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Reliability Matters

Technology Podcasts

Reliability Matters is a podcast on the subject of reliability of circuit assemblies. Reliability "best practices" and success stories are discussed. This podcast features interviews with experts in the electronic assembly industry. All electronic production segments which effect product reliability are on the table. This includes contamination, coating, cleanliness assessment, inspection, building for harsh environments, reflow, printing, failure analysis, board fabrication, and much more. Your Host: Mike Konrad began his career in the electronic assembly equipment industry in 1985. Mike founded Aqueous Technologies in 1992 in response to the Montreal Protocol and the resulting international treaty banning most popular cleaning/defluxing solvents. Mike is an internationally known speaker on the subject of increasing reliability through contamination removal and cleanliness quantification techniques and procedures. Mike was awarded “Distinguish Speaker Status” with SMTA in 2018 and received the “Rich Freiberger Best of Conference Award” in 2019. Mike is a member of the SMTA Global Board of Directors where he is Vice President of Communications. Mike is also Vice President of Technical Programs for the Los Angeles / Orange County SMTA Chapter. Visit the Reliability Matters Podcast Website:


United States


Reliability Matters is a podcast on the subject of reliability of circuit assemblies. Reliability "best practices" and success stories are discussed. This podcast features interviews with experts in the electronic assembly industry. All electronic production segments which effect product reliability are on the table. This includes contamination, coating, cleanliness assessment, inspection, building for harsh environments, reflow, printing, failure analysis, board fabrication, and much more. Your Host: Mike Konrad began his career in the electronic assembly equipment industry in 1985. Mike founded Aqueous Technologies in 1992 in response to the Montreal Protocol and the resulting international treaty banning most popular cleaning/defluxing solvents. Mike is an internationally known speaker on the subject of increasing reliability through contamination removal and cleanliness quantification techniques and procedures. Mike was awarded “Distinguish Speaker Status” with SMTA in 2018 and received the “Rich Freiberger Best of Conference Award” in 2019. Mike is a member of the SMTA Global Board of Directors where he is Vice President of Communications. Mike is also Vice President of Technical Programs for the Los Angeles / Orange County SMTA Chapter. Visit the Reliability Matters Podcast Website:





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Episode 144: A Conversation with Indium's Rick Short about Education-Based Marketing

We’re the best, we’re number one, we’re better than them, we’ve won more awards than our competitors, we’ve all seen those ads. While this form of advertising isn’t unique, when’s the last time it caused you to buy a product based on the ad. I think we all know that answer. There was a time when we relied heavily on print advertising to determine what products were available and from whom. The two primary methods to gain product awareness were print advertising and trade shows. While advertising and trade shows still exist, they are no longer the primary method of product awareness. 31 years ago, beginning on April 30, 1993, all of that began to change. What happened on April 30, 1993? Public access to the Internet was born. Over the past 31 years, Internet technology propelled us into an age of self discovery. The older generation accuses the younger generation of always having their face in a screen. While that may be true, it’s not always TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, or Snapchat. People today, particularly younger people, research products, technologies, and a host of other things online. Consumers today are far more educated on the products they wish to purchase them at any time in history. In what I find to be an exceptional irony, much of the industry responsible for building the technology behind Internet connectivity continues to advertise their products in a pre-Internet style. You may ask, what does this have to do with reliability? Building reliable products requires a net sum of a vast amount of best practices. One of those practices is insuring the right products, procedures, specifications, designs, and so many other factors are implemented. This goal cannot be accomplished by just reading advertisements from sellers. Frequently, engineers struggle to solve problems without a complete knowledge of the root cause of the problem. Particularly today, with so many in-house subject matter experts retiring, advertisements boasting the number of customers, time and business, and where they place in the hierarchy of competitive products do not assist the engineer and understanding the root cause of a potential problem, and certainly not the solution. Over the past several years, several companies in our industry have begun to change their advertising strategies from transactional, to transformational. That is to say they help to connect problems to solutions, more than merely hyping products. My guest today fully understands the value and effectiveness of what I like to call “Conscious Marketing “. Rick Short is Corporate Associate Vice President for Indium Corporation. Rick has been with the company since 1984 in capacities including Technical Service Manager, Marketing Director, International Sales Director, head of Technical Support, and head of Environmental, Health & Safety, in addition to his current role. He has an MBA from Ren-Se-Lere Polytechnic Institute, a bachelor’s degree in business management from Utica College, and an associate degree from Mohawk Valley Community College. I talk with Rick about his company’s unique approach to education and how that has helped to transform their customer base.


