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Morning Throners Podcast

Arts & Culture Podcasts

We are a Song of Ice and Fire Podcast. We will be doing a chapter by chapter read through of the entire series (wish us luck). We started recording this podcast early April 2019 (two weeks before the 8th and final season of Game of Thrones. Because of that we also cover that season episode by episode as well. We are all die hard Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) fans and love discussing questions and theories. We are always looking for more theories to talk about so anything you've got send to us via any social media or comment wherever you may listen. Special Thanks to Dalton for providing the intro and outro music.


United States


We are a Song of Ice and Fire Podcast. We will be doing a chapter by chapter read through of the entire series (wish us luck). We started recording this podcast early April 2019 (two weeks before the 8th and final season of Game of Thrones. Because of that we also cover that season episode by episode as well. We are all die hard Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) fans and love discussing questions and theories. We are always looking for more theories to talk about so anything you've got send to us via any social media or comment wherever you may listen. Special Thanks to Dalton for providing the intro and outro music.





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Song of Ice and Fire Podcast 245: The Drowned Man - A Feast For Crows

Send us a text In this episode Nelson, Jeff and Kyle discuss the 20th chapter of the book "A Feast For Crows" from the series "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George R.R. Martin. In the first half of the podcast we go through the chapter chronologically with Kyle who is on his first read through (Spoiler Free), and in the second half Jeff and Nelson dig into theories in a full spoiler section. If you have any Questions, Theories or just want to tell us anything we missed? Join our discord and talk about it with us and we can bring it up on the next episode! Checkout our discord to chat with us or for any podcast resources: #asoiaf #asongoficeandfire Thanks to Dalton for Music! Thanks to jraijin on fiver for the art! Here is a link to his page: ▬ Non-Spoiler / Spoiler ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 0:00 - Spoiler Free 1:07:55 - Spoiler Section


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Song of Ice and Fire Podcast 244: The Iron Captain - A Feast For Crows

Send us a text In this episode Nelson, Jeff and Kyle discuss the 19th chapter of the book "A Feast For Crows" from the series "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George R.R. Martin. In the first half of the podcast we go through the chapter chronologically with Kyle who is on his first read through (Spoiler Free), and in the second half Jeff and Nelson dig into theories in a full spoiler section. If you have any Questions, Theories or just want to tell us anything we missed? Join our discord and talk about it with us and we can bring it up on the next episode! Checkout our discord to chat with us or for any podcast resources: #asoiaf #asongoficeandfire Thanks to Dalton for Music! Thanks to jraijin on fiver for the art! Here is a link to his page: ▬ Non-Spoiler / Spoiler ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 0:00 - Spoiler Free 1:08:22 - Spoiler Section


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Song of Ice and Fire Podcast 243: Cersei IV - A Feast For Crows

Send us a text In this episode Nelson, Jeff and Kyle discuss the 18th chapter of the book "A Feast For Crows" from the series "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George R.R. Martin. In the first half of the podcast we go through the chapter chronologically with Kyle who is on his first read through (Spoiler Free), and in the second half Jeff and Nelson dig into theories in a full spoiler section. If you have any Questions, Theories or just want to tell us anything we missed? Join our discord and talk about it with us and we can bring it up on the next episode! Checkout our discord to chat with us or for any podcast resources: #asoiaf #asongoficeandfire Thanks to Dalton for Music! Thanks to jraijin on fiver for the art! Here is a link to his page: ▬ Non-Spoiler / Spoiler ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 0:00 - Spoiler Free 1:31:15 - Spoiler Section


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Song of Ice and Fire Podcast 242: Jaime II - A Feast For Crows

Send us a text In this episode Nelson, Jeff and Kyle discuss the 17th chapter of the book "A Feast For Crows" from the series "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George R.R. Martin. In the first half of the podcast we go through the chapter chronologically with Kyle who is on his first read through (Spoiler Free), and in the second half Jeff and Nelson dig into theories in a full spoiler section. If you have any Questions, Theories or just want to tell us anything we missed? Join our discord and talk about it with us and we can bring it up on the next episode! Checkout our discord to chat with us or for any podcast resources: #asoiaf #asongoficeandfire Thanks to Dalton for Music! Thanks to jraijin on fiver for the art! Here is a link to his page: ▬ Non-Spoiler / Spoiler ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 0:00 - Spoiler Free 1:12:47 - Spoiler Section


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Song of Ice and Fire Podcast 241: Samwell II - A Feast For Crows

