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A Long Look Podcast

Arts & Culture Podcasts

Ever feel overwhelmed when you visit a museum? Discover a better way to connect with art! Join lifelong art lover and museum fan Karen Jackson as she shares in vivid detail what she sees and discovers when she slows down to look at a work of art for minutes instead of seconds. Then you’ll find out the history, mystery or controversy behind the work or the artist! Monthly episodes are only about 10 minutes. The show is for all art lovers—from beginners to longtime fans and the visually impaired. No jargon, just an easy-going, sometimes irreverent look at works in Washington DC's world-class museums. Slow down, see more, avoid the overwhelm!


United States


Ever feel overwhelmed when you visit a museum? Discover a better way to connect with art! Join lifelong art lover and museum fan Karen Jackson as she shares in vivid detail what she sees and discovers when she slows down to look at a work of art for minutes instead of seconds. Then you’ll find out the history, mystery or controversy behind the work or the artist! Monthly episodes are only about 10 minutes. The show is for all art lovers—from beginners to longtime fans and the visually impaired. No jargon, just an easy-going, sometimes irreverent look at works in Washington DC's world-class museums. Slow down, see more, avoid the overwhelm!



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Callers by Walter Ufer

No bows and arrows, no hunting buffalo on horseback. Walter Ufer saw first-hand that Native Americans in the 1920s weren't the romanticized caricatures from the old Wild West shows. In today's episode we're looking at “Callers” and find out how a city boy from Chicago ended up in Taos, NM and broke all the rules when it came to depicting his friends and neighbors as real people trying to balance the modern world with tradition. SHOW NOTES “A Long Look” themes are "Easy" by Ron Gelinas https://youtu.be/2QGe6skVzSs and “At the Cafe with You” by Onion All Stars https://pixabay.com/users/onion_all_stars-33331904/ Episode Music “Free Guitar Riding Blues” and “Follow the Little Creek” by Loco Lobo. Courtesy of Free Music Archive https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Lobo_Loco/completly-free/free-guitar-riding-blues-f-014 https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Lobo_Loco/verona/follow-the-little-creek-faster-id-1386 “Clusticus the Mistaken” by Doctor Turtle. Courtesy of the artist https://doctorturtle.bandcamp.com/album/free-turtle-archive-everything-cc-by-by-turtle Artwork information https://americanart.si.edu/artwork/callers-24394 Artist info https://americanart.si.edu/artist/walter-ufer-4912 https://www.historynet.com/walter-ufer/?f https://cometatomic.com/walter-ufer-a-remarkable-journey-through-art-and-activism/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_Ufer https://www.illinoisart.org/essays/walter-ufer#_ftn23 Ufer letter https://libmma.contentdm.oclc.org/digital/collection/p15324coll1/id/1930 Taos Artists Society “The Taos Society of Artists : Masters & Masterworks” by Amy Scott (Internet Archive) https://archive.org/details/taossocietyofart0000scot Transcript available at https://alonglookpodcast.com/callers-ufer/


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Encore-Woman Holding a Balance by Vermeer

While I’m taking a break, I thought you might enjoy this encore presentation of a popular episode from 2019—the gorgeous Woman Holding a Balance at the National Gallery of Art. If you want to follow along, you can find it at alonglookpodcast.com/vermeer. And make sure to stick around to the end for a special announcement! SHOW NOTES “A Long Look” themes are "Easy" by Ron Gelinas https://youtu.be/2QGe6skVzSs and “At the Cafe with You” by Onion All Stars https://pixabay.com/users/onion_all_stars-33331904/ Episode theme is “Caro Mio Ben in C Major” by Giuseppe Giordani, performed by Joel Meza. https://soundcloud.com/joel-meza-1/caro-mio-ben-in-c-major “Women Holding a Balance” information https://www.nga.gov/collection/art-object-page.1236.html https://www.nga.gov/collection/highlights/vermeer-woman-holding-a-balance.html Vermeer information https://www.nga.gov/collection/artist-info.1951.html “Essential Vermeer” website (extensive amount of info!) https://www.essentialvermeer.com Widener information “Dutch Paintings at the National Gallery of Art: The Untold Stories behind the Acquisitions of the Rembrandts, Vermeers, and Other Treasures in the Collection” (audio) https://www.nga.gov/global-site-search-page.html?searchterm=wheelock+audio RECOMMENDED READING “Vermeer and the Masters of Genre Painting” by Adriaan Waiboer, et al. Dublin, National Gallery of Ireland, 2017. Exhibit brochure https://www.nga.gov/content/dam/ngaweb/exhibitions/pdfs/2017/vermeer-brochurel.pdf “Vermeer: Faith in Art” by Daniel Arasse Transcript available at https://alonglookpodcast.com/encore-woman-balance-vermeer/


