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Health & Wellness Podcasts

Do you worry that you’re not enough—not good enough, successful enough, or thin enough?Do you ever wonder if your self-worth hinges too strongly on your weight or your athletic performance? Real Fit is for women like you. You can expect conversations with remarkable women athletes where we get real about issues like body image, impostor syndrome, and empowerment. My goal is to share stories that will inspire you to be your best self and to and let you know you're not alone.


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Do you worry that you’re not enough—not good enough, successful enough, or thin enough?Do you ever wonder if your self-worth hinges too strongly on your weight or your athletic performance? Real Fit is for women like you. You can expect conversations with remarkable women athletes where we get real about issues like body image, impostor syndrome, and empowerment. My goal is to share stories that will inspire you to be your best self and to and let you know you're not alone.





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Figuring out who you want to be on the other side of menopause with Selene Yeager

Episode #60 // Eating disorder recovery, thriving in menopause, navigating perimenopause, fueling for power and performance without restriction CW: Eating disorder If you have questions about perimenopause, menopause, or how you can eat what you want without adhering to any rules and still perform well as an athlete, do not go anywhere, this episode was MADE for you. Today I have Selene Yeager, the host of the Hit Play Not Pause podcast, content manager at Feisty Menopause, and best-selling professional health and fitness writer, including the co-author of ROAR and Next Level with Dr. Stacy Sims. She lives what she writes as an NASM-certified personal trainer, Pn1 certified nutrition coach, off-road racer, and former All-American Ironman triathlete. In this interview Selene discusses her history with an eating disorder- and consider this a content warning, she gets into some graphic detail - and how she ultimately healed her relationship with food. She also talks about the evolution of her career as an athlete, how she’s come to embrace gravel biking and bikepacking, and how both her approach to training and her outlook have changed since going through menopause. Selene also shares some beautiful insights on how a perimenopausal mom and an adolescent daughter can not just survive but thrive while living in the same household- you’ll definitely want to listen all the way through to the end for that little gem. CONNECT WITH SELENE Website: Instagram: Want to stop dieting AND stop hating your body? 💌 Subscribe to the Real Nourished newsletter 💖 Click here1:1 intuitive eating coaching services.LET'S CONNECT Website LinkedIn Instagram TikTok Twitter Support the Show.


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Intuitive Eating Principle 1: Reject the Diet Mentality (Part 3)

Episode #59 // Covering the first principle of Intuitive Eating: Reject the Diet Mentality, part 3- the importance of curiosity I'm back with a solo episode on intuitive eating, discussing the first principle: Reject the Diet Mentality. (Quick backstory if you're new here: Intuitive Eating is a practice Evelyn Tribole and Eileen Resch originally presented in the 90's in the book Intuitive Eating, is now in its 4th edition.) This is actually the third in a three-part series on the first principle of Intuitive Eating (the first two as well as an episode where I go over all the basics of IE are linked below). Why am I devoting three entire episodes to one principle? Because this is a hard one! Rejecting the diet mentality means undoing all the brainwashing we've been exposed to since basically forever. That means unlearning all the implicit and explicit messages we've ever absorbed, from friends, family, teachers, coaches, media, ad copy, product descriptions, and healthcare providers, etc telling us that thinner is better, weight loss is healthy, and that food is attached to morality (and mortality for that matter). Honestly, 300 episodes wouldn't be enough to cover this one topic. But in this third (and final) episode on Reject the Diet Mentality, I give you three strategies to help you undo some of that programming. First, though, I share a story (the Great Broom Heist of 2007) for the dual purposes of (hopefully) making you laugh and demonstrating just how easily we can dupe ourselves into believing our own lies. Links Episode 44: What is Intuitive Eating?Episode 47: Intuitive Eating Principle 1: Reject the Diet Mentality (Part 1)Real Fit Episode 54: IE Principle 1: Reject the Diet Mentality (Part 2) Want to stop dieting AND stop hating your body? 💌 Subscribe to the Real Nourished newsletter 💖 Click here1:1 intuitive eating coaching services.Let's Connect! Website LinkedIn Instagram TikTok Twitter Support the Show.


