Full Stack Radio
Technology Podcasts
A podcast for developers interested in building great software products. Every episode, Adam Wathan is joined by a guest to talk about everything from product design and user experience to unit testing and system administration.
United States
A podcast for developers interested in building great software products. Every episode, Adam Wathan is joined by a guest to talk about everything from product design and user experience to unit testing and system administration.
152: Ben Orenstein - How to Stand Out When Applying for a Job at a Small Company
Ben on TwitterTupleTailwind Labs job postingsSupporting the show:
I decided to stop taking sponsors for the show because I think advertisements are annoying and no one wants to listen to them.
If you do want to support the show, the best way to do it is to purchase one of my products:
Tailwind UIRefactoring UIAdvanced Vue Component DesignTest-Driven LaravelRefactoring to Collections
151: DHH – Building HEY with Hotwire
HotwireHEYSupporting the show:
I decided to stop taking sponsors for the show because I think advertisements are annoying and no one wants to listen to them.
If you do want to support the show, the best way to do it is to purchase one of my products:
Tailwind UIRefactoring UIAdvanced Vue Component DesignTest-Driven LaravelRefactoring to Collections
150: Secret Screencasting Tips & Behind the Scenes of Tailwind CSS 2.0
Supporting the show:
I decided to stop taking sponsors for the show because I think advertisements are annoying and no one wants to listen to them.
If you do want to support the show, the best way to do it is to check out our products:
Tailwind UIStatamic 3Refactoring UIAdvanced Vue Component DesignTest-Driven LaravelRefactoring to Collections
149: Choosing a Payment Processor, Radical Icons & W3C Hype
Changes to Gumroad's PayPal supportRadical iconsJack's hand-drawn avatarsW3C's CMS Selection Report
Supporting the show:
I decided to stop taking sponsors for the show because I think advertisements are annoying and no one wants to listen to them.
If you do want to support the show, the best way to do it is to check out our products:
Tailwind UIStatamic 3Refactoring UIAdvanced Vue Component DesignTest-Driven LaravelRefactoring to Collections
148: Accessible Focus Styles, Tailwind Labs on YouTube, and Secret Projects
Supporting the show:
I decided to stop taking sponsors for the show because I think advertisements are annoying and no one wants to listen to them.
If you do want to support the show, the best way to do it is to check out our products:
Tailwind UIStatamic 3Refactoring UIAdvanced Vue Component DesignTest-Driven LaravelRefactoring to Collections
147: Surviving GitHub Issues, the Statamic 3 Launch Aftermath, Tailwind 1.8, and Headless UI
Supporting the show:
I decided to stop taking sponsors for the show because I think advertisements are annoying and no one wants to listen to them.
If you do want to support the show, the best way to do it is to check out our products:
Tailwind UIStatamic 3Refactoring UIAdvanced Vue Component DesignTest-Driven LaravelRefactoring to Collections
146: Launching Statamic 3, GitHub Sponsors, Tailwind CSS v1.7, and Preparing for Laracon
Adam and Jack talk about how the Statamic 3 launch went, and adding GitHub Sponsor tiers to the Statamic GitHub organization and what to give people in exchange for sponsoring. They also talk about the new Tailwind CSS v1.7 release, and the new features like gradient support. Finally, they work through some ideas Adam is preparing for his Laracon talk on “Building component libraries with Tailwind CSS”.
145: Statamic 3.0 and Tailwind CSS 2.0
Statamic 3.0Tailwind CSS v1.7.0@90sWWE on Twitter
144: Gary Bernhardt - TypeScript and Testing
Topics include:
Destroy All SoftwareExecute ProgramTypeScript"Are tests necessary in TypeScript?"io-tsTypeScript courseGary's tweet about unions with literal typesSupporting the show:
I decided to stop taking sponsors for the show because I think advertisements are annoying and no one wants to listen to them.
If you do want to support the show, the best way to do it is to purchase one of my products:
Tailwind UIRefactoring UIAdvanced Vue Component DesignTest-Driven LaravelRefactoring to Collections
143: Rich Harris - Svelte and Defending the Modern Web
Topics include:
SvelteSapper"Second-guessing the modern web""In defense of the modern web"Supporting the show:
I decided to stop taking sponsors for the show because I think advertisements are annoying and no one wants to listen to them.
If you do want to support the show, the best way to do it is to purchase one of my products:
Tailwind UIRefactoring UIAdvanced Vue Component DesignTest-Driven LaravelRefactoring to Collections
142: Jason Cohen - Learning to Hire and Manage a Team
Topics include:
Jason's blogDesigning the Ideal Bootstrapped BusinessSupporting the show:
I decided to stop taking sponsors for the show because I think advertisements are annoying and no one wants to listen to them.
