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Restored 2 More

Health & Wellness Podcasts

This podcast is dedicated to restoring marriages and relationships to wholeness in Christ after being affected by pornography and sexual brokenness. Every episode is filled with rawness and transparency as Clinton and Charity intertwine their story while interviewing professionals and others about what it takes to rebuild connection after betrayal takes place. They focus on restoring safety and trust, rebuilding connection and intimacy, and ultimately reflecting God's ability to heal and redeem. Listen now for hope and guidance to start your journey of becoming Restored 2 More.


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This podcast is dedicated to restoring marriages and relationships to wholeness in Christ after being affected by pornography and sexual brokenness. Every episode is filled with rawness and transparency as Clinton and Charity intertwine their story while interviewing professionals and others about what it takes to rebuild connection after betrayal takes place. They focus on restoring safety and trust, rebuilding connection and intimacy, and ultimately reflecting God's ability to heal and redeem. Listen now for hope and guidance to start your journey of becoming Restored 2 More.





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We're Back!! And With a Story of Hope w/ Cody and Michelle Larson

In this episode, Cody and Michelle share their devastating story of betrayal due to sexual addiction and affairs in the workplace. His actions completely blindsided Michelle while Cody lied and hid in self-protection mode, unable to face the reality of where his addiction had taken him. Their story begins, like most, before they were ever together but chose to seek individual and couple's work in an attempt to experience freedom and healing. Years later, they are now the newest addition to R2M Certified Coaches and are leading our next Couples Course 1 starting on Thursday, September 14th, 2023! Listen now to hear how they share the hurt and pain of betrayal, the questions and conflicts they wrestled with, and how God took them from crisis to closeness. Resources:


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...Where Did Clinton and Charity Go??

Hey, y'all! Wow, it has been a hot minute since we have been able to record! Today we share what's happened and why we haven't recorded a podcast in four months. We update you on what we learned through losing our home and how God has used it for good in our lives. Next Tuesday, we launch course 1 for a new self-led 8-week session with a pivot that makes it more affordable, accessible, and convenient. Check out the details in this episode, and then sign up through the link below. Thank you for all your continued prayers and support! Our Resources:


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Mama Bear's Apologetics Guide to Sexuality with Hillary Morgan Ferrer

Hillary Morgan Ferrer is the founder and Mama-Bear-in-Chief of Mama Bear Apologetics. She is the chief author and editor of the bestselling Mama Bear Apologetics: Empowering Your Kids to Challenge Cultural Lies and Mama Bear Apologetics Guide to Sexuality: Empowering Your Kids to Understand and Live Out God's Design. Hillary has her master's degree in biology from Clemson University and a master's degree in apologetics from Biola University. Today she shares how she was led to a deeper understanding of God and inclined to worship during her master's in biology. She explains how as she studied cell biology, she was given example after example of how the physical attributes of our body point us to God and the spiritual realm. Her teachings and writings have inspired thousands of people to understand and experience how physical things continue to point us to the spiritual. She explains that if the physical points us to the spiritual, then gender and marriage have new meanings and purposes. She teaches that our bodies are the language of God's mystery, a roadmap guiding us into deeper intimacy with the Divine. One of our favorite moments in this recording was understanding how sex has been so perverted in our culture, distorting our view and understanding of God. One of the amazing questions Charity asked is, "What does it look like for us to celebrate our kid's sexuality, guide them in what is appropriate but avoid shaming them for things that they have done wrong?" Hillary takes the question and adds a new perspective on how gratitude and humility play a huge part in leading our kids in their sexuality. We too often avoid choosing gratitude and showing mercy because of our own brokenness and pride. If we can teach our kids to be self-aware through our own example of awareness, our children can choose Christ instead of merely abstaining from sin out of unhealthy motives. The challenge is: "Are we being then Deputy Holy Spirit to our kids and leading with shame? Or are we leading with an example of humility and gratitude?" Hillary Morgan and Mama Bear Apologetics: Our Resources:


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Join the Restoration Movement with Clinton and Charity Muñoz

How many of us are affected by a story of sexual brokenness? How many of us feel lost and isolated in our shame? How many of us feel disconnected from community and are tempted to feel hopeless? In this podcast, we share the stats of sexual brokenness and the mission God has called us to. We invite YOU to be a part of the movement and ask if you would pray about partnering with us to reclaim enemy territory. Today, Clinton and I repent. We're sorry for trying to do too much on our own and not asking for your help sooner. We now see that we have deprived you of the blessing of sharing the load and burden for this ministry. In this episode, we vulnerably share the journey of Restored 2 More and God calling us out of our previous lines of work to build this ministry. We explain how it started, the trials we faced early on, and the struggles we now face that could potentially shut us down. We believe that God will make a way and is already impressing on people's hearts about how they can become a partner and a teammate for the restoration movement in Jesus' name. Listen today, but most of all, pray. Pray and ask God how He wants to lead you. Pray that we would be humble yet bold. Pray that our faith would be unshakeable and that in all trials, we would consider it joy and press into Jesus. Thank you for listening, but more importantly, thank you for participating in the work God has called us to. How to contact us to become a partner: email:


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Why Parents Don’t Talk to Their Kids About Sex with John Fort

Why do parents avoid talking to their kids about sex? John Fort says it comes down to four primary reasons: John shares resources and insights to help us navigate these fears and use our mistakes and sexual brokenness to build a bridge with our children. What we can view as a barrier is actually the glue that creates safety and connection while talking with our kids about sex. John repeatedly refers to a quote he often uses while teaching seminars and writing books, “Your failures are what qualify you to talk to your kids about sex.” In the past two decades, parents have spent four times more time with their kids, setting the stage for these conversations. We, as parents, can need a little bit of guidance and handholding on how to start these conversations. Today John shares resources and practical tools to help us talk to kids who range in their ages from toddlers to adult children. Join us for a powerful message and teaching on how we as parents can talk about sex with our children. John Fort/Be Broken Ministries Resources: Our Resources:


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"God, Why Aren't You Taking This Away?" with Josh Glaser

Today's podcast is with Josh Glaser, Executive Director of Regeneration Ministries. Josh loved God and hated pornography from a young age but couldn't understand how God could let him struggle with his addiction. He shares how he shakes his fist at God one night in college and asks Him, "Why aren't you taking this away?!" Josh then shares a powerful story and brings to life a parable of Jesus that demonstrates the love of the Father and how His heart is more for his child's maturity and dependence than on the purging of something painful. In this episode, Josh shares his heart for people to experience freedom and how sexuality and spirituality were never meant to be in opposition. Josh shares how his behavior demonstrated that he was reaching for something and only knew how to find comfort in misusing his sexuality. He elaborates on how his early childhood played a massive role in his dependence on pornography and how it offered him community, importance, comfort, and a way to feel loved and accepted. The way out for Josh was learning how to seek Jesus instead of seeking unwanted sexual behavior and understanding what he was truly seeking. Instead of God removing our unwanted sexual behavior, he can re-direct our focus and desire, allowing us to experience Jesus on a new level, changing our behavior and actions to reach for and experience Him. This episode has many magic, intimate and inspirational moments. A big thanks to Josh for his powerful testimony and teaching, transparency, revelation, and understanding. Josh Glaser and Regeneration Resources: Our Resources:


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Does My Body Tell A Story? w/ Linda Noble and Linda Stewart

