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Dr. Wyatt Show: Marriage & Relationship Advice


Welcome to one of the best marriage and relationship advice podcasts. The Dr. Wyatt Show will provide direct advice on sex, conflict resolution, sharing power, emotional intimacy, staying in love, and much more. Leave a voicemail 24/7 with your marriage questions at 303-578-0618 then Dr. Wyatt will respond to it on the next Tuesday podcast episode. Relationships can be tough work. Partners have different needs, different expectations, and different backgrounds. Therefore, it doesn't take long before relationships get turned around and headed in the wrong direction. When relationships struggle, sex stops. And when sex stops, couples feel even more disconnected, creating a vicious cycle. The Dr. Wyatt Show can help turn your relationship around. Each episode is full of insights, tips, and encouragement to grow your marriage or relationship. Dr. Wyatt Fisher is a licensed psychologist with a Master's and Doctorate in Clinical Psychology. He's been in private practice in Boulder, CO, since 2004, he's the author of the Total Marriage Refresh book, founder of the Total Marriage Refresh conference, and the developer of the Keep the Glow app. He's also been married since 1999 and his own relationship has been to the brink of divorce and back so he helps couples from both a personal and professional perspective. To learn more, go to his website at https://www.drwyattfisher.com


Boulder, Colorado




Welcome to one of the best marriage and relationship advice podcasts. The Dr. Wyatt Show will provide direct advice on sex, conflict resolution, sharing power, emotional intimacy, staying in love, and much more. Leave a voicemail 24/7 with your marriage questions at 303-578-0618 then Dr. Wyatt will respond to it on the next Tuesday podcast episode. Relationships can be tough work. Partners have different needs, different expectations, and different backgrounds. Therefore, it doesn't take long before relationships get turned around and headed in the wrong direction. When relationships struggle, sex stops. And when sex stops, couples feel even more disconnected, creating a vicious cycle. The Dr. Wyatt Show can help turn your relationship around. Each episode is full of insights, tips, and encouragement to grow your marriage or relationship. Dr. Wyatt Fisher is a licensed psychologist with a Master's and Doctorate in Clinical Psychology. He's been in private practice in Boulder, CO, since 2004, he's the author of the Total Marriage Refresh book, founder of the Total Marriage Refresh conference, and the developer of the Keep the Glow app. He's also been married since 1999 and his own relationship has been to the brink of divorce and back so he helps couples from both a personal and professional perspective. To learn more, go to his website at https://www.drwyattfisher.com





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How I Resolve Conflicts In My Marriage As A Couples Therapist

📢PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW! Learning how to resolve conflicts effectively is essential if you want a heathy marriage. Feelings are going to get hurt. Actions are going to be frustrating. Needs are going to be unmet. When those things occur, we need to know how to respond properly or else things will get worse. We aren't trained on how to handle conflict well so inevitably we handle it poorly. In this new episode on the Dr. Wyatt Show I discuss how I handle conflicts in my marriage. Listen in to see if any of these ideas could work for you. 🚨ER MARRIAGE INTENSIVE- My best program to resolve your resentments quickly. Learn more about my ER Marriage Intensive here! 🎉COLORADO MARRIAGE RETREAT- If you want to get away and spend some quality time together while learning from me all day, attend my marriage retreat in Colorado 3/29/25. Learn more here! Here's the article referenced in the episode on my tool for conflict resolution. FOLLOW me on social for FREE daily tips! Facebook Instagram YouTube TikTok


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What Is Emotional Intimacy? Why You Need It. How To Get More Of It.

📢SHARE WITH OTHERS! Interested in my marriage conference in Florida on 2/23/25 to resolve your resentments and rekindle your love? Learn more about the marriage retreat here to sign-up! Emotional intimacy is a mysterious topic for many partners. What is it? Why do you need it? How do you provide it? If this topic has interested or confused you in the past, you're going to appreciate this new episode on the Dr. Wyatt Show Podcast. In it, I explore what it is, why you need it, and how to get more of it. I also share how it's a top need for my wife and how I've had to work at providing it because it doesn't come natural to me. Email your comments and questions to info@drwyattfisher.com FOLLOW me on social for FREE daily tips! Facebook Instagram YouTube TikTok


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Couples Therapy: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