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The life-saving magic of embodiment with Alison Rothman

Episode #58 // Alison Rothman, Body-Centered Holistic Empowerment Coach and yoga practitioner // How can we use what's already inside of us to heal from trauma and cultivate resilience? TW: trauma, gun violence, eating disorders, addiction I’m so excited to bring you a conversation with Body-Centered Holistic Empowerment Coach and yoga practitioner Alison Rothman. Alison is a fellow Boulderite and podcaster- her show is called Embodied and Awake, and she’s also the mom of a teenage boy. Through healing from her her experiences with trauma, addiction, and an eating disorder (please consider this your trigger warning), she learned to reconnect with her true self and has since made it her mission to share the tools she used in her own healing journey to help others in her practice. In this episode, she shares her story and how, after decades of being disconnected from herself, a practice of embodiment led her back to herself and how that has literally saved her life and her sanity over and over again. She shares what it means to be embodied, why it matters, and how you can start becoming more embodied right now. If you know me at all you know I am passionate about intuitive eating and one of the reasons why is that every time we restrict our food or deny our appetites we are essentially training ourselves to disconnect from our true selves. But our true self is where all our power is. It’s the home of our, emotions, our authentic voice and our intuition, and we NEED to honor it in order to live a life that’s aligned with our values and to fully express our gifts. READY TO STOP STRESSING ABOUT FOOD, EXERCISE, AND YOUR BODY? 💌 Subscribe to the Real Nourished newsletter 💖 Click here1:1 coaching services.Support the Show.


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How self-compassion can unleash your speediest, strongest athletic performance (and improve your mental health) with Erin Ayala

Episode #57 // Erin Ayala, cyclist and sports psychologist // How do the stories we tell ourselves impact our self-image, our performance, and even the enjoyment we derive from sport? And what if those stories aren’t serving us? How can we change them? Licensed sport psychologist, certified mental performance consultant, researcher, and elite cyclist Erin Ayala and I explore these questions and so much more in this week’s episode of Real Fit. Erin also shares the surprising comment from an ex that sparked her leap into endurance sports, her experience competing in triathlons in the Athena category, why she’s passionate about creating space for athletes of all sizes, how she’s rewritten her own body image story, and how self-compassion has served as the basis for all of it. Connect with Erin Instagram: Website: READY TO STOP STRESSING ABOUT FOOD, EXERCISE, AND YOUR BODY? 💌 Subscribe to the Real Nourished newsletter 💖 Click here1:1 coaching services.Support the Show.


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The intersection between diet culture and sport with Sara Gross

#56 // Sara Gross, retired pro triathlete and founder of Feisty Media // Growing up, Sara Gross was one of the strongest, fastest, kids in her class. So she didn’t understand why she only saw women playing sports on TV once every four years, at the Olympics. Today, she’s a retired professional triathlete and the CEO and Founder of Feisty Media, a company she created in 2017 with the goal of creating an empowering culture for all active women. Feisty Media approaches change-making in a multi-disciplinary way, using four pillars of performance: Physiology, Nutrition, Mental Health and Culture. After defending her PhD in Women’s History in 2008, Sara competed as a professional triathlete for 14 years and won two Ironman titles and two major championships. Born in Canada, she went to high school in the United Arab Emirates, and has lived in Scotland, France, Switzerland, and the US. Sara currently lives in Victoria, British Columbia with her daughter Rosalee. In addition to being the head Feisty Chief, Sara also hosts the Feisty Women’s Performance Podcast, and is an amateur CrossFitter. In this interview we discuss… CONNECT WITH SARA Website: // Instagram: // Twitter: READY TO STOP STRESSING ABOUT FOOD, EXERCISE, AND YOUR BODY? 💌 Subscribe to the Real Nourished newsletter💖 Click here1:1 coaching services.Support the Show.