While at a conference in St. Louis, I got the privilege to interview Linda Noble and Linda Stewart from The Conversation Workshop. In this episode, they share how understanding the meaning behind God's design of our body can bring us closer to Jesus and reveal a new perspective on our biology. In a season of distress and depression, Linda Noble shares how God flipped the script and led her to experience Himself in a way she never had before. She states, "I had never understood that His love and was full of pursuit and that his utmost desire was for me to know him, flourish and thrive." How do we experience the love of Jesus? What does it mean to be a human person, and what is the meaning behind sex, singleness, marriage, and our body? What if understanding these topics could point us closer to Jesus and expand our understanding of His will for our lives? Linda Noble explains how the design of the human body reveals God's invitation for love and communion with Himself. And why the "rules, the dos and do nots" fall short because they lack the meaning behind God's message. This podcast is pivotal not only for ourselves but also for us parents raising kids in a time where our body is being attacked by culture. As parents, we need to know the why behind our kids' questions and the meaning behind God's teachings. Join me today for a great conversation with the Lindas from The Conversation Workshop. The Conversation Workshops Resources: Our Resources:


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Why is He Relapsing After We Have Sex?! w/ Clinton and Charity Muñoz

Unfortunately, we were taught, “if you just have consistent sex, he won’t desire or use pornography.” But if that were the case, we wouldn’t be here today leading Restored 2 More Inc. We know first-hand how painful it is to act on a perspective that isn’t rooted in truth or that comes from a loving but uneducated person. In this episode, Clinton gets super raw and real about how he struggled after we were sexually intimate and reflects on the brokenness he constantly experienced. We share how our perspective of sex was influenced by the church, our culture, families of origin, and our own experiences. As you listen to this episode, ask yourself: What do you believe about sex? What did the church, culture, or community teach you about sex? How much of your belief is rooted in truth and the teachings of scripture? We hope you realize that you are not alone and that help exists. Today, alongside our course #1, we get to promote the fantastic work of Juli Slattery and her team at Authentic Intimacy. Check out the resources below. Our Resources: Authentic Intimacy


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Sex, God & The Chaos of Betrayal Walkthrough with Roane and Eva Hunter

Roane and Eva Hunter are sexual wholeness missionaries. Yes, they are board-certified licensed professional counselors and certified sex addiction therapists, authors, speakers, and teachers, but their heart for Jesus has inspired it all. After reading their newest book, Sex, God, and the Chaos of Betrayal, Charity and I were excited to have them be on the podcast to discuss the book further. Today they educate us on other traumas present in their personal story, such as deception and disclosure trauma that they needed to heal from. We also get the opportunity to hear the behind-the-scenes of their story and pick their brain on a few topics they write about in their book, such as the trauma wall, the C’s of rebuilding trust and safety, and how to use Fanos for a healthy communication tool. Check out their material below and get their newest book on Amazon or their website. Roane and Eva's Resources: Our Resources:


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Why Does He Miss Pornography?! with Clinton and Charity Muñoz

One day Clinton looked depressed after his therapy appointment. He was sad and had a distant look in his eyes. I asked him what was wrong, and his response made me feel confused, disturbed, and disgusted. His answer created a pit in my stomach, but something inside told me to ask questions and be curious instead of condemning and criticizing him. “I miss pornography,” he said. “I’m grieving the relationship I’ve had with porn and masturbation, and today I am really feeling the weight of it being gone.” “What?!” I thought, “how is this even possible that you could miss something so painful, damaging, and grotesque?!” In this episode, we uncover what it looked like to grieve the loss of pornography and then adventure and discover a life free from the toxic relationship. We hope that in this episode, we can relate, educate and encourage you to continue your journey of becoming Restored 2 More! Our Resources:


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Why Does He Miss Pornography?! with Clinton and Charity Muñoz

One day Clinton looked depressed after his therapy appointment. He was sad and had a distant look in his eyes. I asked him what was wrong, and his response made me feel confused, disturbed, and disgusted. His answer created a pit in my stomach, but something inside told me to ask questions and be curious instead of condemning and criticizing him. “I miss pornography,” he said. “I’m grieving the relationship I’ve had with porn and masturbation, and today I am really feeling the weight of it...


