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Comics In Motion

Media & Entertainment Podcasts

Regular episodes celebrating all things comic book and comic related. A number of different shows drop each week including TV & Movie reviews and news, Indie Comics Spotlight, Mandatory Marvel & DC, Star Wars: Comics In Canon, Superheroes for Dummies, Femme On Film, Classic Comics, Seasons Greetings, Whats the Topic and occasional weekly episode-by-episode shows (including Book of Boba Fett and Mandalorian Season 2, with more to come)!


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Regular episodes celebrating all things comic book and comic related. A number of different shows drop each week including TV & Movie reviews and news, Indie Comics Spotlight, Mandatory Marvel & DC, Star Wars: Comics In Canon, Superheroes for Dummies, Femme On Film, Classic Comics, Seasons Greetings, Whats the Topic and occasional weekly episode-by-episode shows (including Book of Boba Fett and Mandalorian Season 2, with more to come)!



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Star Wars: Clone Wars Conversations Legacy, Darth Maul: Son Of Dathomir Comics – How Did Maul Escape Palpatine After S5 And What Happened To Mother Talzin?

Clone Wars Conversations continues with the Legacy Multimedia Project, where content was released from unused Clone Wars episodes following the show’s cancellation in 2014, and in this episode Dave, Maff & Mike delve into the 4-issue comic series Darth Maul: Son Of Dathomir! In detail, this comic centres around Darth Maul after his capture by Palpatine/Sidious in the fifth season of the Clone Wars following his Mandalore-takeover, noting his torture, escape and the eventual plot that unfolds around Dooku and Mother Talzin, set before the events of Season 7. Our trio discuss each issue in-depth, provide additional context & lore, and talk about how much they enjoyed the comics and if they’re necessary for the overall story of The Clone Wars. Darth Maul: Son Of Dathomir was written by Jeremy Barlow with penciller Juan Frigeri, inker Mauro Vargas and colour artist Wes Dzioba, and was published by Dark Horse in 2014 and re-published by Marvel in 2017. The next 2 releases will continue the Clone Wars Legacy project, with the four unfinished episodes of the Utapau Crystal Crisis next (watch them here: and finishing with the Dark Disciple novel featuring Quinlan Vos & Asajj Ventress! Once completed, the trio will move onto the final (seventh) season of The Clone Wars! For the every previous episode of Clone Wars Conversations, click here: Mike reviewed every episode of Skeleton Crew with different guests on each ep and Maff & Dave even made appearances: The trio have all featured in episodes of JAC’s Back to The Filmography podcast, on season 2 to talk about Matthew McConaughey! Dave talks about Dazed & Confused, Maff does Angels In The Outfield and Mike does Glory Daze! Listen to BttF anywhere you find podcasts: Dave, Spider-Dan & Max Byrne speak about the X-Men Age Of Apocalypse comics in their new series on Comics In Motion: Mike appeared on Spider-Dan & The Secret Bores for their top 5 small cast movies, listen here: Mike also appeared on Spider-Dan’s pod with Megan, talking Princess Diana in Spencer: Maff is @MaffUK78 on Twitter and recently spoke about Conan comics on 20th Century Geek here: and spoke about the TMNT story The Last Ronin on Indie Comics Spotlight here: You can find Dave on Threads @davehorrocks, or the podcasts Comics In Motion, the VHS Strikes Back: and Chris & Dave’s Reality TV Cast: A few weeks ago on Genuine Chit-Chat & Comics In Motion, Mike interviewed Charles Soule & Ryan Browne about their upcoming Lucky Devils comic! Listen here: or watch the video version here: Mike has been involved with many other Star Wars podcasts, including interviewing several Star Wars authors; find these wherever you are listening; on any podcast app or YouTube! Find all of Mike’s social media & other links at


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Earth-Two in the Bronze Age- Episode 32: All-Star Comics #74

The entire JSA must unite to stop the “Critical Time” and the end of the world. But, why has the Master Summoner called them in the first place? Dr. Fate has to think outside the box for the JSA to save the world! You can follow the show @ComicsLloyd on Twitter or send an email to . You can find me on Twitter @MattB_Lloyd and at where I write reviews and edit news stories. You can also check out my chapter in “Politics in Gotham: The Batman Universe and Political Thought.” Political-Thought/dp/3030057755 “Black Panther and Philosophy: What Can Wakanda Offer the World?” Blackwell- Culture/dp/1119635845/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2F69N3WJBZM F3&keywords=what+can+wakanda&qid=1642053514&spr efix=what+can+wakanda%2Caps%2C256&sr=8-1 “Batman’s Villains and Villainesses: Multidisciplinary Perspectives On Arkham’s Souls” Multidisciplinary-Perspectives- ebook/dp/B0C5SHX9BJ/ref=sr_1_1?crid=D49SBV4K1UQ D&keywords=villains+and+villainess+arkham&qid=16954 06720&sprefix=villains+and+villainesses+arkaham%2Cap s%2C284&sr=8-1 I’ve also submitted my essay on Silver St. Cloud to be included in “Batman, Also Starring….” Also look out for the forthcoming “Comics Lit.” series from members of the Comics in Motion family. Also, coming soon- an essay in “Marvelous Monsters” in which we examine whether or not J. Jonah Jameson is an actual villain and how does he get away with it?!? The Master Summoner Two) Power Girl and Huntress Friendship and-power-girl-in-rebirth-what.html