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Episode 143: A Candid Conversation with Industry Icon Doug Pauls

We’ve discussed the silver tsunami on the show numerous times, the unprecedented rate of which employees are retiring. When engineers and other employees retire from companies, they take with them more than a set of gold cufflinks or an engraved plaque. In many cases, they also take with them wisdom and knowledge. Perhaps this is never more true than in the case of my guest today. And who is that? My friend and colleague Doug Pauls. Doug Pauls holds a B.A. in chemistry and physics from Carthage College, Kenosha, Wisconsin, and a B.S. in electrical engineering from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. He worked nine years for the Navy, eight years as technical director of Contamination Studies Labs, and more than 20 years at Rockwell Collins (now Collins Aerospace), in the Advanced Operations Engineering group where he is a technical fellow and, a principal materials and process engineer. Doug was awarded the Rockwell Collins Arthur A. Collins Engineer of the Year Award in 2004 as well as numerous other awards. Doug is a long-time (and when I say long time I mean well over 30 years) IPC chairman and was awarded the IPC’s Hall of Fame Award in 2017. Most notably, he is known for his expertise in surface insulation resistance testing, cleaning and cleanliness assessment, conformal coatings, and how to investigate and qualify manufacturing processes. He has been a U.S. representative to ISO and IEC working groups on SIR, electromigration, and cleanliness reliability standards. He has participated in numerous national and international consortia on electronics manufacturing materials and processes. He recently led a team of SMEs to redefine the cleanliness provisions of J-STD-001, culminating in what is presently J-STD-001H. To take liberties with a famous Mark Twain quote “rumors of my retirement have been greatly exaggerated”. For several years now, I’ve heard rumors of Doug Pauls retirement. Well, that day has finally come. I’ll talk with Doug about his Long career within the electronic assembly industry. We’ll talk about his triumphs and challenges, and his journey in this ever changing, dynamic, and challenging industry. If you’re new to this industry, stick around because I plan on asking Doug for his advice to young people entering our world, the world of electronic assembly.


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Episode 142: Live from SMTA's Pan Pacific Strategic Electronics Symposium (PanPac)

This episode was recorded at SMTA's Pan Pacific Strategic Electronics Symposium on the big island of Hawaii. My guests on this episode are Dr. Chuck Bower, founder of PanPac, Keith Bryant, and Dr. Ron Lasky. We discussed the history of PanPac, technologies introduced at PanPac, and what makes PanPac so unique. We also discuss Dartmouth College's unique engineering innovations program.


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Episode 141: Component Tape Splicing Best Practices with Larry (The Professor) Welk

Optimization has become an important goal within the electronic assembly industry. While modern electronic assembly techniques utilize a variety of equipment, one specific type of equipment often consumes a disproportionate percentage of the overall equipment budget, that is the place machine. The cost of the machine, associated conveyors and feeders, require that the machine is running as often as possible. The airline Industry refers to this as “wheels up” time. Airlines make money when the aircraft is in the air “wheels up”. On the other hand, anytime the wheels are down, the aircraft is not making money for the airline. I listened to an interview a few years ago with the CEO of Southwest Airlines, a US discount carrier. Unlike most other airlines, Southwest does not charge its customers to check bags. The CEO was asked by the reporter why they have not joined the rest of the industry in charging for checked bags. The CEOs answer was genius. If Southwest Airlines began charging for check bags, it would actually slow down the boarding process as more and more passengers would drag their bags onto the aircraft most likely resulting in a number of those bags having to be checked at the gate. Southwest Airlines is famous for having the fastest aircraft gate turns in the industry, frequently under 30 minutes. Yes Southwest airlines charged for checked baggage, it would require more time at the gate before the next flight would be ready to depart. That would result in fewer flight segments per aircraft per day. In other words, allowing customers to check bags for free equates to more “wheels up” time and, subsequently, more profit for the airline. The same principal can apply to pick and place machines. When Pick and machines are running product, they are making presumably making money. When they sit idle, they are arguably costing money. What can assemblers do to improve the optimization or “wheels up” time on their pick and place machines? My guest today, Larry Welk believes he has an answer. Larry Welk, a.k.a. Professor spice is the co-owner of Smart Splice, a manufacturer of tape splicing tools. Larry will review tape splicing best practices and explain how tape splicing, when performed correctly, can lead to higher pick and place machine optimization. So, buckle your seatbelt this podcast episode is officially wheels up! Larry's Contact Information: Larry Welk