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How the Grieving Process Builds Connection with Travis and Adelle Graham

After years of pain, trauma, manipulation, and addiction, Adelle lost hope. Just at their breaking point, Travis went on a men's retreat and had a mountain-top experience with Jesus enabling him to confront his fears and take steps towards honesty and healing. Unfortunately, Travis was advised to blanket the details of his infidelity and left out major factors that later came to the light and left Adelle again devastated and wanting a divorce. In this episode, Adelle describes how Travis's ability to enter into her pain through the grieving period demonstrated that he had experienced significant heart change. Instead of grief further dividing them and leading Travis into shame and destructive behaviors, it built connection, empathy, and trust. Travis shares his steps to healing and being emotionally available, while Adelle shares with us her pain and the stages of grief she experienced, and which ones she got stuck in. Their journey of restoration is full of God's provision and further led them to create a remarkable ministry called The Noble Marriage. The Noble Marriage Resources: Our Resources:


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How Betrayed Spouses Compartmentalize the Pain with Carrie Holladay

Today we hear from Carrie Holladay as she shares her story of betrayal and how she discovered that her trauma could be used to give others hope. She is a coach, a powerful voice on Instagram and in the LDS community, and an advocate for women's health and healing. She shares with us how devastated she was by her husband's sexual betrayal, and how it intensified her already present battles with eating disorders, depression, and body dysphoria. While discovering his actions, she shares how being in pregnant mode and having four kids under five years put her in a state of compartmentalization. Unfortunatley, while she suppressed her pain, the internal side effects only got worse. Carries' heartbreaking story takes a turn and now allows her to use her story to now help women overcome and heal. Listen today for a story filled with validation, empathy and hope. More Resources: Our Resources:


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An Episode Hijacked by The Holy Spirit with Clint and Charity Munoz

If you're like Charity, perhaps you've been angry that you now need to omit secular tv shows and movies that have content that could trigger your spouses. For a time, she asked, "why do we have to suffer and miss out on the fun of the latest TV binge-worthy series?" Today we talk about what we choose to watch and why and the difference between everything being lawful but not everything being helpful. We also had what we thought was a great podcast topic until the Holy Spirit hijacked our conversation. Instead of sharing what life looks like after recovery, we get passionate about how pro-active accountability is a vital ingredient that is missing from most men's recovery game plans. Instead of using our accountability groups as a place for weekly confession, we need to take the reigns of responsibility and reach out for help before we slip or relapse. In addition to pro-active accountability, the question is, am I acting proactively to remove the areas of temptation, and am I willing to become my own worse enemy for my addiction? We also explain what it means to "finish the fantasy" by sharing our fantasies with safe people to make them lose power and luster. Instead of our fantasies haunting us, triggering us, and hiding in the shadows, we explain the power of dragging them into the light and explaining what the real aftermath would be of finishing the fantasy. Our Resources:


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The Power of Confession from The Victory Collective

In this episode, we interview Amanda and Katie, the founders of The Victory Collective. Together they have started a platform to share their story and normalize the struggle of pornography among girls and women. They are powerfully reaching a younger generation by giving them a voice and platform where they can be seen and loved amid a struggle that binds so many girls in isolation, guilt, and shame. We got a chance to dive into their stories of struggle, confusion, shame, and victory. Today through The Victory Collective, their goal is to be a voice to the voiceless and remove the shame that so many have from struggling with pornography, masturbation, and sexual brokenness. They share what it was like to struggle with porn while at Christian schools, how it affected their relationships, and how confessing to someone safe changed their perspective of the fight. Listen now to their powerful testimony and then support them in their brave endeavors as they point others to hope and restoration. More Resources: Our Resources:


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Married Sex with Debra Fileta