✏️PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW! Ready to move your marriage from roommates back to lovers? Join my most comprehensive resource to rebuild your relationship in 90 days. Learn more about my ER Marriage Intensive here! Thinking about couples therapy but not sure what to expect? Heard both good things and negative things about couples therapy? Need support but feel apprehensive? You're not alone. Many couples need help but aren't sure what to think about couples therapy. The truth is that couples therapy often includes the good, the bad, and the ugly. In this new episode on the Dr. Wyatt Show podcast I discuss all three. That way, you can get a full picture of what to expect. FOLLOW me on social for FREE daily tips! Facebook Instagram YouTube TikTok


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Stop YOUR Stinking Thinking ABOUT Changing

❤️ER Marriage Intensive Begins 1/28/25! Ready to move out of roommate status and into lover status? Ready to learn how to communicate effectively, resolve your conflicts, nurture emotional intimacy, and much more? Ready to make 2025 the best year yet for your marriage? If so, join my most comprehensive resource starting 1/28. My ER Marriage Intensive. Learn more here! CALL 303-578-0618 & LEAVE A VOICEMAIL WITH YOUR QUESTIONS FOR THE PODCAST! Making changes for your partner is important because it demonstrates love, respect, and commitment to the relationship. It shows that you value their happiness and are willing to grow together. Healthy partnerships thrive on compromise, and adapting to each other's needs builds trust and emotional intimacy. Change doesn't mean losing yourself; it means evolving in ways that strengthen the bond. By addressing your partner's concerns and adjusting behaviors, you create a supportive environment where both people feel heard and appreciated. Ultimately, such efforts reinforce the partnership’s foundation, fostering mutual growth and deeper connection over time. In this episode, I discuss the right and wrong way to think about making changes for your partner. FOLLOW me on social for FREE daily tips! Facebook Instagram YouTube TikTok


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5 Powerful Steps to Rebuild Emotional Safety in Your Relationship

🤝PLEASE SHARE WITH SOMEONE! Ready to move out of roommate status and into lover status? Ready to learn how to communicate effectively, resolve your conflicts, nurture emotional intimacy, and much more? Ready to make 2025 the best year yet for your marriage? If so, join my most comprehensive resource starting 1/28. My ER Marriage Intensive. Learn more here! CALL 303-578-0618 & LEAVE A VOICEMAIL WITH YOUR QUESTION! Emotional safety is the cornerstone of a healthy and thriving marriage. It creates an environment where both partners feel valued, respected, and understood, fostering trust and deep connection. When emotional safety is present, couples can express their feelings, concerns, and vulnerabilities without fear of judgment, rejection, or conflict. This openness strengthens intimacy, enhances communication, and allows for effective conflict resolution. Without emotional safety, misunderstandings and resentment can build, leading to distance and dissatisfaction. But what is emotional safety and how do you foster it? In this episode I provide 5 practical ways to start nurturing it this week! FOLLOW me on social for FREE daily tips! Facebook Instagram YouTube TikTok


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The Simplest Answer To Improve Your Marriage That's Extremely Difficult

✏️PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW If you have a heart for couples and want to help me lower the divorce rate one marriage at a time, enroll in my ICF Accredited program FRCA to become a Certified Relationship Coach in 90 days. The next cohort begins 1/15/25. Learn more here! 🛋️BOOK A SESSION If you'd like to book a full day intensive or single session with me in my practice, click here! In this episode I discuss the simplest way to improve your marriage, which is asking your partner what changes they want you to make then making the changes. However, making the changes often doesn't happen for people and this episode explores 6 different reasons why. Hope you find it helpful! CALL 303-578-0618 & LEAVE A VOICEMAIL WITH YOUR QUESTION! FOLLOW me on social for FREE daily tips! Facebook Instagram YouTube TikTok


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Eight Ways To Become More Attractive In 2025

✏️FRCA Coach Academy Begins 1/15/25! If you have a heart for couples and want to help me lower the divorce rate one marriage at a time, enroll in my ICF Accredited program FRCA to become a Certified Relationship Coach in 90 days. Learn more here! In the episode today I discuss how to become more attractive for your partner emotionally and physically. It's easy to get sloppy in both departments through the years and that strains our marriage. Your partner fell in love with you because they were attracted to you either emotionally or physically or both. Therefore, the less attractive you become, the harder you're making it for them to stay in love with you. Listen to my 8 ideas and discuss with your partner how you both could improve the most in 2025! FOLLOW me on social for FREE daily tips! Facebook Instagram YouTube TikTok


