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Satsang with Swaha - Audio

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Vasant Swaha is a rare flowering of a human being, who can remind us of the real, awakening our hearts to the peace, love and silence that is always present within. He is a modern mystic, who brings, in his own unique and beautiful way, an integration of many spiritual paths. Since 1996 he has been sharing his presence and wisdom, encouraging many hearts to awaken into a life of freedom. In this podcast we are sharing some excerpts from Satsang with Swaha, from different retreats in various countries. More information about Swaha: / Vasant Swaha é um florescimento raro de ser humano, que pode nos lembrar do que é real, despertando nossos corações para a paz, o amor e o silêncio que estão sempre presentes interiormente. Ele é um místico moderno que traz, de uma forma única e linda, a integração de diversos caminhos espirituais. Desde 1996 ele compartilha sua presença e sua sabedoria, encorajando muitos corações a despertarem para uma vida de liberdade. Neste podcast estamos compartilhando alguns trechos do Satsang com Swaha, de diferentes retiros em vários países. Mais informações sobre Swaha: /


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Vasant Swaha is a rare flowering of a human being, who can remind us of the real, awakening our hearts to the peace, love and silence that is always present within. He is a modern mystic, who brings, in his own unique and beautiful way, an integration of many spiritual paths. Since 1996 he has been sharing his presence and wisdom, encouraging many hearts to awaken into a life of freedom. In this podcast we are sharing some excerpts from Satsang with Swaha, from different retreats in various countries. More information about Swaha: / Vasant Swaha é um florescimento raro de ser humano, que pode nos lembrar do que é real, despertando nossos corações para a paz, o amor e o silêncio que estão sempre presentes interiormente. Ele é um místico moderno que traz, de uma forma única e linda, a integração de diversos caminhos espirituais. Desde 1996 ele compartilha sua presença e sua sabedoria, encorajando muitos corações a despertarem para uma vida de liberdade. Neste podcast estamos compartilhando alguns trechos do Satsang com Swaha, de diferentes retiros em vários países. Mais informações sobre Swaha: /



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Guru | Destroyer of Darkness - The Way To the Light

“The Guru is the secret that solves the riddle. He is the benefactor of all beauty, good and truth”, says Vasant Swaha. In this audio, Swaha sheds light on Guru Nanak's teachings and underlines the importance of a Master for the seeker. He also goes into how seva - selfless service - is a path of purification. Vasant Swaha is a modern mystic sharing his love, joy, and wisdom in retreats. This talk was from a Satsang during the Summer Retreat at Dharma Mountain, Norway, on the 20th of July of 2013. For more information visit


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Guru | Destroyer of Darkness - The Art of The Potter

Kabir states: "The Guru is the Potter, the disciple is the unbaked clay." Surrendering to the Guru allows for profound growth. The Potter shapes us with care, protecting our essence; the Guru's gentle yet firm touch transforms us both inside and out. ​​Vasant Swaha is a modern mystic sharing his love, joy, and wisdom in retreats. This talk was from a Satsang during the Path of Meditation retreat at Mevlana Garden, Brazil, on the 11 of April of 2024. For more information visit


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Zen Inner Balance | The Mystery of Bowing Down

The Master is a gate to the divine. When authentic surrender happens, new dimensions of our being come forth. We lose ourselves as a separate identity and the miracle of miracles happens: we enter the Master’s realm of bliss, silence and gratitude. Vasant Swaha is a modern mystic sharing his love, joy, and wisdom in retreats. This talk was from a Satsang during the “Zen Inner Balance” Retreat at Dharma Mountain, Norway, on the 22nd of August of 2024. For more information visit


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Zen Inner Balance | Accepting Oneself

The enlightened mystic Mira said: "I have found the greatest gift in my Master." Vasant Swaha expands on this quote to explain that, even though we face challenging mistakes, we are not defined by our anxious minds. He enlightens us on how life's journey is unpredictable, but the wisdom of the heart will guide us. And how with self-compassion, we can move beyond our limitations and embrace true freedom. Vasant Swaha is a modern mystic sharing his love, joy, and wisdom in retreats. This talk was from a Satsang during the “Zen Inner Balance” Retreat at Dharma Mountain, Norway, on the 22nd of August of 2024. For more information visit


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Zen Inner Balance | Sitting Before the Cliff

"Today I sat before the cliff until all the mist had cleared. The morning light is so beautiful. Then the moon rises, and with it, I also rise." Vasant Swaha tells a story about a Zen hermit who reaches the untouched stillness by contemplating the impermanence of life and transcending the illusion of the mind. Vasant Swaha is a modern mystic sharing his love, joy, and wisdom in retreats. This talk was from a Satsang during the “Zen Inner Balance” Retreat at Dharma Mountain, Norway, on the 21st of August of 2024. For more information visit