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Adoration of the Magi by Fra Angelico and Fra Filippo Lippi

And you thought YOU were gonna have a lot of holiday company! Poor Mary, who’s only given birth a week or so ago, now faces this onslaught of unexpected visitors in today’s episode. We’ll find out who exactly all those folks are, their connection to one of the most powerful families in Europe, and what’s up with the peacock. Pretty sure that wasn’t one of the animals at the Nativity... SHOW NOTES “A Long Look” themes are "Easy" by Ron Gelinas https://youtu.be/2QGe6skVzSs and “At the Cafe with You” by Onion All Stars https://pixabay.com/users/onion_all_stars-33331904/ Episode music “Joy to the World” and “We Three Kings” performed by John Sayles http://www.jsayles.com/familypages/holidaymusic.htm “Mass for 4 Voices,” composed by William Byrd, performed by Ensemble Morale. Courtesy of musopen.org https://musopen.org/music/44138-mass-for-4-voices “Suite in F Major” composed by Michael Praetorius. Performed by Michel Rondeau. Courtesy of musopen.org https://musopen.org/music/43633-suite-in-f-major Artwork information https://www.nga.gov/collection/art-object-page.41581.html https://www.nga.gov/collection/highlights/angelico-lippi-the-adoration-of-the-magi.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adoration_of_the_Magi_(Fra_Angelico_and_Filippo_Lippi) https://www-jstor-org.dclibrary.idm.oclc.org/stable/20074684?seq=6 (JSTOR article, may need to log in through your library) Magi gifts https://uscatholic.org/articles/202212/why-did-the-magi-bring-jesus-gold-frankincense-and-myrrh https://www.biblicalarchaeology.org/daily/people-cultures-in-the-bible/jesus-historical-jesus/why-did-the-magi-bring-gold-frankincense-and-myrrh/ Medici information https://www.britannica.com/topic/Medici-family Karen’s favorite illuminated manuscript “The Hours of Catherine of Cleves” https://www.themorgan.org/collection/Hours-of-Catherine-of-Cleves Recommended Reading: “Fra Angelico” by Laurence Kanter and Pia Palladino. Published by the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Yale University Press, 2005. Pgs 278-283. Explains Magi’s visitation. (Free PDF) https://cdn.sanity.io/files/cctd4ker/production/f9c70388da067f22ea0e43e5e512fb5f8d2b0d33.pdf Transcript available at https://alonglookpodcast.com/adoration-magi-angelico-lippi/


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On the Coast of New Jersey by William Trost Richards

Today’s episode is all about relaxing, taking a little break after a long year and before the holidays hit. So I offer you a quiet beach at the Jersey Shore in this serene painting by William Trost Richards. We’ll find out how this Philadelphia-born artist embraced the idea of nature and art as keys to a better life and his connection to the Corcoran Gallery in Washington D.C. Thomas Cole and the Corcoran are key parts of the story, so here are previous episodes about them: “A Pastoral Visit” tells the story of the founding of this influential museum and “The Voyage of Life: Childhood” is one of Cole’s dramatic allegorical paintings. SHOW NOTES “A Long Look” themes are "Easy" by Ron Gelinas https://youtu.be/2QGe6skVzSs and “At the Cafe with You” by Onion All Stars https://pixabay.com/users/onion_all_stars-33331904/ Episode Music "Morning" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 “Database Of Problems, Rolodex Of Lies” by Doctor Turtle https://doctorturtle.bandcamp.com/album/free-turtle-archive-everything-cc-by-by-turtle Artwork information https://www.nga.gov/collection/art-object-page.195170.html William Trost Richards information https://chrysler.org/exhibition/seascapes-by-william-trost-richards/ https://www.nga.gov/collection/artist-info.2710.html New York Times article on Richards https://www.nytimes.com/2013/08/16/arts/design/william-trost-richards-at-national-academy-museum.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare “William Trost Richards: American Landscape & Marine Painter” by Linda S. Ferber https://archive.org/embed/williamtrostrich0000ferb (archive.org) “Niagara” by Frederic Edwin Church https://www.nga.gov/collection/art-object-page.166436.html Episode on the Corcoran Gallery “A Pastoral Visit” Episode on Thomas Cole “The Voyage of Life: Childhood” Transcript is available at https://alonglookpodcast.com/coast-new-jersey