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Episode 140: Circuit Board Design and Acquisition Best Practices

This episode is a little different from our usual episodes. First of all, it’s a dual-branded episode. It’s both a Reliability Matters Podcast and an Ecosystem podcast episode. The Ecosystem podcast host Judy Warner will join me for an unusual topic, at least for The Reliability Matters Podcast. Most of my audience are assemblers of circuit assemblies. Our world begins with a bare board. I reminded of the biblical passage “the Wiseman built his house upon the rock”. Circuit boards are the foundation from which we build our products upon. There’s so much that goes into the design and fabrication of a bare circuit board. Who designs these boards, what criteria were they given, what materials did they choose, where are they made, how much do they cost, and, perhaps most importantly in our world, how easy are they to assemble? To help answer these and so many other questions, Judy and I have assembled an expert panel of board designers. Our expert panel consists of Gerry Partida, Vice President of Technology at Summit Interconnect and Julie Ellis, Field applications engineering manager for TTM Technologies. Contact Information: Judy Warner EEcosystem Podcast Julie Ellis TTM Technologies Gerry Partida Summit Interconnect


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Episode 139: Environmentally Responsible Alternatives to Traditional PCB Fabrication

Today, we delve into an increasingly critical aspect of technology and electronics manufacturing - the pursuit of environmentally responsible electronics manufacturing. Our industry has witnessed many environmental revolutions. The elimination of popular cleaning solvents brought on by the Montreal protocol in 1989, soon followed by strict VOC regulations pertaining to cleaning chemicals. The switch from lead-based solders to lead free alloys, led by the Restriction of Hazardous Substances directive, known as RoHS implemented within the EU in 2003 and adopted nearly worldwide, regulations regarding the disposal of electronic waste (e-waste) resulting in many countries mandating regulations and programs for the safe recycling and disposal of electronic products, and more. These regulations and others have inspired some companies to seek eco-friendly alternatives to traditional Printed Circuit Board (PCB) fabrication. The combination of numerous environmental regulations has resulted in many companies’ implementation of sustainability programs. As our world becomes more connected, the demand for electronic devices continues to rise, and with it, the importance of mitigating the environmental impact of their production. On this episode of The Reliability Matters Podcast, I’ll speak with Mark Edwards. Mark wrote an article entitled “Environmentally Responsible Alternatives to Traditional PCB Fabrication”, which of course, spurred my interest. Mark works as a Strategic Account Manager within MacDermid Alpha Electronics Solutions, on the global Business Development team for Circuitry Solutions. Mark has been involved in electronics manufacturing since the late 1980’s and brings a passion for process automation, circuit assembly, solders/fluxes, adhesives, coatings and PCB fabrication – all with a focus on repeatability and reliability. Mark holds a B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology from Oklahoma State University and began his career at a defense electronics company in Dallas, Texas (that was later acquired by Raytheon). Mark has uncovered trends and synthesized customer needs for electronic hardware in the telecommunications, defense, automotive, industrial controls segments in the Americas, and now globally, in his newest role. Join me as we explore new materials and methodologies, and innovations that are shaping the electronic assembly industry towards a more eco-conscious future. Mark's Contact Information Mark Edwards


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Episode 138: Hand Soldering and Rework Best Practices with Debbie Wade

