Sara Suleri Goodyear. She jogs 3-5 km every day committing thousands of poetry verses to memory while running. In this podcast we talk about : - Grief - Urdu Language & Pakistani dramas - The Story of Shireen & Farhad - Goal & Purpose - Poetry by Ghalib, Mir Taqi Mir & Faiz Ahmed Faiz
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Emotional Intelligence with Farahnaz Zahidi Moazzam - Episode 121

Welcoming 2022 with a a subject/idea/ topic very very close to my heart. This is an excerpt of a talk which our guest speaker, Farahnaz Zahidi Moazzam conducted during one of the Online Yoga sessions. This short podcast is power packed with : - The different kinds of 'Nafs' - Acute awareness of our intentions - What triggers us, and how to manage our triggers 'intelligently' Thank you for tuning in and listening.


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What is forgiveness? - with Heydieh Soroush - Episode 120

Closing 2021 with this exceptional conversation with Heydieh Soroush, a specialist in spiritual healing through the Islamic tradition. She holds a Master of Science in Counseling and a Master of Divinity in Spiritual Healing and has spent over a decade helping clients connect with their hearts and live a life of presence and awareness through their connection with the Divine. Heydieh utilizes the healing power of prayers and mindfulness-based practices to guide clients in stepping into their true essence and innate connection with the Divine by way of the heart. Using the guidance and power of the Divine Names of God, Heydieh helps clients transmute their pain into love by addressing the roots of emotional, physical, and spiritual disease. Through the way of spiritual healing, clients experience intimacy in divine oneness, unlocking their true potential through the power of the Divine, and living a life of contentment and empowered alignment with the essence of their inner truth


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Emotional Intelligence - With Ahmed Ali Ahsan

Our guest today is Ahmed Ali Ahsan, currently residing in Singapore and Sales Director at GE. He has acquired 13 plus years of experience in various conglomerates working out of Pakistan, Europe & The Far East. In this episode Ahmed talks about : - What is EI - The importance of self-reflection & articulation - Compassion fatigue and dealing with it


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What is Emotional Intelligence ? - Part 1 , with Hassan Tariq - Episode 118

As part of a week long series of Yoga and Emotional Intelligence, our first guest was Hassan Tariq. A HR professional who has extensive leadership experience in the corporate world since the last 20 years, working both in Pakistan and Netherlands. Given the nature of his work he has studied human behaviour especially around EQ. And if this was not enough he also mentors/ coaches individuals on both personal and professional levels.


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Detaching ourselves from our self-centredness - with Martine Batchelor - Episode 117

Our guest today is Martine Batchelor, who lived in Korea as a Seon nun under the guidance of Master Kusan for ten years. She is the author of Meditation for Life, The Path of Compassion, Women in Korean Zen and Let Go: A Buddhist Guide to Breaking Free of Habits. She is a member of the Gaia House Teacher Council. She teaches meditation retreats worldwide and lives in France. Her latest works are the The Spirit of the Buddha, What is this? and The Definition, Practice and Psychology of Vedana. Recently she has been involved with the Silver Sante Study, teaching meditation, mindfulness and compassion to seniors in France to see if this could prevent ageing decline. Website : martinebatchelor.org Twitter: MartineBatch Facebook: martine.batchelor Instagram: martinebatch Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/songil1


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Our Building Blocks - Dr. Noshene Ranjbar - Episode 116

Our guest today is Dr. Noshene Ranjbar. Born raised in Tehran, Iran until immigrating to the US in adolescence, Dr. Ranjbar developed a passion for a holistic view of medicine and healing from early on in her life. Throughout her studies and life experiences, including her own illness as well as caring for her mom who suffered from several autoimmune illnesses and cancer, to fostering refugee children with PTSD, to working with American Indian communities across the U.S., to working with asylum seekers, she developed a keen interest in approaches to healing trauma and advocating for holistic mental health in empowering, culturally appropriate ways. Harvard trained and board certified in General Psychiatry, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, and Integrative Medicine, she is currently Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Arizona. She is co- founder of the Integrative Psychiatry Program at the UA, while also serving as Faculty with The Center for Mind-Body Medicine and the Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine. Her research focuses on training the next generation of psychiatrists to offer a holistic approach to mental health, while serving children and families most in need. As a Robert Wood Johnson Culture of Health Leader, she continues to expand her work in integrative mental health and in working with the underserved, particularly with American Indian communities as well as other indigenous communities internationally. Social Media Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/noshene-ranjbar-2039949/ Instagram: nosheneranjbar Twitter. @NosheneMD Webpages: https://psychiatry.arizona.edu/profile/noshene-e-ranjbar-md https://samehereglobal.org/expert-profile-noshene-ranjbar/ https://cmbm.org/faculty-member/noshene-ranjbar-md/ In this podcast we talked about : - Trauma & Mental Health - Stigmas & Fears - Trauma Manifestations in Adult life - Integrative Psychiatry
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The Divine Design - with Sara Jamil - Episode 115

Our guest today is Sara Jamil, a Freelance Communication Designer by day, a passionate teacher at heart and wordsmith by night, Sara took the Covid pause to fully embrace the cliché of “life is short” and went public with a personal project, Jam Musings. An amalgamation of her need for words and her explorations into faith, Jam Musings is an ongoing love letter to life, inspired by His words; a legacy of sorts to leave behind, all made more visual with her own brand of colour and form. As someone with a intrinsic signature design vibe, Sara likes to express herself through creative habits and choices, cultivating a deep sense of self in whatever she chooses to do. Looking back on turning points in her own trajectory, she speaks here, about conscious living, on experiences that make us who we are, about being and staying interested and observant, while learning to detect what lies within us as part of an ongoing design unfurling. Social Media for Sara Jamil Instagram: jam_musings In this podcast we talk about : - The design palate - Observation, creativity , skill set - Patterns in your life and the Divine - Searching through suffering


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An Embodiment of Love - Begum Sughra Ijaz

My Grandmother, the rock of our family , the loving soul of us!


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Spiritual Malaise & Healing - with Shaykh Ebrahim - Episode 114

Delighted to have Shaykh Ebrahim back on the podcast. At the cost of sounding confident I can assure you that the next 30 minutes will not be a waste of your time. Shaykh Ebrahim has very articulately and eloquently taken us through the dis-ease that we might feel in our bodies, hearts, and minds - and how we can discern from the pathological manifestation of certain emotions to the need for reformation on a spiritual level. In this podcast we talk about: - What is Spiritual Healing? - How does the spiritual dis-ease manifest itself in our bodies - The face of manipulation - Ways and means to understand and discern the truth - Importance of Salah


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A mind-full conversation with Steven C Hayes - Episode 113

Our guest today is Steven C. Hayes,who is a Foundation Professor of Psychology at the University of Nevada, Reno and is the author of 46 books including Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life (which for a time was the best-selling self-help book in the United States), and his new book A Liberated Mind. An expert on the importance of acceptance, mindfulness, and values he is ranked among the most cited psychologists in the world. Social Media : Website:stevenchayes.com In the podcast we talk about: - Narcissism - Shame & Guilt - The 'Good' rapture - ACT program