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Symphony in White, No. 1: The White Girl by James Whistler

Welcome back! I hope you all had a great summer. We’ll be spending the rest of 2024 at the National Gallery of Art in Washington DC, starting off with a stunning portrait of a red-headed Irish beauty that shocked London society. We’ll find out who she is and how she was much more than a pretty face. Then we’ll learn about the very mercurial artist she had to put up with, James McNeill Whistler and the chaos he caused in his own life and others! SHOW NOTES “A Long Look” opening and closing themes are by Ron Gelinas: “Ascension” https://youtu.be/jGEdNSNkZoo and “Easy” https://youtu.be/2QGe6skVzSs Episode music “Chopin Waltz in A Minor, B. 150.” Performed by Aya Higuchi String Quartet no. 2 in B minor - II. Minuetto moderato.” Composed by Joseph Miroslav Weber, Performed by Steves Bedroom Band. Courtesy of musopen.org Artwork information https://www.nga.gov/collection/art-object-page.12198.html https://www.nga.gov/features/joanna-hiffernan-the-white-girl.html https://www.nga.gov/collection/art-object-page.12198.html#relatedpages https://www.nga.gov/exhibitions/2022/woman-in-white.html https://www.nga.gov/collection/highlights/whistler-symphony-in-white-no-1-the-white-girl.html https://www.nga.gov/blog/how-whistler-painted-white-in-full-color.html James McNeill Whistler info https://www.theartstory.org/artist/whistler-james-abbott-mcneill Joanna Hiffernan Bio https://www.dib.ie/biography/hiffernan-joanna-jo-a9605 The Peacock Room https://asia.si.edu/explore-art-culture/interactives/peacock-room/making-the-peacock-room/ Transcript available at https://alonglookpodcast.com/symphony-in-white/


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Symphony in White, No. 1: The White Girl by James Whistler

Welcome back! I hope you all had a great summer. We’ll be spending the rest of 2024 at the National Gallery of Art in Washington DC, starting off with a stunning portrait of a red-headed Irish beauty that shocked London society. We’ll find out who she is and how she was much more than a pretty face. Then we’ll learn about the very mercurial artist she had to put up with, James McNeill Whistler and the chaos he caused in his own life and others! SHOW NOTES “A Long Look” opening and closing themes are by Ron Gelinas: “Ascension” https://youtu.be/jGEdNSNkZoo and “Easy” https://youtu.be/2QGe6skVzSs Episode music “Chopin Waltz in A Minor, B. 150.” Performed by Aya Higuchi String Quartet no. 2 in B minor - II. Minuetto moderato.” Composed by Joseph Miroslav Weber, Performed by Steves Bedroom Band. Courtesy of musopen.org Artwork information https://www.nga.gov/collection/art-object-page.12198.html https://www.nga.gov/features/joanna-hiffernan-the-white-girl.html https://www.nga.gov/collection/art-object-page.12198.html#relatedpages https://www.nga.gov/exhibitions/2022/woman-in-white.html https://www.nga.gov/collection/highlights/whistler-symphony-in-white-no-1-the-white-girl.html https://www.nga.gov/blog/how-whistler-painted-white-in-full-color.html James McNeill Whistler info https://www.theartstory.org/artist/whistler-james-abbott-mcneill Joanna Hiffernan Bio https://www.dib.ie/biography/hiffernan-joanna-jo-a9605 The Peacock Room https://asia.si.edu/explore-art-culture/interactives/peacock-room/making-the-peacock-room/ Transcript available at https://alonglookpodcast.com/symphony-in-white/


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What's Ahead for A Long Look?