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Zen Inner Balance | Die Before You Die

The awakened ones talk about a different kind of death: one that can be experienced by letting go of our identification with the mind. This is the greatest freedom we can realize. Vasant Swaha shares his perspective on the power that love has to transform us, and how the trust in the Master can carry us through the dark nights of the soul. Vasant Swaha is a modern mystic sharing his love, joy, and wisdom in retreats. This talk was from a Satsang during the “Zen Inner Balance” Retreat at Dharma Mountain, Norway, on the 20th of August of 2024. For more information visit


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Zen Inner Balance | Zen and the Art of Thievery

Vasant Swaha shares a Zen story about the son of a professional thief who learns from his father the art of thievery. However, much more than just learning the trade, the boy has a firsthand experience about how to face life's challenges - and by embracing challenges we grow wiser. Vasant Swaha is a modern mystic sharing his love, joy, and wisdom in retreats. This talk was from a Satsang during the “Zen Inner Balance” Retreat at Dharma Mountain, Norway, on the 20th of August of 2024. For more information visit


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Zen Inner Balance | Not Knowing is the Most Intimate

The disciple's journey with the Master unfolds in stages of self-discovery. We begin by observing our bodies, progressing to understanding our minds. As we delve deeper, we confront our emotions, peeling away layers of ego. This growth leads us to a state of awareness, where we connect with our true nature and experience oneness with life. Vasant Swaha is a modern mystic sharing his love, joy, and wisdom in retreats. This talk was from a Satsang during the “Zen Inner Balance” Retreat at Dharma Mountain, Norway, on the 18th of August of 2024. For more information visit


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Zen Inner Balance | Walking on the Razors Edge

Being in tune with the Master opens the door to a totally different reality within us. By dedicating ourselves to the truth and learning to refine our energies, we can become unshakable. This path is like walking on a razor's edge: total centering is needed. Through a Zen story, Vasant Swaha demonstrates the essence of the path of meditation. Vasant Swaha is a modern mystic sharing his love, joy, and wisdom in retreats. This talk was from a Satsang during the “Zen Inner Balance” Retreat at Dharma Mountain, Norway, on the 16th of August of 2023. For more information visit


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Zen Inner Balance | Beginning of Zen

Zen, which originates from the teachings of Buddha, spread from India to China, Japan, and parts of East Asia, continuing to evolve in its distinctive simplicity. It offers a path to self-discovery, encouraging present-moment awareness. Through Zen practices, we learn to center our energy and cultivate a deeper connection with our true nature. Vasant Swaha is a modern mystic sharing his love, joy, and wisdom in retreats. This talk was from a Satsang during the “Zen Inner Balance” Retreat at Dharma Mountain, Norway, on the 16th of August of 2024. For more information visit


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Meditation | Let Go of Yourself

Vasant Swaha is a modern mystic sharing his love, joy, and wisdom in retreats. This talk was from a Satsang during the From Death to Deathlessness Retreat at Dharma Mountain, Norway, on the 26th of January of 2017. For more information visit


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Mystics | Krishna - Love that Unites the Lover with Me

Of all the means to attain self-realization, for Krishna, love is the highest. When the devotion is such that nothing outside can tempt us anymore; when we become so absorbed in the Beloved that we forget ourselves, we merge into him. Vasant Swaha reads Krishna’s words on meditation through the path of Guru Yoga. Vasant Swaha is a modern mystic sharing his love, joy, and wisdom in retreats. This talk was from a Satsang on the 16th of July of 2009 in Dharma Mountain, Norway. For more information visit


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Sacred Women | Rengetsu & the Cherry Tree - Rengetsu & a cerejeira

“One becomes a buddha the moment one accepts all that life brings with gratitude”. Vasant Swaha reads a Zen story about an enlightened woman who realized the beauty of acceptance and the gifts it brings. Vasant Swaha is a modern mystic sharing his love, joy, and wisdom in retreats. This talk was from a Satsang during Flowering from the Heart retreat at Mevlana Garden, Brazil, on the 24th of November of 2019. This audio contains Portuguese consecutive interpretation. For more information visit __ * __ “Torna-se um buda no momento em que se aceita com gratidão tudo o que a vida traz”. Vasant Swaha lê uma história Zen sobre uma mulher iluminada que percebeu a beleza da aceitação e as dádivas que ela traz. Vasant Swaha é um místico moderno que compartilha seu amor, sua alegria e sabedoria em retiros. Esta fala é de um Satsang durante o retiro Florescer do Coração no Mevlana Garden, Brasil, no dia 24 de novembro de 2019. Neste áudio há tradução consecutiva em português. Para mais informação, visite


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Sacred Women | Chiyono - No Water, No Moon - Nem água, nem lua