Send us a text In this episode Nelson, Jeff and Kyle discuss the 16th chapter of the book "A Feast For Crows" from the series "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George R.R. Martin. In the first half of the podcast we go through the chapter chronologically with Kyle who is on his first read through (Spoiler Free), and in the second half Jeff and Nelson dig into theories in a full spoiler section. If you have any Questions, Theories or just want to tell us anything we missed? Join our discord and talk about it with us and we can bring it up on the next episode! Checkout our discord to chat with us or for any podcast resources: Thanks to Dalton for Music! Thanks to jraijin on fiver for the art! Here is a link to his page: ▬ Non-Spoiler / Spoiler ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 0:00 - Spoiler Free 49:05 - Spoiler Section


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Song of Ice and Fire Podcast 240: Brienne III - A Feast For Crows

Send us a text In this episode Nelson, Jeff and Kyle discuss the 15th chapter of the book "A Feast For Crows" from the series "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George R.R. Martin. In the first half of the podcast we go through the chapter chronologically with Kyle who is on his first read through (Spoiler Free), and in the second half Jeff and Nelson dig into theories in a full spoiler section. If you have any Questions, Theories or just want to tell us anything we missed? Join our discord and talk about it with us and we can bring it up on the next episode! Checkout our discord to chat with us or for any podcast resources: Thanks to Dalton for Music! Thanks to jraijin on fiver for the art! Here is a link to his page: ▬ Non-Spoiler / Spoiler ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 0:00 - Spoiler Free 1:11:30 - Spoiler Section


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Song of Ice and Fire Podcast 239: The Soiled Knight - A Feast For Crows

Send us a text In this episode Nelson, Jeff and Kyle discuss the 14th chapter of the book "A Feast For Crows" from the series "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George R.R. Martin. In the first half of the podcast we go through the chapter chronologically with Kyle who is on his first read through (Spoiler Free), and in the second half Jeff and Nelson dig into theories in a full spoiler section. If you have any Questions, Theories or just want to tell us anything we missed? Join our discord and talk about it with us and we can bring it up on the next episode! Checkout our discord to chat with us or for any podcast resources: Thanks to Dalton for Music! Thanks to jraijin on fiver for the art! Here is a link to his page: ▬ Non-Spoiler / Spoiler ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 0:00 - Spoiler Free 1:26:20 - Spoiler Section


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Song of Ice and Fire Podcast 238: Cersei III - A Feast For Crows

Send us a text In this episode Nelson, Jeff and Kyle discuss the 13th chapter of the book "A Feast For Crows" from the series "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George R.R. Martin. In the first half of the podcast we go through the chapter chronologically with Kyle who is on his first read through (Spoiler Free), and in the second half Jeff and Nelson dig into theories in a full spoiler section. If you have any Questions, Theories or just want to tell us anything we missed? Join our discord and talk about it with us and we can bring it up on the next episode! Checkout our discord to chat with us or for any podcast resources: Thanks to Dalton for Music! Thanks to jraijin on fiver for the art! Here is a link to his page: ▬ Non-Spoiler / Spoiler ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 0:00 - Spoiler Free 1:08:15 - Spoiler Section


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Song of Ice and Fire Podcast 237: The Kraken's Daughter - A Feast For Crows

Send us a text In this episode Nelson, Jeff and Kyle discuss the 12th chapter of the book "A Feast For Crows" from the series "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George R.R. Martin. In the first half of the podcast we go through the chapter chronologically with Kyle who is on his first read through (Spoiler Free), and in the second half Jeff and Nelson dig into theories in a full spoiler section. If you have any Questions, Theories or just want to tell us anything we missed? Join our discord and talk about it with us and we can bring it up on the next episode! Checkout our discord to chat with us or for any podcast resources: Thanks to Dalton for Music! Thanks to jraijin on fiver for the art! Here is a link to his page: ▬ Non-Spoiler / Spoiler ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 0:00 - Spoiler Free 1:12:10 - Spoiler Section


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Song of Ice and Fire Podcast 236: Sansa I - A Feast For Crows

Send us a text In this episode Nelson, Jeff and Kyle discuss the 11th chapter of the book "A Feast For Crows" from the series "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George R.R. Martin. In the first half of the podcast we go through the chapter chronologically with Kyle who is on his first read through (Spoiler Free), and in the second half Jeff and Nelson dig into theories in a full spoiler section. If you have any Questions, Theories or just want to tell us anything we missed? Join our discord and talk about it with us and we can bring it up on the next episode! Checkout our discord to chat with us or for any podcast resources: Thanks to Dalton for Music! Thanks to jraijin on fiver for the art! Here is a link to his page: ▬ Non-Spoiler / Spoiler ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 0:00 - Spoiler Free 53:25 - Spoiler Section Hang Out With Your Slang Out Words can be deceptive. Fear not, Matt Dan are here to help. Listen on: Apple Podcasts Spotify