“A Long Look” returns with new episodes soon! Meanwhile, I've been looking down the road trying to figure out the future of the show and realized I've been doing all the talking for the past 7 years! So now, I'd like to hear from you. I’ve put together a short audience survey to find out your thoughts and experience with “A Long Look.” To be honest, I'm deciding whether or not to continue the show and your feedback will really help. You can find it at alonglookpodcast.com/survey and it shouldn’t take more than 5 minutes. It's a Google form but you DO NOT need a Goole account to fill it out. The deadline is Nov. 15. I look forward to hearing from you and thanks so much! SHOW NOTES “A Long Look” themes are "Easy" by Ron Gelinas https://youtu.be/2QGe6skVzSs and “At the Cafe with You” by Onion All Stars https://pixabay.com/users/onion_all_stars-33331904/


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American Art Finale

Well, we’ve reached the end of our brief tour of the Smithsonian American Art Museum! I hope you’ve enjoyed it. It was a lot of fun getting to share this unique place with you and introduce you to some artists you might not have heard of. I’ll tell you about the two-for-one experience of visiting the museum and its hidden gems. And I have...thoughts...about the stories it tells. SHOW NOTES (TRANSCRIPT BELOW) “A Long Look” themes are "Easy" by Ron Gelinas https://youtu.be/2QGe6skVzSs and “At the Cafe with You” by Onion All Stars https://pixabay.com/users/onion_all_stars-33331904/ Smithsonian American Art Museum https://americanart.si.edu/ Luce Foundation Center for American Art https://americanart.si.edu/visit/saam/luce Lunder Conservation Center https://americanart.si.edu/art/conservation National Portrait Gallery https://npg.si.edu/ Transcript available at https://alonglookpodcast.com/american-art-finale


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Floating Clouds by Hisako Hibi

In today’s episode we look at “Floating Clouds” by Hisako Hibi, one of more than 120,000 Japanese Americans incarcerated in prison camps on the West Coast during WWII. Paintings like this served as the only visual record of life in the camps as well as a way for prisoners to deal with the harsh conditions. We’ll find out how she and her family were able to build a new life after the war and how she persevered through her art and with the help of fellow immigrants. SHOW NOTES “A Long Look” themes are "Easy" by Ron Gelinas https://youtu.be/2QGe6skVzSs and “At the Cafe with You” by Onion All Stars https://pixabay.com/users/onion_all_stars-33331904/ EPISODE MUSIC “Timeless One” by Solas Composer https://soundcloud.com/solas_composer/timeless-one “Eastern Thought” by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ https://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/music.html Artwork information Hisako Hibi https://americanart.si.edu/artwork/floating-clouds-119617 Detention camp paintings https://janm.emuseum.com/groups/hisako-hibi-collection/results Hisako Hibi info https://americanart.si.edu/artist/hisako-hibi-33445 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hisako_Hibi https://americanart.si.edu/blog/japanese-american-artists-hibi https://www.becomingvisible.si.edu/stories/hisako-hibi https://womenshistory.si.edu/blog/hisako-hibis-work-artist-was-almost-lost Exhibition info Pictures of Belonging: Miki Hayakawa, Hisako Hibi, and Miné Okubo Transcript available at https://alonglookpodcast.com/floating-clouds


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Extended Ep: Happy Anniversary, Impressionism!