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Page of Apocalypse Ep1: Legion Quest and X-Men Alpha #1

Welcome to the first episode of the Page of Apocalypse where host Spider-Dan is flanked by MaX Byrne and Dave Horro-X, as they walk through the iconic 1990's X-Men run for the Age of Apocalypse. In the first discussion, the trio discuss Legion Quest and X-Men Alpha: X-Men #38 Uncanny X-Men #320 X-Men #39 Uncanny X-Men #321 Cable #20 X-Men: Alpha #1 Check out Dan at


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Earth-Two in the Bronze Age- Episode 31: All-Star Comics #73

As Wildcat fights for his life, the Huntress fights the Huntress?! Can Helena Wayne get the Icicle’s freeze gun from JSA headquarters in time to save Ted Grant’s life? And who will win the title of The Huntress?!?! You can follow the show @ComicsLloyd on Twitter or send an email to . You can find me on Twitter @MattB_Lloyd and at where I write reviews and edit news stories. You can also check out my chapter in “Politics in Gotham: The Batman Universe and Political Thought.” Political-Thought/dp/3030057755 “Black Panther and Philosophy: What Can Wakanda Offer the World?” Blackwell- Culture/dp/1119635845/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2F69N3WJBZM F3&keywords=what+can+wakanda&qid=1642053514&spr efix=what+can+wakanda%2Caps%2C256&sr=8-1 “Batman’s Villains and Villainesses: Multidisciplinary Perspectives On Arkham’s Souls” Multidisciplinary-Perspectives-


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Star Wars: Skeleton Crew Ep 8 Review: Did The Finale Land? Jod’s Character And Everyone Gets A Shot, Plus Listener Comments, Timelines & A Lightsaber Tangent “The Real Good Guys” With Maff

The final episode of Star Wars: Skeleton Crew is here with “The Real Good Guys”! For the finale Mike is joined by Clone Wars Conversations co-host Maff, to talk about the series (or season?) finale of Skeleton Crew! In more detail, Maff & Mike talk about Star Wars as a whole, including the series, before delving deep into Jod Na Narwood’s character. After talking about Jude Law’s performance, our duo discuss the other characters throughout the show before delving into the finale itself – relationships and arcs are unpacked, the action scenes and pirates are spoken about, the future of At Attin & the show is also mentioned, as well as much more! Wherever you are listening, make sure you subscribe, share and tell us what you think! We will be back with more Clone Wars Conversations as we continue through 2025 and look our for the Andor Season 2 discussion shows starting when the show premieres in April! Dave, Maff & Mike, discuss episodes of The Clone Wars animated series every month and they’ve just finished Season 6, so tune in wherever you’re listening to this or you can watch on YouTube! Mike has been involved with many other Star Wars podcasts, including several Star Wars interviews, so tune into Genuine Chit-Chat to listen! Find Maff on Letterboxd as Maff78 ( and both Maff & Mike have been on Season 2 of JAC’s Back to The Filmography to talk about Matthew McConaughey! Maff talks Angels In The Outfield and Mike tackles Glory Daze! Listen to BttF anywhere you find podcasts: In 2024, Maff spoke about Conan comics on 20th Century Geek: and discussed the TMNT story The Last Ronin on Indie Comics Spotlight: Find all of Mike’s social media & other links at Sign up to the Pop Culture Collective newsletter here to keep up to date with Mike and other incredible creator’s many releases: Support Mike on Patreon for weekly bonus audio content and early access, all from only £1 per month: Outro by BZ The Voice: Mike’s Recent Other Podcast Appearances: Mike and Megan appear on Spider-Dan’s podcast to talk about the Princess Diana movie Spencer as part of “Alter-Nativity Stories”: Mike appeared on Spider-Dan & The Secret Bores for their top 5 small cast movies, listen here: On the VHS Strikes Back’s Dragonslayer episode:


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Notes: Classic Comics- Episode 50- Silver Age Spotlight #6- Legion of Super-Heroes Part 2: Long Live the Legion! With Mart Gray- A Classic Comics Conversation Part 2

Mart joins me again after the Christmas Episode to talk more Legion of Super-Heroes! Everyone’s got a favorite Legionnaire or 30! You can follow the show @ComicsLloyd on Twitter or send an email to . You can find me on Twitter @MattB_Lloyd and at where I write reviews and edit news stories. You can also check out my chapter in “Politics in Gotham: The Batman Universe and Political Thought.” Political-Thought/dp/3030057755 “Black Panther and Philosophy: What Can Wakanda Offer the World?” Blackwell- Culture/dp/1119635845/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2F69N3WJBZM F3&keywords=what+can+wakanda&qid=1642053514&spr efix=what+can+wakanda%2Caps%2C256&sr=8-1 “Batman’s Villains and Villainesses: Multidisciplinary Perspectives On Arkham’s Souls” Multidisciplinary-Perspectives- ebook/dp/B0C5SHX9BJ/ref=sr_1_1?crid=D49SBV4K1UQ D&keywords=villains+and+villainess+arkham&qid=16954 06720&sprefix=villains+and+villainesses+arkaham%2Cap s%2C284&sr=8-1 I’ve also submitted my essay on Silver St. Cloud to be included in “Batman, Also Starring….” Also look out for the forthcoming “Comics Lit.” series from members of the Comics in Motion family, and Anachronistic Comics a DIY anthology comic in which I have writer/artist/creator credits. Legion of Super-Heroes Notes Too Dangerous For A Girl… Interlac Legion of Super-Heroes at Wikipedia Checkered Past Podcast


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Star Wars: Clone Wars Conversations Season 6 Pt 4 (E11-13): Yoda Meets Darth Bane, Learns How To Become A Force Ghost And Foresees Order 66 With Qui-Gon’s Help, All In The Lost Season Finale!