Today we're diving deep into the world of precision and craftsmanship—two crucial elements in the realm of hand soldering and rework of circuit assemblies. Whether you're a seasoned electronics enthusiast, a hobbyist, or just someone with a curious mind, this episode promises to demystify the art and science behind hand soldering and rework. We'll be exploring the latest tools, techniques, and trends that define this intricate process, shedding light on the unsung heroes who meticulously bring circuit assemblies to life, or in the case of rework, back to life. There is archaeological evidence that soldering was employed as early as 5,000 years ago in Mesopotamia. Soldering and brazing are thought to have originated very early in the history of metal-working, before 4000 BC. Sumerian swords from 3000 BC were assembled using hard soldering techniques. While soldering applications have morphed and expanded over the centuries, the basic “rules” of soldering have not. On this episode, we’re going to talk about an obvious soldering application, at least to my audience, and that’s soldering of electronic assemblies. From the evolution of hand soldering with numerous technological advancements to the challenges faced by DIYers and professionals alike, we've got it all covered, thanks to my subject matter expert guest, Debbie Wade. Debbie is the managing Director of ART A-R-T, Advanced Rework Technology, a fully independent training organization, which has been presenting various training courses for over thirty years. Debbie has been in the electronics industry for over 20 years with the last 15 of those years at Advanced Rework Technology. Debbie comes to us very well credentialed. She is the chairperson for the IPC-A-620 Training Committee and IPC European Training Committee, with her Master IPC Trainer status for IPC-A 600, 610, 620, 7711/21 and J-STD 001, she is an expert in the field of fabrication, assembly, process and acceptance of board and cable assemblies. Debbie has been presented with numerous awards from IPC in recognition of her contribution to IPC standards and training courses. So, grab your soldering iron (metaphorically speaking), get ready to dive into the flux, and join us as we unravel the secrets of successful hand soldering and rework. Stick around for valuable insights, practical tips, and maybe even a few stories from the trenches of hand soldering and re-work. Debbie's Contact Information: Debbie Wade Master IPC Trainer Advanced Rework Technology,


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Episode 137: Building a Sustainable Career with a Sustainable Impact

Today, we delve into the crucial aspects of maintaining well-being on this journey—how to sidestep the notorious burnout, and perhaps more importantly, how to fuel and maintain your motivation. Because, let's face it, the road to creating a meaningful impact can be demanding, and it's essential to navigate it with resilience and purpose. Join me for a conversation with Rick Coulson. Rick recently retired from a 34 year career at Intel, most recently as a Senior Fellow in the Intel Optane Group. Rick is a passionate advocate for career sustainability and for servant leadership. Rick was awarded the Intel Achievement Award four times for his and his team's work on storage subsystems and SSD technology. He holds more than 90 Patents. Rick received his bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the University of Colorado and his master's degree in Electrical Engineering from Stanford. He is currently a board member at Co-Serve International, a non-profit dedicated to teaching Servant Leadership around the world. With Co-Serve he has been to Kazakhstan 8 times. He’s on the advisory board of Vooks, a company which produces award-winning books that are loved by parents and educators alike, and he’s part of an additional stealth mode start-up (sounds mysterious). He enjoys mentoring and coaching, and today, he’s my guest on the Reliability Matters podcast. Rick's Contact Information:


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Episode 136: Environmentally Responsible/Sustainable Conformal Coating with Dr. Cassandra Zentner

We covered the topic of ultrathin conformal coatings back in November. We covered various conformal coating materials from traditional acrylics and silicones to ultrathin parylene coatings. What other coating materials are available? Where do these types of coatings fit within specific applications? Where do health and safety, environmental concerns, and sustainability programs fit in with a coating process? To answer these other questions, I invited Dr. Cassandra Zentner, VP of Health and environment at Actnano, a manufacturer of coating materials onto the program. Cassandra earned a BA from Oberlin College and a PhD in organic materials chemistry from MIT. Cassandra's Contact Information: Dr. Cassandra Zentner VP of Health and Environment Actnano


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Episode 135: A Conversation with Dr. Zach Peterson about Board Design Best Practices

In today's increasingly connected and digital world, PCBs are the unsung heroes that power our devices, from smartphones to spacecraft. Yet, the art and science of designing these crucial components often go unnoticed. That’s where this episode comes in. Today, I hope to shine a spotlight on the critical role PCBs play in modern technology and explore the best practices that drive innovation and reliability. In this episode, I hope to unravel the mysteries of PCB design, tackle complex challenges, and unlock the secrets to creating high-performance, efficient, and reliable circuit boards. Whether you're a seasoned PCB designer looking to sharpen your skills, a budding engineer eager to learn the ropes, or simply a tech enthusiast curious about the technology that shapes our lives, this episode has something for everyone. Today, I will be joined by Dr. Zach Peterson. Zach is a well-known researcher and electronics designer. In 2017, he founded Northwest Engineering Solutions as a technology consultancy and has since grown the company into an innovative design and manufacturing house for advanced electronic products. He conducted his Applied Physics Ph.D. research in ZnO random laser theory and stability and his M.Sc. Physics research in chemisorptive sensors for environmental monitoring at Portland State University. He also received his MBA (Leadership & Finance) from Adams State University. His work has been published in over a dozen peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings, and he has written 2500+ technical articles on PCB design for a number of companies. He is a member of IEEE Photonics Society, IEEE Electronics Packaging Society, American Physical Society, and the Printed Circuit Engineering Association (PCEA). He previously served as a voting member on the INCITS Quantum Computing Technical Advisory Committee working on technical standards for quantum electronics, and he currently serves on the IEEE P31-86 Working Group focused on Port Interface Representing Photonic Signals Using SPICE-class Circuit Simulators. If Zack looks familiar, you may recognize him from the Altium On-Track and Altium Academy video series and Podcasts. Zach's Contact Information: Zachariah Peterson


