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Joyful-Souls with Tracey Benson

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Welcome to Joyful Souls! Join us for real talk by your host and inspiring interviews with conscious, awakened souls who are realizing epic fulfillment by living on purpose, with intention and in alignment! Join us for a soul filled, amazing experience! I’m your host Tracey Benson. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Welcome to Joyful Souls! Join us for real talk by your host and inspiring interviews with conscious, awakened souls who are realizing epic fulfillment by living on purpose, with intention and in alignment! Join us for a soul filled, amazing experience! I’m your host Tracey Benson. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.



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My Holiday Gift Guide

The holidays can be a tricky time. For some of us, navigating these months can add a lot of unnecessary stress, particularly when it comes to choosing those perfect presents that will wow your loved ones. In today’s episode, I’ll be sharing a few tips that have helped me stay organized this year, as well as how the concept of love languages has personally aided me in regards to gift-giving. To hear more, tune in to Episode 29 of Joyful-Souls! In This Episode You Will Learn: Let’s Connect! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Staying Grateful Through Grief

Today’s episode is a bit of a heavy one. I recently lost two friends of mine within the personal development circle and have taken some time to collect my thoughts on all of it. Reflection has been rampant in mourning and the one thing that’s been pressing on my mind lately is how grateful I am for the people around me. On the show today, I want to share why I’m so passionate about practicing gratitude, particularly through adversity, why learning to live in the moment is beneficial for us in the long run, as well as some ways to ensure we never live with regrets. To hear more, tune in to Episode 28 of Joyful-Souls! In This Episode You Will Learn: Let’s Connect! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Saying Goodbye to a Furry Family Member

These past couple of weeks have been a little tough. I’ve unfortunately had to put my dog of eleven years down and have been taking some time to say goodbye to him. Caring for a pet, particularly a dog, is one of the most fulfilling, educational, and loving ventures you can embark on and there is so much we can stand to learn from animals. In this episode, I’ll be sharing a few of the things I’m grateful for in regards to the dogs I’ve owned over the years, why this holiday season has been an especially emotional time for me personally, and why bringing a pet into your home is an overall blessing. To hear more, tune in to Episode 27 of Joyful-Souls! In This Episode You Will Learn: Let’s Connect! InstagramFacebookEmail: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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The Art of Slowing Down

This year has been one of the most challenging yet, and with our lives shifting so dramatically over the past several months, it’s been all the more difficult to slow down and truly take inventory of the world around us. One thing I’m so grateful to have learned this year is the beauty behind slowing down. As someone who has always lived a relatively ‘fast’ life, this was such a necessary skill I needed to work on and has helped me to improve the quality of every aspect of my life. I’ve had the energy to dedicate space to my career and my close relationships, and have used this time as a way to reflect on how far I’ve come within my own personal growth. In this episode, I’m going to share how stopping to smell the roses has really benefited me over the last year, why it’s important to incorporate levity and play into our lives, and why developing the right mindset is a key component to achieving personal success. To learn more, tune in to Episode 26 of Joyful-Souls! In This Episode You Will Learn: faststrongermore meaningful‘take inventory’playcoachingcareer Let’s Connect! InstagramFacebookEmail: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Entering 2021 With a Bang!

As the year is slowly drawing to a close, many out there have taken this time in isolation to reflect and refocus on what is truly important to us. In today’s episode, I’m going to be sharing my take on how we can bring in the New Year with a sense of pride and excitement and how we can focus on our goals in spite of all the upcoming holiday stress! I’ll be talking about how I’ve seen the restrictions of Covid-19 affect those around me, how we can harness our courage in the face of adversity, and why next year is one we should be bringing in with curiosity rather than dread. To hear more, tune in to Episode 25 of Joyful-Souls! In This Episode You Will Learn: commute time‘musts’ health and fitness Let’s Connect! InstagramFacebookEmail: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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How Are You Playing Small?