Clone Wars Conversations continues with Dave, Maff & Mike discussing the final 3 episodes of “The Lost Season”, which features Yoda being guided by Qui-Gon Jinn on a journey to worlds strong in the force, to prepare him for what comes after the Clone Wars! In more detail, Dave, Maff & Mike first talk about how this works as the original ending of TCW series (before season 7 was announced), before delving deeper into these Yoda-centric episodes! As well as the return of Liam Neeson as Qui-Gon, the trio talk about Yoda’s foreboding force visions, bizarre force entities & worlds, the Sith world of Moraband/Korriban and the first (& to date only) appearance of Darth Bane on screen, the Rule Of Two, Palpatine’s use of Sith rituals & magick and more! Maff also quizzes Dave & Mike on the Jedi council members nearer the end – can you name them all? Episodes featured; Voices, Destiny & Sacrifice. The next 3 releases of CWC will be about the Clone Wars Legacy project, starting with the Darth Maul: Son Of Dathomir comic, followed by the four unfinished episodes of the Utapau Crystal Crisis (watch them here: and the Dark Disciple novel featuring Quinlan Vos & Asajj Ventress! Once completed, the trio will move onto the final (seventh) season of The Clone Wars! As Skeleton Crew nears the end, Mike continues his weekly discussion shows, with Dave joining him on the penultimate episode! Maff was also on episode 4 and will join him for the finale! Listen to the latest episode on any podcast app: or watch on YouTube: Clone Wars Conversations has been releasing monthly since January 21st 2024 on the usual podcast feeds & YouTube (eps 221, 225, 229, 233, 236, 238, 241, 244, 245, 249, 251, 252, 254, 255 & 256 of GCC): The trio have all featured in recent episodes of JAC’s Back to The Filmography, on season 2 to talk about Matthew McConaughey! Dave talks about Dazed & Confused, Maff does Angels In The Outfield and Mike does Glory Daze! Listen to BttF anywhere you find podcasts: Dave is embarking on a new project with Spider-Dan & Max Byrne on the X-Men Age Of Apocalypse comics, so make sure you keep an eye out for that on the feed of Comics In Motion! Mike appeared on Spider-Dan & The Secret Bores for their top 5 small cast movies, listen here: Mike also appeared on Spider-Dan’s pod with Megan, talking Princess Diana in Spencer: Maff is @MaffUK78 on Twitter and recently spoke about Conan comics on 20th Century Geek here: and spoke about the TMNT story The Last Ronin on Indie Comics Spotlight here: You can find Dave on Threads @davehorrocks, or the podcasts Comics In Motion, the VHS Strikes Back: and Chris & Dave’s Reality TV Cast: A few weeks ago on Genuine Chit-Chat & Comics In Motion, Mike interviewed Charles Soule & Ryan Browne about their upcoming Lucky Devils comic! Listen here: or watch the video version here: Mike has been involved with many other Star Wars podcasts, including interviewing several Star Wars authors; find these wherever you are listening; on any podcast app or YouTube! Find all of Mike’s social media & other links at


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Star Wars: Skeleton Crew Ep 7 Review: What Is The Mint/Vault All About? Plus Jod The Pirate And Relating To Parents - “We’re Gonna Be In So Much Trouble” With Dave

The penultimate episode of Star Wars: Skeleton Crew is here with “We’re Gonna Be In So Much Trouble”! For episode 7, Mike is joined by Dave, to talk about the mystery of At Attin, the kid’s parents, the vault and more! In more detail, Mike & Dave talk about Dave’s dwindling interest in the show prior to this episode and his opinion on episode 8 itself, how as you get older you relate to parents more than kids in shows & movies and the how the pirate antagonists work in the show. They also talk about each of the characters, especially Jod, and theorize on the mystery of At Attin and the mint/the vault! Subscribe so you don’t miss next week’s final episode, likely with a roundtable discussion! Dave, Maff & Mike, discuss episodes of The Clone Wars animated series every month and they’re nearing the end of Season 6, so tune in wherever you’re listening to this or you can watch on YouTube! Mike has been involved with many other Star Wars podcasts, including several Star Wars interviews, so tune into Genuine Chit-Chat to listen! You can find Dave on Threads @davehorrocks, or the podcasts Comics In Motion, the VHS Strikes Back: and Chris & Dave’s Reality TV Cast: Find all of Mike’s social media & other links at Sign up to the Pop Culture Collective newsletter here to keep up to date with Mike and other incredible creator’s many releases: Support Mike on Patreon for weekly bonus audio content and early access, all from only £1 per month: Outro by BZ The Voice: Mike’s Recent Other Podcast Appearances: Mike and Megan appear on Spider-Dan’s podcast to talk about the Princess Diana movie Spencer as part of “Alter-Nativity Stories”: recently appeared on JAC’s Back To The Filmography podcast, tune in here: Mike appeared on Spider-Dan & The Secret Bores for their top 5 small cast movies, listen here: On the VHS Strikes Back’s Dragonslayer episode:


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Star Wars: Clone Wars Conversations Season 6 Pt 3 (E8-10): The Mystery Of Sifo Dias Revealed And Jar Jar Binks Has A Girlfriend? Plus Mace Windu, Yoda’s Exile And Mother Talzin’s Return

Clone Wars Conversations continues with a collection of 3 episodes; one two-parter about a mission with Jar Jar Binks & Mace Windu, while the third episode unravels the mystery surrounding Sifo Dias, as we near the end of Season 6! In more detail, Dave, Maff & Mike discuss Jar Jar’s love interest (spoiler; it’s not Mace) and the surprising return of Mother Talzin in the two Disappeared episodes, before delving into an incredibly important episode for all Star Wars lore about the mystery of Sifo Dias, the clone army and Tyranus/Dooku’s involvement. They also talk about Yoda’s (deserving) exile, how blind the Jedi were to all of Palpatine’s plans and more, including what these episodes mean for Revenge Of The Sith & beyond (without detailing Bad Batch, as Dave & Maff have yet to see it).Episodes featured; The Disappeared Parts 1 & 2 and The Lost One. The weekly Skeleton Crew discussion shows continue and Megan joined Mike for episode 5, while Maff was on for episode 4 and Dave will appear in 2025! Listen on any podcast app: or watch on YouTube: Clone Wars Conversations has been releasing monthly since January 21st 2024 on the usual podcast feeds & YouTube (eps 221, 225, 229, 233, 236, 238, 241, 244, 245, 249, 251, 252, 254 & 255 of GCC): The trio are all featuring in various episodes of JAC’s Back to The Filmography, each of their first season 2 appearances are out now, for the season of Matthew McConaughey! Dave talks about Dazed & Confused, Maff does Angels In The Outfield and Mike does Glory Daze! Listen to BttF anywhere you find podcasts: Mike appeared on Spider-Dan & The Secret Bores for their top 5 small cast movies, listen here: Mike also appeared on Spider-Dan’s pod with Megan, talking Princess Diana in Spencer: Maff is @MaffUK78 on Twitter and recently spoke about Conan comics on 20th Century Geek here: - spoke about the TMNT story The Last Ronin on Indie Comics Spotlight here: - and did a spider-related podcast with Spider-Dan here: You can find Dave on Threads @davehorrocks, or the podcasts Comics In Motion, the VHS Strikes Back: and Chris & Dave’s Reality TV Cast: A few weeks ago on Genuine Chit-Chat & Comics In Motion, Mike interviewed Charles Soule & Ryan Browne about their upcoming Lucky Devils comic! Listen here: or watch the video version here: Mike has been involved with many other Star Wars podcasts, including interviewing Mike Chen on episode 234 of GCC about his novel Star Wars: Brotherhood and he returns on episode 246 to talk about his latest novel with Marvel; What If Marc Spector Was Host To Venom? Ep 234found here: & and ep 246 found here: & Find all of Mike’s social media & other links at


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Star Wars: Skeleton Crew Ep 6 Review: The Crab Machine Scene, KB’s Character And Jude Law’s Voice - “Zero Friends Again” With Tonya Todd

Episode 6 of Star Wars: Skeleton Crew “Zero Friends Again” is upon us and this week’s guest is Tonya Todd to talk about KB’s character, the crab-machine scene, Jude Law’s sexy voice and more! In more detail, Mike & Tonya talk about the first 5 episodes of the show, before they discuss what this episode brings! This episode includes a discussion of each member of the Skeleton Crew and how the kid’s characters fit certain archetypes, as well as the ending action scene with the ship, emotional growth, working as a team and of course, Jude Law! Subscribe so you don’t miss next week’s episode with another guest! Tonya’s site:⁠⁠ ⁠- Find her on social media @MsTonyaTodd! Pre-order her upcoming book 52 Love here for UK: US: Tonya Todd & Tony (A.R.) Farina written & collected comic essays for Comics Lit Volume 1: UK Amazon: US Directly: Each year Tonya also does 7 episodes of Banned Books Conversations for Banned Books Week, 2024 was year 3 and Mike even made an appearance! Listen on the podcast feed of Femme On or watch on YouTube: - Dave, Maff & Mike, discuss episodes of The Clone Wars animated series every month and they’re nearing the end of Season 6, so tune in wherever you’re listening to this or you can watch on YouTube! Mike has been involved with many other Star Wars podcasts, including several Star Wars interviews, such as Mike Chen on episode 234 of GCC about his novel Star Wars: Brotherhood and he returns on episode 246 to talk about his latest novel with Marvel; What If Marc Spector Was Host To Venom? Ep 234 found here: & and ep 246 found here: & Find all of Mike’s social media & other links at Sign up to the Pop Culture Collective newsletter here to keep up to date with Mike and other incredible creator’s many releases: Support Mike on Patreon for weekly bonus audio content and early access, all from only £1 per month: Outro by BZ The Voice: Mike’s Recent Other Podcast Appearances: Mike and Megan appear on Spider-Dan’s podcast to talk about the Princess Diana movie Spencer as part of “Alter-Nativity Stories”: recently appeared on JAC’s Back To The Filmography podcast, tune in here: Mike appeared on Spider-Dan & The Secret Bores for their top 5 small cast movies, listen here: On the VHS Strikes Back’s Dragonslayer episode:


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Season's Greetings: Justified Season 6

Jac and Tony dig coal and agree that season 6 is better than season 5, because it would have to be.