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Episode 134 - 2023 Podcast Season Wrap-Up

On this episode, I have no guests as this is the final episode of the Reliability Matters Podcast for the 2023 season. Instead, let's review what happened on the podcast this year. A special thanks to my guests and listeners/viewers for making this podcast so successful.


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Episode 133: Novel Wireless / Wearable ESD Monitoring

We are all aware of the damage electrostatic discharge can wreak on components and electronic products. We mitigate ESD damage through various forms of monitoring. We wear wrist and heel straps, stand on ESD-safe flooring, utilize ESD work stations, and more. We even have ESD testing locations that will test a human standing on a specialized testing station. But what happens the moment that person steps off the tester? My guests today are Dr. Daan Stevenson and Dr. Jonathan Tapson of IONA Tech, a manufacturer of a novel wearable ESD monitoring device that provides constant real time ESD monitoring. Normally, I don’t talk about specific products on the show. We usually limit our conversations to best practices. This is a little bit of an exception to my normal rule. From time to time, a product is introduced that is so novel, it's worthy of a conversation. And that’s the case here. Dr. Daan Stevenson is the Chief Executive Officer of IONA Tech. Daan has a background in mechanical and aerospace engineering. During his doctoral research, he studied the high voltage charging of spacecraft, which are electrical capacitors in the same way that the human body is. While working to design an automated ground station for UAVs, he frequently damaged electrical components from electrostatic shocks. This motivated the creation of IONA Tech, with the goal of advancing technology in ESD mitigation. My other guest is Dr. Jonathan Tapson, Chief Technology Officer of IONA Tech. Jonathan was Professor of Electrical Engineering at Western Sydney University before moving to Telluride Colorado in 2016. He spent his early career conducting sensor and instrumentation research, with a strong industrial focus. During this time he spun out three companies from his research, all of which are successful today. His specialties include low-noise circuits and systems design, mechatronic design and the integration of machine learning into real-time systems. Contact Information: Daan Stevenson Jonathan Tapson Website:


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Episode 132: A Conversation about Ultra-Thin Conformal Coating with HZO's Lisa Rizzo

Today we’ll dive deep into the world of conformal coating. More and more assemblies are being subjected to conformal coating to protect the assembly from harsh environments. What’s leading the drive to conformal coat electronic assemblies? What types of conformal coating options are available? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each type? For circuit assemblies, the protective embrace of conformal coatings ensures reliability, longevity, and performance. As technologies advance, so does the demand for innovative solutions to safeguard our electronic products. Whether you're a seasoned industry professional, a curious tech enthusiast, or just someone who's new to the world of conformal coatings, this episode is your go-to source for in-depth information on the growing trend of applying conformal coating to circuit assemblies. So, join us as we peel back the layers, and immerse ourselves in the world of electronics protection, and learn how conformal coatings play a pivotal role in keeping our devices humming, even in the harshest environments. To better understand conformal coating, I invited Lisa Rizzo to the show. Lisa is Senior Director of Strategy & Emerging Applications at HZO. HZO is a global leader & innovator in protective solutions that, according to them, “keep the world running”. They provide products to markets including consumer electronics as well as high-reliability markets including automotive, industrial, medical, and IoT to deliver a more resilient, reliable, and durable level of protection. HZO specializes in nanocoating solutions that safeguard electronics, electrical products & critical applications in an ever-changing market. Lisa Rizzo's Contact Information:


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Episode 131: A Conversation with Industry Icon Bob Willis