Just in time for your Memorial Day travels, here’s an extended episode celebrating the anniversary of Impressionism! We take another look at three of the originals: Claude Monet, Camille Pissarro, and Berthe Morisot. Her painting “The Mother and Sister of the Artist” is featured in the upcoming blockbuster “Paris 1874: The Impressionist Moment” opening Sept. 8 at the National Gallery of Art in Washington DC. Find out more on their site. SHOW NOTES Opening theme: "Easy" by Ron Gelinas https://youtu.be/2QGe6skVzSs Episode Music: OFFENBACH CAN-CAN by Light Symphony Orchestra; Offenbach https://archive.org/details/78_offenbach-can-can_light-symphony-orchestra-offenbach_gbia0309744b EPISODES Monet--Grainstack Show notes and transcript https://alonglookpodcast.com/grainstack/ Pissarro--Place du Carrousel Show notes and transcript https://alonglookpodcast.com/place-du-carrousel-by-camille-pissarro/ Morisot--Mother and Sister of the Artist Show notes and transcript https://alonglookpodcast.com/the-mother-and-sister-of-the-artist-by-berthe-morisot/ EXHIBITIONS “Paris 1874: The Impressionist Moment” National Gallery of Art (Sept 8-Jan. 19) https://www.nga.gov/exhibitions/2024/paris-1874-impressionist-moment.html “Mary Cassatt at Work” Philadelphia Museum of Art (May 18-Sept. 8) https://press.philamuseum.org/mary-cassatt-at-work/ “The Impressionist Revolution from Monet to Matisse” Dallas Museum of Art (thru Nov. 3) https://impressionistrevolution.dma.org/p/1 SUGGESTED READING “Luncheon of the Boating Party” by Susan Vreeland https://bookshop.org/p/books/luncheon-of-the-boating-party-susan-vreeland/11716075?ean=9780143113522 Transcript is available at https://alonglookpodcast.com/impressionism


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The South Ledges, Appledore by Childe Hassam

It’s starting to get warm out so the seaside’s on my mind! In the latest episode we visit Appledore on the Isles of Shoals with American painter Childe Hassam. This group of islands off the coast of New Hampshire and Maine was a long-time vacation fave for this Boston artist. We’ll find out how he fused the color and energy of artists like Claude Monet and Camille Pissaro with uniquely American settings like this stunning rocky New England shoreline. And the ruckus he and some of his fellow painters started to create a brand-new kind of American art! Transcript is available at https://alonglookpodcast.com/appledore


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Man With the Cat by Cecilia Beaux

Henry Sturgis Drinker and Cecilia Beaux had a complicated history but that didn’t get in the way of Cecilia making him the subject of one of her best portraits. In today’s episode, we’ll find out how Henry was just one example of the lengths this renowned Gilded Age artist went to pursue her dream of an art career. And how her talent, hard work--and the help of a good friend--got her started. SHOW NOTES “A Long Look” themes are "Easy" by Ron Gelinas https://youtu.be/2QGe6skVzSs and “At the Cafe with You” by Onion All Stars https://pixabay.com/users/onion_all_stars-33331904/ Episode music “Preludes, Op. 28 - No. 21 'Sunday'” by Frédéric Chopin Courtesy of the European Archive and musopen.org https://musopen.org/music/82-preludes-op-28/ “Preludes, Op. 28 - No. 17 'Scene on the Place de Notre-Dame'” by Frédéric Chopin Performed by Ivan Ilic. Courtesy of musopen.org https://musopen.org/music/82-preludes-op-28/ “String Quartet no. 12 in F major 'American', Op. 96” by Antonín Dvořák. Courtesy of the European Archive and musopen.org https://musopen.org/music/4887-string-quartet-no-12-in-f-major-american-op-96/ Artwork information https://americanart.si.edu/artwork/man-cat-henry-sturgis-drinker-1635 Les Dernier Jours d’Enfance https://www.pafa.org/museum/collection/item/les-derniers-jours-d-enfance Cecilia bio https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cecilia_Beaux#cite_ref-16 “Cecilia Beaux: A Modern Painter in the Gilded Age” by Alice A. Carter. https://archive.org/details/ceciliabeauxmode0000cart “Cecilia Beaux: American Figure Painter” by Sylvia Yount. https://archive.org/details/ceciliabeauxamer00beau Henry Sturgis Drinker https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Sturgis_Drinker Transcript is available at https://alonglookpodcast.com/cecilia-beaux/


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Confrontation by Hughie Lee-Smith

