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Driving Meditations with Raven Shamballa

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Relax with Raven while commuting in your car. Negative energies come from stressful situations at home or at work. Listening to these mindful meditations opens the chakra system and helps you to release emotional imbalance. Chakras are energy centers in the body that regulate mood and emotion. Mindful meditation is different than deep trance meditation where you go into a deep state of trance and can have an out-of-body experience. Mindful meditation happens in the present moment. You keep your eyes open and focused on your five senses and while calming the thoughts running through your mind. Join Raven for driving meditations where we always keep our eyes open and focused on the road.


United States


Relax with Raven while commuting in your car. Negative energies come from stressful situations at home or at work. Listening to these mindful meditations opens the chakra system and helps you to release emotional imbalance. Chakras are energy centers in the body that regulate mood and emotion. Mindful meditation is different than deep trance meditation where you go into a deep state of trance and can have an out-of-body experience. Mindful meditation happens in the present moment. You keep your eyes open and focused on your five senses and while calming the thoughts running through your mind. Join Raven for driving meditations where we always keep our eyes open and focused on the road.



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Ep 10 Now You Are Relaxed

In this episode, we review what we learned during the Driving Meditation series. Imagine your thoughts have a shape and a color, imagine what your thoughts look like. Remember it’s time to transition into the 2nd shift. Feel no resistance to what you are experiencing and what you have created in your life. Work toward accepting what you cannot change and begin making changes to what you are in resistance to. Reclaim your headspace and release your negative thoughts. Find a negative thought weed and pull it out. I now release what is no longer serving me. Learning the art of relaxation will benefit you in your life. Learn more about Raven via her website https://www.ravenlightbody.com


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Ep 9 - Vision, Manifesting and Believing In Yourself

Integrate mindful meditation into your everyday life, when commuting or performing mundane tasks. In this episode, we focus on the theme of vision as it relates to the third eye chakra. Law of attraction teaches one, your thoughts create your reality. Practice positive thinking and generate the energy of joy to propel you into what you want to create. Understand there is a yin-yang balance when manifesting your vision. Balance making doors open with allowing doors to open for you. Create a vision in your mind of where you want to get to. Practice the affirmation, “I believe in myself”. Learn more about Raven via her website https://www.ravenlightbody.com


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Ep 8 Preparing Your Best Self For The Second Shift

What am I thinking? How am I feeling? What am I sensing? Take an emotional temperature check. Text your partner and let them know how you are feeling. Stay present and reclaim your center. Release your lower back in your seat. All we want is a soft warm landing when we get home. We learn the dial technique to calm down. Learn how to transition and prepare to receive your partner, friend or family. Tell yourself, “I am preparing myself for my family that I missed all day”. Walk through the door consciously and ready to release the 2nd shift. Learn more about Raven via her website https://www.ravenlightbody.com


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Ep 7 Releasing Black Spots

In this episode, Raven goes right into meditation. We practice cultivating love through the breath and finding pleasure in the breath. Just by listening to the meditation you are focusing your mind and allowing for stillness. Give yourself permission to relax. Raven teaches the technique of visualizing black spots as a visualization to release negative energies. The focus is on releasing people and events that bother you. We consciously release mistakes and miscommunications. We focus on forgiving ourselves for any mistakes made. Learn more about Raven via her website https://www.ravenlightbody.com


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Ep 6 Being Mindful Through Using our Five Senses

In this episode, Raven speaks to the importance of learning how to relax. Ajna is the Sankrit name for the third eye chakra. Raven defines monkey mind. Our world is so complex we can become exhausted and sponge in negative energy. There is a focus on being present with what you smell, taste or feel on your body. Raven introduces thought blocking, when a negative thought comes, stop it and say a positive affirmation instead. Raven encourages the audience to watch the time orientation of their thoughts and learn to stay present. You know when you are in the present moment because time moves very quickly. Learn more about Raven via her website https://www.ravenlightbody.com


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Ep 5 Finding the Off Switch of your Mind

In this episode, Raven asks the audience to monitor the quality of their thoughts. We must find the off switch to turn mind chatter down and off. We begin by watching our thoughts and stopping all negative thinking. She explains time orientation. The mind can be focused on the present, past or future. The five senses are used to help us stay present. In this episode, we focus on what you can hear and what you can see. We are finding the space between the thoughts. Learn more about Raven via her website https://www.ravenlightbody.com


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Ep 4 An Introduction to the 6th Chakra

In this episode, Raven takes us right into the Mindful Meditation. Raven introduces the 6th chakra. She asks the audience to keep their eyes and ears open and to notice what they are seeing or hearing while driving or practicing another simple activity. She introduces a new affirmation, “I am calmly active, I am actively calm.” She asks the audience to start paying attention to when they are present in their activities and when their mind wonders off. We start to train the mind to release negative energy and the physical body to relax. Learn more about Raven via her website https://www.ravenlightbody.com


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Ep 3 The Second Shift

In this episode, Raven discusses the concept of the second Shift. The second shift is the phrase she uses to describe your time after work. This time could be personal time to engage in a passion, but most often in our busy world the 2nd shift describes family life, dealing with a 2nd job or working on educational goals. In many cases, the second shift is just as stressful as the first one. It is important to draw boundaries between the 1st and 2nd shift. This meditation series is designed to help you transition to the 2nd shift. Learn more about Raven via her website https://www.ravenlightbody.com


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Ep 2 Cultivating Love

In this episode, Raven speaks about how the chakra system will respond to the recording and open to release negative energy. She explains that as we release negative energy, we must learn to fill up with positive vibrations like love. In this meditation, we focus on the concept of cultivating love. We learn to conjure in the vibration of love as we are releasing energies which are no longer serving us. She gives a reference to Paramahansa Yogananda. Look him up online. Learn more about Raven via her website https://www.ravenlightbody.com


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Ep 1 An Introduction to Driving Meditations with Raven Shamballa

In this episode, Raven introduces herself and gives information about how she evolved her practice from becoming a Marriage and Family Therapist to practicing as a Spiritual Counselor and an Energy Healer. She discusses what is the energy body and the chakra system. She talks about how affirmations open the chakra system and gives the affirmation “Ground, Center, Focus Relax” as an affirmation for activating the seven chakras in this mindful meditation series. Learn more about Raven via her website https://www.ravenlightbody.com


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Trailer: Introducing Driving Meditations with Raven Shamballa

Introducing Driving Meditations with Raven Shamballa where we always keep our eyes open and focused on the road. Listen to this podcast to release negative energies you may have picked up during your busy day. negative energies come from stressful situations at home and work and by listening to these mindful meditations you will open up the chakra system and release emotional imbalance. Launching February 28th 2022!