Last week, I had a bit of a personal breakthrough. After attending a weekend retreat with a friend of mine, my eyes were opened to so many personal insights that I wasn’t aware of or even conscious of before attending. I learned lessons about my own creativity, the limitations I place on my own abilities, and the importance of taking risks. In this episode, I’ll be sharing how this epiphany impacted me personally, what I discovered about myself, as well as why I want my listeners to look inwards and really ask yourselves the questions that matter. To hear more, have a listen to Episode 24 of Joyful Souls! In This Episode You Will Learn: ‘what would love do?’imploring Let’s Connect! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Life as a Landlord During COVID-19

Coming up on our eighth month of lockdown, things have shifted monumentally in many aspects of our lives. Both economically and emotionally, we are feeling taxed by the weight of everything going on right now and many tenants in the Real Estate sector have fallen victim to evictions on top of the already stressful restrictions that Covid-19 has put on all of us. It’s been a logistically difficult time for both tenants and landlords respectfully. Today, I’m going to be sharing my perspective on how lockdown has affected myself as a Property Manager, my side of the ongoing tenancy agreements I have with my clients, why I value consistency, and why empathy is so important for us to practice right now. If you’re interested to hear more, tune in to Episode 23 of Joyful-Souls! In This Episode You Will Learn: affordableaccessiblekindness‘preparing for winter’ Let’s Connect! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Knowing Your Worth & Taking Control of a Toxic Relationship

Something that’s repeatedly been brought to my attention lately is the complacent behaviors I’ve noticed from those within negative and sometimes, even toxic relationships. It’s a conversation I’ve had many times within my own circle of friends and so often, it’s disheartening to see their willingness to stay in partnerships that aren’t conducive to their own mental health. In this episode, I’m going to be sharing my perspective on this topic and give some advice to any listeners out there who may stand to benefit from these much-needed home truths. With compassion, understanding, and a genuine belief in our own self-worth, we are bound to attract the right people into our lives, but we must be willing to take those steps and practice honesty when it comes to our intimate relationships. Join me on Episode 22 to hear more! In This Episode You Will Learn: ‘unfixable’ownwillingly addictedvalue Let’s Connect! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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A Guided Meditation to Ground Yourself and Bring Awareness to Your Mind

Have you checked in with yourself today? If you’re in the mood for some much-needed relaxation, then join me in today’s episode where I’ll be talking you through a guided meditation! Moving away from my usual episodes, this one will be a little less conversation heavy and focus more on how we can ground ourselves and bring awareness to our mind through this practice. Meditation has been proven to produce optimal results for decades now and has even helped those with issues such as insomnia, anxiety, and generalized stress. I ask that you keep an open mind for today and participate in whatever way you feel comfortable. This could even be a great resource to revisit for future moments of decompression. I’ll see you there! In This Episode You Will Learn: ‘body scan’ Let’s Connect! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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The Rise of Political Tensions & Learning to Engage in Healthy Discourse

As election season looms, tensions will naturally start to rise. This year especially has brought with it new challenges and obstacles in the form of the current Coronavirus pandemic, which has only amplified our need for strong and compassionate leadership. What I feel we’ve lost in the face of disagreements that are politically charged, is the ability to communicate respectfully. It feels so much of the time, we approach confrontation with a need to be right, rather than a desire to listen. In this episode, I’m going to be discussing how social media has played a role in the exacerbation of strong emotions, why I believe we should abolish the ‘partisan’ system in US politics, and why we should be more open to each other’s viewpoints. I also share some of my experiences within the Real Estate field, touching on how Covid-19 has affected both tenants and landlords, as well as my personal opinion on these disputes. It’s going to be one you’ll definitely want to engage with, so join me on Episode 20 of Joyful Souls to hear more! In This Episode You Will Learn: ‘partisan’fedrespectful Let’s Connect! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Taking Time to Celebrate Ourselves & Advice for Redirecting a Bad Week

My routine has been thrown slightly off-kilter throughout the past ten days. Weeks like these are bound to happen, especially now with all of the new stressors that lockdown has brought into our lives, so it’s important we keep strategies in mind to help us refocus during these unexpected times. Life is always going to make its attempts to throw us off course, despite our best intentions to accomplish everything on our to-do list in a timely fashion. In this episode, I’ll be discussing how I personally cope with this issue, why having a more relaxed approach to my rules has been so beneficial, and why we should take time to celebrate our wins, rather than obsessing over what we haven’t accomplished. This is one of the hardest lessons I’ve had to learn and am still constantly working on. Practicing gratitude and acknowledgment of our achievements can be so difficult, particularly when we’ve told ourselves that it’s something we aren’t allowed to do. Though the road to self-love isn’t always an easy one and many roadblocks present themselves along the way, I can guarantee the outcome will be worth the struggle. If you’re interested to hear more, join me on Episode 19 of Joyful-Souls! In This Episode You Will Learn: celebratingrelaxing my rulessmall victorieslights me upjoyfulbeing celebrated Let’s Connect! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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What Would Love Do?

