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The Optimal Aging Podcast

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Millions of people over age 50 represent the biggest consumer market in history for fitness, nutrition, travel, recreation and more. But most businesses don't know how to market to them. We'll interview entrepreneurs, business leaders and innovators to discuss this exciting opportunity.


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Millions of people over age 50 represent the biggest consumer market in history for fitness, nutrition, travel, recreation and more. But most businesses don't know how to market to them. We'll interview entrepreneurs, business leaders and innovators to discuss this exciting opportunity.







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When Is It Too Late to Get Fit? Author Gwendolyn Bounds on Pushing Limits at Any Age

How old is too old? How late in life is TOO late in life to get fit, change your life, and improve your health? Or is the answer, it’s never too late? Well, these are the questions we’ll be covering on this episode of Optimal Aging, where we discuss the business of exercise, healthy living and wellbeing for people 50 and over. Each week, we explore what healthy living means for millions of people in this lucrative, yet underserved market, with a focus on communications, content, and making powerful connections. Gwendolyn Bounds tackles this question head-on in her inspiring new book titled “Not Too Late: The Power of Pushing Limits at Any Age.” In it, she tells her own remarkable story of transitioning from deconditioned news executive in her 40s to competitive obstacle course racer in her 50s. A veteran Wall Street Journal reporter and editor, Wendy also interviewed experts in longevity, philosophy, athletic performance and more. It’s a compelling true story of how Wendy changed her life, but it’s also much more than that, as I think you’ll see from this discussion. So many will relate to her story – even if they have no interest in running obstacle course races. Wendy is a terrific writer and storytelling, and I know you’ll enjoy our conversation as much as I did. Online Resources Gwendolyn Bounds Spartan Race Prime Fit Content – Engage the over-50 market


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Answering Questions from Fitness Pros in Over-50 Fitness: Emails, Facebook, and More, with Dan Ritchie of the Functional Aging Institute

On the last episode of Optimal Aging, I shared a recent presentation I gave to the Functional Aging Institute online. THIS episode features the Q&A session that followed, and it's full of smart questions and (I hope) useful replies. Do you wonder about posting on a blog? How often you should share on social media? And what about emails? Then, this is the session for you, as Dr. Dan Ritchie and I of FAI field questions from other fitness pros serving the over-50 market. Online Resources Functional Aging Summit Prime Fit Content – Engage the over-50 market


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How Many Emails to Send? Which Social Media to Use? My Functional Aging Content Webinar

This week's episode is the recording of a webinar I did with Dr. Dan Ritchie of the Functional Aging Institute. Dan was kind enough to let me present on seven "Do This/Not That" communications examples for gym owners who want to grow their businesses with more people over 50. There were quite a bit of questions after my presentation. I'm going to share the Q& A next week, but for now, I just want to give you this presentation. I also want to put in a plug for the Functional Aging Summit this July in Los Angeles, where Dan and Cody have invited me to present. If you have any interest in Learning how to grow your business around this demographic, you can't do anything better than go to LA for a couple of days and meet with the FAI folks at the summit. You'll learn a lot, meet great people, and get to visit sunny Southern California. Can' t go wrong! Online Resources Functional Aging Summit Prime Fit Content – Engage the over-50 market


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Using AI and Data to Put Powerful Body Information in Fitness Consumers’ Hands. With Jason Moore of Spren.

They say knowledge is power, and mankind has never before had so much power – or knowledge – at our fingertips as we do now. When that comes to fitness over 50, health and wellbeing, the potential for improving lives with this data is spectacular. We can carry real-time information on body composition, biomarkers, heart-rate variability, sleep, stress and more with us at all times. But how can we use this information to help people understand their bodies and longevity, and make better decisions about exercise, diet and more? That’s what we’re addressing on this episode of Optimal Aging, the show for fitness professionals serving the over-50 market. I’m Jay Croft of Prime Fit Content. My guest is Jason Moore, who’s here to talk about his powerful Spren app, which uses your smartphone as a body scan tool for body fat percentage and BMI measurements, results he says are comparable to DEXA scans. The Spren app helps track weight and weight loss, helps you understand the nuances of body composition, and lots more. Now, if this seems a bit, well, fantastical to you… it did me, too! But the supercomputers in our pockets can do so much else, why shouldn’t they be able to help us understand what’s going on inside our body. Using AI and data, Jason is helping to put valuable information into everyone’s hands through this Spren app technology, and the way he explains it, it’s not only possible, but fun and helpful. Here’s my conversation with Jason. Online Links and Resources Jason Moore on LinkedIn Life Priority Supplements -- Affiliate Discount here Prime Fit Content – Engage the over-50 market


