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Heartache To Hope: Coping with Infertility, IVF & Miscarriage

Health & Wellness Podcasts

The Heartache To Hope Podcast is where we get real about infertility, IVF, pregnancy loss and everything in between. My journey to having a baby has been and continues to be heartbreaking, complicated and relentless. I understand your pain and I believe you have incredible strength, even on the dark days. Through my interviews with ordinary woman who have become extraordinary through their journeys, as well as hearing from people whose life’s work it is to support those going through these challenges, I will help you navigate the emotional rollercoaster. We will share tips, advice, and stories to help support you in your heartache and help you find your hope, whatever that is. This is your safe space, where you can grab a glass of wine, or cup of tea, sit, listen, and not feel alone or overwhelmed and perhaps even feel empowered. Even if just for a moment. We need to change the narrative for those going through this. Here, we give it a voice.You are not alone. Anita xx




The Heartache To Hope Podcast is where we get real about infertility, IVF, pregnancy loss and everything in between. My journey to having a baby has been and continues to be heartbreaking, complicated and relentless. I understand your pain and I believe you have incredible strength, even on the dark days. Through my interviews with ordinary woman who have become extraordinary through their journeys, as well as hearing from people whose life’s work it is to support those going through these challenges, I will help you navigate the emotional rollercoaster. We will share tips, advice, and stories to help support you in your heartache and help you find your hope, whatever that is. This is your safe space, where you can grab a glass of wine, or cup of tea, sit, listen, and not feel alone or overwhelmed and perhaps even feel empowered. Even if just for a moment. We need to change the narrative for those going through this. Here, we give it a voice.You are not alone. Anita xx



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Why birthdays suck when you are going through infertility (and how to make them a little less sucky)

So, today is my birthday. And although now it is a time for celebration and I am embracing everything that being in your early 40’s throws at you, I am reflecting today on all the birthdays where I had the birthday blues. Where a birthday was just a reminder of my infertility challenges and another year getting older. The tick tick tick in the back of my mind and with each passing year the tick tick tick getting louder and louder. In this very short ep I talk through why birthdays suck when you are going through infertility and the ways in which you can make them suck a little less. Anita xo


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Emma's Story - Not Another Bad Egg (with Emma Turner)

In this episode I speak with Emma Turner, who some in this community may know as one half of the Not Another Bad Egg Instagram Account and Blog. Emma has been on her journey for a number of years now and at the time of recording she was three days out from another embryo transfer, so I am so appreciative of her time and willingness to share her story while she is in the midst of another round. Emma talks through her journey so far, the ups and downs and everything in between from needing to have a difficult conversation with her fertility doctor, to jumping into personal training sessions with her husband during infertility to the way our brains are almost rewired to expect the worst during all of this. As always please feel free to reach out and connect with me on Instagram or LinkedIn, whether you have questions you want answered, a suggestion for an episode or you would like to be on the podcast! (links below). Anita xo LINKS: https://www.instagram.com/heartache_2_hope/?hl=en @heartache_2_hope https://www.linkedin.com/in/anita-thompson-3a263626/ https://www.instagram.com/not.another.bad.egg/ @not.another.bad.egg https://www.notanotherbadegg.com/ HOST & PRODUCER 🎧 Anita Thompson https://www.instagram.com/neets36/ @neets36


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18 Rounds of IVF & Not Giving Up Hope (with Lisa Messenger)

