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We're Disappointed


East Coast meets West every Friday as two friends get to know each other better by expressing their disappointment in everything from politics to anime to having a physical body. This is We're Disappointed.


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East Coast meets West every Friday as two friends get to know each other better by expressing their disappointment in everything from politics to anime to having a physical body. This is We're Disappointed.



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What is fashion? What's fashionable? Are you fashionable? Jenn and Shea talk about their experiences with clothes, fashion, and its trappings.


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How have you been feeling lately? Tired? Worn down? Like nothing's going right? You might have burn out and you aren't alone. Shea and Jenn talk about their experiences with burn out brought on by the pandemic and beyond. Intro music by Strong Suit Outro Music by DreamHeaven


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Welcome Back. VAXXXED UP

That was some summer break, huh? Shea and Jenn are back and pulling no punches. Intro music by Strong Suit Outro Music by DreamHeaven


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Summer Break!

Shea gets on the mic to announce a summer break and the end of Season 1! Intro music by Strong Suit Outro Music by DreamHeaven


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Adopt. Don't Shop

Shea and Jenn discuss (at length) their experience with pets (and other animals) and the roles they've played in their lives. There's also pics of some of our animal companions on the website!


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"But I Don't Want to Buy a PS5!"

Jenn and Shea talk a bit about E3, gaming culture, and how it's impacted them as people (kind of)


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Streaming & Other things Ft. AmayaLovely

This week's episode is an interview with Twitch streaming Amayalovely. We started off asking about her experience with streaming, but it turned into so much more. Check her out on Twitch!


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Summertime Sadness?

Shea and Jenn reflect on summers past and share their hopes for summer 2021


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Good TV (and planes)

HEAVY SPOILERS FOR CASTLEVANIA, MORIBITO: GUARDIAN OF THE SPIRIT, AVATAR: THE LAST AIR BENDER, AND FATAL FRAME 2 Jenn and Shea talk about their recent watch of the Castlevania series. (Spoilers: they loved it) and reminisce over other good tv they've watched. Very few disappointments were aired, but not zero. It'll never be zero.


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Milkshake Ducks & Idol Worship

In this episode, Shea and Jenn briefly discuss celebrities, the worship that springs up around them, and its roots. What is a "milkshake duck?" Listen and find out!


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20% More Effort! - Mass Effect

This week we're starting something new-ish. Have you ever watched a movie or played a game and it was bad bad, or it was actually pretty good except for a few places where it tripped and couldn't recover? If there had been such a small amount more effort put in, it could have been good? That's what this monthly series is about. So many things could have been made better with a smidgen more effort and that's what we're talking about that in this episode where we discuss Mass Effect.


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The Future of Humanity

Shea and Jenn answer some questions about the future of humanity that they found on a website and venture into some dark places. And before you ask, no, we're not alright. Warning if you like the Book of Eli.


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Prompted by a Twitter thread they saw, Shea and Jenn explore cringe: why it happens, their own experiences with it, and if at all there's any way to stop it?


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Movie Adaptations

In this ep, we talk about movie adaptions from other media. The good; the bad; the hopeful.


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Too Big Not to Fail

Shea and Jenn discuss the phenomenon of hype trains-- when the excitement and anticipation around a piece of media or a person rivals on cultish exultation. Examples of when it happens, and how often it fails, and the few times when it actually worked. Also it may sound like Shea's saying "Josh" but trust me, it's "Joss"


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Social Media and Internet Nostalgia

Shea and Jenn weigh in on social media: its history and impact on us both personally and as a society.


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On Writing

In this episode, Jenn & Shea go deep and talk about their experiences with writing, reading, and how they got to where they are now. Spoilers for The Old Man and the Sea I guess?


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In this episode, Shea and Jenn air their grievances about piloting a meat puppet and discuss the option of not having a body made of flesh at all.


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Shea and Jenn have teased this for ages, but they're finally talking about the company that brought them together both in fandom and misery. This episode is spoiler filled for a number of BioWare properties including Mass Effect and Dragon Age, so if you're concerned about that, be aware. And before you ask, no, this doesn't mean we will stop talking about them in the future. <3


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Misery Simulators

In this episode, Jenn and Shea talk about the rise of the "Misery Simulator." Games, movies, books, no avenue of media is off limits. Not sure what a Misery Simulator is? Listen to the episode and find out! Spoilers for The Last of Us series, Ghost of Tsushima, the Fault in Our Stars, and the Mass Effect trilogy (which is old and you should have played by now, btw)