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Longevity in Action: 'Keep Moving' as the Key to a Long, Healthy Life, from Those Who Know

Longevity is a trendy topic these days. Everybody wants to read and talk about the newest, best ways to live a vital life for as long as possible. So, I take a look back at a powerful conversation I had with a frequent exerciser as she was turning 100. Toni Stahl passed away recently at 105, and she and other super-agers left us key lessons about how to be like them. One of them put it super-simply: "Keep moving, keep moving, keep moving." So, let's explore why longevity is having such a moment in the culture, and how fitness plays a key role. Online Links and Resources My new course to motivate men over 50 to get off the couch and into fitness Life Priority Supplements -- Affiliate Discount here Prime Fit Content – Engage the over-50 market


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The Hero’s Journey, Emotional Content, and Focusing on the Client Helped Ryan Carver Grow His Utah Gym

Ryan Carver learned a key lesson about marketing his gym to people over age 55: Make it about THEM, not about HIM. Ryan, owner of Leverage Fitness Solutions near Salt Lake City, told me he realized he had to make his content more emotional and follow the “hero’s journey” – with the client as the hero and him as the helper. They’re Luke Skywalker. He’s Obi-Wan Kenobi. I loved it when Ryan told me this – because this is a key point I make to gym owners about marketing: It’s not about you! Ryan recently doubled his gym’s space and is enjoying strong growth with his business. So, I asked him to come on Optimal Aging and tell other fitness professionals how he communicates and serves thiss often-neglected segment of the population. Ryan's one of the nicest guys in fitness. I know you'll enjoy our conversation. Online Links and Resources Leverage Fitness Solutions Ryan on LinkedIn My new course to motivate men over 50 to get off the couch and into fitness Life Priority Supplements -- Affiliate Discount here Prime Fit Content – Engage the over-50 market


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Weight-Loss Expert Amy Lang on How to Stop Negative Thoughts and Build Healthy Habits

Remember Daisy Duke on “The Dukes of Hazard"? Anyone who grew up in the late '70s and early '80s does. It featured a beautiful young actress named Catherine Bach playing the part of Daisy Duke, who was most famous for her short-short cutoff jeans, curvaceous figure, and legs that went down to Mexico. Like millions of households every Friday night, Amy Lang and her family would gather to watch the show and, on one of those nights, Amy’s father turned to her, pointed at the Daisy Duke on the TV, and said, "That’s the ideal figure for a woman." Amy was 14, a petite adolescent, and the message was clear. You ain't it. Today, Amy is a former gym owner and weight-loss coach. She’s back on the show to talk about her new book, "Thoughts Are Habits, Too: Master Your Triggers, Free Yourself from Diet Culture, and Rediscover Joyful Eating.” Amy’s expertise and enthusiasm are helpful to anyone struggling with weight or helping people to establish better habits, like eating right and exercising. I know you’ll enjoy our conversation. Online Links and Resources “Thoughts Are Habits, Too” book site Amy Lang’s Moxie Club for weight loss Her Happy & Healthy podcast My new course to motivate men over 50 to get off the couch and into fitness Life Priority Supplements -- Affiliate Discount here Prime Fit Content – Engage the over-50 market


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Consistency Pays: Building a Thriving Fitness Business for Older Adults in Nashville