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Star Wars: Clone Wars Conversations Season 6 Pt 2 (E5-7): Return Of Clovis: Anakin Almost Beats Padmé’s Friend To Death, Plus Muuns Banking On Scipio

Clone Wars Conversations continues with an underrated arc, about Anakin’s possessive love of Padmé and Palpatine’s control over the galactic banks, all in the second batch of episodes from Season 6! Dave, Maff & Mike talk in-depth about Anakin’s fall, Padmé’s tactics and Palpatine’s plans! In more detail, the trio discuss Star Wars banking, the further plots of Palpatine, how brutally Anakin almost kills Clovis and the impact on his marriage with Padmé it has, plus Mike talks about Muuns and Darth Plagueis, the handmaiden Teckla Minnau, Rex’s helment change and much more, including what these episodes mean for Revenge Of The Sith & beyond (without detailing Bad Batch, as Dave & Maff have yet to see it). Episodes featured; An Old Friend, The Rise Of Clovis and Crisis At Heart. The weekly Skeleton Crew discussion shows continue and Megan joined Mike for episode 5, while Maff was on for episode 4 and Dave will appear in 2025! Listen on any podcast app: or watch on YouTube: Clone Wars Conversations has been releasing monthly since January 21st 2024 on the usual podcast feeds & YouTube (eps 221, 225, 229, 233, 236, 238, 241, 244, 245, 249, 251, 252 & 254 of GCC): Dave mentioned the movie Margin Call in this discussion. The trio are all featuring in various episodes of JAC’s Back to The Filmography, each of their first season 2 appearances are out now, for the season of Matthew McConaughey! Dave talks about Dazed & Confused, Maff does Angels In The Outfield and Mike does Glory Daze! Listen to BttF anywhere you find podcasts: Mike appeared on Spider-Dan & The Secret Bores for their top 5 small cast movies, listen here: Mike also appeared on Spider-Dan’s pod with Megan, talking Princess Diana in Spencer: Maff is @MaffUK78 on Twitter and recently spoke about Conan comics on 20th Century Geek here: - spoke about the TMNT story The Last Ronin on Indie Comics Spotlight here: - and did a spider-related podcast with Spider-Dan here: You can find Dave on Threads @davehorrocks, or the podcasts Comics In Motion, the VHS Strikes Back: and Chris & Dave’s Reality TV Cast: Two weeks ago on Genuine Chit-Chat & Comics In Motion, Mike interviewed Charles Soule & Ryan Browne about their upcoming Lucky Devils comic! Listen here: or watch the video version here: Mike has been involved with many other Star Wars podcasts, including interviewing Mike Chen on episode 234 of GCC about his novel Star Wars: Brotherhood and he returns on episode 246 to talk about his latest novel with Marvel; What If Marc Spector Was Host To Venom? Ep 234found here: & and ep 246 found here: & Find all of Mike’s social media & other links at


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Star Wars: Skeleton Crew Ep 5 Review: A Resort Spa, More Pirate Lore & The Amazing Cthallops - “You Have A Lot To Learn About Pirates” With Megan

Episode 5 of Star Wars: Skeleton Crew has landed; “You Have A Lot To Learn About Pirates” and this week’s guest is Megan – she talks about SM-33, pirates, Cthallops and more! In more detail, Mike & Megan talk about how Megan has found Skeleton Crew so far, before delving into episode 5 as a whole. The duo then talk about Megan’s love of SM-33 and other droids, Jod/Jude Law’s allegiances and many aliases, the characters & acting of the kids, the booby traps, Kelly MacDonald and more – tune in then subscribe so you don’t miss next week’s episode with another guest! Dave, Maff & Mike, discuss episodes of The Clone Wars animated series every month and they’re nearing the end of Season 6, so tune in wherever you’re listening to this or you can watch on YouTube! Mike has been involved with many other Star Wars podcasts, including several Star Wars interviews, such as Mike Chen on episode 234 of GCC about his novel Star Wars: Brotherhood and he returns on episode 246 to talk about his latest novel with Marvel; What If Marc Spector Was Host To Venom? Ep 234 found here: & and ep 246 found here: & Find all of Mike’s social media & other links at Mike and Megan appear on Spider-Dan’s podcast to talk about the Princess Diana movie Spencer as part of “Alter-Nativity Stories”: Sign up to the Pop Culture Collective newsletter here to keep up to date with Mike and other incredible creator’s many releases: Support Mike on Patreon for weekly bonus audio content and early access, all from only £1 per month: Outro by BZ The Voice: Mike’s Recent Other Podcast Appearances: Mike recently appeared on JAC’s Back To The Filmography podcast, tune in here: Mike appeared on Spider-Dan & The Secret Bores for their top 5 small cast movies, listen here: On the VHS Strikes Back’s Dragonslayer episode:


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Classic Comics- Episode 49- Christmas Episode #3- Legion of Super-Heroes: Star Light, Star Bright, Farthest Star I See Tonight

It’s that time of year for the Classic Comics Christmas Episode! This year we stay in the Brozne Age and continue out Legion of Super-Heroes theme as Superboy convinces the Legionnaires to go on a quest to find the Star of Bethlehem. You can follow the show @ComicsLloyd on Twitter or send an email to . You can find me on Twitter @MattB_Lloyd and at where I write reviews and edit news stories. You can also check out my chapter in “Politics in Gotham: The Batman Universe and Political Thought.” Political-Thought/dp/3030057755 “Black Panther and Philosophy: What Can Wakanda Offer the World?” Blackwell- Culture/dp/1119635845/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2F69N3WJBZM F3&keywords=what+can+wakanda&qid=1642053514&spr efix=what+can+wakanda%2Caps%2C256&sr=8-1 “Batman’s Villains and Villainesses: Multidisciplinary Perspectives On Arkham’s Souls” Multidisciplinary-Perspectives- ebook/dp/B0C5SHX9BJ/ref=sr_1_1?crid=D49SBV4K1UQ D&keywords=villains+and+villainess+arkham&qid=16954 06720&sprefix=villains+and+villainesses+arkaham%2Cap s%2C284&sr=8-1 I’ve also submitted my essay on Silver St. Cloud to be included in “Batman, Also Starring….” Also look out for the forthcoming “Comics Lit.” series from members of the Comics in Motion family, and Anachronistic Comics a DIY anthology comic in which I have writer/artist/creator credits. DC Special Series #21 (Spring 1980) Star of Bethlehem


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Star Wars: Clone Wars Conversations Season 6 Pt 1 (E1-4): Order 66 Explained! Fives Uncovers The Clone Inhibitor Chips Conspiracy And Starting “The Lost Missions”

Clone Wars Conversations continues with a vital arc to understanding what actually happened in Order 66; the first four episodes of Season 6! Dave, Maff & Mike talk in-depth about the clone inhibitor chips, Fives and more! In this episode, the trio discuss the premiere of the “final” season (before Season 7 was announced/released) and how this series has brought such life to the many clones, including Fives. They talk about the depth of the conspiracy, Palpatine, the droid AZ, Kamino and what these episodes mean for Revenge Of The Sith & beyond (without detailing Bad Batch, as Dave & Maff have yet to see it). Episodes featured; The Unknown, Conspiracy, Fugitive & Orders. The weekly Skeleton Crew discussion shows continue, with Maff on the episode 4 talk and Dave to appear in 2025! Listen on any podcast app: or watch on YouTube: Clone Wars Conversations has been releasing monthly since January 21st 2024 on the usual podcast feeds & YouTube (eps 221, 225, 229, 233, 236, 238, 241, 244, 245, 249, 251 & 252 of GCC): The trio are all featuring in various episodes of JAC’s Back to The Filmography, each of their first season 2 appearances are out now, for the season of Matthew McConaughey! Dave talks about Dazed & Confused, Maff does Angels In The Outfield and Mike does Glory Daze! Listen to BttF anywhere you find podcasts: Mike appeared on Spider-Dan & The Secret Bores for their top 5 small cast movies, listen here: Mike also appeared on Spider-Dan’s pod with Megan, talking Princess Diana in Spencer: Maff is @MaffUK78 on Twitter and recently spoke about Conan comics on 20th Century Geek here: - spoke about the TMNT story The Last Ronin on Indie Comics Spotlight here: - and did a spider-related podcast with Spider-Dan here: You can find Dave on Threads @davehorrocks, or the podcasts Comics In Motion, the VHS Strikes Back: and Chris & Dave’s Reality TV Cast: Last week on Genuine Chit-Chat & Comics In Motion, Mike interviewed Charles Soule & Ryan Browne about their upcoming Lucky Devils comic! Listen here: or watch the video version here: Mike has been involved with many other Star Wars podcasts, including interviewing Mike Chen on episode 234 of GCC about his novel Star Wars: Brotherhood and he returns on episode 246 to talk about his latest novel with Marvel; What If Marc Spector Was Host To Venom? Ep 234found here: & and ep 246 found here: & Find all of Mike’s social media & other links at Timestamps: 00:00 Intro, Guest Spots & What’s To Come 03:02 Season 6 P1 Discussion 01:34:00 Outro


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Star Wars: Skeleton Crew Ep 4 Review: Coming Of Age, Clone Wars, Life Lessons And Neel’s Character - “Can’t Say I Remember No At Attin” With Maff