We are all aware of the supply chain issues our industry has faced. Beginning with electronic components, it has spread to so many other types of parts are industry relies on. Fortunately, it looks like we are beginning to come out the other end of the supply chain shortage. But the supply chain problems have further spread to the labor market. If you are in a position to hire people for your company, you know firsthand how difficult that process can be today. Adding to the level of labor acquisition difficulties is the great “Silver Tsunami”, otherwise known as the great retirement. As I mentioned on our last episode, episode number 130, the fact is, baby boomers are entering retirement in greater numbers. According to government data, from now until 2030, 10,000 Baby Boomers each day will hit retirement age. Millions will begin to officially retire. Some of these retirees are designated subject matter experts within their companies. Not only are people retiring, they are taking with them a vault of valuable knowledge. This has created an even larger demand for consultants within our industry. I’ve had several industry consultants on my show over the last few years, including today’s guest. And who is today’s Guest? Legendary industry consultant, Bob Willis. If you’ve been in this industry longer than 18 seconds, there’s a good chance you’ve at least heard his name. If you’ve been in this industry for virtually any length of time, there’s a good chance you’ve seen his videos, read his books, or watched him present at numerous industry conferences and symposiums. If I reviewed Bob’s complete professional biography, it would take an entire episode. Here's my conversation with my friend and colleague, Bob Willis. During our conversation, we discussed Bob's newest book, "Robotic Soldering Inspection and Defect Guide". Anyone who makes a donation to Bob's chosen charity will receive a download of his book as well as access to Bob's complete book collection: • Robotic Soldering Inspection and Defect Guide • Pin in Hole Intrusive Reflow Desing, Assembly & Defect Guide • Package On Package Assembly Inspection & Quality Control • Solder Paste Print Inspection & Defect Guide • Lead-Free Defect Guide 3 • Conformal Coating Inspection & Defect Guide • QFN LGA Assembly Inspection & Defect Guide • PCB Surface Finishes Inspection & Defect Guide • Cleaning & Contamination Defect Guide Click below for more information:


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Episode 130: Human-Centered Approaches to Innovation with Dr. Alexis Abramson

Some of you may recall episode 121 where I spoke with Dr. John Mitchell, president and CEO of IPC about his new book “fire your hiring habits”. During that episode, we talked about best practices for hiring the best people. I’d like to travel a little bit up the river to talk about where potential candidates for hiring come from. While most of the people we interview for positions within our companies come from other companies, more and more, we are seeing new people enter our industry. We’ve talked a lot about the “silver tsunami” affecting our industry. The fact is, baby boomers are entering retirement in greater numbers. From now until 2030, 10,000 Baby Boomers each day will hit retirement age. Millions will begin to officially retire. This is creating a terrific opportunity for young college graduates to enter our industry. Several years ago, I was a speaker at the SMTA, Pan Pacific strategic Electronics symposium in Hawaii. I shared my breakfast table with a longtime colleague, Dr. Ron Lasky, a professor at Dartmouth College. Over the course of breakfast, he asked me how I got into this industry and, more specifically, how I started my company. Dr. Lasky is an engineering professor at Dartmouth’s Thayre school of engineering. He also teaches entrepreneurship to his soon to be engineers. Doctor lasky invited me to come to Dartmouth and speak to his students. I was more than happy to take him up on his offer, and I have spoken to his students on the subject of entrepreneurship every year for the past several years. I have been impressed by the emphasis on entrepreneurship within the Thayre school of engineering. We live in a time of marvelous evolution within the Electronics space. So many new and innovative electronic products are being introduced, fueled by IOT (Internet of things), the electrification of automobiles, advances in communication, and so much more. Education is the bedrock of our industry. It is the foundation for which much of our industry and the products we make are built upon. I’ve had Dr. Lasky on my show several times, and I thought it would be a great idea to invite his boss, the dean of Dartmouth’s Thayre school of engineering onto the program. Dr. Alexis Abramson is the 13th dean of Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth. Prior to joining Dartmouth, she was the Milton and Tamar Maltz Professor of Energy Innovation at Case Western Reserve University and served as a director of the university’s Great Lakes Energy Institute focused on creating sustainable energy technology solutions. During the Obama administration, Dr. Abramson served as chief scientist and manager of the Emerging Technologies Division at the US Department of Energy’s Building Technologies Program. In 2018, she served as technical adviser for Breakthrough Energy Ventures, a $1 billion effort launched by Bill Gates to combat human-driven climate change. Abramson’s research has focused on novel techniques for thermal characterization of nanostructures, the design and synthesis of unique nanomaterials for use in alternative energy applications, virtual energy audits for building energy efficiency, and strategies to accelerate technology commercialization at universities and research institutions. Dr. Abramson earned a BS and MS in Mechanical Engineering from Tufts University and a PhD in Mechanical Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley.