Putting ordinary people in odd, unsettling surroundings was the specialty of Hughie Lee-Smith. In today’s episode we look at his “Confrontation” from the Smithsonian American Art Museum. We’’ll find out how an encounter with Italian Surrealism and a forbidden childhood carnival forged a visual language he used to depict universal feelings of loneliness, separation, and alienation in post-war America. SHOW NOTES “A Long Look” themes are "Easy" by Ron Gelinas https://youtu.be/2QGe6skVzSs and “At the Cafe with You” by Onion All Stars https://pixabay.com/users/onion_all_stars-33331904/ Episode music: “Passing Fields” by Quantum Jazz Courtesy of Free music Archive (CC BY-SA) https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Quantum_Jazz/End_of_Line/05_-_Quantum_Jazz_-_Passing_Fields/ “Ghost Carousel” by LAURENT BUCZEK Courtesy of Pixabay https://pixabay.com/music/build-up-scenes-ghost-carousel-155303/ “Between Worlds” by Tobias Webster (CC-BY) http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/tobias_weber/56664 "Shades of Spring" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) https://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/music.html Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Artwork information https://americanart.si.edu/artwork/confrontation-78130 Artist information Biography Hughie Lee-Smith by Leslie King-Hammond and Aiden Faust. San Francisco: Pomegranate, 2010. Hughie Lee-Smith papers, c 1890-2007, bulk 1931-1999. Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution. https://americanart.si.edu/artist/hughie-lee-smith-6317 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hughie_Lee-Smith https://www.nytimes.com/1988/12/04/nyregion/art-a-painter-finally-gets-his-due.html https://www.nytimes.com/1995/11/12/nyregion/art-review-a-painter-s-evolution-visual-and-political.html Transcript available at https://alonglookpodcast.com/confrontation


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The Nativity by Petrus Christus

Merry Christmas! For this year’s holiday episode we're looking at this kind of unusual Nativity scene jammed packed with the detail those Northern European Renaissance artists just loved! We’ll find out how the birth of Christ went from early spring to late December, the story of the arch, and the mystery of the missing gold platter! SHOW NOTES “A Long Look” opening theme is "Easy" by Ron Gelinas https://youtu.be/2QGe6skVzSs and the closing music is “Bring a Torch Jeannette Isabella” performed by John Sayles http://www.jsayles.com/familypages/holidaymusic.htm Episode music: “Away in a Manger” and “Angels We Have Heard on High” performed by John Sayles http://www.jsayles.com/familypages/holidaymusic.htm “Oh, Little Town of Bethlehem” and “Teller of the Tales” by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Artwork information https://www.nga.gov/collection/art-object-page.47.html “Early Netherlandish Painting” https://www.nga.gov/content/dam/ngaweb/research/publications/pdfs/early-netherlandish-painting.pdf “Petrus Christus: Renaissance Master of Bruges” https://www.metmuseum.org/art/metpublications/Petrus_Christus_Renaissance_Master_of_Bruges “Petrus Christus in Renaissance Bruges : An Interdisciplinary Approach” https://archive.org/details/petruschristusin0000unse/page/167/mode/1up How Dec. 25 became Christmas The Christmas Story in Art https://www.history.com/news/why-is-christmas-celebrated-on-december-25 https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet/wp/2015/12/25/why-is-christmas-on-dec-25-a-brief-history-lesson-that-may-surprise-you/ Transcript available at https://alonglookpodcast.com/?p=2865


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Still Life with Peacock Pie by Pieter Claesz

Just in time for Thanksgiving, we take a look at this sumptuous feast by one of the stars of still-life painting, Pieter Claesz. We'll find out three hints that tell us who might have owned this fabulous artwork and the amazing connection between the Dutch and one of your favorite ballpark treats! If you want to follow along, you can find it here on the Gallery's site. SHOW NOTES “A Long Look” themes are "Easy" by Ron Gelinas https://youtu.be/2QGe6skVzSs and “At the Cafe with You” by Onion All Stars https://pixabay.com/users/onion_all_stars-33331904/ Episode music “Violin Concerto in F major, RV 293 'Autumn' - III Allegro” composed by Antonio Vivaldi. Performed by John Harrison. Courtesy of musopen.org https://musopen.org/music/14910-the-four-seasons-op-8/ “Meadow Waltz” by Keys of Moon Music https://soundcloud.com/keysofmoon/meadow-waltz-classical-piano-orchestra-free-download “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” performed by Kevin MacLeod https://www.incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100313 Artwork information https://www.nga.gov/collection/art-object-page.132271.html Artist information https://www.nga.gov/collection/artist-info.18426.html “Pieter Claesz : Master of Haarlem Still Life” by P. Biesboer, Zwolle: Waanders Publishers, 2004. History of still life https://mymodernmet.com/what-is-still-life-painting-definition/ “The Dutch Gamepiece” by Scott A. Sullivan Dutch cuisine “The Sensible Cook : Dutch Foodways in the Old and the New World” by Peter G. Rose. 1st ed. Syracuse, N.Y: Syracuse University Press, 1989. For a transcript, visit https://alonglookpodcast.com/?p=2825