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How To Save A Marriage From Divorce In 5 Steps

✏️PLEASE LEAVE A REVEW The fastest path to healing your marriage is having your partner make a list of their resentments, working through each one with the Reunite Tool, then making long-lasting changes. The more your partner sees your effort and consistent changes, the more hope they'll feel and the stronger their commitment will become. 👉FREE CONSULTATION If you're ready to save your marriage from divorce, schedule a FREE Consultation with a member of my team to learn more about my ER Marriage Intensive! Schedule it here! FOLLOW me on social for FREE daily tips! Facebook Instagram YouTube TikTok


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MASTER Conflict Resolution To SAVE Your Marriage

🥳SHARE THIS EPISODE WITH OTHERS! Have conflicts with your partner? Who doesn't? Unfortunately, we're not taught how to do conflicts right. Therefore, we stuff. We blow up.💥We avoid. We engage even though we're flooded. Sound familiar? We don't know ​how to do conflicts well.​😩John Gottman said the more couples have defensiveness, criticism, contempt, and stonewalling during conflict the more likely they'll divorce one day. Therefore, leaning how to master conflict is paramount. In this ​new episode​ on the Dr. Wyatt Show podcast I discuss a conflict my wife and I had and the lessons I learned from it that can also be applied to your marriage. FREE PDF GUIDE Are you struggling in your marriage? Are you starting to feel hopeless? Get my FREE Guide on How To Rebuild Your Marriage In 90 Days! Grab it here! FOLLOW me on social for FREE daily tips! Facebook Instagram YouTube TikTok


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How I Saved My Marriage From Divorce & You Can Too!

✏️LEAVE A REVEW & SHARE THE EPISODE! In this new episode I share the story of my own marriage. How we started out with rose colored glasses and fell madly in love. How we thought life would be easy. How trauma surfaced in our relationship. How we developed toxic, vicious cycles. How we both developed walls and felt unsafe. How we almost divorced. How we recovered. How you can recover too! FREE PDF GUIDE Are you struggling in your marriage? Are you starting to feel hopeless? Get my FREE Guide on How To Rebuild Your Marriage In 90 Days! Grab it here! FOLLOW me on social for FREE daily tips! Facebook Instagram YouTube TikTok


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Six CONFLICT Mistakes That Are HURTING Your Marriage

✏️LEAVE A REVEW & SHARE THE EPISODE! Most couples have relationship problems. The causes are varied but the patterns are consistent. One of the most important ways to fix your relationship problems is by learning what conflict mistakes to avoid. For example, my wife and I had a conflict a few years ago about leaves. You heard me, about leaves! I did all the raking and felt like I picked up enough leaves 🍂 without it blocking the sun and harming the grass. She disagreed and thought more needed to be raked. She brought up her concern and I said it was fine. The more I said it was fine, the more she argued that it wasn't fine. Eventually, we both got frustrated. 🤯 She felt like I was dismissing her concerns. I felt like she wasn't respecting my judgement. We had to first de-flood. Then, we had to listen to each other's experience in the conflict to discern how we both made it worse. Then, we had to discuss adjustments we both could make moving forward. In this episode, I share some of these lessons with you! FREE PDF GUIDE Are you struggling in your marriage? Are you starting to feel hopeless? Get my FREE Guide on How To Rebuild Your Marriage In 90 Days! Grab it here! Read my new article on How To Reverse A Loveless Marriage! FOLLOW me on social for FREE daily tips! Facebook Instagram YouTube TikTok


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Do This To Save Your Marriage During Separation

✏️LEAVE A REVEW & SHARE THE EPISODE! It's easy to feel hopeless when your partner asks for a separation. What you may not realize is your behavior during the separation can either push your partner further away or attract them back to you. In this new episode I discuss four steps to take to attract your partner back to you during a separation. 💥Want my FREE training on How To Move Your Marriage From Surviving To Thriving? Get it here! Call 303-578-0618 and leave a voicemail with your marriage question and I'll respond to it on an upcoming podcast episode. FOLLOW me on social for FREE daily tips! Facebook Instagram YouTube TikTok


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My Wife Wants Divorce - How Can I Change Her Mind?

