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The Aligned Woman Podcast

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Welcome to the Aligned Woman podcast. This is a show about self realization, personal growth, spirituality and feminine leadership sprinkled with some business and strategy. I’m going to take you on a journey through all of the ways I have learned to go deeper within myself but also lighten up and find more ease, joy and flow in both my life and my business. In this podcast my commitment to you is to show up as authentically, fully and sincerely as I possibly can with the intention to connect with you. I want you to experience the power and clarity that alignment can bring to your life -- but alignment on your terms. Your rules. Your flavor. Your vibe. Your way. I want you to feel into the truth, maybe for the first time that it doesn't matter where you come from or where you’re starting from…. You can STILL create more freedom, ease and success in your life.


United States


Welcome to the Aligned Woman podcast. This is a show about self realization, personal growth, spirituality and feminine leadership sprinkled with some business and strategy. I’m going to take you on a journey through all of the ways I have learned to go deeper within myself but also lighten up and find more ease, joy and flow in both my life and my business. In this podcast my commitment to you is to show up as authentically, fully and sincerely as I possibly can with the intention to connect with you. I want you to experience the power and clarity that alignment can bring to your life -- but alignment on your terms. Your rules. Your flavor. Your vibe. Your way. I want you to feel into the truth, maybe for the first time that it doesn't matter where you come from or where you’re starting from…. You can STILL create more freedom, ease and success in your life.



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Ep 203: Activating Your Magnetism With Petia Kolibova

Join me and my guest Petia Kolibova as we dish on what it truly means to be magnetic online and more importantly HOW to create it so we can stand out to the types of clients we want to attract and be a match for the type of business our souls came here to build. We also deep dive into comparison, embracing our own unique edge, finding our voice and talking about the REAL work required on a path like this. We leave no stone unturned today, loves! Petia Kolibova Burns is an abundance and light activation coach who guides women to intuitively connect with their inner vision so they can experience personal and professional magnetism and become unapologetically abundant. Her mission is to empower visionaries who are on the path to embody their fullest self-expression to soulfully expand into a quantum leap in all dimensions of their lives. Petia gives immense clarity + exact steps to unlock women’s divine feminine and abundance mindset. Through subconscious work as a certified breathwork facilitator, reiki, NLP & Human Design practitioner, she leads her 6 and 7 figure clients to their next level in life and business. Abundance activation process Magnetic mama freebie masterclass Abundantly Aligned Biz


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Ep 202: Nothing Is More Important In Your Coaching Business Than Your Personal & Spiritual Transformation

Because we can only take someone as far as we’ve been willing to go. We can only lead to someone as far as we’ve been willing to lead ourselves. Today we’re talking about one of the most important elements of your business. And no, it’s not your marketing, captions or niche. It’s your own personal transformation. This is the beating heart of an embodied business. And it’s also the piece that’s the easiest to forget in the sea of Instagram coaching stars and pressure to perform. But today I’m bringing you back. Get ready to be moved, called forward and reminded of why you’re here. 💫 Click Here To Join Us Inside luminaries 💫 Follow me on Instagram:


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Ep 201: The 3 Core Pillars Of A Successful Embodied Business

The question I get asked the most when support women in starting, building and growing their biz... But HOW? I have this vision on my heart. I have this calling to do this work. This fire in my belly to take everything I’ve learned, grown from and healed and help people create the same transformation I have. But how? How do I start the business; grow the business? How do I know what steps to take, what to focus on, how to make it all work? I want to support you in the how today. I’m sharing the 3 core pillars that have allowed me to continue to grow my biz year after year since 2018, deepen my impact and become a version of me I used to see in my dreams along with some practical steps to take as well. And finally, I would LOVE to invite you to join me inside of luminaries. Click here for details, the vibe and to join!