Fitness success is a lot like communications success. Both involve repeating the same steps consistently over time, making incremental progress, and remaining committed to doing the right thing. Even when a shiny new temptation wants to steal your attention or you'd rather just stay on the couch and forget about it. Aaron Hines, a gym owner from the Nashville area, who has been putting in the work month after month, year after year. communicating steadily with his prospects and clients, running a good business, networking both online and in real life, writing books and promoting them, all while bringing top shelf training services to people over 50 in his location. And here's the best part. It's paying off. Aaron had his biggest month ever last December, and 2024 is banging so far. What's his trendy gimmick, his sexy trick? Well, uhm... about that... Online Links and Resources Premier Performance Training Aaron Hines on LinkedIn My new course to motivate men over 50 to get off the couch and into fitness Life Priority Supplements -- Affiliate Discount here Prime Fit Content – Engage the over-50 market


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Overcoming Alcoholism to Forge a Health Legacy: Gary's Inspirational Fitness Journey at 50+

Nothing moves people like a story. More than mere facts, and more than promotions or advertising, a good story makes us feel something. We relate to it. We want to take action, even if it’s just talking about the story some more. Here’s an example of how powerful storytelling can be – for people trying to improve their lives and for a gym or fitness studio. Gary shared his story with me, which I then shared with my audience… and the beautiful way it circled back to him was profound. If you want to grow your audience and move them to join your club, you can’t talk about yourself all the time. Remember the stories are rarely about you, the fitness professional. Make them about your clients and prospects, help them connect to each other and to the power of healthy living — and you can’t go wrong. Resources My new course to motivate men over 50 to get off the couch and into fitness Life Priority Supplements -- Affiliate Discount here Prime Fit Content – Engage the over-50 market


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Alloy's Nick Garrity Shares Secrets of Serving the 'Older' Market While Expanding His Fitness Footprint. (REMASTERED for Improved Audio)

Alloy Personal Training is one of the most exciting brands in fitness. And Nick Garrity is a prime example of why, having launched two successful locations last year and preparing to birth a third. We discuss the secrets to appealing to the 'older' fitness clientele, the value of communications, and the essential power of providing a first-class, consistent customer experience. Nick and I really connect on the basics of content marketing. You have to let people know you want their business. It's that simple! And once they agree to try you out, then you have to deliver. I'm proud to share this conversation with someone who gets it -- and is putting his understanding of this market to good use. Please note: This is a reposting of the earlier show. The content is the same, but the audio is much improved. Apologies for the previous issues! Nick Garrity on LinkedIn Alloy Chastain My new course to motivate men over 50 to get off the couch and into fitness Life Priority Supplements -- Affiliate Discount here Prime Fit Content – Engage the over-50 market


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Should Gyms Provide Ozempic and Wegovy to Fitness Clients? Here's What You Need to Know.

What happens when the craze for new weight-loss drugs hooks up with gyms and fitness studios? We’re about to find out, based on a couple of announcements from industry leaders in the last few months. And on this week’s episode, we have a leading industry researcher to help us see the opportunity here for gym and studio owners. Welcome to Optimal Aging, the show for fitness leaders trying to grow businesses by reachin more people over 50. I’m your host, Jay Croft, of Prime Fit Content. And, if you’re like me, you might be wondering how a prescription medication like Ozempic or Wegovy to lose weight is going to get more people exercising… Right? Why bother going to a gym when you can take an injection or swallow a pill. Well, lucky for us all, Eric Durak isn’t like me – and he’s here to explain it in a way that’s enlightening and, really, just very intriguing under the broader umbrella of how fitness, medicine, and insurance might work together in the future. Resources Eric Durak on LinkedIn Medical Health and Fitness (medhealthfit) My new course to motivate men over 50 to get off the couch and into fitness Life Priority Supplements -- Affiliate Discount here Prime Fit Content – Engage the over-50 market


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How High-Tech, Big-Data Innovation Is Improving Functional Fitness and More.

We tend to go to the gym and lift weights in one plane -- up-down, up-down... But in real life, our bodies move in 3D, up, down and all around, at all angles, across multiple planes of motion. So if we want to be strong and truly fit, we need to be strong in 3D. And to get there, we need first to measure ourselves fully an accurately. That's the exciting premise behind Proteus Motion, which is bringing its high-tech, data-driven tool to gyms and other businesses across the country and in Canada. Thousands of people of all ages are assessing their fitness and improving it with Proteus technology. Founder and CEO Sam Miller joins the show to explain this all. It's fascinating stuff, and I know gym and studio owners will enjoy learning how they can use Proteus to improve their service to people over 50 -- and even use it as a revenue-generating tool. Enjoy. Resources and Information Proteus Motion Sam Miller on LinkedIn My new course to motivate men over 50 to get off the couch and into fitness Life Priority Supplements -- Affiliate Discount here Prime Fit Content – Engage the over-50 market


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Health, Sex and More: Men Tell Us What Finally Got Them to Embrace Fitness over 50.