This week, I’ve been inspired to ask myself the question, what would love do? It’s an all-encompassing phrase that has given me the definitive push I’ve needed to start reframing my own perspective. Love comes in many forms, it’s present in our relationships with those closest to us, it’s attached to the passions we have for certain endeavors, and it’s even present in the feelings we have towards ourselves. Self-love is arguably the most important factor when it comes to this subject. In this episode, I’ll be diving into how we can use this question and the topic of love to find positive ways to meet our needs, what love means to me in a broader sense, as well as why the people who have hurt us throughout our lives can teach us the most important lessons and can even be a source of gratitude for us in the future. To learn more, tune in to Episode 18 of Joyful-Souls! In This Episode You Will Learn: positivelovelove doesn’t mess with the mind Let’s Connect! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Creating a Shift in Our Routines & How We Can Prioritize Self Care

Our routines are certainly not what they used to be. As so much has unfolded around us and our personal and professional rituals have started to shift dramatically, it’s safe to say that many of us have neglected to prioritize self-care. It’s not an easy feat, particularly right now, but it’s so vital that we do remember to incorporate time for ourselves in whatever way that looks like for us. In today’s episode, I share how these shifts have affected me and some of my clients’, why recognizing what brings us joy is so important in keeping a steady routine, and why practicing gratitude is necessary and can be accessed by everyone, no matter what our personal circumstances may be. Join me on Episode 17 of Joyful-Souls to hear more personal development insights and useful advice for how we can truly utilize this newfound free time! In This Episode You Will Learn: emotional,physicalmentalconsciousmyselfprioritizing self-caremustgratitude Let’s Connect! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Nutrition, Body Composition & What I’ve Learned Through My Journey With Weight Management

I’ve recently been reflecting on my relationship with health and nutrition. Throughout my life, my mindset surrounding food intake and weight management has fluctuated and evolved to where it is now. It’s also been heavily influenced by the experiences I went through in my later years when first starting out to develop my Real Estate Brokerage business. In this episode, I’ll be discussing how the changes in my body have affected my own perception, how the knowledge I’ve gained about nutrition in a more holistic sense has shifted the way I think about what I put in my body, and why the way we feel is so much more important than any number on a scale. Join me on episode 16 of Joyful Souls to learn more! In This Episode You Will Learn: lasting change Let’s Connect! Resources: Website: ‘Wim Hof’ - Athlete Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Becoming Aware of Our Procrastination Habits & What We Can Gain From ‘Advanced Scheduling’

Procrastination is something all of us have struggled with at one point or another. For me, lately, I’ve found dualities in my ability to put off tasks that I not only don’t want to do, but also enjoy doing. It’s an odd concept, as the things we love should never feel like a burden or something that has to be done, but finding a balance in our ever-changing and busy lives is often hard to do. In today’s episode, I’ll be sharing a few tips that have helped me organize my schedule in a way that is more efficient and conducive to completing my errands on time, why stress is no longer a motivator in my life in the way that it used to be, and the ways in which our ‘survival brain’ operates to keep us safe from discomfort. Tune in to Episode 15 of Joyful Souls to learn more! In This Episode You Will Learn: procrastination ‘advanced scheduling’ control‘survival brain’ Let’s Connect! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Why We Need To Have More ‘Tough Conversations’ with High Performance Coach, David Wood)