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Ep 200: My Biggest And Most Recent Lessons In Life And Business

I wanted to do something special for our 200th episode and what better way to celebrate than to give you a behind the scenes look at some of my biggest and most recent lessons in both business and life. My intention in sharing these with you is to hold a mirror for you to see the lesson, breakthrough and piece of wisdom that’s meant to come through for you today. I walk you through 5 things that are a mix of deep spiritual lessons as well as some more grounded and practical lessons as well. Thank you for being here to celebrate 200 with me! Let’s dive in! Follow me on IG: Apply to work with me one on one:


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Ep 199: Money Mindset & The Energetics Of Aligned Sales

We really can't talk about making more sales and calling in more clients inside of our businesses without at least dabbling into money mindset. This is a little crash course for you that I pulled from my program, Aligned Sales. I added this as one of the bonus modules because I wanted everyone who takes the program to have an understanding of the basics when it comes to money mindset and ultimately expanding our consciousness (and our capacity) to receive more. And I want you, too, to begin prioritizing your money mindset and relationship with money so your business and YOU can thrive. If you just focused on ONE of the pieces in the little 3 step process I share in this episdoe so much would change. Have fun with this and remember, it's a journey that never ends. To purchase Aligned Sales click here!! 💸 Here are some of my favorite books/resources on money mindset and financial empowerment: Rick As Fu*K by Amanda Frances Get Rich Lucky Bitch by Denise Duffield-Thomas It's Not Your Money by Tosha Silver You're A Basass At Making Money by Jen Sincero Money And The Law Of Attraction by Abraham Hicks The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra Also--ANYTHING from Abraham. Anything. They have changed my entire life and continue to change it everyday. YouTube has an ABUNDANCE of videos that you will love and will change YOU forever. Say it with me: People love me and my work. People value what I have to say. People want to work with me. People want to pay me for my gifts. I can do this. I can make money doing this, a LOT of money doing this WHILE I change lives. It's working. It's happening. I'm doing it. THANK YOU.


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Ep 198: A Healthy Amount Of Delusion Is Required In Pursuit Of Our Deepest Desires

The word delusional often has a negative meaning attached to it but isn’t this what’s required of us? Isn’t this what’s being asked of us in many ways? To believe in something bigger than our current reality. To hold our vision despite what our circumstances are reflecting back. To continue to show up and hold the line, have faith, be persistent even in the face of adversity and challenge? If you look at some of the most impactful people in history, nothing they built came easy. They were told no. Denied. They failed. Over and over. Had people doubt and question them. Got back up time and time again when maybe someone else would’ve chosen to throw in the towel. Let’s unpack this today. Because you don’t have to be Oprah or want to be on the world’s stage to make a huge difference. But in the pursuit of a bigger vision, we will absolutely have moments where being “delusional” is required and even being asked of us by the Universe. I am also sharing a tangible, little 3 step process in how to offset the delusion as you’re building the vessel that’s able to hold what you desire. My intention in sharing this is to inspire to you think bigger, to hold the line, AND give you some practical things to do while you’re in the pursuit of the business, goals, desire, and life that is undoubtedly YOURS. Follow me on IG: Apply to work with me one on one:


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Ep 197: Navigating Failure And Disappointment And Spinning Pure Gold From It

In today’s episode we’re walking right up to THE THING we’re most afraid of on a path towards greater alignment, fulfillment, and success…failure and disappointment. Because our fear of these things often keep us from living our life full out. Avoidance of discomfort and pain keeps us from stretching ourselves into our fullest potential and really going for it especially inside of our work/businesses. What if you weren’t afraid of “failure?” What if you stopped avoiding the disappointment and discomfort and allowed yourself to step all the way in and see the true potential that you hold? What if experiencing and feeling all of these things was the exact process you were meant to go through to move you into your next level? And what if you had a rock solid process in place for the next time you brushed up against disappointment that allowed you to come out on the other side being better, feeling better, and holding the wisdom that would carry you beyond anything you thought was possible? Let’s talk about it. Follow me on IG: Apply to work with me 1:1:


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Ep 196: My monthly, Weekly & Daily To-Do List As A Successful Coach & Woman Of Impact

In today’s episode I’m walking you step by step through my very simple process in how I set up my week inside of my business--my actions, decisions, content, programs, ideas, etc. We're also going deeper and looking at how I set up my weeks, months, and ultimately how I take a beautiful zoomed out look at my bigger vision and how I, day to day, stay aligned and on track with that vision. Because I know women like you. You’ve got a big vision. You have a calling on your heart. You’re here to do impactful, life changing work. You have ideas, passion, fire in your belly. Aaaaaanddd… in the same breath it can be challenging to reel all of this in. How do we do this? How on that day to day level to we actually move closer towards our vision. What steps do I take? What process can I put in place? Let’s go there. ACCESS ATTRACTION HERE!! CLICK HERE TO JOIN ALIGNED SALES To learn more about 1:1 business mentoring and coaching, click here.