Ever felt it's too late to start making healthy changes? This episode of Optimal Aging is for you. We're chatting with three inspiring men, all over the age of 50, who decided to rewrite their health narrative. Listen in as Bennett, Jerry, and Blaine share their stumbling blocks, the catalysts for change, and the practical steps they've taken to reclaim their health. They prove that it's never too late to adopt healthy habits, and even small changes can dramatically enhance your life's quality post 50. Resources and Information My new course to motivate men over 50 to get off the couch and into fitness Life Priority Supplements -- Affiliate Discount here Functional Aging Institute -- Use FAIMM50 discount code Prime Fit Content – Engage the over-50 market


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Should You Workout on Vacation? Finding the Balance in Fitness over 50

Have you ever found yourself torn between maintaining your fitness routine and surrendering to the allure of total relaxation while on vacation? Well, this episode of Optimal Aging will simultaneously challenge you and offer solutions to this age-old dilemma. We'll share the fascinating journeys of Rachel and Oliver, two 50+ travelers who have managed to strike an impressive balance between their health goals and their love for travel. We also delve into their secrets of staying motivated and energetic, even while savoring the joys of a Caribbean cruise. Shifting our attention to the importance of staying physically fit while globetrotting, we unfold an inspiring narrative of Joanne, an 80-year-old adventurer who fulfilled her dream of exploring the Galapagos Islands. Her tale is testament to the transformative power of regular exercise and its role in making travel plans more achievable and enjoyable. We also offer practical advice on maintaining healthy habits during trips, the challenges of transitioning back to routine post-travel, and the imperative of staying physically prepared for the demands of both leisure and business travel. So, if you're wrestling with the exercise-on-holiday conundrum or simply want to glean insights on managing travel, fitness, and the crucial balance between the two, this episode is a must-listen. Resources and Information My new course to motivate men over 50 to get off the couch and into fitness Life Priority Supplements -- Affiliate Discount here Functional Aging Institute -- Use FAIMM50 discount code Prime Fit Content – Engage the over-50 market


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Mastering Gym Business Management and Capturing the Over 50 Market, with Dan Uyemura of PushPress.

This week's episode is all about the intersection where gym management, communications, and customer experience meet. My guest is Dan Uyemura, who was a serial tech entrepreneur before opening his first gym in 2010 – and then his gym management software platform, PushPress, which helps gym owners scale their businesses effectively. PushPress streamlines billing, keeps up with attendance, and helps track and improve other operational tasks, as well. And it’s seeing huge and steady growth, with 70% year over year growth since 2013, and more than 3,000 gyms worldwide among its clients. Dan and I talk a bit about PushPress and the power of software to help businesses help more people. And we also get into the over-50 market, of course. Dan’s about to join us in the demographic, and he’s seeing how powerful it is to gym and studio owners who are willing to look ahead of the curve to see opportunities that most are ignoring. Resources and Information Dan and PushPress Dan on Instagram and Facebook My new course to motivate men over 50 to get off the couch and into fitness Life Priority Supplements -- Affiliate Discount here Functional Aging Institute -- Use FAIMM50 discount code Prime Fit Content – Engage the over-50 market


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Don't Let Fear of Change Hold You Back: 5 New Trends in Marketing Fitness over 50

It's been five years since I got into the "fitness over 50" game -- and five years since I first met Dan Ritchie and the Functional Aging Institute. So, when Dan asked me to speak last week at an FAI gathering in Nashville last week, my thoughts turned to "then" and "now." I spoke about 5 points of communications in the over-50 market that were true then -- and 5 that are new today. Change is scary sometimes. But it comes whether we like it or not. So, I wanted to take this opportunity to remind gym & studio owners that they need to keep their eyes and minds open while evaluating what comes along, what happens, and what's worth their attention. Resources Functional Aging Institute My new course to motivate men over 50 to get off the couch and into fitness Life Priority Supplements -- Affiliate Discount here Functional Aging Institute -- Use FAIMM50 discount code Prime Fit Content – Engage the over-50 market


