Overweighted: Lose Weight by Changing Your Thoughts, Using Biblical Strategies, and Without Dieting-logo

Overweighted: Lose Weight by Changing Your Thoughts, Using Biblical Strategies, and Without Dieting

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Have you been stuck in a ”lose weight and gain it back” cycle? Do you have a bunch of smaller sized clothes tucked away in your closet waiting for ”that day” that you can finally fit in them again? Are you the heaviest weight that you’ve ever been? Me too, sis. You are not alone and the Overweighted podcast is for you. Listen each week as I shed some light on what it takes to actually lose weight in a simple, successful, and sustainable way. That means, it won’t be complicated (aka no diets or cutting out food groups). We’re actually going to lose weight together (and feel good in our bodies). And this time, we’re going to keep it off (thank you Jesus). We’ll talk practical weight loss tips, rewriting those negative thoughts in your head, and I’ll even share some Biblical principles that support your weight loss efforts and honor God. Get ready to be inspired, renewed, and transformed so that you can get out of that cycle and into those clothes. Let’s mark “lose weight” off of our to-do lists for good!


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Have you been stuck in a ”lose weight and gain it back” cycle? Do you have a bunch of smaller sized clothes tucked away in your closet waiting for ”that day” that you can finally fit in them again? Are you the heaviest weight that you’ve ever been? Me too, sis. You are not alone and the Overweighted podcast is for you. Listen each week as I shed some light on what it takes to actually lose weight in a simple, successful, and sustainable way. That means, it won’t be complicated (aka no diets or cutting out food groups). We’re actually going to lose weight together (and feel good in our bodies). And this time, we’re going to keep it off (thank you Jesus). We’ll talk practical weight loss tips, rewriting those negative thoughts in your head, and I’ll even share some Biblical principles that support your weight loss efforts and honor God. Get ready to be inspired, renewed, and transformed so that you can get out of that cycle and into those clothes. Let’s mark “lose weight” off of our to-do lists for good!



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This Affects Your Success In Weight Loss: Weight Loss, Wellness, and the Word Session 14

In episode 112, we delve into the inspiring story of the woman with the issue of blood from the Bible, exploring her unwavering faith and the miraculous healing she experienced. Join us as we draw parallels between her journey and our own struggles, focusing on how our thoughts and actions significantly impact our behavior, especially in our weight loss journeys as Christian women. We'll discuss practical tips, spiritual insights, and personal stories to help you harness the power of faith and positive thinking, transforming your approach to health and wellness. Tune in for an episode filled with hope, encouragement, and the reminder that with faith, all things are possible. 🦋 Mentioned in the Show 🦋 - Lose Your First 50lbs: http://loseyourfirst50.com - Instagram: http://instagram.com/malaikaburley 🦋 All the Things 🦋 - Faith-Fueled Weight Loss Webinar: http://malaikaburley.com/fuel - Grab my new book: http://ChristOverCookies.com - Contact me: OverweightedPodcast@gmail.com


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Is Your Weight Causing You to Settle for Less?

In episode 111, we delve into how your thoughts about your weight might be causing you to settle in your life as a Christian woman. We’ll explore the powerful connection between mindset and self-worth, uncovering how negative beliefs can hold you back from reaching your true potential. With compassionate guidance and actionable insights, we’ll help you reframe your thoughts and embrace a more empowering perspective. Join us for an inspiring conversation that will encourage you to rise above limiting beliefs and step confidently into the healthier, more fulfilling life that God ordained for you. 🦋 Mentioned in the Show 🦋 - Whole + Holy Girls Club: http://wholeandholygirls.club - Instagram: http://instagram.com/malaikaburley - Be THAT Girl Intensive Waitlist: http://malaikaburley.com/btg 🦋 All the Things 🦋 - Faith-Fueled Weight Loss Webinar: http://malaikaburley.com/fuel - Grab my new book: http://ChristOverCookies.com - Contact me: OverweightedPodcast@gmail.com