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Episode 129: Network Reliability - Avoiding Cyber-Security Threats

We talk almost exclusively about reliability on this show. Specifically, reliability of circuit assemblies. We discuss production best practices, design for manufacturing and reliability. Failure analysis, and more. We’ve reviewed the latest trends in industry 4.0, the connectivity of machine to machine and machine to management. We discussed big data and how to make all of our newly acquired data relevant and actionable. For all this to occur, our computers must function properly. They must perform the assigned tasks and communicate large sums of data. What happens to our production line if the computers stop functioning? What would happen if our network ceases to operate? We’ve all witnessed the airline industry grind to a halt recently due to computer failures and connectivity issues. The fact is, very few industries can function properly or even at all if the computer systems fail. I’m not referring to quality issues within the computer or network’s internal circuit assemblies. I’m referring to malware, ransomware, and other nefarious actions brought on hackers with the intent to disrupt companies, industries, and governments, frequently with the goal of returning (or promising to return) your own data in exchange for an exorbitant payment. Our industry, like many others is completely dependent on computers and connectivity. Without ether, most production lines will simply sit idle. How can we avoid this terrifying scenario? How do hackers gain access to our computers and networks? How can we add reliability to our computer and network policies and procedures? To answer these and other related questions, I invited a network security expert on the show. Adrian Francoz, co-founder and CEO of Zeta Sky, a managed IT support and cyber security services company lives in the world of cyber security. He and his company protect their customer’s networks through the implementation of security best practices and constant training, both for his customers, and for his own staff. After all, as I speak, hackers and other bad actors are hard at work searching for the next scam, vulnerability, and the opportunity to score a huge payday, all at our expense. In the Southern California area? Consider attending the inland Empire cyber security summit on Thursday, October 26 at the Chaffey College InTech Center, 9400 Cherry Ave, Bldg A Fontana, CA 92335. Register here: Adrian's Contact Information:


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Episode 128: Industry Standards Explained with Leo Lambert

Those of us in the electronic assembly space are no doubt aware of standards. In the simplest terms, standards tell us how to build products correctly. They differentiate correct from incorrect. They tell us what type of materials to use, how a solder joint is determined to be acceptable. Standards tell us how to test various parts of our assembly. How are the standards derived? Who determines what the standards are? How often are they updated? To answer these and other questions, I invited Leo Lambert onto the show. Leo is the author of several publications, including “Soldering for Electronic Assemblies”, published by Marcel Dekker in 1987. He has published and presented numerous papers relative to the subject of Soldering and Cleaning at various Technical Seminars and Exhibitions worldwide. Leo Developed, published, and conducted seminars entitled Deadline to Lead Free Seminars and Thriving in a RoHS/WEEE Environment. Leo received the IPC President’s Award in 1989 for work conducted on solderable coatings for printed wiring boards. He is an IPC Hall of Fame recipient, Charter Member on UNEP (United Nation Environmental Program) Technical Solvent Options Committee, where he overseed the worldwide activities in reducing CFC’s from use as cleaning material in Electronic Manufacturing resulting in the publication of the Montreal Protocol, an international treaty banning certain CFC-based materials. Leo is a Member of ICOLP (Industry Cooperative for Ozone Layer Protection). Leo is a recognized expert in standards and, he’s my guest today on this episode of the Reliability Matters Podcast. Leo's Contact Information: Leo Lambert


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Episode 127: Ask the Experts - A Conversation with Phil Zarrow & Jim Hall