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Song of Ice and Fire Podcast 235: Brienne II - A Feast For Crows

Send us a text In this episode Nelson, Jeff and Kyle discuss the 10th chapter of the book "A Feast For Crows" from the series "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George R.R. Martin. In the first half of the podcast we go through the chapter chronologically with Kyle who is on his first read through (Spoiler Free), and in the second half Jeff and Nelson dig into theories in a full spoiler section. If you have any Questions, Theories or just want to tell us anything we missed? Join our discord and talk about it with us and we can bring it up on the next episode! Checkout our discord to chat with us or for any podcast resources: Thanks to Dalton for Music! Thanks to jraijin on fiver for the art! Here is a link to his page: ▬ Non-Spoiler / Spoiler ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 0:00 - Spoiler Free 1:10:00 - Spoiler Section Will You Survive... The Podcast Do you have what it takes to survive the zombie apocalypse. Tune in and find out now. Listen on: Apple Podcasts Spotify


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Song of Ice and Fire Podcast 234: Jamie I - A Feast For Crows

Send us a text In this episode Nelson, Jeff and Kyle discuss the 9th chapter of the book "A Feast For Crows" from the series "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George R.R. Martin. In the first half of the podcast we go through the chapter chronologically with Kyle who is on his first read through (Spoiler Free), and in the second half Jeff and Nelson dig into theories in a full spoiler section. If you have any Questions, Theories or just want to tell us anything we missed? Join our discord and talk about it with us and we can bring it up on the next episode! Checkout our discord to chat with us or for any podcast resources: Thanks to Dalton for Music! Thanks to jraijin on fiver for the art! Here is a link to his page: ▬ Non-Spoiler / Spoiler ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 0:00 - Spoiler Free 1:14:30 - Spoiler Section


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Song of Ice and Fire Podcast 233: Cersei II - A Feast For Crows

Send us a text In this episode Nelson, Jeff and Kyle discuss the 8th chapter of the book "A Feast For Crows" from the series "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George R.R. Martin. In the first half of the podcast we go through the chapter chronologically with Kyle who is on his first read through (Spoiler Free), and in the second half Jeff and Nelson dig into theories in a full spoiler section. If you have any Questions, Theories or just want to tell us anything we missed? Join our discord and talk about it with us and we can bring it up on the next episode! Checkout our discord to chat with us or for any podcast resources: Thanks to Dalton for Music! Thanks to jraijin on fiver for the art! Here is a link to his page: ▬ Non-Spoiler / Spoiler ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 0:00 - Spoiler Free 1:35:20 - Spoiler Section


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Song of Ice and Fire Podcast 232: Arya I - A Feast For Crows

Send us a text In this episode Nelson, Jeff and Kyle discuss the 7th chapter of the book "A Feast For Crows" from the series "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George R.R. Martin. In the first half of the podcast we go through the chapter chronologically with Kyle who is on his first read through (Spoiler Free), and in the second half Jeff and Nelson dig into theories in a full spoiler section. If you have any Questions, Theories or just want to tell us anything we missed? Join our discord and talk about it with us and we can bring it up on the next episode! Checkout our discord to chat with us or for any podcast resources: Thanks to Dalton for Music! Thanks to jraijin on fiver for the art! Here is a link to his page: ▬ Non-Spoiler / Spoiler ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 0:00 - Spoiler Free 54:45 - Spoiler Section


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Song of Ice and Fire Podcast 231: Samwell I - A Feast For Crows

Send us a text In this episode Nelson, Jeff and Kyle discuss the 6th chapter of the book "A Feast For Crows" from the series "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George R.R. Martin. In the first half of the podcast we go through the chapter chronologically with Kyle who is on his first read through (Spoiler Free), and in the second half Jeff and Nelson dig into theories in a full spoiler section. If you have any Questions, Theories or just want to tell us anything we missed? Join our discord and talk about it with us and we can bring it up on the next episode! Checkout our discord to chat with us or for any podcast resources: Thanks to Dalton for Music! Thanks to jraijin on fiver for the art! Here is a link to his page: ▬ Non-Spoiler / Spoiler ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 0:00 - Spoiler Free 1:18:20 - Spoiler Section Wellness Thru Reading Greetings and salutations book lovers. Welcome to Wellness Thru Reading. A podcast... Listen on: Apple Podcasts Spotify


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Song of Ice and Fire Podcast 230: Brienne I - A Feast For Crows