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The Real Reason that You’re Not Being Consistent

In episode 110, we tackle the real reasons behind why you may struggle with consistency in your weight loss journey as a Christian woman. We'll delve into the hidden obstacles and self-sabotaging patterns that often go unnoticed, shedding light on the truths that can set you free. Through heartfelt insights and practical advice, we'll guide you towards building lasting habits rooted in faith and self-compassion. Join us for an honest and encouraging conversation that will help you understand and overcome the challenges, paving the way for a more consistent and fulfilling path to health and well-being. 🦋 Mentioned in the Show 🦋 - Whole + Holy Girls Club: http://wholeandholygirls.club - Instagram: http://instagram.com/malaikaburley 🦋 All the Things 🦋 - Faith-Fueled Weight Loss Webinar: http://malaikaburley.com/fuel - Grab my new book: http://ChristOverCookies.com - Contact me: OverweightedPodcast@gmail.com


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Uproot Beliefs That Are Keeping You from Losing Weight

In episode 109, we explore how to overcome false and limiting beliefs that hinder your weight loss journey as a Christian woman. We'll dive deep into the power of faith, mindset, and practical strategies to help you break free from the barriers holding you back. Together, we'll uncover the truth about your worth and potential, empowering you to move forward with confidence and grace. Tune in for an uplifting conversation filled with wisdom, encouragement, and actionable tips from someone who understands your struggles and cares about your success. 🦋 Mentioned in the Show 🦋 - Whole + Holy Girls Club: http://wholeandholygirls.club - Instagram: http://instagram.com/malaikaburley - Kickstart Challenge waitlist: http://malaikaburley.com/kickstart 🦋 All the Things 🦋 - Faith-Fueled Weight Loss Webinar: http://malaikaburley.com/fuel - Grab my new book: http://ChristOverCookies.com - Contact me: OverweightedPodcast@gmail.com


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Stopping Emotional Eating and Gluttony Spiritually

In episode 108, we're tackling a topic that many of us deal with on our weight loss journeys: food idolatry, gluttony, and emotional eating. Whether you've struggled with turning to food for comfort during tough times or find yourself caught in the cycle of overindulgence, this episode is for you. I'm going to share how to fight this from a spiritual perspective so you can walk out your freedom in Christ. 🦋 Mentioned in the Show 🦋 - Whole + Holy Girls Club: http://wholeandholygirls.club - Instagram: http://instagram.com/malaikaburley - Grab my new book: http://ChristOverCookies.com 🦋 All the Things 🦋 - Weight Loss with God Workshop: http://malaikaburley.com/wlwg - Contact me: OverweightedPodcast@gmail.com


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Whole and Holy Girls Club: Weight Loss Community for Christian Women

Whole + Holy Girls Club is a community for Christian women who are looking to lose weight and become healthy as they grow in their relationship with the Lord and focus on who He has called them to be. The Foundational Scripture for The Club is from 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 MSG: “May God himself, the God who makes everything holy and whole, make you holy and whole, put you together—spirit, soul, and body—and keep you fit for the coming of our Master, Jesus Christ. The One who called you is completely dependable. If he said it, he’ll do it!” Who is Whole + Holy Girls Club for? then Whole + Holy Girls Club is for you! 🦋 Mentioned in the Show 🦋 - Whole + Holy Girls Club: http://wholeandholygirls.club - Instagram: http://instagram.com/malaikaburley 🦋 All the Things 🦋 - Weight Loss with God Workshop: http://malaikaburley.com/wlwg - Grab my new book: http://ChristOverCookies.com - Contact me: OverweightedPodcast@gmail.com


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Weight Loss with God Free Workshop