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Childhood by Thomas Cole

In today’s episode we’re looking at “Childhood” by Thomas Cole. It’s the first of a series of enormous paintings he did called “The Voyage of Life.” We’ll find out how Cole used this series to push the boundaries of landscape painting from just pretty pictures to something much more meaningful. And we’ll learn why the Gallery’s version isn’t the original! SHOW NOTES “A Long Look” themes are "Easy" by Ron Gelinas https://youtu.be/2QGe6skVzSs and “At the Cafe with You” by Onion All Stars https://pixabay.com/users/onion_all_stars-33331904/ Episode music: “Scenes from Childhood,” Op. 15, Robert Schumman https://musopen.org/music/2326-scenes-from-childhood-op-15/ “His Last Share of the Stars” by Doctor Turtle https://doctorturtle.bandcamp.com/album/free-turtle-archive-everything-cc-by-by-turtle Artwork information https://www.nga.gov/collection/art-object-page.52450.html https://www.nga.gov/collection/highlights/cole-the-voyage-of-life-childhood.html https://www.nga.gov/content/dam/ngaweb/research/publications/pdfs/american-paintings-19th-century-part-1.pdf Thomas Cole information https://thomascole.org/biography-of-thomas-cole/ https://thomascole.org/wp-content/uploads/FINAL-PDF-for-Website-2022.pdf Thomas Cole National Historic Site https://thomascole.org/ For a transcript visit https://alonglookpodcast.com/?p=2804


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Changes in the Air!

Autumn is a season of change, so it seemed like the perfect time to announce a few changes happening with the show! First, I've got new music! The current theme did the job when I started way back in 2017, but it’s time for a refresh so I went with a couple tunes that are welcoming and relaxed, but a little funky. I hope you like it! I'm also moving to a monthly release schedule. These changes will start with the next episode, which drops soon. Listen below for more details! I hope you enjoy the new sound and if you do, it would mean so much if you spread the word! Personal recommendations are one of the top ways people discover podcasts. Just send folks here or tell them to search for “A Long Look” wherever they get their podcasts. SHOW NOTES “A Long Look” themes are "Easy" by Ron Gelinas https://youtu.be/2QGe6skVzSs and “At the Cafe with You” by Onion All Stars https://pixabay.com/users/onion_all_stars-33331904/ For a transcript visit https://alonglookpodcast.com/?p=2772


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Two Women Drinking Coffee by Edouard Vuillard

This work by Edouard Vuillard reminds me of the old Magic Eye images that ran in the Sunday comics back in the ’90s. You’d be presented with a dense, colorful pattern and have to figure out what the hidden image was. I could never do it. In today’s episode we’ll find out how he and a group of young artists called the Nabis threw out the rules of traditional painting to create something more personal that made the viewer have to do some of the work of figuring out what’s going on. If you want to follow along, you can find it here on the Gallery’s site. SHOW NOTES (TRANSCRIPT BELOW) “A Long Look” opening and closing themes are by Ron Gelinas “Ascension” https://youtu.be/jGEdNSNkZoo and “Easy” https://youtu.be/2QGe6skVzSs Episode theme is “Gnossienne” composed by Erik Satie. Performed by Edward Rosser. Courtesy of musopen.org Artwork information https://www.nga.gov/collection/art-object-page.52238.html Vuillard self-portrait https://www.nga.gov/collection/art-object-page.93000.html Vuillard info https://www.theartstory.org/artist/vuillard-edouard/ https://artuk.org/discover/stories/douard-vuillard-nabi-and-intimist “Bonnard to Vuillard: Intimate Poetry: The Nabi Collection of Vicki and Roger Sant” by Elsa Smithgall, et al. New York, New York: Rizzoli Electa, 2019. “Vuillard, the Inexhaustible Glance : Critical Catalogue of Paintings and Pastels.” Salomon, Antoine., Guy. Cogeval, and Mathias. Chivot. Vol. 1, Milano: Skira, 2003. Nabis info https://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/dcpt/hd_dcpt.htm https://smarthistory.org/nabis-decorative-art/ Negative space trick https://mymodernmet.com/negative-space-definition/ For a transcript visit https://alonglookpodcast.com/?p=2728