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Ditching dieting to embrace authentic, wholehearted living with Kim Basler

#55// Kim Basler, group fitness instructor and food freedom & mindset coach// TW: Suicidal thoughts // How do you let go of restrictive dieting and a lifetime of people pleasing to ultimately embrace intuitive eating and start living a life that honors your true needs, desires, values? Food freedom & mindset coach, author, speaker, and award-winning fitness professional Kim Basler takes a deep, vulnerable, insight-filled dive into that question in this episode. Kim is a flipped her professional and personal life upside down when she admitted that dieting and perfectionism were destroying her mental and physical health. I suggest preparing to be inspired and having a tissue ready before you listen. Kim's honesty about some truly tough stuff is such a gift. We discuss... Connect with Kim Website: Facebook: Instagram: TikTok: YouTube: Community: READY TO STOP STRESSING ABOUT FOOD, EXERCISE, AND YOUR BODY? 💌 Subscribe to the Real Nourished newsletter and get my FREE guide, 11 Things You Can Do Right Now to Feel Better About Your Body!). 💖 Click here to learn about my 1:1 coaching services. Support the Show.


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Intuitive Eating Principle 1: Reject the Diet Mentality (Part 2) | Ep. 54

No matter what you've seen on Instagram, intuitive eating is about so much more than eating whatever you want whenever you want. It's not the hunger/fullness diet. It's not license to eat donuts all day every day or permission to never eat a vegetable again. Intuitive eating (which is based on the eponymous book by dietitians Evelyn Tribole and Eileen Resch, originally published in the 90s), is based on ten principles — the first of which is Reject the Diet Mentality. This episode is part of a series on Intuitive Eating where I'm exploring each of the ten principles. I've already released two episodes in the series; if you haven't heard them yet, you can check them out: Episode 44: What is Intuitive Eating? Episode 47: Intuitive Eating Principle 1: Reject the Diet Mentality (Part 2) While episode 47 focuses on what the diet mentality is, in this episode, I'm talking about why it's such an important aspect of intuitive eating, including some research that highlights the futility of dieting/intentional weight loss, the (weak) link between weight and health, and the importance of healthy behaviors (regardless of weight). Links to research TONS of studies on the Intuitive Eating website: Intentional weight loss typically is not sustainable and most dieters will return to their baseline weight within 5.5 years: Finnish twins study: Swiss researchers find weight loss can lead to net weight gain:,than%20in%20those%20with%20obesity Study authors fail to find a consistent relationship between higher BMI and mortality: Study finds significant segments of "normal weight" people have markers for cardiometabolic issues, while significant segments of people who are considered "overweight" or "obese" have none of these markers: Ready to stop stressing about food, exercise, and your body? 💌 Subscribe to the Real Nourished newsletter for evidence-based tools to reduce food-related anxiety, improve body image, and embrace exercise as a form of nourishment - not punishment... and get my FREE guide, 11 Things You Can Do Right Now to Feel Better About Your Body! 💖 Click here to learn about my 1:1 coaching services. Let's Connect! LinkedIn Instagram TikTok Twitter Support the Show.


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Christine Yu, author of Up to Speed: The Groundbreaking Science of Women Athletes | Ep. 53

Christine Yu is an award-winning journalist whose work focuses on the intersection of sports science and women athletes. Her writing has appeared in Outside, The Washington Post, Runner’s World, and other publications. She’s a lifelong athlete and yoga teacher who loves running, surfing, and skiing. She lives in Brooklyn, New York. Her new book, Up to Speed: The Groundbreaking Science of Women Athletes, masterfully blends narrative and science to explain what we know about female athletic performance, why women have historically been left out of the research, why it matters, and what it would take to fill to the gap. I’ve read so many books that felt like an article or two with about 50k extra words thrown in. This was absolutely NOT one of them. The only thing better than reading the book — which covers everything from the history of the sports bra (originally slated to be called the Jock Bra- who knew!?) to how your period can affect your performance — was talking to Christine herself. We dug into some of the book's content as well as: I thought I knew a lot about women's sports science but it turns out I'd only scratched the surface. Christine's book is a must-read for every woman athlete out there. Connect with Christine Instagram @cyu888 // Twitter @cyu888 // Get the book!| Ready to stop stressing about food, exercise, and your body? 💌 Subscribe to the Real Nourished newsletter and get my FREE guide, 11 Things You Can Do Right Now to Feel Better About Your Body!). 💖 Click here to learn about my 1:1 coaching services. Let's Connect! My website // LinkedIn // Instagram Support the Show.