📞Call 303-578-0618 With Your Marriage Questions! In this new episode on the Dr. Wyatt Show podcast a caller is asking how to save his marriage. They've only been married 4 months and his wife is already asking for a divorce! It's amazing how common divorce has become. There are certainly times when divorce is recommended. However, most of the time partners want a divorce way too quickly. In the podcast I respond to his question and then I discuss 4 lessons we all can learn from his situation. 💔Tired of all the resentments and walls in your marriage? Ready to start feeling like lovers rather than roommates? Book a FREE call with one of my coaches to learn how my ER Marriage Intensive can rebuild your relationship in 90 days! BOOK YOUR CALL HERE! New Pages Relationship Coaching in New York City, NY Relationship Coaching in Philadelphia, PA Relationship Coaching in Los Angeles, CA Relationship Coach Directory FOLLOW me on social for FREE daily tips! Facebook Instagram YouTube TikTok


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Manage Your Anger - Manage Your Marriage

✏️LEAVE A REVEW & SHARE THE EPISODE! Do you struggle with anger? Do you get harsh with your words when you're upset? Do you say and do things you later regret? Do you ignore your partner to punish them? Do you get sarcastic with your comments? Do you know that how you handle your anger can influence your divorce risk? Dr. John Gottman found the more people stonewall, are defensive, get critical, and are contemptuous the more likely their marriage will not last. Therefore, learning to manage your anger better is essential to the longevity and health of your marriage. In the new episode today on the Dr. Wyatt Show podcast, I discuss essential perspectives to help you manage your anger more effectively. 🤩BOOK YOUR MARRIAGE RETREAT- DENVER, CO 11-16 Want to give your marriage an entire day of undivided attention to learn how to work through your resentments and rekindle your love? Now's your chance. Attend the Total Marriage Refresh live in Denver, CO 11/16. Limited seats available. Grab your spot to the marriage retreat here. Call 303-578-0618 and leave a voicemail with your marriage question and I'll respond to it on an upcoming podcast episode. 💕IMPROVE YOUR COMMUNICATION with my KTG App Want to improve your communication for more love and less fights? Are you tired of holding things in and not discussing how you feel? Ready to start getting your needs met like never before? Download my couples app here! FOLLOW me on social for FREE daily tips! Facebook Instagram YouTube TikTok


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Why Staying Curious In Your Marriage Is Essential For Connection

🤝SHARE THIS EPISODE WITH SOMEONE TODAY! Want to know what happens to a lot of people through the years of marriage? They fall asleep. They take their eye off the ball.👀 They let the fire go out. It's usually not intentional. A little emotional neglect here. A little physical neglect there. And before long you're feeling detached and walled off. In this new episode of the Dr. Wyatt Show podcast I interview Meygan and Casey Caston, founders of Marriage365 about this pattern. Listen to their story of struggle and wisdom they've learned through their years of helping other couples. 🤩BOOK YOUR MARRIAGE RETREAT- DENVER, CO 11-16 Want to give your marriage an entire day of undivided attention to learn how to work through your resentments and rekindle your love? Now's your chance. Attend the Total Marriage Refresh live in Denver, CO 11/16. Limited seats available. Grab your spot to the marriage retreat here. Call 303-578-0618 and leave a voicemail with your marriage question and I'll respond to it on an upcoming podcast episode. 🎉FREE 7 Day Challenge For Better Conflict Resolution Click here to get started! 💕KEEP THE GLOW (KTG): App Want to improve your communication for more love and less fights? Are you tired of holding things in and not discussing how you feel? Ready to start getting your needs met like never before? Download my couples app here! New page for relationship coaching in Raleigh, NC! FOLLOW me on social for FREE daily tips! Facebook Instagram YouTube TikTok


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7 Ways To Improve Your Relationship

✏️RATE, REVIEW, & SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE! There are two things needed for a good marriage. Wisdom and self-control. 🏋️‍♂️ If you have wisdom but lack self-control you won't be able to follow through on your wisdom. If you have self-control but lack wisdom you won't know how to handle certain situations. In this new episode on the Dr. Wyatt Show podcast I cover seven ways to improve your relationship.🎙️And guess what. Each one requires self-control. I'm providing the wisdom. You need to provide the self-control. TEXAS MARRIAGE RETREAT 10/13 Want to give your marriage an entire day of undivided attention to learn how to work through your resentments and rekindle your love? Now's your chance. Attend the Total Marriage Refresh with live in Dallas 10/13. Limited seats available. Grab your spot to the marriage retreat here. Call 303-578-0618 and leave a voicemail with your marriage question and I'll respond to it on an upcoming podcast episode. 🎉FREE 7 Day Challenge For Better Conflict Resolution Want to sign up for my FREE Challenge on 7 Days To Better Conflict Resolution. Get it here! 💕KEEP THE GLOW (KTG): App Want to improve your communication for more love and less fights? Are you tired of holding things in and not discussing how you feel? Ready to start getting your needs met like never before? Download my couples app here! 👀WHO IS DR. WYATT? I'm a licensed psychologist specializing in couples therapy. I've been in private practice since 2004 and my passion is helping couples resolve their resentments and rekindle their love! My mission is to reduce the divorce rate one marriage at a time. I look forward to interacting with you in the comments. FOLLOW me on social for FREE daily tips! Facebook Instagram YouTube TikTok