Are you ready to invite God into the journey? You've been struggling to lose weight for years. Trying diet after diet and nothing seems to work long term. You may have lost weight in the past, but you struggle to keep it off. It's time to do something different - and that doesn't mean another diet. It's time to do weight loss with God. Inviting Him into your journey is one of the 2 keys that you've been missing. And of course, it's the most important one. Grab your free spot for the next workshop to learn the 7 daily habits that you should be doing for successful and sustainable weight loss with God. Plus, you'll learn what the second key is that you're missing, so you can dump the diets and get off of the weight loss merry-go-round. The next workshop is Saturday, December 30, 2023 at 10am ET via Zoom. If you can't make it live, you'll have access to the replay. During the workshop... 🦋 Mentioned in the Show 🦋 Weight Loss with God Free Workshop:http://MalaikaBurley.com/wlwg 🦋 All the Things 🦋 - 5 Dieting Mistakes Keeping Women from Losing Weight (Free Webinar): http://MalaikaBurley.com/FixIt - Instagram: http://instagram.com/malaikaburley - Grab my new book: http://ChristOverCookies.com - YouTube Channel: http://youtube.com/@MalaikaBurley - Contact me: OverweightedPodcast@gmail.com


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The Ultimate Guide to Never Losing Weight: A Deep Dive into Self-Sabotage

In episode 105, we’re discussing the counterproductive habits and mindsets that keep us firmly planted on the couch, chips in hand, and resolutions in the dust. If you want the inside scoop on how to continue sabotaging your weight loss efforts than listen in. Obviously, this episode is a little cheeky. But I have done all of these things at some point in my weight loss journey over the years, and I bet you may have done some of them too. Recognize which ones may still be a problem for you, and declare to stop doing them so that you can move forward and mark ‘lose weight’ off of your to-do list for good. 🦋 Mentioned in the Show 🦋 Weight Loss Like a BOSS workshop: http://MalaikaBurley.com/boss 🦋 All the Things 🦋 - 5 Dieting Mistakes Keeping Women from Losing Weight (Free Webinar): http://MalaikaBurley.com/FixIt - Instagram: http://instagram.com/malaikaburley - Grab my new book: http://ChristOverCookies.com - YouTube Channel: http://youtube.com/@MalaikaBurley - Contact me: OverweightedPodcast@gmail.com


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15 Microhabits for a Healthier You in 2024

In episode 104, we're diving into the world of microhabits – those small, seemingly insignificant actions that can lead to big changes. Join me on a journey towards a healthier and happier 2024 as we explore the power of tiny triumphs in the realm of weight loss. We'll unravel the secrets behind incorporating microhabits into your daily routine, making weight loss not just a goal but a sustainable lifestyle. Dump the extreme diets and grueling workouts; we're talking about the small, manageable steps that add up to significant results. Get ready to discover practical microhabits that are easy to implement, yet incredibly effective. Plus, we'll delve into the mindfulness aspect of microhabits and how it can help with your relationship with food. 🦋 Mentioned in the Show 🦋 Weight Loss Like a BOSS waitlist: http://MalaikaBurley.com/boss 🦋 All the Things 🦋 - 5 Dieting Mistakes Keeping Women from Losing Weight (Free Webinar): http://MalaikaBurley.com/FixIt - Instagram: http://instagram.com/malaikaburley - Grab my new book: http://ChristOverCookies.com - YouTube Channel: http://youtube.com/@MalaikaBurley - Contact me: OverweightedPodcast@gmail.com


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Jesus and My Weight Loss Journey