Welcome to another episode of the Reliability Matters podcast. For those of you keeping track, this is episode number 127. In recent episodes, we’ve covered high-level issues, such as hiring best practices, novel, training, methods, design for manufacturing, highly accelerated, life, testing, and more. On this episode, we’re going to go back to the basics. What common problems are assemblers experiencing today? What are the basics of assembly best practices? Which problems seem to live in perpetuity? To answer these and other questions, I’ve invited two of my favorite experts on to the show. If you’ve been in the electronic assembly industry for some amount of time, there’s little doubt you’ve heard of Phil Zarrow and Jim Hall. Phil has been involved with PCB fabrication and assembly for more than 36 years. Phil is the President and Principal Consultant of ITM Consulting. Jim Hall has been involved in the electronic assembly industry for the past 27 years. He’s a principal consultant and resident Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt with ITM Consulting. He’s also an instructor in the Lean Six Sigma programs offered at Dartmouth College. Together with Dr. Ron Lasky, Phil and Jim designed the SMTA’s SMT Processes Certification Course. A couple of years ago, Phil and Jim published a book in titled “troubleshooting electronic assemblies, tales from the board talk crypt”. I’ll talk to them more about that book later in this broadcast. Phil and Jim host the popular audio series “Board Talk” a question and answer show hosted on the Circuit-Insight website. On their show, you’ll hear serious questions, and often comical but real answers. Phil Zarrow's Contact Info: Jim Hall's Contact Info: ITM Consulting:


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Episode 126: Moisture Mitigation Strategies with Dan Jenkins and Rob Lowery

Moisture. The industrial world has been fighting moisture since the beginning of the industrial world. From a general point of view, moisture leads to issues such as • Mold and mildew • Rust • Wood rot • Damage to building materials • Microbial growth • And so much more. In the electronics world, moisture creates a host of reliability problems including: • Popcorning • Delamination of conformal coating • Corrosion • Electrochemical migration • Adhesion degradation (such as on labels and glues) • And more I wanted to dive into moisture mitigation, so I invited two guests onto my show to discuss this very topic. Dan Jenkins is sales manager and partner of the Steel Camel, an industrial solutions company specializing in corrosion and water intrusion control for fuel systems and industrial equipment. Prior to Steel Camel, Dan worked as consultant and instructor in the crane accident prevention industry. He has consulted to large organizations such as Shell Oil, and the United States Department of Interior. Dan earned an MBA from the University of South Florida and earned his BA in Industrial Arts / Technology from Cal St. University Chico and his Post Secondary Teaching Credential from San Francisco State University. Bob Lowry has both BS and MS degrees in Chemistry. His experience includes 31 years as Sr. Scientist and Lab Manager for three integrated circuit manufacturing companies, where measurement of moisture and moisture control activities were a major part of services he provided. Dan has 20 years of experience consulting to the microelectronics industry on a wide variety of topics including materials analysis and measurements and methods of moisture control for electronic components. Bob is also the co-author of the book Hermeticity of Electronic Packages. Dan Jenkins' Contact Info: Bob Lowry's Contact Info:


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Episode 125: DFM Best Practices with Pride Industries' Engineering Manager Andrew Williams

As all of you are well aware, this show is all about reliability, specifically reliability of circuit assemblies. One challenge that seems to be persistent within our space is design for manufacturability or DFM. If you’re a contract manufacturer, I have no doubt that you’ve had the experience of being asked to build a product that seems unbuildable. One example that rings true in my world was the introduction of bottom terminated components or BTC’s. BTC’s are marvelous components. Because all the lead terminations are below the part, they allow for highly dense component placement and highly miniaturized assemblies. They also presented a number of unique challenges in reflow, in many cases voiding, cleaning, and inspection. Like many other industries, we are not immune to the introduction of new technologies that may lack implementation knowledge. We then spend the next several years at technical conferences and symposiums learning us how to implement these new technologies. There are many acronyms in our industry that begin with DF… Design for testability, mechanical assembly, serviceability, reliability, and so many more. So many in fact, that there is a placeholder acronym for all of the various design fours refer to as DFx. Perhaps the holy grail of DFx is DFM, Design for Manufacturability as it encompasses so many aspects of assembly. To help us understand what exactly is DFM, I invited Andrew Williams to be my guest on this episode. Andrew Williams is the Engineering Manager for Electronics Manufacturing at PRIDE Industries. He has more than 30 years of experience in manufacturing and design and holds an SMT Process Engineer certification from SMTA and an IPC Certified Electronics Program Manager. Andrew is a guest lecturer at UC Davis and Cal State University Sacramento for Supply Chain Management, Operations, and TQM courses, and speaks frequently on DFM, DFS, and other DFX topics and today, he’s my guest on the Reliability Matters Podcast. Andrew's Contact Information: Pride Industries
