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gimme a beat with babymonster

Media & Entertainment Podcasts

since 2006, every 3rd monday of the month, gimme a beat radio show, hosted by babymonster, shares the beat rich music with interesting guests and trivia, with radio lora listeners. focused on everything female.


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since 2006, every 3rd monday of the month, gimme a beat radio show, hosted by babymonster, shares the beat rich music with interesting guests and trivia, with radio lora listeners. focused on everything female.



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* Les Courageux/The Courageous at Zurich Film Festival 2024 *

In October's Gimme a Beat, I reviewed the 20th edition of Zurich Film Festival. As many of the listeners of Gimme a Beat know, I have been exploring the female factor of the Zurich Film Festival for several years now. In 2024, similar to 2023, I had a chance to get together with so many female filmmakers and actresses that I decided to (again) breakdown my review of the ZFF into several shows. Since I am adapting the timing of the shows to Swiss(-German) screenings of movies, and most of them are happening this year, more shows are coming. I saw almost 35 movies, so I will not be able to review all of them, instead, I am focusing on the highlights only. To find them, you should follow the search with the following hashtags: #zff #zff2024 #highlight #gimmeabeat. In tonight's Gimme A Beat, I will be focusing on Les Courageux / The Courageous, the movie directed and co-written by Jasmin Gordon. The movie is already playing in the Swiss-French cinemas, and it is coming to Swiss-German cinemas (RiffRaff/Houdini) on March 9th, with a special screening. I had the pleasure of getting together with Jasmin a few months after I saw the movie. We talked about what compelled her to tell this story, its unexpected impact on audiences, and the challenges and rewards of bringing it to life. We also discussed what it means for an artist like Jasmin, who lives and breathes her craft, to receive awards as recognition. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tune in to Gimme A Beat (17.02.2025) tonight to hear my impressions of Les Courageux / The Courageous, Zurich Film Festival, and my interview with Jasmin, combined with music by female artists selected by her and music from the powerful soundtrack, created by Mirjam Skal. Tune in for... Les Courageux/The Courageous at Zurich Film Festival 2024 ** playlist to be added ** from 22:00 - 00:00 on: webradio lora featuring: gimme a beat's movies reviews at ZFF 2024 Kisses, Babymonster ————————————————————————– for the info about old shows please go to previous entries


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* Back to 95 *

Every year, before I step into the new year, I like to take some time to stop, smell the flowers, and reflect. Not just on the past year, but my personal and professional journey, to inspire myself for the year ahead. Music is always part of that reflection 🎶🎧 It is impossible for me to look back on my experiences without "the soundtrack" of that time playing in the background. I am not sure how it happened but somehow this year, I found myself reminded of my life and aspirations when I was 21. Logically, that took me back to the music I was listening to back then. Many of these songs are still on my favorite playlist and have been returning into my life with new memories. So, I decided to share them with you tonight 🌟 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tune in tonight to Gimme A Beat (20.01.2025) to hear my favorite songs sung by female artists, released in 1995. Back to 95 with click-to-play or playlist (for the songs played in the show) from 22:00 - 00:00 on: webradio LoRa featuring: videos for the songs on the youtube Kisses, Babymonster ————————————————————————– for the info about old shows please go to previous entries


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* Obsessed With Tiny Desk - Xmas 2024 *

It's Xmas time 🎄🎄and I am back again with my favourite NPR Tiny Desk concerts! There were so many awesome Tiny Desk this year, that, after Obsessed with Tiny Desk 2024, I couldn't resist doing one more before the year wraps up - for my special Xmas Gimme a Beat. This session will feel like you have been invited into my home to celebrate Xmas with me. Some moments will be cozy and warm, others bursting with energy, and some might inspire you to reflect on the year and the times we are living in. Hopefully, you will enjoy these sessions as much as I do and maybe even discover some of your new favorite artists! I will be featuring several female artists I discovered with NPR Music's Tiny Desk. Grab a warm drink, get cozy, and join me in celebrating Xmas with some incredible music 🎄🎄 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tune in tonight to Gimme A Beat (16.12.2024) to hear my selection of NPR Tiny Desk Concerts sung by female artists. For NPR, you can donate here. Obsessed with Tiny Desk - Xmas 2024 🎄🎄 from 22:00 - 00:00 on: webradio LoRa featuring: npr tiny desk on youtube Kisses, Babymonster ————————————————————————– for the info about old shows please go to previous entries


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* Black Box Diaries and Es Gehts Um Luis/About Luis at Zurich Film Festival 2024 *

2024 was an even more successful year for Zurich Film Festival than its organizers expected. It was an important year as the Zurich Film Festival festival celebrated its 20th year. The dates moved to the beginning of October, but that didn't stop the visitors. This year the festival attracted 140’000 visitors (even more than the previous year). A total of 107 films were shown, including 17 world premieres, 8 international premieres, and 11 European premieres – every 3rd film is a world, international, or European premiere. First held in 2005, Zurich Film Festival established itself very quickly on the national and international film festival scene. The formula for its success it's probably a mix of an attractive location: an international but small city of Zurich; a great selection of movies and different programs/events like ZFF Masters, ZFF for Kids, and a few others. I loved that this year most of the movies were shown in the cinemas I prefer: Frame, Corso, and Arthouse. I love these cinemas for their quality and awesome location (close to my house 😎). Looking at all these years I have been visiting or reviewing (since 2017) Zurich Film Festival. The way I like to explain its success is to quote/paraphrase the sentence I found in the industry booklet a few years ago. Basically, the organizers agree on a few basics for a successful film festival: "Content is king, Collaboration is key and Encounters among creative folks are essential". I am glad to confirm that even after many years, the organizers are still taking "these basics" seriously while developing the festival further and, most importantly, in the right direction. This is why I keep coming back and reviewing Zurich Film Festival. From the perspective of Gimme A Beat, exploring *the female factor* of the festival is easy. Zurich Film Festival always provides a significant number of female stories and movies from female directors, and a good balance of different genres, aspiring filmmakers, and (potential) blockbusters. As listeners of Gimme A Beat (and my family and friends) already know, having a busy schedule is business as usual for me, and with so many great movies, definitely a pleasure. For me, Zurich Film Festival is all about watching movies. My most enjoyable moment is sitting in the dark cinema, fully immersed in the storyline. This year, even if many fabulous events were happening on the festival grounds, I haven't attended/seen any of them. Most importantly, I have seen almost 35 movies and managed to get together with 5 female filmmakers and 2 lead actresses. With so much more material I decided to dedicate several whole Gimme A Beats to Zurich Film Festival, the one happening tonight and a few others later on. In most cases, I will adapt my radio show to the Swiss screenings of movies, to make sure that these movies receive the attention they deserve. Considering the number of movies I've seen (almost 35), I will not be reviewing all the movies and posting them on the Gimme A Beat page. But, I will continue posting the reviews after tonight's show until the end of the year since most of the movies from the festival are coming to the cinemas next year. This year again I will be focusing on my highlights only. To find them you should follow the search with the following hashtags: #zff #zff2024 #highlight #gimmeabeat. In tonight's Gimme A Beat, I will be focusing on the following movies: - Black Box Diaries, the documentary directed by Shiori Ito, who I had a chance to interview. Swiss official release on October 31st. - Es Gehts um Luis / About Luis, directed and written by Lucia Chiarla, with Natalia Rudziewicz as a lead actress. I had a chance to interview both of them. Swiss official release is not known yet, but I will keep you posted. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tune in to Gimme A Beat (21.10.2024)...


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* Obsessed With Tiny Desk 2024 *

It's 2024, and I am back again with a bunch of my favourite NPR Tiny Desk concerts. NPR Music's Tiny Desk Concerts were always one of my favourite things to listen to, but with the pandemic, my interest turned into an obsession. In 2020, I did two shows dedicated to them: Obsessed with Tiny Desk 2020 Part I and Part II, in 2021 I did one more, in 2022 another one and last year one as well. So what is it about NPR Tiny Desk Concert series that I love? It is very simple, this series brings an intimate concert vibe through approx 20-minute video performances, recorded either live at the desk of All Songs Considered host and producer Bob Boilen or, during the pandemic, at someplace that feels like an artist's home. The latter unsurprisingly called Tiny Desk (home) concerts. Bob Boilen retired in the meantime, but he created music history with NPR Tiny Desk Concerts and his legacy continues. During the pandemic, we couldn't attend gigs or music festivals, so, for me, NPR Tiny Desk Concerts were the closest thing I had to live gigs. Even today, this is still my favourite place when I need to do something at work that requires deep concentration. Also, when I am craving a live and more intimate experience. Let's be honest, how often are you able to see your favourite (or newly discovered favourite) artist performing in a small, intimate venue? Unfortunately, not that frequently. And this is why my yearly Obsessed with Tiny Desk is here to stay. Minimum once per year and sometimes even more than that. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tune in tonight to Gimme A Beat (16.09.2024) to hear my selection of NPR Tiny Desk Concerts sung by female artists. For NPR, you can donate here. Obsessed with Tiny Desk 2024 from 22:00 - 00:00 on: webradio LoRa featuring: npr tiny desk selection on youtube Kisses, Babymonster ————————————————————————– for the info about old shows please go to previous entries


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* Sirens of Lesbos and Mary Middlefield at m4music 2024 *

Last month I did the first part of the review of m4music festival 2024. This month I will continue with the review of m4music festival and share two more artists who were part of my exploration of the "female factor" of the festival. In tonight's show, I will keep my focus on the Swiss music scene, covering the fascinatingly cool band and music label Sirens of Lesbos and über talented young singer-songwriter Mary Middlefield. For impressions of their performances at m4music festival, check here, and here, respectively. You can also check overall impressions of the festival here. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tune in to Gimme A Beat (17.06.2024) tonight to hear interviews with Jasmina and Nabyla of Sirens of Lesbos and Mary Middlefield combined with the music from their latest releases. Tune in for… Sirens of Lesbos and Mary Middlefield at m4music 2024 with click-to-play or playlist (for the songs played in the show) from 22:00 - 00:00 on: webradio lora featuring: gimme a beat at m4music Kisses, Babymonster ————————————————————————– (please note that it sometimes take 24h until the podcast is propagated to other platforms) For the info about old shows, please go to previous entries


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* Say She She and Hannah Jadagu at m4music 2024 *

Since 1998, m4music festival takes place every March here in Switzerland: two days in Zurich and one day in Lausanne. This festival is a project from Migros Culture Percentage. This is a flawlessly organised festival at one of the coolest locations in Zürich: Schiffbau; with many concerts happening on the seven (+1) stages, at or close to the main building. M4music festival is more of a cultural platform than a typical music festival. It is a place where artists and industry experts meet and exchange ideas, experiences and visions of the future. There are several ways this festival makes this happen. By offering interesting panel discussions and workshops on the latest hot issues in the music business; competition for the next generation of musicians (Demotape Clinic) and simply by providing the chance to mingle with many local, national and international people at the venue, talk, share opinions and knowledge. I was visiting and reviewing this festival for many years until the pandemic. This year I realized that I missed m4music experience, so I decided to come back. As usual, it was a very busy two days, but most importantly for Gimme A Beat, in my exploration of "female factor" of the festival I managed to get together with 4 very talented artists for interviews. In order to give all artists focus they deserve, I will break down the show in two. In tonight show I will focus on one band: a fabulous, female-led band Say She She and one solo artist, young talented artist Hannah Jadagu. Both are based in NYC. For impressions of their performances at m4music festival, check here, and here, respectively. You can also check overall impressions of the festival here. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tune in to Gimme A Beat (20.05.2024) tonight to hear interviews with Say She She and Hannah Jadagu combined with the music from their latest releases. Tune in for… Say She She and Hannah Jadagu at m4music 2024 with click-to-play or playlist (for the songs played in the show) from 22:00 - 00:00 on: webradio lora featuring: gimme a beat at m4music Kisses, Babymonster ————————————————————————– (please note that it sometimes take 24h until the podcast is propagated to other platforms) For the info about old shows, please go to previous entries


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* Maria Montessori at Zurich Film Festival 2023 *

In October's and December's Gimme a Beat, I reviewed the 19th edition of Zurich Film Festival. I have been exploring the female factor of the Zurich Film Festival for several years now. But this year, I had a chance to get together with so many female filmmakers and actresses that I decided to breakdown my review of the ZFF into several shows. While I've seen 30+ movies during the festival, I haven't reviewed all of them. But the ones that I did, you can find if you follow the search with the following hashtags: #zff #zff2023 #highlight #gimmeabeat. In tonight's Gimme A Beat, I will be focusing on Maria Montessori / La Nouvelle Femmes, a feature debut directed and co-written by Lea Todorov about Maria Montessori. I knew a story about Maria Montessori, an Italian physician, educator, and innovator, best known for her revolutionary Montessori method. But I never knew Maria’s private story and Maria as a woman, mother, and lover. Lea Todorov tells us this story. Maria Montessori / La Nouvelle Femmes is a movie not just about one woman ahead of her time, but women’s emancipation and empowerment, at times connected or even depending on difficult choices. This movie also reminds us that many of the issues women faced almost a century ago still exist in today’s society, and that solving those even today needs the power of women working together to change it. You can find the review of the movie here. A few days after I saw the movie, I had an opportunity to get together with Lea as well as with Jasmine Trinca, who was outstanding in the leading role as Maria Montessori. With Lea, I talked about why it was important for her to tell us Maria Montessori’s story, moving from documentary to feature filmmaker and about her personal experiences as a daughter and mother. With Jasmine, I talked about why she accepted the role of Maria, her work with Leila Bekhti (who portrayed Lili d'Alengy, a fictional character) and how she became the actress she is today. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tune in to Gimme A Beat (15.04.2024) tonight to hear interviews with Lea and Jasmine as well as cherry-picked music sung by female artists that I heard in various movies throughout Zurich Film Festival. Tune in for… Maria Montessori at Zurich Film Festival 2023 with click-to-play or playlist (for the songs played in the show) from 22:00 - 00:00 on: webradio lora featuring: gimme a beat movies reviews at ZFF 2023 Kisses, Babymonster ————————————————————————– (please note that it sometimes take 24h until the podcast is propagated to other platforms) For the info about old shows, please go to previous entries


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* Into the Blue with NNAVY *

Last year, sometime in June I got an email from the 57th Montreux Jazz Festival about new names on their programme. The email included Swiss singer-songwriter NNAVY. She was already well-known to Montreux Jazz Festival audiences, as she performed there earlier. In addition to this, in 2022, she was the first Swiss artist ever to play one of the COLORS SHOWS. And last year, she was celebrating her comeback to the festival and grand premiere on the Auditorium Stravinski stage, as an opening act for Lionel Richie. This was the first time I heard about NNAVY. Curious to find out more, I went and listened to her music. And I loved it 💙 So I decided to reach out to her management and ask them for an opportunity to interview NNAVY (real name Florine Gashaza). They said yes and a few days after, I was sitting on the Zoom call, chatting with her, asking her questions about her life and her music. The interview with NNAVY went well, she was genuine and easy to talk to. I wanted to also see her live, but none of her gigs last year fitted into my busy schedule. But with NNAVY coming to the m4music festival this year, in a few weeks, I will (finally) have the chance to see her performing as well. It took me a while to get this interview out. The main reason is that my 2023 was super busy and I had loads of material I had to cover first. But I always believe that there is a reason for anything. And that things happen when it's the right time for them. One of the reasons is definitely that people in Zurich (including me) will be able to see NNAVY live very soon, on Saturday, March 23 at the m4music festival. Another one is that I recently enjoyed a fabulous vacation in Belize, where I found myself surrounded by blue. From the mesmerizing Great Blue Hole to the vast blue skies and ocean stretching as far as the eye could see… And that reminded me of NNAVY, her music and the interview I had with her last summer. So I decided to embrace the blue for a little while longer, at least for this evening. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tune in to Gimme A Beat tonight (18.02.2024) to hear my interview with NNAVY and my choice of her music. Tune in for… Into the Blue with NNAVY with click-to-play or playlist (for the songs played in the show) from 22:00 - 00:00 on: webradio lora Kisses, Babymonster ————————————————————————– (please note that it sometimes take 24h until the podcast is propagated to other platforms) For the info about old shows please go to previous entries For the info about old shows please go to previous entries


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* Representing 21st Century RnB - Part I *

Rolling Stones' 100 Greatest R&B Songs of the 21st Century created lots of buzz since it came out on January 3rd 2024. Some people loved it, others pointed out what was missing, and the artists featured in it, celebrated. But as we know, music is a very personal thing, and what one person likes is not necessarily the other person's favourite. I have always been a huge fan of R&B, the classic and contemporary one. What is not to like about it? Soulful voices with funky, contagious beats that can bring out a plethora of emotions, comforting, happy and nostalgic. And growing up in the 90s, the golden era of contemporary R&B when we saw this genre being combined with hip-hop, pop, soul and electronic music, it was impossible to miss it. That genre expansion brought the most amazing iconic songs and chart-topping hits. The trend continued in the 21st century, especially in the first decade. So I decided to create my own list and share it with you tonight. While I was inspired by Rolling Stones' list, I looked into my personal favourites, the songs that I am still listening to even if they came out more than two decades ago. Putting this list together was like walking down the memory lane, most of these songs reminded me of the past times, boyfriends, lovers, and fun times with friends. There were so many songs, that I am breaking this show into two, both having almost 40 tracks of the pure R&B pleasure. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tune in to Gimme A Beat (15.01.2024) tonight to hear my selection (Part I) of the 21st Century R&B songs featuring Erykah Badu, Alicia Keys, Mary J. Blige, Lianne La Havas, Joss Stone, Nelly Furtado, Sade, Kelela, Aaliyah and many more. Tune in for… Representing 21st Century RnB with click-to-play or playlist (for the songs played in the show) from 22:00 - 00:00 on: webradio lora Kisses, Babymonster ————————————————————————– (please note that it sometimes take 24h until the podcast is propagated to other platforms) For the info about old shows please go to previous entries


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* Las Toreras at Zurich Film Festival 2023 *

In my previous Gimme a Beat, I reviewed the 19th edition of Zurich Film Festival. I have been exploring the female factor of the Zurich Film Festival for several years now. But this year, I had a chance to get together with so many female filmmakers and actresses that I decided to breakdown my review of the ZFF into several shows. While I've seen 30+ movies during the festival, I haven't reviewed all of them. But the ones that I did, you can find if you follow the search with the following hashtags: #zff #zff2023 #highlight #gimmeabeat. In tonight's Gimme A Beat, I will be focusing on Las Toreras, a documentary written and directed by Jackie Brutsche, a successful, multifaceted Swiss-Spanish artist. Seven years in making, ⁠Las Toreras⁠ documents ⁠Jackie⁠'s journey of discovering more about her mother, her mother's mental illness and how it affected the family and its dynamics. I was impressed by Jackie's art of storytelling and directing, as well as her courage to connect (with her) family to demystify painful, personal topics, ultimately seeking closure for herself and her loved ones. A few days after I saw the movie, I reached out to ⁠Jackie⁠ to share my impressions and request an interview. She agreed, and I had the pleasure of meeting with her to learn more about her story, her family, her art, and, of course, her documentary. Tune in to Gimme A Beat (18.12.2023) tonight to hear my interview with Jackie Brutsche and selected music from her two bands: The Jackets and The Sex Organs. Check also the relevant ⁠⁠Spotify⁠⁠ or ⁠⁠Deezer⁠⁠ playlist.————————————————————————– for the info about old shows, please go to ⁠⁠previous entries


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* Las Toreras at Zurich Film Festival 2023 *

In my previous Gimme a Beat, I reviewed the 19th edition of Zurich Film Festival. I have been exploring the female factor of the Zurich Film Festival for several years now. But this year, I had a chance to get together with so many female filmmakers and actresses that I decided to breakdown my review of the ZFF into several shows. While I've seen 30+ movies during the festival, I haven't reviewed all of them. But the ones that I did, you can find if you follow the search with the following hashtags: #zff #zff2023 #highlight #gimmeabeat. In tonight's Gimme A Beat, I will be focusing on Las Toreras, a documentary written and directed by Jackie Brutsche, a successful, multifaceted Swiss-Spanish artist. Seven years in making, Las Toreras documents Jackie's journey of discovering more about her mother, her mother's mental illness and how it affected the family and its dynamics. I was impressed by Jackie's art of storytelling and directing, as well as her courage to connect (with her) family to demystify painful, personal topics, ultimately seeking closure for herself and her loved ones. A few days after I saw the movie, I reached out to Jackie to share my impressions and request an interview. She agreed, and I had the pleasure of meeting with her to learn more about her story, her family, her art, and, of course, her documentary. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tune in to Gimme A Beat (18.12.2023) tonight to hear my interview with Jackie Brutsche and selected music from her two bands: The Jackets and The Sex Organs. Tune in for… Las Toreras at Zurich Film Festival 2023 with click-to-play or playlist (for the songs played in the show) from 22:00 - 00:00 on: webradio lora featuring: gimme a beat movies reviews at ZFF 2023 Kisses, Babymonster ————————————————————————– (please note that it sometimes take 24h until the podcast is propagated to other platforms) For the info about old shows please go to previous entries


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* Wald and Dead Girl Dancing at Zurich Film Festival 2023 *

2023 was another successful year for Zurich Film Festival. The 19th edition of Zurich Film Festival attracted 130’000 visitors (slightly less than the previous year). A total of 150 films were screened, 52 of them as World or European premieres – more than ever before. First held in 2005, Zurich Film Festival established itself very quickly on the national and international film festival scene. The formula for its success it's probably a mix of an attractive location: an international but small city of Zurich; a great selection of movies and different programs/events like ZFF Masters, ZFF for Kids and a few others. This year the festival brought back to life ex-Kosmos, emerging as a Frame, and continuing to be my favourite place to watch movies. Based on the feedback, this cinema complex was also a crowd-puller for the rest of the audience. The best way to explain Zurich Film Festival's success is to quote/paraphrase the sentence I found in the industry booklet a few years ago. Basically, the organizers agree on a few basics for a successful film festival: "content is king, collaboration is key and encounters among creative folks are essential". I am glad to confirm that even after this many years, the organizers are still taking "these basics" seriously while developing the festival further and, most importantly, in the right direction. And this is why I keep coming back and reviewing this festival. From the perspective of Gimme A Beat, exploring the female factor of the festival is easy. Zurich Film Festival always provides a significant number of female stories and movies from female directors, and a good balance of different genres, aspiring filmmakers and (potential) blockbusters. As listeners of Gimme A Beat (and my family and friends) already know, having a busy schedule is business as usual for me, and with so many great movies, definitely a pleasure. For me, Zurich Film Festival is all about watching movies. My most enjoyable moment is sitting in the dark cinema, fully immersed in the storyline. This year, even if many fabulous events were happening on the festival grounds, I haven't attended/seen any of them. Most importantly, I have seen 30+ movies and managed to get together with 4 female filmmakers and two lead actresses. With more material than ever before I decided to dedicate two whole Gimme A Beats to Zurich Film Festival, the one happening tonight and another one in November. Considering the number of movies I've seen (30+), I will not be reviewing all the movies and posting them on the Gimme A Beat page. But, I will continue posting the reviews after tonight's show until the end of the year, since most of the movies from the festival are coming to the cinemas next year. Different than in previous years, this year I will be focusing on my highlights only. To find them, you should follow the search with the following hashtags: #zff #zff2023 #highlight #gimmeabeat. In tonight's Gimme A Beat, I will be focusing on the following movies: - Wald / Woodland, directed and written by Elisabeth Scharang, with Brigitte Hobmeier as a lead actress. I had a chance to interview both of them. - Dead Girls Dancing, directed and written by Anna Roller, who I had a chance to interview. Tune in to Gimme A Beat (16.10.2023) tonight to hear my impressions of the Zurich Film Festival, the reviews of the movies in the focus and interviews with Elisabeth, Brigitte and Anna combined with music from Hania Rani, who wrote the music for Wald and selected music from female artists played in a variety of movies I saw. Check also the relevant ⁠Spotify⁠ or ⁠Deezer⁠ playlist.————————————————————————– for the info about old shows, please go to ⁠previous entries


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* Wald and Dead Girl Dancing at Zurich Film Festival 2023 *

2023 was another successful year for Zurich Film Festival. The 19th edition of Zurich Film Festival attracted 130’000 visitors (slightly less than the previous year). A total of 150 films were screened, 52 of them as World or European premieres – more than ever before. First held in 2005, Zurich Film Festival established itself very quickly on the national and international film festival scene. The formula for its success it's probably a mix of an attractive location: an international but small city of Zurich; a great selection of movies and different programs/events like ZFF Masters, ZFF for Kids and a few others. This year the festival brought back to life ex-Kosmos, emerging as a Frame, and continuing to be my favourite place to watch movies. Based on the feedback, this cinema complex was also a crowd-puller for the rest of the audience. The best way to explain Zurich Film Festival's success is to quote/paraphrase the sentence I found in the industry booklet a few years ago. Basically, the organizers agree on a few basics for a successful film festival: "content is king, collaboration is key and encounters among creative folks are essential". I am glad to confirm that even after this many years, the organizers are still taking "these basics" seriously while developing the festival further and, most importantly, in the right direction. And this is why I keep coming back and reviewing this festival. From the perspective of Gimme A Beat, exploring the female factor of the festival is easy. Zurich Film Festival always provides a significant number of female stories and movies from female directors, and a good balance of different genres, aspiring filmmakers and (potential) blockbusters. As listeners of Gimme A Beat (and my family and friends) already know, having a busy schedule is business as usual for me, and with so many great movies, definitely a pleasure. For me, Zurich Film Festival is all about watching movies. My most enjoyable moment is sitting in the dark cinema, fully immersed in the storyline. This year, even if many fabulous events were happening on the festival grounds, I haven't attended/seen any of them. Most importantly, I have seen 30+ movies and managed to get together with 4 female filmmakers and two lead actresses. With more material than ever before I decided to dedicate two whole Gimme A Beats to Zurich Film Festival, the one happening tonight and another one in November. Considering the number of movies I've seen (30+), I will not be reviewing all the movies and posting them on the Gimme A Beat page. But, I will continue posting the reviews after tonight's show until the end of the year since most of the movies from the festival are coming to the cinemas next year. Different than in previous years, this year I will be focusing on my highlights only. To find them you should follow the search with the following hashtags: #zff #zff2023 #highlight #gimmeabeat. In tonight's Gimme A Beat, I will be focusing on the following movies: - Wald / Woodland, directed and written by Elisabeth Scharang, with Brigitte Hobmeier as a lead actress. I had a chance to interview both of them. - Dead Girls Dancing, directed and written by Anna Roller, who I had a chance to interview. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tune in to Gimme A Beat (16.10.2023) tonight to hear my impressions of the Zurich Film Festival, the reviews of the movies in the focus and interviews with Elisabeth, Brigitte and Anna combined with music from Hania Rani, who wrote the music for Wald and selected music from female artists played in a variety of movies I saw. Tune in for... Wald and Dead Girl Dancing at Zurich Film Festival 2023 click-to-play or playlist (for the songs played in the show) from 22:00 - 00:00 on: webradio lora featuring: gimme a beat movies reviews at ZFF 2023 Kisses, Babymonster...


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* Catching Up with Yukimi of Little Dragon *

The first time I heard Little Dragon was back in 2007, just after they released their debut album. From that moment on, I was completely captivated by their unique sound. A few years later, seeing them live for the first time only confirmed their talent and deepened my interest. Over the years, I followed their work and saw them live many times, and I even had a chance to interview Yukimi, singer-songwriter and the lead vocalist of the band. They are one of those bands who are good in any form, on the recorded material and live. During the live gigs, Yukimi, the lead singer of the band, is the one who gets you going, but once you are there, it is the synergy of the band members and the quality of the music delivery that keeps you in their world. There is something comfortable, familiar and cosy in Little Dragon's world that I could feel when seeing them live but also when listening to their material. Their sounds make me melancholic, a little nostalgic but also content and hopeful. And that complexity of the emotions that music can bring out in you is what I consider magic. And who doesn't need a bit of magic in their life🌟? Nowadays, even more than ever before. Fast-forward to the busy summer of 2023 and the 7th of July, when I got a promo email from Ninja Tune, their label, with the link to their new album, *Slugs of Love*. I was in desperate need of a new, fresh sound to get me going through those long working hours. Once I started listening to the album, I couldn't stop. The only moment I stopped, was to reach out to Ninja Tune and request an interview. With the interview approved, I had the pleasure of connecting (via Zoom) with Yukumi Nagano, on a hot summer night in August. We talked about their beginnings, favourite collaborations, their latest album and up-and-coming tour. Tune in to Gimme A Beat tonight (18.09.2023) to hear my conversation with Yukimi of Little Dragon, while listening to the music from Little Dragon's latest album, Slugs of Love, and the selection of my favourite songs from their previous releases. Check also the relevant Spotify or Deezer playlist. ————————————————————————– for the info about old shows, please go to previous entries


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* Catching Up with Yukimi of Little Dragon *

The first time I heard Little Dragon was back in 2007, just after they released their debut album. From that moment on, I was completely captivated by their unique sound. A few years later, seeing them live for the first time only confirmed their talent and deepened my interest. Over the years, I followed their work and saw them live many times, and I even had a chance to interview Yukimi, singer-songwriter and the lead vocalist of the band. They are one of those bands who are good in any form, on the recorded material and live. During the live gigs, Yukimi, the lead singer of the band, is the one who gets you going, but once you are there, it is the synergy of the band members and the quality of the music delivery that keeps you in their world. There is something comfortable, familiar and cosy in Little Dragon's world that I could feel when seeing them live but also when listening to their material. Their sounds make me melancholic, a little nostalgic but also content and hopeful. And that complexity of the emotions that music can bring out in you is what I consider magic. And who doesn't need a bit of magic in their life🌟? Nowadays, even more than ever before. Fast-forward to the busy summer of 2023 and the 7th of July, when I got a promo email from Ninja Tune, their label, with the link to their new album, *Slugs of Love*. I was in a desperate need of a new, fresh sound to get me going through those long working hours. Once I started listening to the album, I couldn't stop. The only moment I stopped, was to reach out to Ninja Tune and request an interview. With the interview approved, I had the pleasure of connecting (via Zoom) with Yukumi Nagano, on a hot summer night in August. We talked about their beginnings, favourite collaborations, their latest album and up-and-coming tour. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tune in to Gimme A Beat tonight (18.09.2023) to hear my conversation with Yukimi of Little Dragon, while listening to the music from Little Dragon's latest album, Slugs of Love, and the selection of my favourite songs from their previous releases. Tune in for… Catching Up with Yukimi of Little Dragon from 22:00 - 00:00 on: webradio lora click-to-play or playlist (for the songs played in the show) Kisses, Babymonster ————————————————————————– for the info about old shows please go to previous entries


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* Dagger Moth and Last Apollo at Primavera Sound Barcelona 2023 *

Primavera Sound (or simply Primavera) is an annual music festival held in Parc del Fòrum, a park situated directly at the Mediterranean seafront in Barcelona, Spain. The festival takes place between the end of May and the beginning of June, every year since 2001. In addition to the best-known edition in Barcelona, Primavera Sound expanded to other locations as well: since 2012, there is a Primavera Sound Porto Edition; in 2022, the festival hosted its first editions in Los Angeles, Santiago de Chile, Buenos Aires and São Paulo. In 2023, for the 1st time, there was an edition in Madrid with nearly the same line-up. This year Primavera Sound in Barcelona brought together 193,000 festival goers during the 3 main days in a Parc del Fòrum. Compared to the previous years, there were some changes in the layout of stages and the variations in bars and rest areas; This has led to an even more pleasurable experience. Of course, the best part of it is its exciting program. I've been following Primavera Sound for a while now, for several reasons. Not only that Primavera always had an impressive line-up and it is happening in Barcelona, one of my favourite European towns, but this festival has been a leader in the gender-balanced line-up, not just in Europe but worldwide. And this, by default, makes Primavera Sound a perfect festival for Gimme A Beat. It is a bit embarrassing that I waited 21 years to attend Primavera, but the dates just never worked for me. Attending Coachella and then road-tripping for a few weeks after created no space for me to go to another festival immediately after my return to Europe. But, with my interest in Coachella not being in focus anymore, I decided that in 2023 I will be attending Primavera Sound in Barcelona. Fast forward to the end of May, I packed my festival gear (dancing shoes and my voice recorded) and headed to Barcelona. I was already prepared to be blown away by all the artists I was going to see and I was hoping that everything else would follow. And this is exactly what happened. Everything worked perfectly: superb organisation, collaborative weather: sunny but not too warm with a continuous sea breeze; great food, easy-to-move-around festival layout and perfect location. All of this, combined with friendly and energetic festival-goers, local and international crowds excited to be there, created a unique, unforgettable atmosphere. With an impressive, carefully curated line-up, exploring the *female factor* of Primavera Sound with my Gimme A Beat lenses (or better said sunglasses) was easy. Even before I arrived, I discovered so many, for me, new artists just by studying the program. And I knew that I would see some of my favourite ones that will move me to the core. The clue that I was in for a great experience was already on the pre-day of the festival, the day I didn't even plan to attend, which magically opened for me in all its Pet Shop Boys glory. I've seen so many great gigs that it was hard to keep this on only a few posts, but here they are for day 1, day 2 and day 3, with the depeche mode awesomeness on day 2. You can also see my reviews via Gimme a Beat Facebook search. In tonight's show, I will focus on two über talented female artists and great performers: Dagger Moth, the one-woman band from Italy and Last Apollo, an up-and-coming artist from Dublin. Interestingly, even though they are in different stages of their careers, both artists choose solo/independent paths to avoid compromising their art and creativity. Tune in to Gimme A Beat (19.06.2023) to hear the review of Primavera Sound Barcelona 2023, interviews with Dagger Moth and Last Apollo, combined with the music from their latest releases and selected songs from Kelela, Rosalia, Sudan Archives, Caroline Polachek, Flowerovlove, Sevdaliza, female artists whose festival's performances I loved Check also the relevant Spotify or Deezer playlist. ————————————————————————– for the info about old shows, please go to...


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* Dagger Moth and Last Apollo at Primavera Sound Barcelona 2023 *

Primavera Sound (commonly referred to as simply Primavera) is an annual music festival held in Parc del Fòrum, a park situated directly at the Mediterranean seafront in Barcelona, Spain. The festival takes place between the end of May and the beginning of June, every year since 2001. In addition to the best-known edition in Barcelona, Primavera Sound expanded to other locations as well: since 2012, there is a Primavera Sound Porto Edition; in 2022, the festival hosted its first editions in Los Angeles, Santiago de Chile, Buenos Aires and São Paulo. In 2023, for the first time, there was an edition in Madrid with nearly the same line-up. This year Primavera Sound in Barcelona brought together 193,000 festival goers during the three main days in a Parc del Fòrum. Compared to the previous years, there were some changes in the layout of stages and the variations in bars and rest areas; This has led to an even more pleasurable experience. Of course, the best part of it is its exciting program. I've been following Primavera Sound for a while now, for several reasons. Not only that Primavera always had an impressive line-up and it is happening in Barcelona, one of my favourite European towns, but this festival has been a leader in the gender-balanced line-up, not just in Europe but worldwide. And this, by default, makes Primavera Sound a perfect festival for Gimme A Beat. It is a bit embarrassing that I waited 21 years to attend Primavera, but the dates just never worked for me. Attending Coachella and then road-tripping for a few weeks after created no space for me to go to another festival immediately after my return to Europe. But, with my interest in Coachella not being in focus anymore, I decided (already last year) that in 2023 I will be attending Primavera Sound in Barcelona. Fast forward to the end of May, I packed my festival gear (dancing shoes and my voice recorded) and headed to Barcelona. I was already prepared to be blown away by all the artists I was going to see and I was hoping that everything else would follow. And this is exactly what happened. Everything worked perfectly: superb organisation, collaborative weather: sunny but not too warm with a continuous sea breeze; great food, easy-to-move-around festival layout and perfect location. All of this, combined with friendly and energetic festival-goers, local and international crowds excited to be there, created a unique, unforgettable atmosphere. And, of course, being in Barcelona ensures good vibes before and after the festival. With an impressive, carefully curated line-up, exploring the *female factor* of Primavera Sound with my Gimme A Beat lenses (or better said sunglasses) was easy. Even before I arrived, I discovered so many, for me, new artists just by studying the program. And I knew that I would see some of my favourite ones that will move me to the core. The clue that I was in for a great experience was already on the pre-day of the festival, the day I didn't even plan to attend, which magically opened for me in all its Pet Shop Boys glory. Finally, when I got to the official festival, the time seemed to fly by. I would arrive early at the festival ground and leave in the wee morning hours with feet and back pain from all the dancing, standing and exploring. Still, then tomorrow, as I was recollecting memories and writing a review of the day before, I couldn't wait to go back and do it again. I've seen so many great gigs that it was hard to keep this on only a few posts, but here they are for day 1, day 2 and day 3, with the depeche mode awesomeness on day 2, which deserved a separate post. You can also see my reviews via Gimme a Beat Facebook search. In tonight's show, I will focus on two über talented female artists: Dagger Moth, the one-woman band from Italy and Last Apollo, an up-and-coming artist from Dublin. Both of them are great performers and were kind enough to get together with me for short interviews. Interestingly, even though...


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* Obsessed with Tiny Desk 2023 *

NPR Music's Tiny Desk Concerts were always one of my favourite things to listen to, but with the pandemic, my interest turned into an obsession. In 2020, I did two shows dedicated to them: Obsessed with Tiny Desk 2020 Part I and Part II, in 2021 I did one more and in 2022 another one. So what is it about NPR Tiny Desk Concert series that I love? It is very simple, this series brings an intimate concert vibe through approx 20-minute video performances, recorded either live at the desk of All Songs Considered host and producer Bob Boilen or, during the pandemic, at some place that feels like an artist's home. The latter unsurprisingly called Tiny Desk (home) concerts. During the pandemic, we couldn't attend gigs or music festivals, so, for me, NPR Tiny Desk Concerts were the closest thing I had to live gigs. Even today, this is still my favourite place when I need to do something at work that requires deep concentration. Also, when I am craving a live and more intimate experience. Let's be honest, how often are you able to see your favourite (or newly discovered favourite) artist performing in a small, intimate venue? Unfortunately, not that frequently. And this is why my yearly Obsessed with Tiny Desk is here to stay. Minimum once per year and sometimes even more than that. It's 2023, and I am back again with a bunch of my favourite NPR Tiny Desk concerts. Tune in tonight to Gimme A Beat (17.04.2023) to hear my selection of NPR Tiny Desk Concerts featuring Angélique Kidjo, Lady Wray, Selina Moon, Raye, Madi Diaz, Santigold, Allison Russell and Lizzy McAlpine. For NPR, you can donate here. Check out npr tiny desk selection on youtube with videos of the sessions. ————————————————————————– for the info about old shows, please go to previous entries


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* Obsessed With Tiny Desk 2023 *

NPR Music's Tiny Desk Concerts were always one of my favourite things to listen to, but with the pandemic, my interest turned into an obsession. In 2020, I did two shows dedicated to them: Obsessed with Tiny Desk 2020 Part I and Part II, in 2021 I did one more and in 2022 another one. So what is it about NPR Tiny Desk Concert series that I love? It is very simple, this series brings an intimate concert vibe through approx 20-minute video performances, recorded either live at the desk of All Songs Considered host and producer Bob Boilen or, during the pandemic, at some place that feels like an artist's home. The latter unsurprisingly called Tiny Desk (home) concerts. During the pandemic, we couldn't attend gigs or music festivals, so, for me, NPR Tiny Desk Concerts were the closest thing I had to live gigs. Even today, this is still my favourite place when I need to do something at work that requires deep concentration. Also, when I am craving a live and more intimate experience. Let's be honest, how often are you able to see your favourite (or newly discovered favourite) artist performing in a small, intimate venue? Unfortunately, not that frequently. And this is why my yearly Obsessed with Tiny Desk is here to stay. Minimum once per year and sometimes even more than that. It's 2023, and I am back again with a bunch of my favourite NPR Tiny Desk concerts. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tune in tonight to Gimme A Beat (17.04.2023) to hear my selection of NPR Tiny Desk Concerts sung by female artists. For NPR, you can donate here. Obsessed with Tiny Desk 2023 from 22:00 - 00:00 on: webradio LoRa featuring: npr tiny desk selection on youtube Kisses, Babymonster ————————————————————————– for the info about old shows please go to previous entries