Hello hello, welcome back if you are a regular listener and welcome if this is your first time listening. I am so thrilled to bring you this episode. You may know Lisa Messenger as one of the most incredible entrepreneurs not just in Australia but globally and she did this before entrepreneurship was even a thing! She’s shared the stage with the likes of Richard Branson and has had Sarah Jessica Parker, Ryan Gosling and Jamie Oliver to name a few on the cover of her magazine, Collective Hub. But what no one knew, was behind the scenes of her successful businesses, she was battling an 8 year-long infertility journey. 18 rounds of IVF and the emotional and physical rollercoaster that comes with that. Lisa has only very recently opened up about her journey, so I feel incredibly privileged to have her as a guest. I felt like we could’ve talk for hours, and I simply appreciate her openness and honesty it was just like two girlfriends having a chat. I am sure you will get so much out of our conversation, from her experiences and tips to the two things that I really want you to takeaway, the strength of mindset and of hope. As always please feel free to reach out and connect with me on Instagram or LinkedIn (links below). Anita xo LINKS https://collectivehub.com/ https://www.instagram.com/lisamessenger/?hl=en https://www.instagram.com/heartache_2_hope/?hl=en https://www.linkedin.com/in/anita-thompson-3a263626/ HOST & PRODUCER Anita Thompson https://www.instagram.com/neets36/


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The Power of the Mind-Body Connection (with Louise Siwicki)

Hello hello everyone, I do hope your start to 2023 is a place of positivity. And if you aren’t quite feeling all the positive feels, or if you are but nervous that it may be short lived, this episode is for you. I speak with Louise Siwicki, who after battling infertility for 6 years is now a holistic fertility hypnotherapist and coach. Lou talks with me about the power of the mind, body connection and the importance of having the right belief system during your fertility journey and finding joy alongside it. I’m really excited to share this episode with you. Links to all things Heartache To Hope and Louise Siwicki are below. https://www.linkedin.com/in/anita-thompson-3a263626/ https://www.instagram.com/heartache_2_hope/ https://www.heartache2hope.net/ Louise Siwicki: https://www.linkedin.com/in/louisesiwicki/ www.louisesiwicki.com Anita xo


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A 5-minute meditation to refocus for 2023

The New Year can bring up feelings of sadness, regret and disappointment about what you didn’t achieve in the year BUT it is also a time of excitement, hope and wonder. The mix of emotions are totally normal – nonetheless - to set yourself up for what is to come in 2023, let's create and hold onto all the positive feelings. Let's channel those feelings into 2023. This meditation will allow you to recap on both the highs and lows of 2022 and center yourself for the year ahead of you.


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Pregnancy After Loss (Part 2 with Rhiannon Malone)

Here's the second part of my conversation with Rhiannon Malone. If you listened to the first part of our conversation in the previous episode, you would know that Rhiannon’s son Rory tragically died at 39 weeks. Rhiannon is now 30 weeks pregnant, so a large part of our conversation was around pregnancy after loss and how you navigate all of that. She also talks about her mental health and experience with going back to work after Rory died.


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Navigating Grief After an Unimaginable Loss (with Rhiannon Malone)

This is my conversation with Rhiannon Malone, who had the unimaginable experience of having a stillbirth at 39 weeks. I have actually split our conversation into two episodes, this first one Rhiannon talks about her experience and those weeks and months after, the grieving process and how they celebrate Rory and his memory. In the next episode we talk about pregnancy after loss, which is such a huge and important topic in itself. Thank you, Rhiannon, for being so raw and vulnerable, you are truly amazing and I know that so many women will benefit from hearing your story.


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Getting Through The Festive Season

It’s December and we know what that means right? The most wonderful time of the year really isn’t for someone with infertility or who has recently experienced a loss. Events, get-togethers, Christmas, Christmas wishes, New Year parties and new year resolutions mean reflecting on all that you did this year to have a baby and you are no closer to it. I get it. I have felt this pain, many times. So, in this episode let’s talk about how to survive this time of year. There are certain things you can do, and avoid, to ensure that you look after yourself and head into 2023 with clarity, calmness and compassion for yourself.


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Infertility = Losing Your Identity

The podcast is back!! The old me would probably have apologised for being away for months and not recording, but where I am now, I am not going to apologise. In fact, I am going to be unapologetically me. Because, the truth is, I needed a break. I needed a break from the podcast and from all things infertility. Sometimes, we just need a break. So in this episode (of a brand-new season) I give an explanation of why I needed a break, what this last year has been like and how irrespective of everything and losing my identity, I am finally figuring out who I am. I am so excited to bring you many, many, many more episodes and share stories of ordinary women who have become extraordinary through their journeys. Anita x


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Roe Vs Wade - why choice is important (and why my LinkedIn post went viral!)