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Jill Merkel, Anti-Diet Dietitian and Runner: On uncoupling weight and health | ep. 52

Jill Merkel is an anti-diet, weight-inclusive Registered Dietitian specializing in disordered eating, Intuitive Eating, and sports nutrition. She’s been in private practice since January 2017 helping women find freedom from diet rules and restriction and helping athletes and active individuals fuel their bodies without obsession. The team dietitian for the NFL Tennessee Titans for 5 seasons (2017-2021), she previously worked for several colleges, serving their student athletes. In Jill’s free time, you’ll find her reading, running, or traveling. Her goal is to run a race in all 50 states. Connect with Jill website: Facebook: IG: Pinterest: Blog: Links/Resource Body image with Bri More Than a Body by Lexie and Lindsay Kite Ready to heal your relationship with food, exercise, and your body? 💌 Subscribe to the Real Nourished newsletter and get my FREE guide, 11 Things You Can Do Right Now to Feel Better About Your Body!). 💖 Click here to learn about my 1:1 coaching services. Let's Connect! My website LinkedIn Instagram TikTok Twitter Support the Show.


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Shilletha Dragonsky Curtis, queer athlete writer, and influencer of color: Facing mental health issues and racism on the Appalachian Trail | ep. 51

When queer athlete, writer, and influencer Shilletha “Dragonsky” Curtis lost her job right when the pandemic lockdowns started, the depression and anxiety she’d been living with for years kicked in — hard. She experienced panic attacks, and ended up doing intensive outpatient treatment and when her program ended, the New Jersey native noticed everyone seemed to be talking about hiking. As a New Jersey native, hiking wasn’t something Shilletha had done or knew much about. But she followed her curiosity, first to the trails of the Garden State, and eventually to thru-hike all 2190 miles of the Appalachian Trail. It’s a feat that most never attempt and that many never complete. And as a queer woman of color, Shilletha navigated a set of challenges that most backpackers don’t. Today she’s on track to be the first lesbian Black woman to complete the Triple Crown of hiking and her memoir, Mountain of the Moon, is scheduled to release in 2024. In our interview she shares her experiences with navigating mental health issues on and off the trail, how a Facebook post served as the catalyst for her entry into the world of freelance writing and later signing a book deal for her forthcoming memoir and becoming a sponsored backpacker, coping with racism on the Appalachian Trail, dealing with injuries, and so much more. Connect with Shilletha Instagram | TikTok | YouTube Links/Resources Unfuck your Brain Real Fit interview with Kriste Peoples Ready to heal your relationship with food, exercise, and your body? 💌 Subscribe to the Real Nourished newsletter and get my FREE guide, 11 Things You Can Do Right Now to Feel Better About Your Body!). 💖 Click here to learn about my 1:1 coaching services. Let's Connect! My website LinkedIn Instagram TikTok Twitter Support the Show.


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Gillian Goerzen, body positive health coach, intuitive eating counselor, and endurance swimmer: How to nourish the body you're in | ep 50

Gillian Goerzen was at the healthiest she’d ever been, training for an Ironman… or so it appeared. The truth was, she grappling with an eating disorder that sapped her of her energy, joy, and health. But because she didn’t “look like” she was chronically underfueled, she flew under the radar for years. As the medical community is finally starting to recognize, eating disorders don’t have a certain look. Today, Gillian is a body-positive health coach, a certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor, and an author who helps her clients ditch diets, programs, and plans and reclaim their authentic approach to health and fitness. Gillian has also traded Ironmans for distance swimming — while managing a rare disease. She lives, works, and plays in the traditional territory of the Snuneymuxw First Nation, on Vancouver Island in BC, Canada with her two sons, husband and mini-Aussie, Tucker. Connect with Gillian Instagram Facebook Twitter YouTube In this episode, we discuss: Ready to heal your relationship with food, exercise, and your body? 💌 Subscribe to the Real Nourished newsletter and get my FREE guide, 11 Things You Can Do Right Now to Feel Better About Your Body!). 💖 Click here to learn about my 1:1 coaching services. Let's Connect... My website LinkedIn Instagram TikTok Twitter Support the Show.