Chiyono’s story is a representation of the path of meditation. It shows how a dedicated practice can generate a profound transformation in us. The ultimate divine grace is not in our hands; but by practicing, we can help prepare the ground for it. Vasant Swaha is a modern mystic sharing his love, joy, and wisdom in retreats. This talk was from a Satsang Weekend at Mevlana Garden, Brazil, on the 07th of May of 2022. This audio contains Portuguese consecutive interpretation. For more information visit __ * __ A história de Chiyono é uma representação do caminho da meditação. Ela mostra como a dedicação à prática pode gerar uma transformação profunda em nós. A graça divina definitiva não está em nossas mãos; mas, com a prática, podemos ajudar a preparar o terreno para ela. Vasant Swaha é um místico moderno que compartilha seu amor, sua alegria e sabedoria em retiros. Esta fala é de um "Satsang Weekend" no Mevlana Garden, Brasil, no dia 07 de maio de 2022. Neste áudio há tradução consecutiva em português. Para mais informação, visite


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Sacred Women | Hu Shu - The Feast of Meditation - O Banquete da Meditação

The deeper we go into ourselves, the more worldly things lose their importance. Instead, the richness of the inner realm becomes much more valuable. In this example, Vasant Swaha shares about Hu Shu: a Chinese woman who was transformed by the art of meditation. Vasant Swaha is a modern mystic sharing his love, joy, and wisdom in retreats. This talk was from a Satsang during Winds of Freedom Retreat at Mevlana Garden, Brazil, on the 29 of November of 2012. This audio contains Portuguese consecutive interpretation. For more information visit __ * __ Quanto mais nos aprofundamo-nos em nós mesmos, mais as coisas mundanas perdem sua importância e, em contrapartida, a riqueza do mundo interior torna-se muito mais valiosa. Com esse exemplo, Vasant Swaha compartilha sobre Hu Shu: uma mulher chinesa que foi transformada pela arte da meditação. Vasant Swaha é um místico moderno que compartilha seu amor, sua alegria e sabedoria em retiros. Esta fala é de um Satsang no Mevlana Garden, durante o Retiro Ventos de Liberdade no Brasil, no dia 29 de novembro de 2012. Neste áudio há tradução consecutiva em português. Para mais informação, visite


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Sacred Women | The Story of Chiyono

“Understand on a deep level that this is your birthright, is what you are here for. Allow this melting, emptying, relaxing.” Vasant Swaha comments on the story of Chiyono: a Zen woman who became enlightened through her experience of diligent meditation and, ultimately, through the understanding that only by falling apart can we find what we are seeking. Vasant Swaha is a modern mystic sharing his love, joy, and wisdom in retreats. This talk was from a Satsang at Dharma Mountain, Norway, on the 29 of April of 2000. For more information visit


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Summer Retreat | A Good Trade

The alchemy of the Master is to take whatever darkness we may carry within us and transform it into joy and bliss. For this exchange to happen, we must let go of familiar ways of being. This unknown can bring up fear; but when something bigger than us is calling, we become ready to take the risk. Vasant Swaha is a modern mystic sharing his love, joy, and wisdom in retreats. This talk was from a Satsang during the Summer Retreat at Dharma Mountain, Norway, on the 10th of July of 2024. For more information visit


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Summer Retreat | The Supreme Fun

What could be more fun than sharing the highest of human existence; and seeing that people are receptive to it? Vasant Swaha goes into detail about the nature of enlightenment and its different expressions. He also shares words and stories from Osho, Meher Baba and many other Masters, portraying how the awakened beings are a gate into the divine. Vasant Swaha is a modern mystic sharing his love, joy, and wisdom in retreats. This talk was from a Satsang during the Summer Retreat at Dharma Mountain, Norway, on the 14th of July of 2024. For more information visit


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Summer Retreat | Crazy Wisdom

The way a Master shares the teachings might seem crazy in the eyes of the world. That’s because we need to be in tune with their energy to be able to understand their message. Quoting Kabir, Vasant Swaha reveals the great effect a Master can have on the disciple once they are receptive. Vasant Swaha is a modern mystic sharing his love, joy, and wisdom in retreats. This talk was from a Satsang during the Summer Retreat at Dharma Mountain, Norway, on the 12th of July of 2024. For more information visit


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Summer Retreat | The Seven Valleys

Vasant Swaha introduces the Seven Valleys from the Sufi spiritual tradition. He outlines the nature of each valley and how they represent the steps on the path to awakening. When he comes to the last two valleys, Vasant Swaha shares guiding words from Osho regarding the passage of the dark night of the soul. Vasant Swaha is a modern mystic sharing his love, joy, and wisdom in retreats. This talk was from a Satsang during the Summer Retreat at Dharma Mountain, Norway, on the 10th of July of 2024. For more information visit