So I am jumping on here quickly as I am feeling quite overwhelmed. After waking up Saturday morning to the news that Roe Vs Wade was being overturned in the US, I felt so many emotions – yes as a woman but also because of my own personal experiences. For some reason yesterday afternoon I felt compelled to post something on LinkedIn about my own experience with abortion and my gosh it has gone viral! As I sit here talking to you it continues to spread. If you want to hear about my experience and why this decision has caused so much emotion and debate, take a listen. Links: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anita-thompson-3a263626/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heartache_2_hope/


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The Infertility Journey When Living in a Regional Town (with Cassandra Banks)

In this episode I speak with Cassandra Banks, Principal of CB Legal Coffs Harbour & Senior Vice President of The Law Society of NSW. Cassandra shares her story of infertility, miscarriage and IVF and gives some real insight into the challenges of experiencing all of these when living in a regional area. She also shares some very useful tips for women who are in the same situation. Links: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cassandra-banks-bb9b5875/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/anita-thompson-3a263626/ https://www.instagram.com/heartache_2_hope/


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Nailing Life With Endo (with Sarah Maree Cameron)

March was Endometriosis Awareness Month and because I like to be different, I am releasing this episode in April since it's important to talk about this stuff all the time. In this Ep I speak with the fabulous Sarah Maree Cameron - an endo warrior- and a woman of many talents – she is radio host on MMM Melbourne, a TV host and ground announcer for Richmond football club, an actor and comedian and she still finds time to be an Ambassador for both Endometriosis Australia and the Australia Cervical Cancer Foundation. I loved our chat - SMC is raw and honest, talking about her experiences of living with endo and about stepping away from your ego and asking for help. We dive into what she has learnt and some really practical tips. It really is like the pep talk you might need if you are living with the chronic illness. Links: https://www.endometriosisaustralia.org/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/anita-thompson-3a263626/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarah-maree-cameron-007b1158/ https://www.instagram.com/heartache_2_hope/ https://www.heartache2hope.net/


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How IVF Broke Me And What I've Learnt (Part 2 with Alice Almeida)

This is part 2 of my chat with Alice Almeida where we delve into what broke her during IVF, the challenges women face with infertility in the workplace and her top tips for those undergoing IVF. I am so pleased to say that just two days after Alice and I spoke she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and all are doing well. So, here’s part 2…. Links: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anita-thompson-3a263626/ https://www.instagram.com/heartache_2_hope/ https://www.heartache2hope.net/ https://theambernetwork.com.au/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-amber-network/


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Infertility Made Me Hate Me (with Alice Almeida)

In the first of this two-part episode, Alice talks through her journey - the good, the bad, the ugly (and that is what I love about Alice, she is just so open and honest). She has built something pretty special to help other women going through IVF which we delve into also. I am a big believer in meeting your right kind of people at the right time in your life. And that is what happened with Alice. She and I met through a previous podcast guest of mine and it was, as Alice puts its “love at first sight”. She’s incredible, on a number of levels, which you will get to hear in this two part podcast episode. Links: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anita-thompson-3a263626/ https://www.instagram.com/heartache_2_hope/ https://www.heartache2hope.net/ The Bondi Protocol | IVF Australia The Amber Network


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Coping with IVF, Trauma & Loss (with Sarah Willoughby)

*My voice isn't the best on this Ep, apologies last minute change of microphone!* In the first episode of 2022 I speak with Sarah Willoughby, a transformation and infertility coach. Sarah shares some great insights and so many incredible tips which she has learnt through her experiences. From miscarriages to over stimulation during IVF (which nearly killed her) to the miracles that have happened in between, Sarah's approach to trauma and grief is one where meditation, energy and nature has formed a huge part. No matter where you are on your journey, you will get a lot out of this episode. To connect with Sarah: https://www.sarahwilloughby.com.au/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarah-willoughby-2019/ To connect with me: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anita-thompson-3a263626/ https://www.instagram.com/heartache_2_hope/ https://www.heartache2hope.net/


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An Update From Me & Tips To Cope During The Festive Season (with your host Anita Thompson)

Disclaimer: Excuse my ugly crying voice in some parts! Hi there, it's Anita, your podcast host. thought I would check in with everyone and give a bit of an update on me as well as provide some tips to on how to cope with infertility during the festive season. It's been a little while since pushing out a podcast episode and even though I have spoken to some amazing guests, life has gotten in the way of being able to have them ready just yet but I can’t wait to release these upcoming interviews for you and I am really excited about what’s to come in 2022. If you are feeling and alone and isolated please please please reach out anytime: https://www.heartache2hope.net/ https://www.instagram.com/heartache_2_hope/ Merry Christmas and thank you for your support in 2021! A x


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Bonus Episode: Recap Of Top Tips On Surviving Infertility & Pregnancy Loss (from all my guests so far)

I can’t believe we are at the 10th episode already. Its so crazy to think that a couple of months ago during lockdown in Sydney as I experienced another failed embryo transfer I had the idea to do something to bring a voice to all of this and help other women not feel so alone. To think that there are over 1000 downloads globally makes me realise the huge need to have our feelings and experiences validated and support each other when we are going through something so huge. I have so much gratitude for each of my guests so far who have played an enormous part in brining a voice to infertility, IVF and pregnancy loss. So as I am at the end of my fertility journey, I wanted to use episode 10 to gather some of the incredible tips my guests have shared on how to cope with the oh so complicated and emotional rollercoaster that is infertility and the grief that is pregnancy loss.


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Strategies To Cope With Infertility (with Emma Menzies)

What can I say about my guest for this episode except that I think she is pretty incredible and an inspiration. Emma Menzies who’s based in the UK has been on her journey to have a baby for 10 years. So for her to move from her role as an employment lawyer to a career coach, helping other women manage the impact that all this fertility stuff is having on them and their working life, while still on her own fertility journey, is mind blowing. Emma has changed her mindset during this decade of challenges to a place where so many of us would want to be – living a happier, healthier, more fulfilling life while on this journey. I promise you will get so much from this episode. Links: Emma's Website: https://readysteadycoach.com/ My Website: https://www.heartache2hope.net/ My Insta: https://www.instagram.com/heartache_2_hope/


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Endo, IVF & Surrogacy (with Nicole Russell)

In this episode I chat with Nicole Russell a Melbourne based lawyer who after experiencing horrendous endometriosis, 13 rounds of IVF and ultimately surrogacy to have her daughter, is now a surrogacy lawyer herself to help others who are going through the process in Australia. We cover her journey, the surrogacy process, her tips and so much more. We chatted for a long time even before I started recording and honestly even though I hadn’t met Nicole previously, it was like chatting to an old friend. Links: Nicole Russell: https://www.russellwalkerlaw.com.au/ H2H Insta: https://www.instagram.com/heartache_2_hope/ H2H Website: https://www.heartache2hope.net/home


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Normalising Early Pregnancy Loss Through Awareness & Support (with Samantha Payne)

This week is pregnancy and infant loss awareness week and so what better guest than Samantha Payne, who is the Co-Founder and CEO of Pink Elephants Support Network (and why H2H is going pink this episode). Sam is an absolute legend and someone who definitely inspires me. In this episode, Sam openly shares her traumatic experiences which led to her starting Pink Elephants. We dive into the work Pink Elephants does to help acknowledge and support early pregnancy loss, the amazing advocacy work which has led to Leave For Loss in the Fair Work Act, how we can commemorate our angel babies and so much more. I am so excited to share this conversation with you all and help you navigate the necessary support that is available. Links: https://www.pinkelephants.org.au/ https://www.facebook.com/pinkelephantssupport https://www.instagram.com/pinkelephantssupport/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-pink-elephants-support-network/ https://www.heartache2hope.net/home