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Hillary Allen, ultra-endurance athlete on recovering from trauma after a near-fatal accident: "I didn't know who I was." | ep. 49

Content warning: eating disorders, trauma If you need a huge dose of inspiration, this episode is for you. Our guest, ultra runner and gravel cyclist Hillary Allen, best known for her incredible comeback after the near-fatal accident she survived during an endurance race in Norway, is the definition of resilience. Hillary is a Boulder-based ultra-endurance athlete who races for both the Brooks running team the Pinarello gravel bike team. She’s also a scientist with a Master's degree in neuroscience and physiology, a running coach, and the author of Out and Back, a memoir chronicling her incredible story of recovery and resilience. Hillary was at the pinnacle of her running career, when, while competing in 2017 a sky race in Norway, when one misstep almost cost her life. She fell 150 feet off of a ridge when and had to be airlifted out with a long list of injuries. Doctors said she would never run again. Not only is she running again, she's crushing it. With strength training and gravel cycling in her repertoire, she recently complete her first 100-miler at the UTMB, where she placed third American. In this interview she shares how she got into trail running, her eating disorder recovery, what motivated her through her arduous rehab process, how she manages strength training, running, and cycling, how her creative process helps with her mental health, how she keeps perfectionism at bay, why she wrote her memoir Out and Back, what community means to her, how she healed from trauma, and so much more. Connect with Hillary Website Facebook Instagram Hillary Allen - Athlete - Brooks Running | LinkedIn Hillary Allen - YouTube Trail Society on Apple Podcasts Links/Resources Amelia Boone Rea Kolbl Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert Hillary’s newsletter (sign up and get a free workbook) 💖 Are you ready to heal your relationship with food, exercise, and your body? I'm an intuitive eating coach and I’d love to help. Click here to learn more. 💌 Struggling with your body image? Sign up for my newsletter and get my FREE printable guide, 11 Things You Can Do Right Now to Feel Better About Your Body ✍️ Want to know my secrets for getting published in top publications? They’re all in my e-book, 7 Pitches That Sold. Use the code realfit50 to get half off. Stay Connected Website: LinkedIn: TikTok: Instagram: Twitter: https:// Support the Show.


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Intuitive Eating for Runners (Another Mother Runner podcast cross-feed) | ep 48

I joined Sarah Bowen Shea and Amanda Loudin on the Another Mother Runner podcast starting at 11:29 to discuss: intuitive eating💖 Are you ready to heal your relationship with food, exercise, and your body? I'm an intuitive eating coach and I’d love to help. Click here to learn more. 💌 Struggling with your body image? Sign up for my newsletter and get my FREE printable guide, 11 Things You Can Do Right Now to Feel Better About Your Body ✍️ Want to know my secrets for getting published in top publications? They’re all in my e-book, 7 Pitches That Sold. Use the code realfit50 to get half off. Let's Connect Website: TikTok: Instagram: Twitter: https:// LinkedIn: Support the Show.


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Ten-Minute Tuesday| Intuitive Eating Principle 1: Reject the Diet Mentality (part one) | ep 47

Intuitive eating isn't as simple as eating when you're hungry and stopping when you're full, There are ten principles, and in this quick solo episode, I discuss the first principle: reject the diet mentality. This is a big one, so I'm covering it in more than one episode, starting with simply defining the diet mentality. Listen to find out what the diet mentality is (and isn't) and subscribe to make sure you don't miss future episodes where I'll dive into why the diet mentality is generally incompatible with intuitive eating and how to actually change your mindset. Resources/Links Real Fit podcast episode 44: Overview of Intuitive Eating The F*ck it Diet by Caroline Dooner Intuitive Eating, 4th edition by Elyse Resch and Evelyn Tribole 💖 Are you ready to heal your relationship with food, exercise, and your body? I'm an intuitive eating coach and I’d love to help. Click here to learn more. 💌 Struggling with your body image? Sign up for my newsletter and get my FREE printable guide, 11 Things You Can Do Right Now to Feel Better About Your Body ✍️ Want to know my secrets for getting published in top publications? They’re all in my e-book, 7 Pitches That Sold. Use the code realfit50 to get half off. Let's Connect Website: TikTok: Instagram: Twitter: https:// LinkedIn: Support the Show.