In episode 103, In my weight loss journey, I struggled for years, repeatedly losing and regaining weight. I found a game-changing strategy by focusing on gradual lifestyle changes instead of dieting. However, I still grappled with old habits and cycles. Then, I began business coaching with a Christian coach, which unexpectedly evolved into spiritual coaching. She posed a profound question: 'Is God enough for me?' I thought I could confidently answer 'yes,' but as I delved deeper, I realized that I had been seeking love and comfort outside of Him for most of my life. Emotional pain led me to use food as a coping mechanism, contributing to my weight gain. It became a protective wall, but also a suffocating prison. Through my weight loss journey and deepening relationship with God, two crucial changes occurred: Listen as I share the story and why it’s important to you. 🦋 Mentioned in the Show 🦋 Free 7 Day Biblical Weight Loss Affirmations Challenge:http://MalaikaBurley.com/word 🦋 All the Things 🦋 - 5 Dieting Mistakes Keeping Women from Losing Weight (Free Webinar): http://MalaikaBurley.com/FixIt - Instagram: http://instagram.com/malaikaburley - Grab my new book: http://ChristOverCookies.com - YouTube Channel: http://youtube.com/@MalaikaBurley - Contact me: OverweightedPodcast@gmail.com


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Holiday Weight Loss Accountability Group

In episode 102, you’re invited to Holiday Mission: Possible. Your mission, if you choose to accept it, will be to get through the hustle and bustle of the Holidays without gaining weight while being mindful of what you're eating and finding ways to de-stress that don't involve food. You will be joined by an elite group of Mission Possible women who will encourage, support, and hold you accountable for the remainder of 2023 while you navigate through this season. Your mission will be complete when you enter 2024 weighing the same as you did on Mission Day 1 or by gaining no more than 7 pounds. (The average American woman gains 8lbs during the Holidays). 🦋 Mentioned in the Show 🦋 Workshop: http://MalaikaBurley.com/Holiday 🦋 All the Things 🦋 - 5 Dieting Mistakes Keeping Women from Losing Weight (Free Webinar): http://MalaikaBurley.com/FixIt - Instagram: http://instagram.com/malaikaburley - Grab my new book: http://ChristOverCookies.com - YouTube Channel: http://youtube.com/@MalaikaBurley - Contact me: OverweightedPodcast@gmail.com


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What I Would Do Differently if I Started My Weight Loss Journey All Over Again

In episode 101, I share my thoughts on what I would do differently to lose 80 lbs if I had to start my weight loss journey over again. I discuss the mistakes I made, the lessons I've learned, and offer valuable insights to help others achieve their own weight loss goals. Plus we'll take a look at what I wouldn't change about my journey. From adjusting my diet to prioritizing mental well-being, join me as I reflect on my past journey and provide helpful tips for a successful weight loss transformation. 🦋 All the Things 🦋 - 5 Dieting Mistakes Keeping Women from Losing Weight (Free Webinar): http://MalaikaBurley.com/FixIt - Instagram: http://instagram.com/malaikaburley - Grab my new book: http://ChristOverCookies.com - YouTube Channel: http://youtube.com/@MalaikaBurley - Contact me: OverweightedPodcast@gmail.com


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The Benefits of Being Fat: Weight Loss, Wellness, and the Word Session 13

In episode 100, we have a thought-provoking discussion and delve into the concept of being rewarded for maintaining an unhealthy weight and resisting behavioral change. Exploring the fascinating workings of the human brain and the war between flesh and spirit, we discuss the inner conflict between wanting to change and the flesh and brain's resistance to it. We highlight the positive rewards of staying overweight, being lazy, and of emotional eating and offer insights on how to overcome it through freedom in Christ, weight loss mindset coaching, and the power of the Holy Spirit. We are looking into Romans 7:15-20 as our foundational scripture for this discussion. 🦋 Mentioned in the Show 🦋 Workshop: http://MalaikaBurley.com/BOSS 🦋 All the Things 🦋 - 5 Dieting Mistakes Keeping Women from Losing Weight (Free Webinar): http://MalaikaBurley.com/FixIt - Instagram: http://instagram.com/malaikaburley - Grab my new book: http://ChristOverCookies.com - YouTube Channel: http://youtube.com/@MalaikaBurley - Contact me: OverweightedPodcast@gmail.com


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Weight Loss Like a B.O.S.S. Workshop