If you do want to support the show, the best way to do it is to purchase one of my products:
Tailwind UIRefactoring UIAdvanced Vue Component DesignTest-Driven LaravelRefactoring to Collections
141: Jason Fried - Running the Tailwind Business on Basecamp
Topics include:
Example of a "what did I work on?" check-inExample of a heartbeatExample of the "What Works" projectExample of an announcement in the HQ projectExample of a conversation on a todoLinks:
BasecampShape UpGoing Remote: Basecamp WalkthroughSupporting the show:
I decided to stop taking sponsors for the show because I think advertisements are annoying and no one wants to listen to them.
If you do want to support the show, the best way to do it is to purchase one of my products:
Tailwind UIRefactoring UIAdvanced Vue Component DesignTest-Driven LaravelRefactoring to Collections
140: Evan You - Reimagining the Modern Dev Server with Vite
Topics include:
ViteVitePressRollupSupporting the show:
I decided to stop taking sponsors for the show because I think advertisements are annoying and no one wants to listen to them.
If you do want to support the show, the best way to do it is to purchase one of my products:
Tailwind UIRefactoring UIAdvanced Vue Component DesignTest-Driven LaravelRefactoring to Collections
139: Alex DeBrie - DynamoDB for Relational Database Diehards
Topics include:
DynamoDB HomepageAlex's blogThe DynamoDB BookDynamoDB GuideSupporting the show:
I decided to stop taking sponsors for the show because I think advertisements are annoying and no one wants to listen to them.
If you do want to support the show, the best way to do it is to purchase one of my products:
Tailwind UIRefactoring UIAdvanced Vue Component DesignTest-Driven LaravelRefactoring to Collections
138: Tom Preston-Werner - Building Full-Stack JS Apps with Redwood.js
Topics include:
Redwood.jsPredictCovid.comExample blog applicationPrismaSupporting the show:
I decided to stop taking sponsors for the show because I think advertisements are annoying and no one wants to listen to them.
If you do want to support the show, the best way to do it is to purchase one of my products:
Tailwind UIRefactoring UIAdvanced Vue Component DesignTest-Driven LaravelRefactoring to Collections
137: Tim Neutkens - Continuing to Innovate with Next.js 9.3
Topics include:
Next.jsNext.js 9.3 AnnouncementIncremental Static Generation RFCNext.js Code Elimination DemoSWRSupporting the show:
I decided to stop taking sponsors for the show because I think advertisements are annoying and no one wants to listen to them.
If you do want to support the show, the best way to do it is to purchase one of my products:
Tailwind UIRefactoring UIAdvanced Vue Component DesignTest-Driven LaravelRefactoring to Collections
136: Michael Chan - React Is Not a Rails Competitor
Topics include:
Ruby on RailsReactAWS AmplifyFirebaseHasuraGraphQL: The DocumentaryOneGraphNext.jsSupporting the show:
I decided to stop taking sponsors for the show because I think advertisements are annoying and no one wants to listen to them.
If you do want to support the show, the best way to do it is to purchase one of my products:
Tailwind UIRefactoring UIAdvanced Vue Component DesignTest-Driven LaravelRefactoring to Collections
135: Lessons Learned Building Tailwind UI
Topics include:
Tailwind UISupporting the show:
I decided to stop taking sponsors for the show because I think advertisements are annoying and no one wants to listen to them.
If you do want to support the show, the best way to do it is to purchase one of my products:
Tailwind UIRefactoring UIAdvanced Vue Component DesignTest-Driven LaravelRefactoring to Collections
134: Mark Dalgleish - You Should Be Using Layout Components
Topics include:
"Rethinking Design Best Practices"BraidPlayroomSupporting the show:
I decided to stop taking sponsors for the show because I think advertisements are annoying and no one wants to listen to them.
If you do want to support the show, the best way to do it is to pick up one of my books or courses:
Refactoring UIAdvanced Vue Component DesignTest-Driven LaravelRefactoring to Collections
133: Sam Selikoff - Building Production-Ready SPAs Fast with Mirage.js
Mirage.jsMirage.js on GitHubSupporting the show
I decided to stop taking sponsors for the show because I think advertisements are annoying and no one wants to listen to them.
If you do want to support the show, the best way to do it is to pick up one of my books or courses:
Refactoring UIAdvanced Vue Component DesignTest-Driven LaravelRefactoring to Collections