Episode 4 of Star Wars: Skeleton Crew has landed; “Can’t Say I Remember No At Attin” and this week’s guest for the discussion show is Maff – he talks about Neel, responsibility, life lessons and more, as well as thoughts on previous live-action Star Wars projects! In more detail, Mike & Maff first talk about Maff’s thoughts on the other live-action shows, before delving into what this episode showed about the crew’s characters and where this journey will take them. As well as diving deep into the characters, the duo talk about the lessons this story can teach a younger audience, as well as meaningful moments in one’s life when growing up, where the story will go from here, SM-33, and as Maff is a cohost of Clone Wars Conversations, plenty of references to the prequel-era animated show are made too – tune in then subscribe so you don’t miss next week’s episode with another guest! Dave, Maff & Mike, discuss episodes of The Clone Wars animated series every month and they’re nearing the end of Season 6, so tune in wherever you’re listening to this or you can watch on YouTube! Mike has been involved with many other Star Wars podcasts, including several Star Wars interviews, such as Mike Chen on episode 234 of GCC about his novel Star Wars: Brotherhood and he returns on episode 246 to talk about his latest novel with Marvel; What If Marc Spector Was Host To Venom? Ep 234 found here: & and ep 246 found here: & Find all of Mike’s social media & other links at Sign up to the Pop Culture Collective newsletter here to keep up to date with Mike and other incredible creator’s many releases: Support Mike on Patreon for weekly bonus audio content and early access, all from only £1 per month: Mike’s Other Recent Podcast Appearances: Mike recently appeared on JAC’s Back To The Filmography podcast, tune in here: Mike and Megan appear on Spider-Dan’s podcast to talk about the Princess Diana movie Spencer as part of “Alter-Nativity Stories”: Mike appeared on Spider-Dan & The Secret Bores for their top 5 small cast movies, listen here: On the VHS Strikes Back’s Dragonslayer episode:


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Classic Comics- Episode 48- Silver Age Spotlight #6- Legion of Super-Heroes Part 2: Long Live the Legion! With Mart Gray- A Classic Comics Conversation Part 1

We’re taking the Time Bubble back to the 30 th Century! Guest Mart Gray joins me for a discussion on the Legion’s history, characters, greatest stories and disappointing moments. There’s a lot to cover! (Also available in Interlac). You can follow the show @ComicsLloyd on Twitter or send an email to . You can find me on Twitter @MattB_Lloyd and at where I write reviews and edit news stories. You can also check out my chapter in “Politics in Gotham: The Batman Universe and Political Thought.” Political-Thought/dp/3030057755 “Black Panther and Philosophy: What Can Wakanda Offer the World?” Blackwell- Culture/dp/1119635845/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2F69N3WJBZM F3&keywords=what+can+wakanda&qid=1642053514&spr efix=what+can+wakanda%2Caps%2C256&sr=8-1 “Batman’s Villains and Villainesses: Multidisciplinary Perspectives On Arkham’s Souls” Multidisciplinary-Perspectives- ebook/dp/B0C5SHX9BJ/ref=sr_1_1?crid=D49SBV4K1UQ D&keywords=villains+and+villainess+arkham&qid=16954 06720&sprefix=villains+and+villainesses+arkaham%2Cap s%2C284&sr=8-1 I’ve also submitted my essay on Silver St. Cloud to be included in “Batman, Also Starring….” Also look out for the forthcoming “Comics Lit.” series from members of the Comics in Motion family, and Anachronistic Comics a DIY anthology comic in which I have writer/artist/creator credits. Legion of Super-Heroes Notes Too Dangerous For A Girl… Interlac Legion of Super-Heroes at Wikipedia


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Charles Soule & Ryan Browne’s Lucky Devils Interview: Comics, Eight Billion Genies, Curse Words And “Building Contrast”

Surprise! Charles Soule & Ryan Browne join Mike (interrupting Clone Wars Christmas), to talk about their upcoming 9 issue series with Image Comics: Lucky Devils and their collaborative relationship as writer & artist. So if you’re a fan of comic books, collaboration or looking further into the creative process, this is the episode for you! In more detail, Mike delves deeper into the relationship between Ryan & Charles, from Curse Words to Eight Billion Genies present day’s Lucky Devils and why they both believe they work well together. The trio also give their thoughts on The Human Condition, the philosophy of Eight Billion Genies, Charles’ novels and Curse Words concept album, plus working with & without existing IPs, down-time and so much more! Find Image Comics’ Lucky Devils #1 anywhere from January 8th: Charles Soule’s Website: - @CharlesSoule on social media, @CharlesDSoule on IG. Ryan Browne’s Linktree: - @RyanBrowneArt on social media The weekly Skeleton Crew discussion shows have begun and Thomas Rochester joins Mike for the two-episode premiere! Listen on any podcast app: or watch on YouTube: Mike has been involved with many other Star Wars podcasts, including interviewing Mike Chen on episode 234 of GCC about his novel Star Wars: Brotherhood and he returns on episode 246 to talk about his latest novel with Marvel; What If Marc Spector Was Host To Venom? Ep 234found here: & and ep 246 found here: & Clone Wars Conversations has been releasing monthly since January 21st 2024 on the usual podcast feeds & YouTube (eps 221, 225, 229, 233, 236, 238, 241, 244, 245, 249, 251 & 252 of GCC): Find all of Mike’s social media & other links at Mike’s Guest Spots: On Spider-Dan & The Secret Bores, but with Megan, talking Princess Diana in Spencer: On Spider-Dan’s pod again, Mike talks their top 5 small cast movies, listen here: On Back To The Filmography talking Glory Daze & Matthew McConaughey: Mike also appears in the VHS Strikes Back Dragonslayer episode: Don’t forget to share and review the podcast, it helps more than you know! If you want to support the show and get bonus content, please support on Patreon for at least one exclusive bonus episode every week:


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Star Wars: Skeleton Crew Ep 3 Review: Childhood Wonder, Crimson Jack & Spaceships “Very Interesting, As An Astrogation Problem”, With Spider-Dan

Episode 3 of Star Wars: Skeleton Crew has landed; “Very Interesting, As An Astrogation Problem”! This week’s guest Spider-Dan discusses Skeleton Crew vibes, his thoughts on previous live-action Star Wars projects, episode 3 as a whole and more in this weekly Skeleton Crew discussion! In more detail, Mike & Spider-Dan first talk about Dan’s relationship with recent Star Wars projects and how Skeleton Crew feels more individual. The duo then discuss each character in-depth, as well as the stakes of the movie and the way the show taps into childish wonder associated with adventure & fantasy that doesn’t always show in Star Wars. References, funny moments and of course SM-33 are also mentioned in this discussion, plus a whole lot more – tune in then subscribe so you don’t miss next week’s episode with another guest! Mike appeared on Spider-Dan & The Secret Bores for their top 5 small cast movies, listen here: Mike and Megan appear on Spider-Dan’s upcoming podcast to talk about the Princess Diana movie Spencer as part of “Alter-Nativity Stories”! Spider-Dan’s site: Check out Spider-Dan’s episode on Turkish Star Wars: & on Star Wars video games: Both Mike & Spider-Dan have recently appeared on JAC’s Back To The Filmography podcast, so tune into those; Mike has been involved with many other Star Wars podcasts, including several Star Wars interviews, such as Mike Chen on episode 234 of GCC about his novel Star Wars: Brotherhood and he returns on episode 246 to talk about his latest novel with Marvel; What If Marc Spector Was Host To Venom? Ep 234found here: & and ep 246 found here: & Mike, Dave & Maff discuss episodes of The Clone Wars animated series every month and they’re nearing the end of Season 6, so tune in wherever you’re listening to this and you can even watch on YouTube! Find all of Mike’s social media & other links at Sign up to the Pop Culture Collective newsletter here to keep up to date with Mike and other incredible creator’s many releases: Support Mike on Patreon for weekly bonus audio content and early access, all from only £1 per month: Mike’s Recent Other Podcast Appearances: On the VHS Strikes Back’s Dragonslayer episode:


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Star Wars: Clone Wars Conversations Season 5 Pt 4 (E17-20): The Trial Of Ahsoka Tano! Jedi Temple Bombing, Barriss Offee, Anakin Skywalker And The Failings Of The Jedi Council

Clone Wars Conversations continues with one of the most iconic Clone Wars arcs of all-time; the finale of Season 5 (episodes 17-20)! Dave, Maff & Mike talk in-depth about the full 4 episode arc in this release, which Mike calls “The Jedi Temple Bombing Arc”! In this episode, the trio discuss this ground-shattering finale to Season 5, finally answering the question (for Maff); why did Ahsoka leave the Jedi Order? The trio discuss the many failings of the Jedi, Ahsoka’s relationships with both Anakin and Barriss Offee, Tarkin’s involvement, the animation improvements and the weight that the finale episode carries, plus Mike spinkles in a few bits of canon trivia throughout! Episodes featured; Sabotage, The Jedi Who Knew Too Much, To Catch A Jedi & The Wrong Jedi. Asajj Ventress’ story continues in the Dark Disciple novel by Christie Golden! The weekly Skeleton Crew discussion shows have begun and Thomas Rochester joins Mike for the two-episode premiere! Listen on any podcast app: ⁠⁠ or watch on YouTube: ⁠⁠ Clone Wars Conversations has been releasing monthly since January 21st 2024 on the usual podcast feeds & YouTube (eps 221, 225, 229, 233, 236, 238, 241, 244, 245, 249 & 251 of GCC): ⁠⁠ The trio are all featuring in episodes of JAC’s Back to The Filmography which are out now, or soon to be released for the season of Matthew McConaughey! Dave talks about Dazed & Confused, Maff does Angels In The Outfield and Mike does Glory Daze! Listen to BttF anywhere you find podcasts: ⁠⁠ Mike appeared on Spider-Dan & The Secret Bores for their top 5 small cast movies, listen here: ⁠⁠ Maff is @MaffUK78 on Twitter and recently spoke about Conan comics on 20th Century Geek here: ⁠⁠ - spoke about the TMNT story The Last Ronin on Indie Comics Spotlight here: ⁠⁠ - and did a spider-related podcast with Spider-Dan here: ⁠⁠ You can find Dave on Threads @davehorrocks, or the podcasts Comics In Motion, the VHS Strikes Back: ⁠⁠ and Chris & Dave’s Reality TV Cast: ⁠⁠ Mike has been involved with many other Star Wars podcasts, including interviewing Mike Chen on episode 234 of GCC about his novel Star Wars: Brotherhood and he returns on episode 246 to talk about his latest novel with Marvel; What If Marc Spector Was Host To Venom? Ep 234found here: ⁠⁠ & ⁠⁠ and ep 246 found here: ⁠⁠ & ⁠⁠ Find all of Mike’s social media & other links at ⁠⁠