In episode 99, I’m inviting you to join me for the Weight Loss Like a BOSS 2 day virtual workshop. If you're a woman who has been struggling for years to lose a lot of weight, and you want a simple, step by step plan to lose the weight without dieting, plus keep it off, then this workshop is for you. (Recording will be available if you can't make it live.) This is a hands on workshop and coaching session. You will walk away with a personalized weight loss plan to follow until you hit your goal. Plus you will have a private community for accountability which is where you will also access the replays. This is the workshop you need if you've ever said to yourself... "I deserve this treat" "I'll start again on Monday" "I'm sick of dieting" "This (insert food) is bad" This is the workshop you need if you've... started diet after diet but don't ever hit your weight loss goal made a weight loss plan but can't seem to stick to it long enough to hit your goal felt like you needed to be more consistent, more disciplined, or have more will power This is the workshop you need if you're... Tired of not having enough energy to keep up with your kids wanting to feel confident when you're intimate with your husband again not sure how to get started with losing weight trying to figure out how to get a handle on your weight because it's getting out of control Register now or find out when we’re having the next workshop. 🦋 Mentioned in the Show 🦋 Workshop: http://MalaikaBurley.com/BOSS 🦋 All the Things 🦋 - 5 Dieting Mistakes Keeping Women from Losing Weight (Free Webinar): http://MalaikaBurley.com/FixIt - Instagram: http://instagram.com/malaikaburley - Grab my new book: http://ChristOverCookies.com - YouTube Channel: http://youtube.com/@MalaikaBurley - Contact me: OverweightedPodcast@gmail.com


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Childhood Trauma’s Influence on Weight Loss: Unlocking the Link

In episode 98, we're digging into the connection between childhood trauma and adult struggles with weight. Christian Life Coach, Emily Kurtovic, joins us to share how early emotional wounds shape our personalities, relationships, and eating habits. You'll learn ways childhood trauma shows up in adulthood, simple tools to stop anxiety before it escalates, and tips to process emotions in a healthy, productive way Your childhood even though it may be decades ago can quietly sabotage your weight loss efforts today. Listen in as Emily helps you understand the link, then gives you techniques to take positive steps forward. Connect with Emily and Learn more about the Freedom Framework: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emilykurtovic/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=17119124 Email: emilykcoaching@gmail.com 🦋 All the Things 🦋 - 5 Dieting Mistakes Keeping Women from Losing Weight (Free Webinar): http://MalaikaBurley.com/FixIt - Instagram: http://instagram.com/malaikaburley - Grab my new book: http://ChristOverCookies.com - YouTube Channel: http://youtube.com/@MalaikaBurley - Contact me: OverweightedPodcast@gmail.com


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Toxic Weight Loss Thoughts and How to Overcome Them: Weight Loss, Wellness, and the Word Session 12

In episode 97, we're looking at the dangers of toxic weight loss thoughts. These thought patterns are keeping you stuck in your weight and are holding you back from reaching your goals. Make sure to grab your journal and pen to write down which of these toxic thoughts you are battling with, the scripture to combat that thought, plus a journal prompt to work through it. Scriptures tonight: Phil 4:13 Ecc 9:11 Isa 41:10 Phil 4:8 Psalm 139:14 🦋 Mentioned in the Show 🦋 - YouTube Channel: http://youtube.com/@MalaikaBurley - Instagram: http://instagram.com/malaikaburley - Discovery Call: http://MalaikaBurley.com/breakout 🦋 All the Things 🦋 - 5 Dieting Mistakes Keeping Women from Losing Weight (Free Webinar): http://MalaikaBurley.com/FixIt - Grab my new book: http://ChristOverCookies.com - Contact me: OverweightedPodcast@gmail.com


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Eat Sugar to Lose Weight?: Plus 3 Tips on How to Eat Less Sugar