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How Thoughtful Gestures Can Transform Your Marriage

🎉ATTEND The TEXAS MARRIAGE RETREAT 10/13 If you want to transform your marriage, you must learn the art of thoughtful gestures. Thoughtful gestures express, "I care about you, I'm thinking about you, you matter to me, etc." How often do you provide thoughtful gestures? In the new episode today on the Dr. Wyatt Show I discuss the top three ways to provide thoughtful gestures. The ideas are different than what you might expect so be sure to listen all the way through. TEXAS MARRIAGE RETREAT 10/13 Want to give your marriage an entire day of undivided attention to learn how to work through your resentments and rekindle your love? Now's your chance. Attend the Total Marriage Refresh with live in Dallas 10/13. Limited seats available. Grab your spot to the marriage retreat here. Call 303-578-0618 and leave a voicemail with your marriage question and I'll respond to it on an upcoming podcast episode. 🎉FREE PDF for Better Communication Want my FREE PDF on 4 Steps To Better Communication. Download it here! 💕KEEP THE GLOW (KTG): App Want to improve your communication for more love and less fights? Are you tired of holding things in and not discussing how you feel? Ready to start getting your needs met like never before? Download my couples app here! 👀WHO IS DR. WYATT? I'm a licensed psychologist specializing in couples therapy. I've been in private practice since 2004 and my passion is helping couples resolve their resentments and rekindle their love! My mission is to reduce the divorce rate one marriage at a time. I look forward to interacting with you in the comments. FOLLOW me on social for FREE daily tips! Facebook Instagram YouTube TikTok


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Become A Relationship Coach In 90 Days- Class Begins 9/25!

FRCA COACH ACADEMY BEGINS 9/25! Have a heart for couples? Want to help lower the divorce rate? Have you been told you're a great listener? It's time to put your passion into practice by becoming a certified relationship coach. The solution is my FRCA Coach Academy. In FRCA I'll teach you step by step how to become a successful relationship coach in 90 days! You don't want to miss it. Take the next step into a new chapter of your career with FRCA starting 9/25. Grab your spot in my FRCA Relationship Coach Certification Program Here! FOLLOW me on social for FREE daily tips! Facebook Instagram YouTube TikTok


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EVERYTHING you need to know about my FRCA Coach Academy starting 5/23!

Have a heart for couples? Want to help lower the divorce rate? Want a full or part time career with good pay and a flexible schedule but not sure where to begin? Become a relationship coach through my FRCA coach academy! In my ICF accredited program, you'll learn step by step all the skills required to help couples resolve their resentments and fall back in love. Did you know that summer is the ideal time to retread so you can hit the ground running in the fall? Start making a difference by becoming a relationship coach! ​Click here to learn more and enroll! FOLLOW me on social for FREE daily tips! Facebook Instagram YouTube TikTok


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FREE Masterclass 5/16: How To Become A Relationship Coach In 90 Days!

Do you have a heart for couples? Want to help lower the divorce rate? Have you thought about becoming a relationship coach but didn't know where to begin? If you answered yes, join my FREE Masterclass 5/16 at 1pm or 7pm MST. Grab your spot here! In it, you'll discover: Average income for coaches and future projections for the coaching industry. Four ways to know if you'd be a successful coach. Why coaching is the best solution to lowering the divorce rate. Why helping couples is the best career path. Everything required to become a relationship coach Plus, when you attend the Masterclass you'll receive a FREE Bonus PDF on 7 Marketing Hacks To Build Your New Coaching Practice. In this PDF I'll show you my top four marketing hacks for generating referrals! Grab your spot here! FOLLOW me on social for FREE daily tips! Facebook Instagram YouTube TikTok