Conflict is something a lot of us tend to avoid and it’s perfectly understandable why we wouldn’t feel comfortable approaching these kinds of situations in our everyday lives. For many out there, having these discussions can feel overwhelming and we may not know the best ways to bring up our issues without offending the people we’re trying to speak with. In today’s episode, I’m joined by High Performance Coach and CEO at ‘Tough Conversations International’ and ‘Play For Real’, David Wood! David is an expert in this area and shares his insights on some of his best practices for these issues in particular, as well as breaking down his step-by-step model to conflict resolution and communication. Having those ‘tough conversations’ doesn’t have to feel like a burden. Through participating in open communication and being equipped with the proper toolbelt, we can learn to reach a happy medium with the people in our lives and be better off for it. To learn more on this topic and gain a few valuable insights from David, tune in to Episode 14 of Joyful Souls! Some Questions I Ask: appropriateourselves? In This Episode You Will Learn: ‘Four Step C.A.R.E Model’ ‘CEO Time’ Let’s Connect! InstagramFacebookEmail Connect With David Wood: Play For Real - WebsiteTough Conversations International - Website‘Tough Conversations with David Wood’ - Apple PodcastsLinkedInTwitter Resources: ‘Tough Conversations C.A.R.E Model’, David Wood Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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How To Financially Prepare For Winter

For those of you out there seeking advice on how to stay financially stable and properly manage your money, look no further than today’s episode! I’ll be diving into my personal tips and tricks for keeping a consistent cash flow coming in, as well as how my perspective on money has influenced my role in the Real Estate sector. We’ve all felt the hit of this year’s current Coronavirus pandemic and many of us have taken on that weight in the business side of our lives. It’s a particularly crucial concern at the moment, as many out there have lost their sole sources of income or have experienced a significant drop in what they had before lockdown. In this episode, I’ll be primarily focusing on how to prepare for ‘winter’ and save your money accordingly. To hear more useful insights and to gain a deeper understanding of financial management, tune in to Episode 13 of Joyful Souls! In This Episode You Will Learn: Let’s Connect! InstagramFacebookEmail Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Why We Need To Be In Reciprocal Relationships

In today’s show, I’m going to be discussing the topic of connection and how it plays a role within our friendships and intimate relationships. We quite often find ourselves placed in relationships that aren’t serving us for a multitude of reasons. Many underlying factors to choosing to stay with those people are lack of self-belief or knowledge that our needs are important and it’s vital that we learn how to prioritize our own self-worth. Choosing who we devote our energy to determines so much of what our circle of friends is going to look like, so we must make compassionate decisions in who we surround ourselves with. I also touch on what I’ve learned from previous friendships that weren’t always reciprocal, why those around us may not always be open to receiving our time and efforts, and why having a connection with ourselves is so essential. If you’re interested to hear more, then tune in to Episode 12 of Joyful Souls! In This Episode You Will Learn: ‘connection’ourselves Let’s Connect! InstagramFacebookEmail Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Building Our Tribe & Knowing When To Let Go

Our tribe determines so many facets in our lives. Whether it’s our personal, professional, or romantic relationships, who we spend our time with is a huge influence towards how we present ourselves. It’s important that we remember to create relationships with those who are lifting us up, rather than bringing us down - and for many of us, making those decisions can be really challenging. A key value in this process is honesty, not only with the people around us but with ourselves as well. For our own happiness to shine through, it’s our responsibility to act authentically and have the strength to communicate when things get tough. Becoming comfortable with confrontation and honest conversation is not an easy feat, but it’s something we must learn in order to become the best versions of ourselves we can be. In this episode, I discuss how I have learned to shift my circle of friends to best reflect who I am, why it’s so important to actively think about who we surround ourselves with, as well as some personal recollections on how the people in my life reacted when I chose to distance myself. To hear more on this topic and start your journey towards building your tribe, tune in to Episode 11 of Joyful Souls! In This Episode You Will Learn: ‘Date with Destiny’not Let’s Connect! InstagramFacebookEmail Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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This Year In Retrospect & Embracing Resourcefulness

This year has been a challenging one, to say the least. For many of us, it’s been an eye-opening one, as issues surrounding racial injustice have jumped to the forefront and the spread of Covid-19 has overwhelmed our world. In this episode, I share some insights into how we can approach our stressors head-on and give ourselves perspective on the situation. We have the choice to embrace our resourcefulness and refuse to become the victim of our situation. I also give some advice on how we can apply meaning to the things that happen in our lives and make the decision to let them happen for us. If you’re curious to hear more, then tune in to Episode 10 of Joyful Souls! In This Episode You Will Learn: Let’s Connect! InstagramFacebookEmail Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