In episode 96, I’m answering a question that someone asked me over Instagram about my take on sugar consumption. As a certified nutrition coach, certified group fitness instructor, and weight loss mentor and coach, my answer may surprise you. Listen as I breakdown the pros and cons of sugar consumption and help to ease your mind if sugar and sweets are something that you are still struggling with on your weight loss journey. Plus I’ll give you 3 tips on how to consume less sugar and eat less sweets if that’s something you want to do on your weight loss journey. 🦋 Mentioned in the Show 🦋 - Instagram: http://instagram.com/malaikaburley - Tips to Stop Eating Sweets: https://www.podbean.com/eas/pb-7ckd6-12dd9c0 - Discovery Call: http://MalaikaBurley.com/breakout 🦋 All the Things 🦋 - 5 Dieting Mistakes Keeping Women from Losing Weight (Free Webinar): http://MalaikaBurley.com/FixIt - Grab my new book: http://ChristOverCookies.com - YouTube Channel: http://youtube.com/@MalaikaBurley - Contact me: OverweightedPodcast@gmail.com


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Feeling Discouraged About Your Weight? (Live Recording)

In episode 95, I’m giving you 5 tips to get out of the funk and out of the lose weight and gain it back cycle. This episode is for you if you’ve been trying to lose weight over and over again without success, fear that you’ll stay stuck in this struggle with your weight forever, and aren’t sure how to get out the cycle. You can overcome this fear and discouragement and lose the weight with these 5 simple tips. If you’d like help with any of these and want to see if coaching with me is right for you, then book a discovery call and let’s talk. 🦋 Mentioned in the Show 🦋 - Discovery Call: http://MalaikaBurley.com/breakout 🦋 All the Things 🦋 - YouTube Channel: http://youtube.com/@MalaikaBurley - Instagram: http://instagram.com/malaikaburley - 5 Dieting Mistakes Keeping Women from Losing Weight (Free Webinar): http://MalaikaBurley.com/FixIt - Grab my new book: http://ChristOverCookies.com - Contact me: OverweightedPodcast@gmail.com


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From Postpartum Pounds to Halfway There: A Client’s Inspiring Weight Loss Story

In episode 94, join us in this inspiring conversation between myself and a client who is in my Weight Loss Like a BOSS challenge. She shares her struggle of losing postpartum weight before the beginning the challenge and how she is now halfway to her goal. We delve into the power and benefits of coaching, and how coaching has helped her overcome obstacles, stay motivated, and develop a positive mindset towards her weight loss journey. Tune in to gain valuable insights and be inspired to achieve your own health goals! 🦋 Mentioned in the Show 🦋 - YouTube Channel: http://youtube.com/@MalaikaBurley - Weight Loss Like A BOSS challenge: http://malaikaburley.com/boss 🦋 All the Things 🦋 - 5 Dieting Mistakes Keeping Women from Losing Weight (Free Webinar): http://MalaikaBurley.com/FixIt - Grab my new book: http://ChristOverCookies.com - Contact me: OverweightedPodcast@gmail.com


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Why Coaching is a Weight Loss Success Hack

In episode 93, we’re exploring the benefits of coaching for your weight loss transformation. Discover how personalized guidance, mindset shifts, accountability, and support from a coach is the success hack that you’ve been missing. Learn how coaches facilitate behavioral changes, assist in goal setting, and track progress, leading to a healthier relationship with food and your body. Listen to uncover how coaching can empower you on your weight loss journey and how you can get started today. 🦋 Mentioned in the Show 🦋 - Schedule a Discovery Call: http://malaikaburley.com/breakout - Book a 45 minute first steps session: https://malaikaburley.com/45 - Transformed You Intensive: http://TransformedYouIntensive.com - Instagram: http://instagram.com/malaikaburley - YouTube Channel: http://youtube.com/@MalaikaBurley 🦋 All the Things 🦋 - Free Webinar: http://MalaikaBurley.com/FixIt - Grab my new book: Christ Over Cookies: http://ChristOverCookies.com - Contact me: OverweightedPodcast@gmail.com