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Reframing Fitness: A Journey of Adventure and Healthy Habits with Kelly Howard

My guest this week is Kelly Howard, who leads women into fitness by making it fun and adventuresome. She leads retreats, hiking and kayaking trips – all kinds of things to get women moving outdoors and start living a healthier, happier life. I love the approach and Kelly’s enthusiasm. She’s a coach, podcaster, and author. Her business website,, promotes "Fitness consistency with a touch of aventure. Together we’re unstoppable. Fit is our superpower." This kind of positive messaging is really effective, and it made me want to talk with Kelly. In person, she’s just as positive. Here's a link to her eBook. I ALSO HAVE A GIFT FOR YOU -- It's my first digital course at 50 percent off until November 1. It's short but transformative -- aimed at getting men off the couch and into healthy habits. More information here. It will be $99.95 starting November 1 but for now is available at half-off, just $49.97. So, check it out and get the mindset you need to start moving. Resources and Links Kelly's Fit Is Freedom Life Priority Supplements -- Affiliate Discount here Functional Aging Institute -- Use FAIMM50 discount code Prime Fit Content – Engage the over-50 market


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Triumph and Transformation: 7 Inspiring Fitness Journeys of Men Over 50

Imagine being in your 70s and crossing the finish line of a grueling obstacle course race. Or picture yourself chasing after your grandkids, not just watching from a bench. Today, we're sharing the fascinating, foot-to-the-pedal stories of men over 50 who have embraced fitness, transforming not just their physical health but their entire lives. From Jerry, the 76-year-old who decided to challenge himself to multiple obstacle courses, to Officer Mike who kicked-started his fitness journey with some tough love, to Todd who is gearing up to join his grandsons in their athletic pursuits. The common thread? A steady resolve to break free from sedentariness and a commitment to better nutrition. These tales of triumph and transformation might just be the nudge you need to kickstart your own fitness journey. Get the free eBook by sending me an email, Life Priority Supplements -- Affiliate Discount here Functional Aging Institute -- Use FAIMM50 discount code Prime Fit Content – Engage the over-50 market


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Tonal Reaches Out to the Active Aging Market -- What's the Future of Connected Fitness Now?

Curious about the future of fitness technology? In this episode, we are joined by Troy Taylor, the Senior Director of Performance Innovation at Tonal. Troy takes us on a journey through Tonal's success story amidst the pandemic, and the goldmine of data they've tapped into from their expansive user base. We take a deep dive into how connected fitness gained momentum during 2020 and 2021 and how Tonal harnessed this to their advantage. Troy unveils Tonal's foray into the active aging market segment. With a blend of stability exercises, lower body power and custom content, Troy shares how Tonal is bringing its message to this population. Resources and Links Tonal Troy Taylor on Instagram Life Priority Supplements -- Affiliate Discount here Functional Aging Institute -- Use FAIMM50 discount code Prime Fit Content – Engage the over-50 market


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Thomas Plummer on the Biggest Opportunity in Fitness: Tapping into the 'Older' Sector

Industry expert Thomas Plummer has seen it all in the fitness industry. A pioneer for the last 40-plus years, he shares a ton of insight and advice about how to appeal to affluent, older clientele in this week's episode. Most fitness pros have no idea how to communicate with people who are a little bit different than the mainstream, 20-something customer. That's where I come in with Prime Fit Content, with material that helps gyms and studios reach the coveted older market. And Thom brings his perspective to the table -- how gym owners fall short, what the real opportunities are, and how to take advantage of them. By the end of our chat, you’ll be armed with practical insights on how to dismantle fear and misinformation associated with fitness, and how to create a welcoming, inclusive space for everyone. Resources and Links Thomas Plummer Perform Better Life Priority Supplements -- Affiliate Discount here Functional Aging Institute -- Use FAIMM50 discount code Prime Fit Content – Engage the over-50 market
