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Power Trip with Tangi Greene

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The “Power Trip” concept is about mentally distancing yourself from anything that threatens your peace and personal power. Come and go with us - Power Trip is the only trip I know where we learn how to leave our baggage behind as we go where we've never gone before. At any time you can step back, refocus and escape negative triggers - launching a mindset reset... Congratulations. You have just taken a Power Trip!


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The “Power Trip” concept is about mentally distancing yourself from anything that threatens your peace and personal power. Come and go with us - Power Trip is the only trip I know where we learn how to leave our baggage behind as we go where we've never gone before. At any time you can step back, refocus and escape negative triggers - launching a mindset reset... Congratulations. You have just taken a Power Trip!



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15. Say What You MEAN and MEAN What You Say

Too many times we candy coat what we really want to say trying to spare the feelings of those around us meanwhile we feel imposed upon and taken advantage of but we hide it with a smile. It's time out for that. It's possible to have honest non-violent communication. It's healthy for you and for those you interact with.


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14. You Haven’t Done the Right Thing

The enemy knows that you are too smart to do the wrong thing so he distracts you with a good thing but that good thing is not necessarily the right thing. Listen to find out how to get on the right track!!


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13. Life is Not a Race

A race requires everyone to run the same course. Life is the complete opposite of that - we are each on our own unique journey. Wherever you are headed your arrival is unique to you! No one is winning or trailing behind because we have different destinations. Own, embrace and enjoy your journey because it is UNIQUELY yours!


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12. Transformation Over Information... Don't just know... DO

My entire waistline has transformed because I refused to transform my mind when it comes to dietary habits. We transform just about everything into something it's not supposed to be to temporarily satisfy some need whether, food, money, sex or even people… If we would just transform or change our minds we would tap into God's power and change who we are.


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Bonus Transform Your Mind

We transform just about everything into something it's not supposed to be to temporarily satisfy some need whether, food, money, sex or even people... if we would just transform our minds we would tap into God's Power to change who WE are!
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11. Boldness Training 103: Ask full Price

If your heart is for discounts and not for profit you should consider MINISTRY over business... you can have the heart and character of God and run a successful, lucrative business or you can have the heart and character of God and do charity work but they are VERY DIFFERENT. Make people pay full price OR do it for free - but never put yourself "on sale."


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PowerTip Watch Your Mouth

Your words have power and your SUBconscious has NO sense of humor


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Bonus PowerTip on Confrontation

Confrontation is what makes the world go round. Don't be afraid to stand your ground just make sure that your stance is a posture of humility, integrity and intellect.


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10. Boldness Training 102: Fireproof Confidence

What the world needs now is boldness! Come out come out wherever you are... it's time to be confident and know that you are fire proof because of the protection and providence of God! A major component of the confidence that you need in order to execute and actually finish the races that you start is in knowing Who God is. As you come to learn who God is He shows you who you are inevitably... And when you know who you are you find the confidence to fulfill your purpose. It's time to stop...


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"You can stop being boss" Boldness Training 101 Trailer

A snack-sized teaser of another great episode.


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"When you're Done" Boldness Training 101 Trailer

A snack-sized teaser of another great episode.


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"I see You" Boldness Training 101 Trailer

A snack-sized teaser of another great episode.


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9. Boldness Training 101: Come out, Come out Wherever you are!

What the world needs now is boldness! Come out come out wherever you are… It's time. In this episode we discover how to get to the point of stillness so that we can see, hear and perform what God has called us to do. We have to learn how to execute - not start and stop, not self sabotage, not cower back in fear but execute!!! Don't worry this is your season you know how I know? Because it's always your season. As long as God is with you be ready to move!


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8. Choose You

You can do all things through Christ so imagine if you tried to do one thing really well!!! It’s a new season and we love fresh starts! New goals... but unfortunately new starts are held back because we are so dedicated to the past. It’s time to focus and choose yourself in this moment.
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7. Facing Worst-Case Scenarios Before They Occur

We don't like to think about the worst; but did you know after you have you gain power over it? So it happens... the thing you dread the most... what cha gonna do? Think through it, cry if you have to them formulate a plan. Boom you win! Best of all it HASN'T even happened yet but if it did - YOU'RE READY.
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Bonus: One Small Thing

One small thing can change absolutely everything.


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6. One Small Thing Can Change Everything

A tiny microbiotic has rearranged modern culture as we know it! Stubborn Small things beat grand inconsistent things all to hell... get your small thing and go!
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5. Your Crisis is Your Fuel

Look at us. Here in the middle of an international crisis… So what are you going to do?Are you going to panic? Or are you going to Thrive? It's all up to you you know… Your attitude, Your expectation and your actions - Not to mention your discipline and consistency… we won't even go there... all these things pave the road to your next destination. Viruses are justas common as Crises; You've just got to learn how to make them your lunch.
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Bonus: Don't Hide Your Hope!

Your hope will not embarrass you or make you ashamed... not when that Hope is in God!
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Power Affirmation: Isaiah 26:3

Peace. Seems to be a rare commodity these days. The Good News is you can refocus all that “nervous energy” by simply choosing to believe The Word of God above all else!