Our favorite one-liners: “Trust is not a gift to be given, but is a responsibility to be earned.” “Healthy people make healthy relationships.” “What’s happening in the present is normally rooted in the past.” “Admitting our brokenness to our spouse is the first step in moving towards intimacy.” Today we had the incredible opportunity to interview Debra Fileta, a licensed professional counselor, author, relational expert, and national speaker. She is the author of True Love Dates, Choosing Marriage, Love in Every Season, Are You Really Ok? and Married Sex. In this episode, Debra shares with us how her passion for couples came out of her brokenness and how God has used her story to lead couples to discover true and lasting intimacy. She explains that our sexual brokenness is commonly rooted in our past, and instead of putting on a bandaid or increasing our frequency of sex, we need to heal the root issues. If we can learn to be a healthy spouse, we can begin to experience healthy, life-giving sexual intimacy. She explains how sex is so much more than a physical connection but that it is physiological, emotional, spiritual, and recreational. She asks a simple yet profound question,” what is your sexual template?” We all have one, and it defines how we view sex, but most of us have never examined if it is grounded in truth or lies. We must learn how to see through the fallacies of sex that culture has created and understand the beautiful experience that God made sex to be. She shares a powerful message and explains how we can begin to experience the incredible gift of Married Sex. More Resources: Our Resources:


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Im Triggered, He’s Triggered, Help!! with Clinton and Charity Muñoz

What is a trigger? What can I do when I am triggered? How can I support my spouse when they are triggered? Today we discuss triggers and how healthily handling them can lead to restoration. At the beginning of our healing process, triggers overwhelmed us and sent us spiraling and fighting, leaving us confused and disconnected. We found that we can react four different ways to triggers: suppress them, medicate them, unhealthily let them lead us or healthily process them in a way that leads to growth. In this episode, we get raw and real again as we share stories and personal examples of how we miserably failed at times and eventually how we learned to support one another through being triggered. We hope that as you listen, you identify what you can do to healthily process a trigger and help your spouse as they go through triggers as well.


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How to Protect Our Kids from Porn with Kristen Jenson

How can we proactively prepare our kids for an over-sexualized culture? How can we protect them from the damaging effects of pornography? What should we do if we discover our child is watching pornography? How early should we talk about sex, and how do we bring up the topic of pornography with our kids? Today we have the privilege to share our interview with Kristen Jenson, who answers these questions and shares her wisdom on these topics! Kristen is the founder of Defend Young Minds and the #1 best-selling author of the Good Pictures Bad Pictures series. She is empowering resilient, screen-smart kids who know how to reject pornography through her many endeavors. This episode discusses practical tools for preparing our children for what they will face in today’s culture and how to respond if they have already been exposed to pornography. Listen now and click the links below to get all the tools that Defend Young Minds have created! More Resources: Our Resources:


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The Transforming Power of Grace with Ed Khouri

If fear is not displaced by grace, it will ultimately ruin our lives. Before anything else, grace is relational, meaning we have to experience grace to understand it. Today we get an in-depth look at the meaning and power of grace. What does it mean, and how have misguided teachings distorted and diluted its message? Ed Khouri has been in the field of addiction and recovery for over 40 years. He has authored numerous books and today equips leaders on these topics in over 90 nations. In 2015 he felt God nudging him to understand grace on a deeper level, and today he shares with us his life-changing discoveries. Grace changes everything. It determines if we live in fear and make choices that hurt us and others or live relationally healthy lives with God, our spouse, and others. Once we can understand and, more importantly, experience grace, it allows us to become a face of grace. Learn more by listening now and then, purchasing his newest book, Becoming a Face of Grace. More Resources: Our Resources:


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How to Talk About Your Feelings Without Fighting with Dr. Glenn and Phyllis Hill

Today we interview Dr. Glenn and Phyllis Hill, the Founders of Connection Codes. Glenn is a clinical sexologist and family therapist, and both Glenn and Phyllis are connection code coaches who help couples, families, individuals, churches, and businesses build deeper connections. Today we discuss how to live authentic lives and communicate our emotions in a way that creates a connection with those around us. Unfortunately, Charity and I would fight almost every time we talked about our feelings at the beginning of recovery. Through Connections Codes, they share how instead of avoiding these hard conversations, we can learn how to understand emotion and use our feelings as a way to foster a deeper connection! Glenn and Phyllis also share some incredible tools, including a core emotion wheel, a free webinar, and an online e-course through Connection Codes that have helped thousands of people build deeper connections. More Resources: Our Resources:
