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With Flow

Education Podcasts

Welcome to the With Flow Podcast! A weekly show for purpose driven women who are ready to embrace a feminine approach to business. This podcast is for you if you've ever wished online business could feel easier. That you could do it without the need to hustle or constantly be on the hamster wheel trying to make progress. We'll be exploring all things cycle awareness and intuition, combined with the more practical aspects of business like systems, workflows, planning, and tech. Because we need the balance of both energies to reach our goals. Too much of the more feminine energy can mean you have a lot of amazing ideas and feel really inspired, but the world never gets to see them because you don't take any action. On the flip side, too much of the more masculine energy can mean you keep pushing and taking action that is out of alignment with your big business vision. The show will a combination of short sharp and value packed episodes designed to educate and empower you to change the way you plan and run your business, and guest interviews with other inspiring women in the online business world. I'm your host Laura from Laura in Order. Systems Queen, Cycle Awareness Coach, and lover of launches. Over the last few years I have been on my own journey from corporate burnout and adrenal fatigue, to online business consultant, learning to do business in a way that feels easy, grounded, organised, and most importantly fun. This is an inclusive community for ALL women and menstruaters. If you don't have a menstrual cycle you can apply all the principles we discuss using the phases of the moon. Hit 'Follow' in your favourite podcast app now to make sure you don't miss out on an episode. And share the podcast with your friends. The more we have open conversations about our bodies and our cycles the more we can own and embrace our natural superpowers!


United States


Welcome to the With Flow Podcast! A weekly show for purpose driven women who are ready to embrace a feminine approach to business. This podcast is for you if you've ever wished online business could feel easier. That you could do it without the need to hustle or constantly be on the hamster wheel trying to make progress. We'll be exploring all things cycle awareness and intuition, combined with the more practical aspects of business like systems, workflows, planning, and tech. Because we need the balance of both energies to reach our goals. Too much of the more feminine energy can mean you have a lot of amazing ideas and feel really inspired, but the world never gets to see them because you don't take any action. On the flip side, too much of the more masculine energy can mean you keep pushing and taking action that is out of alignment with your big business vision. The show will a combination of short sharp and value packed episodes designed to educate and empower you to change the way you plan and run your business, and guest interviews with other inspiring women in the online business world. I'm your host Laura from Laura in Order. Systems Queen, Cycle Awareness Coach, and lover of launches. Over the last few years I have been on my own journey from corporate burnout and adrenal fatigue, to online business consultant, learning to do business in a way that feels easy, grounded, organised, and most importantly fun. This is an inclusive community for ALL women and menstruaters. If you don't have a menstrual cycle you can apply all the principles we discuss using the phases of the moon. Hit 'Follow' in your favourite podcast app now to make sure you don't miss out on an episode. And share the podcast with your friends. The more we have open conversations about our bodies and our cycles the more we can own and embrace our natural superpowers!



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How to be seen everywhere with Lisa Simone Richards

Are you wanting to grow your audience, and get more visibility and exposure for your business? In this episode I chat with Lisa Simone Richards all about how to stand out from the noise online and be seen everywhere. Key topics in this episode: * The difference between content that nurtures our existing audience, and content that grows our audience * Different ways you can gain exposure online through speaking, writing, or video * How being more visible is a lot easier than you think it is *...


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How experimenting helps you move forward in business

Experiment with new strategies and approaches in your business is a great way to learn what works for you, and what doesn't. I shifted my mindset to being more experimental a few years back. It allowed me to shift some of my perfectionistic tendencies, and have more fun. Key points in this episode: An overview of my one month Instagram experiment The benefits of experimenting in your business Ways you can experiment with new strategies in your business Come hang out on Instagram...


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Mel Daniels - Creating Powerful Content

In this episode I chat with Mel Daniels. Mel is a Content Strategist, Coach and Speaker. Mel’s purpose is to teach and empower women who want more from their business, on how to use content in a genuine way. She gives them the confidence they need to become more visible, seen as the expert that they are and inspired to take their business to the next level. Mel and I chat about how to create powerful, purposeful, and intentional content so you can stand out from the noise online. Key topics...


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Slowing down to speed up

It might sound counter intuitive, but sometimes slowing down is necessary in order to speed up. Taking the time to slow down, take stock, reassess, and then move forwards in the right direction. Key points in this episode: * Business growth isn't usually a steady consistent thing, you can have periods of rapid growth, and periods where things are a little slower. The key is to work with that ebb and flow and use it to create more momentum. * What slowing down to speed up looks like in your...


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Time blocking and other productivity hacks I can't get onboard with...

Sometimes it feels like you open up Instagram and you're being bombarded with all of these tips about being more productive, being more efficient. In this episode I want to call bullshit on some of the productivity hacks out there that I just can't get on board with. A reminder, as women or menstruating humans, we aren't built to be productive every single day. We're not meant to be consistent day in, day out, across the month. Key points in this episode: * Why I dislike time blocking, eat...


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Struggling to reach your goals? Track your metrics!

Does it feel like you're doing everything right, but not making progress? Not getting the results you want or expect? Are you tracking your stats and looking at your metrics? Bear with me…. We all know that you can't just set the intention and things magically happen. Results come from taking the practical action, from the things you actually do, not just think about doing. Key Points in this Episode: * Tracking the actions you're taking is one way to ensure you're actually doing the things...


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5 things I've stopped doing since I started cycle syncing

Cycle syncing is a wild ride. You meet parts of yourself that otherwise might have remained hidden. In this episode I'm sharing some of my lessons from cycle syncing, as they relate to how I show up and run my business. And it's not just the practical things like working harder in higher energy phases, and slowing down in lower energy phases. 5 things I've stopped doing in my business since I started cycle syncing * beating myself up when I was low in energy and motivation * pushing,...


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Are webinars dead?

The online business landscape is definitely changing, what used to work, won't work anymore. Key points in this episode: What resonates with audiences is always growing and evolving, so your strategies have to as well People have short attention spans, highlighted by the popularity of TikTok and Reels People are over the spammy and gross tactics of the past, they want value and will buy from people who give them that You're allowed to explore other launch strategies, you don't have to stick...


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Laura Torbett - Lunae Collective - Cycle syncing your workouts

In this episode I am thrilled to be bringing you another guest expert. And for those of you who cannot learn enough about cycle syncing, like me, you're gonna love this one! I interview Laura Torbett from Lunae Collective. Laura is a movement enthusiast whose mission supports women from menarche to menopause with cycle-friendly movement practices. lunae is a roadmap of phasic exercise for menstruators.


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Celebrating 1 year of podcasting

This week I am celebrating the 1 year anniversary of the podcast! So, for this episode I thought I would share some of the lessons I've learnt this year about podcasting, myself, and my business. Key points in this episode: You have to be willing to suck at something new Systems and templates make life so much easier Sometimes you have a lot to say, and at other times nothing Listener behaviour and analytics offer some useful insights into what topics resonate with people Podcasting is a...


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Business tactics that make me go ughhhh

Now this is intended to be a bit of fun. But today I wanted to chat about some of things I see and experience online that are just plain ick! Now what makes my skin crawl might not seem so bad for you. Use the tactics and strategies that feel good and right for you. Your business, your rules. Also please remember that it's possible that in the past we have done things that we look back on and cringe. It's all a learning process, don't beat yourself up. Learn and move on. Business tactics I'm...


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Can you be too anti-hustle?

We've all seen those internet millionaires talking about how they only work 2 hours a day and still make oodles of cash each month. And I am not debating that they do, but…what you're seeing is not the whole picture. If you don't have a team, or maybe you have a VA for a few hours a week, or you outsource projects here and there, it might be easy to look at that and think how is that even possible? And that is what we're going to explore right now. Key points in this episode: You're not...


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Are you overcomplicating business?

I hear myself often telling my clients, start simple, get the foundations in place, and then add more. It's human nature to assume something we have never done is going to be hard, and I think at times this leads to the false assumption that it must be complicated. And when we haven't done something in our business before - maybe its create and launch a new program, set up your first evergreen funnel, run a webinar or 5 day experience, we often assume that we have to do all the things we see...


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Are you a prisoner to your to do list?

I remember when I first started working full time after I graduated from university. I prided myself on how efficient I was, how much work I could get done, and how quickly I could get it done. I was always asking for more work, more projects. I didn't realise it then, but I was trying to prove my worth by how efficient I was. I was looking for external validation, pats on the back, comments about how good I was. But I also got a high from ticking stuff off my to do list, I lived for that...


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Chelsea Horton - Healing Embodied

In this episode I'm chatting with Chelsea Horton, CEO and founder of Healing Embodied. Chelsea is a Relationship Anxiety Specialist and Body/Mind Integration Expert with her MA in Dance/Movement Therapy and Counselling. Chelsea is a Board Certified-Dance/Movement Therapist with who has facilitated hundreds of sessions with those who are experiencing intense anxiety. As you'll hear in the episode, Chelsea has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to healing anxiety and regulating our nervous...


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Reviewing your business? Here's what to consider.

Do you ever take the time to stop and review your business? What works? And what doesn't? Am I still working towards the right goals? Am I working on the right things that will take me towards those goals? Am I working as efficiently and effectively as I can? Do I have the right tools to support my business? In this episode I share the process I go through with both my own business, and my mentoring clients, to complete a business review. Key points of the episode: Your luteal phase is a...


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Struggling with cycle syncing? Don't make these common mistakes.

If you're listening to this podcast you know I'm a fan of cycle syncing, and you probably are too. Today I wanted to share some of the more common mistakes or things I see tripping people up when they begin their cycle syncing journey. Common mistakes discussed in this episode: 1 - Expecting to solve all your problems in one cycle 2 - Being too rigid with the rules of what to do in each phase, even when you're not feeling it 3 - Not charting your cycle 4 - Giving up when it gets hard 5 -...


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Feeling overwhelmed? Try this!

Feeling overwhelmed? We all have those moments, days, weeks, where everything feels too much. When we get overwhelmed it can feel like we're stuck, just spinning our tires, expending a lot of energy but not getting anywhere. In the episode I'm sharing what I do when I find myself feeling overwhelmed. Key points of this episode: 1 - Stop! 2 - Tune into what you're feeling 3 - What is causing the overwhelm? 4 - What can you do about it?


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Why we procrastinate and how to move through it

Procrastination.... We all do it at different times and for different reasons. I love human behaviour and psychology. So I've recently been observing both myself and my clients and why it is that we procrastinate. And in this episode I share my insights. Key points in this episode: * Three reasons I have observed in myself and my clients are: ** lack of clarity ** lack of desire ** lack of belief * What you can do when you're procrastinating


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You can be successful without the hustle!

A few years ago, hustling was the thing. Get up early, work late, be on all the platforms, do all things.... And then slowly some of us started to come to our senses and realise it was sustainable. Hustle culture leads to burnout, sacrifice (personal life, health), doing anything and everything, do whatever it takes mentality But you can have success in business without the hustle! Key points in this episode: Anti-hustle isn't anti-success, its about working smarter, not harder.... It's...