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Ceres (Summer) by Antoine Watteau

Today's episode takes us back to the reign of the Sun King, Louis XIV, whose court was every bit as frothy as the clouds the harvest goddess Ceres is lounging on. We find out crabs are sometimes lobsters and how a penniless young man from the outskirts of Paris named Antoine Watteau ended up scoring a big commission from one of the most powerful men in the court. And why this painting is now so rare! If you want to follow along, find it here on the Gallery’s site SHOW NOTES (TRANSCRIPT BELOW) “A Long Look” opening and closing themes are by Ron Gelinas: “Ascension” https://youtu.be/jGEdNSNkZoo and “Easy” https://youtu.be/2QGe6skVzSs Episode theme is “Violin Concerto no. 3 in G major, K. 216” composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Performed by the NOVA Community Chorus, courtesy of musopen.org https://musopen.org/music/2863-violin-concerto-no-3-in-g-major-k-216/ Artwork information https://www.nga.gov/collection/art-object-page.46149.html Watteau info https://www.nga.gov/collection/artist-info.1967.html#biography https://www.nga.gov/features/slideshows/18th-century-france-the-rococo-and-watteau.html#slide_1 https://www.britannica.com/biography/Antoine-Watteau/Watteaus-Cythera#ref35071 Cancer crab info https://www.britannica.com/place/Cancer-constellation https://ima.princeton.edu/2016/06/21/junes-zodiac-sign-lobster-like-crabs/ For a transcript visit alonglookpodcast.com


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St. Francis at the Frick Collection

Meet St. Francis, who’s in the middle of receiving a…um…complicated divine visitation. This wealthy young party lover and man about town gave it all up to live a more meaningful life and lead others to embrace self-sacrifice, love nature, and encourage peace. In today’s episode we find out how his spiritual devotion led to this rather mixed blessing and why he’s one of the most popular saints. If you want to follow along, you can find it at here on the Frick Collection’s site. Photo of St. Francis in gallery https://www.frick.org/blogs/middle_ground_bellini_breuer SHOW NOTES “A Long Look” opening and closing themes are by Ron Gelinas: “Ascension” https://youtu.be/jGEdNSNkZoo and “Easy” https://youtu.be/2QGe6skVzSs Episode music: “Byrd O Magnum Mysterium” by William Byrd. Performed by Ensemble Morales https://musopen.org/music/10537-o-magnum-mysterium/ “Ale and Anecdotes” by Darren Curtis | https://www.darrencurtismusic.com/ Music promoted on https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/ Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Artwork information https://collections.frick.org/objects/39/st-francis-in-the-desert https://www.frick.org/interact/miniseries/cocktails_curator/bellinis_st_francis_desert St. Francis info https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_of_Assisi#Character_and_legacy https://www.britannica.com/biography/Saint-Francis-of-Assisi#ref2420 In a New Light : Giovanni Bellini’s “St. Francis in the Desert.” Rutherglen, Susannah et al. New York: The Frick Collection in association with D Giles Limited, London, 2014. “Cocktails with A Curator” St. Francis in the Desert https://www.frick.org/interact/miniseries/cocktails_curator/bellinis_st_francis_desert “Canticle of the Creatures” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canticle_of_the_Sun Meaning of stigmata https://www.franciscantradition.org/blog/78-feast-of-the-stigmata-of-saint-francis Transcript available at alonglookpodcast.com