Send us a text In this episode Nelson, Jeff and Kyle discuss the 5th chapter of the book "A Feast For Crows" from the series "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George R.R. Martin. In the first half of the podcast we go through the chapter chronologically with Kyle who is on his first read through (Spoiler Free), and in the second half Jeff and Nelson dig into theories in a full spoiler section. If you have any Questions, Theories or just want to tell us anything we missed? Join our discord and talk about it with us and we can bring it up on the next episode! Checkout our discord to chat with us or for any podcast resources: Thanks to Dalton for Music! Thanks to jraijin on fiver for the art! Here is a link to his page: ▬ Non-Spoiler / Spoiler ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 0:00 - Spoiler Free 52:00 - Spoiler Section Wellness Thru Reading Greetings and salutations book lovers. Welcome to Wellness Thru Reading. A podcast... Listen on: Apple Podcasts Spotify


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Song of Ice and Fire Podcast 229: Cersei I - A Feast For Crows

Send us a text In this episode Nelson, Jeff and Kyle discuss the 4th chapter of the book "A Feast For Crows" from the series "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George R.R. Martin. In the first half of the podcast we go through the chapter chronologically with Kyle who is on his first read through (Spoiler Free), and in the second half Jeff and Nelson dig into theories in a full spoiler section. If you have any Questions, Theories or just want to tell us anything we missed? Join our discord and talk about it with us and we can bring it up on the next episode! Checkout our discord to chat with us or for any podcast resources: Thanks to Dalton for Music! Thanks to jraijin on fiver for the art! Here is a link to his page: ▬ Non-Spoiler / Spoiler ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 0:00 - Spoiler Free 1:00:30 - Spoiler Section Wellness Thru Reading Greetings and salutations book lovers. Welcome to Wellness Thru Reading. A podcast... Listen on: Apple Podcasts Spotify


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Song of Ice and Fire Podcast 228: The Captain of the Guards - A Feast For Crows

Send us a text In this episode Nelson, Jeff and Kyle discuss the 3rd chapter of the book "A Feast For Crows" from the series "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George R.R. Martin. In the first half of the podcast we go through the chapter chronologically with Kyle who is on his first read through (Spoiler Free), and in the second half Jeff and Nelson dig into theories in a full spoiler section. If you have any Questions, Theories or just want to tell us anything we missed? Join our discord and talk about it with us and we can bring it up on the next episode! Checkout our discord to chat with us or for any podcast resources: Thanks to Dalton for Music! Thanks to jraijin on fiver for the art! Here is a link to his page: ▬ Non-Spoiler / Spoiler ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 0:00 - Spoiler Free 1:02:55 - Spoiler Section Wellness Thru Reading Greetings and salutations book lovers. Welcome to Wellness Thru Reading. A podcast... Listen on: Apple Podcasts Spotify


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Song of Ice and Fire Podcast 227: The Prophet - A Feast For Crows

Send us a text In this episode Nelson, Jeff and Kyle discuss the 2nd chapter of the book "A Feast For Crows" from the series "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George R.R. Martin. In the first half of the podcast we go through the chapter chronologically with Kyle who is on his first read through (Spoiler Free), and in the second half Jeff and Nelson dig into theories in a full spoiler section. If you have any Questions, Theories or just want to tell us anything we missed? Join our discord and talk about it with us and we can bring it up on the next episode! Checkout our discord to chat with us or for any podcast resources: Thanks to Dalton for Music! Thanks to jraijin on fiver for the art! Here is a link to his page: ▬ Non-Spoiler / Spoiler ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 0:00 - Spoiler Free 56:30 - Spoiler Section Wellness Thru Reading Greetings and salutations book lovers. Welcome to Wellness Thru Reading. A podcast... Listen on: Apple Podcasts Spotify


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Song of Ice and Fire Podcast 226: Prologue - Feast For Crows

Send us a text In this episode Nelson, Jeff and Kyle discuss the 1st chapter of the book "A Feast For Crows" from the series "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George R.R. Martin. In the first half of the podcast we go through the chapter chronologically with Kyle who is on his first read through (Spoiler Free), and in the second half Jeff and Nelson dig into theories in a full spoiler section. If you have any Questions, Theories or just want to tell us anything we missed? Join our discord and talk about it with us and we can bring it up on the next episode! Checkout our discord to chat with us or for any podcast resources: Thanks to Dalton for Music! Thanks to jraijin on fiver for the art! Here is a link to his page: ▬ Non-Spoiler / Spoiler ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 0:00 - Spoiler Free 44:40 - Spoiler Section Wellness Thru Reading Greetings and salutations book lovers. Welcome to Wellness Thru Reading. A podcast... Listen on: Apple Podcasts Spotify