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Jill Angie, fat running coach and author: "I'm okay with people being wrong about me."| ep 46

Jill Angie is a running coach who helps fat women start running, build body confidence, and embrace their inner athletes. She’s also the host of the Not Your Average Runner podcast and author of three books on running while fat. In this interview, Jill talks about why she started running in secret, what body acceptance looks like for her, how she manages the barriers that come with navigating fitness spaces in a larger body, leaving the pharmaceutical industry to start a run coaching business for fat women over 40, and sooo much more. Connect with Jill Links/Resources Not Your Average Runner book by Jill Angie Not Your Average 5k book by Jill Angie Not Your Average Half Marathon book by Jill Angie Mandy Patinkin dog/infant IG video Jill Angie’s interview with Jen Madden on the Not Your Average Runner podcast SELF article where I quoted Jill on navigating fitness world in larger body 💖 Are you ready to heal your relationship with food, exercise, and your body? I'm an intuitive eating coach and I’d love to help. Click here to learn more. 💌 Struggling with your body image? Sign up for my newsletter and get my FREE printable guide, 11 Things You Can Do Right Now to Feel Better About Your Body ✍️ Want to know my secrets for getting published in top publications? They’re all in my e-book, 7 Pitches That Sold. Use the code realfit50 to get half off. Let's Connect Website: Instagram: Twitter: https:// TikTok: LinkedIn: Support the Show.


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Lori King, award-winning marathon swimmer on eating disorder recovery, Guillain-Barre, and performance anxiety: “Turn your worry into wonder” | ep 45

Lori King is a working mom of two who recovered from both an eating disorder and Guillain-Barre syndrome and manages to conquer some of the world’s most intimidating ocean swims. The award-winning marathon swimmer’s many accomplishments include the Catalina channel swim (20 mi), the Manhattan Island swim (28.5 mi, the 8 Bridges Hudson River Staged Swim (7 days, 8 bridges, 120 miles), Capri-Napoli, Ibiza Marathon swim, and Kalamata, Greece. In 2016, the Long Island mother of two became the first woman (and second person) to successfully swim the 36.5 miles around the island of Bermuda in just over 21 hours. This past June Lori swam the Ka’iwi channel (the Channel of Bones), one of the hardest channels in the world to complete due to its rough conditions and active sea life. And in August 2022 she swam from Block Island, RI to Montauk, NY, a challenge that’s been called the “local Everest of swimming.” Connect with Lori Website Instagram In this episode, we discuss Links/Resources Eight Bridges Hudson River Stage Swim New York Times story on Lori King’s swim from Block Island to Montauk Why We Swim by Bonnie Tsui PRP injections (efficacy study) Bonnie Schwartz, swim coach Lori’s Swimpedia page Guillain-Barre Syndrome 💖 Are you ready to heal your relationship with food, exercise, and your body? I can help. Click here to learn about what I offer as an intuitive eating coach. 💌 Struggling with your body image? Sign up for my newsletter and get my FREE printable guide, 11 Things You Can Do Right Now to Feel Better About Your Body. ✍️ Want to know my secrets for getting published in top publications? They’re all in my e-book, 7 Pitches That Sold. Use the code realfit50 to get half off. Let's Connect Website: LinkedIn: Instagram: Twitter: https:// Support the Show.


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Ten-Minute Tuesday: What Is Intuitive Eating? | ep 44

In this solo episode you'll hear... 💌 Sign up for my newsletter and get my FREE printable guide, 11 Things You Can Do Right Now to Feel Better About Your Body 💖 Ready to heal your relationship with food, exercise, and your body? I can help. Click here to learn more. ✍️ Want to know my secrets for getting published in top publications? They’re all in my e-book, 7 Pitches That Sold. Use the code realfit50 to get half off. Let's Connect Website: LinkedIn: Instagram: Twitter: https:// Support the Show.


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Marley Blonsky, fat adventure cyclist & co-founder of All Bodies on Bikes: “There's just such a sense of freedom when you're on your bicycle.” | ep 43

Marley Blonsky is a speaker, writer, advocate, influencer, and self-described fat adventure cyclist, and as the co-founder of All Bodies on Bikes, she’s on a mission to make the sport of cycling more inclusive for people of all sizes and shapes. In addition to her advocacy work, Marley also rides for Cannondale, Pearl Izumi, Shimano, Ride With GPS, Chamois Butt'r, and Kuat Racks. She loves gravel and cyclocross racing despite coming in last in every single race she’s done and she’s also an avid bikepacker. Connect with Marley All Bodies on Bikes film Facebook Instagram Twitter In this episode, we discuss… 💌 Sign up for my newsletter and get my FREE printable guide, 11 Things You Can Do Right Now to Feel Better About Your Body 💖 Ready to heal your relationship with food, exercise, and your body? I can help. Click here to learn more. ✍️ Want to know my secrets for getting published in top publications? They’re all in my e-book, 7 Pitches That Sold. Use the code realfit50 to get half off. Let's Connect Website: LinkedIn: Instagram: Twitter: https:// Support the Show.


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Taneika Duhaney, gravel cyclist, runner, and mother of two: Managing autoimmune disorder—“Give yourself grace and give yourself time.” | ep 42

Guest Bio Taneika is a gravel cyclist, runner, mother of two, active-duty sailor, and freelance writer living with a medical condition called myasthenia gravis. She’s a member of the elite women's gravel team Velocio//Exploro. Committed to being the change she wants to see in outdoor spaces, Taneika toes the line at as many gravel races as she can and is creating a gravel scholarship to reduce the barrier to entry for female-identifying athletes of color. Connect with Taneika Website: Facebook: Taneika Duhaney Twitter: @msadventurer1 Instagram: @msadventurer1 LinkedIn: Taneika Duhaney In this episode, we talked about… For full episode details CLICK HERE Links/Resources Velocio Exploro gravel cycling team Getting it in Cyclists Fall Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington DC Dirty Kitten Gravel race Unbound Gravel race Real Fit interview with Rona Kilmer Girls Gone Gravel Festival Birdie personal safety alarm Sign up for my newsletter and get my FREE printable guide, 11 Things You Can Do Right Now to Feel Better About Your Body Ready to heal your relationship with food, exercise, and your body? I can help. Click here to learn more. Want to know my secrets for getting published in top publications? They’re all in my e-book, 7 Pitches That Sold. Use the code realfit50 to get half off. Let's Connect Website: LinkedIn: Instagram: Twitter: https:// Support the Show.


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Rabbi Jessica Marshall: "I'm just so much happier when I'm living in my heart" | ep. 41

On this episode, Rabbi Jessica Kessler Marshall and I discussed all the good stuff — including her love of cycling and snacks, the power of nature, the importance of ritual, and what happens when she tunes into her heart. Jessica is a cyclist, a hiker, and a general lover of the outdoors. She’s also a rabbi with a passion for writing, creating, and helping others to inject rituals into their routines, which we are definitely going to talk about as it pertains not just to spirituality but to everyday life and sport. As a rabbi, she moved away from a traditional role in a synagogue to forge a different kind of path that pulls from a variety of traditions and really highlights her many gifts. (Which I LOVE!!) As a spiritual leader and coach, she guides participants into deeper connection with Spirit by moving beyond intellect or logic, to access soul-wisdom so their path lights up with ease, vitality, abundance, and JOY! Championing spiritual inclusivity via creative rituals, intentional reflections, mindfulness practices, and the wisdom of the natural world, Jessica guides with humor, authenticity, and Divine presence. This one is a must-listen for anyone who wants to create more joy and meaning in their life. Connect with Jessica Website Facebook group Divine Winks Facebook Instagram YouTube Podcast- Sacred Stories In this episode, we talk about… For full episode details CLICK HERE Sign up for my newsletter and get a FREE GIFT, 11 Things You Can Do Right Now to Feel Better About Your Body Ready to heal your relationship with food, exercise, and your body? I'm an intuitive eating coach and I can help. Click here to learn more. Want to know my secrets for getting published in top publications? They’re all in my e-book, 7 Pitches That Sold. Use the code realfit50 to get half off. Let's Connect Website: LinkedIn: Instagram: Twitter: Support the Show.