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Ep 195: How To Navigate Resistance And Still Hold The Momentum

When we look at people who have built the kind of business, impact, and success we desire it’s easy to look at them and think what got them there is their shiny IG grid, thousands of followers, on brand photoshoots, years of experience, etc. While all of these things do have their place, there’s something else, a fundamental piece of what it takes to build success… Our ability to hold momentum. A.k.a. our power, to hold the line and hold our vision. Especially before the results are in. Especially in the moments where it doesn’t feel ease and it’s the last thing you feel like doing. Especially in the moments when you’re being challenged and tested. This is what’s happening behind the scenes with the women you look at and think, “How does she do it?” It’s this. And it’s something that can be learned, build and shaped within you. Today I’m sharing one of the 21+ riffs that are inside of Momentum Mastery, a 3 week experience that supports you in how to build unshakable momentum and power both inside of your business and outside of your business. We get into how to navigate the tough spots on this journey, what to do, what to shift ad who you can be so that you learn that you don’t have to unplug. That no matter what you have the power and the choice to stay in and the stream of momentum is always available for you. Here’s how to do it. To purchase Momentum Mastery at the special rate for my AW Podcast audience only, click the link below and use coupon code MOMENTUM at checkout. CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE MOMENTUM MASTERY FOR $22!! At checkout use coupon code: MOMENTUM Click here to follow + reach out to me on IG


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Ep 194: Navigating Slumps And Plateaus In Business And How To Bounce Back

Today I want to create a powerful reframe around business “slumps” and plateaus that will indeed shift the way you hold these moments moving forward. Because… What if there was nothing wrong? What if there was nothing to “fix?” What if there wasn't actualy a problem for you to dig into and control? Instead, what if this was a very natural and healthy part of business? What if your work was to actually learn how to hold more power? And what would be possible, who could you be if you learned to hold this kind of power? Let's go there. Click here to purchase Momentum Mastery Follow me on IG: Apply to work with me one on one: Access the free Online Presence training here:


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Ep 193: The Codes To Your Next Quantum Leap

Ooohhhh the quantum leap. How often do we long for one, hope for one, shoot for one. It’s like this mystical fairy tale that we sometimes feel like we can’t touch or crack…until we do. I am currently in the midst of one of the biggest quantum leaps since 2018 so what better time than to crack this open with you. Today we are going to demystify quantum leaps and ground a concept that feel quite elusive, as if it's only reserved for the special ones but definitely not us. I’m sharing a very raw behind the scenes glimpse at the growth I’ve had both personally and in my business and walking you through exactly what got me here. Step by step. I’m also offering up some questions and shifts that have the power to change the trajectory of your results, business, and leadership as well as some of my own golden nuggets if you, too, feel you are in gearing up to leapppppp! Join me insdie of Aligned Sales: Follow me on IG: Apply to work with me one on one:


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Ep 192: The Biggest Mindset Shift Around Selling & Promoting That Will Skyrocket Your Income

One of the biggest edges for you: Owning what you do, promoting your work, being seen in your brilliance and selling your services. This is the gap I’ve helped close with many of my clients and one I had to close myself to be able to take to truly take my business to the next level. A level where I was able to take my dream business full time, make more money than I ever thought was possible in an insanely short period of time, work with incredible clients and do the work my Soul came here to do. In this episode I’m walking you through some powerful mindset shifts and some signature Keri Kugler fire to activate and support you around sales, showing up online, promoting your work and being seen. Let’s get into it. Listen to Ep 184: The Power That Lives In Your Decision Follow me on IG: Apply to work with me one on one: Join my free training on how to start + grow an email list: Access the free Online Presence training here:


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Ep 191: Reprogramming The Subconscious Mind For Greater Success & Deeper Embodiment With Jena Sophia

Today me and my guest, Jena Sophia, deep dive into the subconscious mind and the role it plays in creating the life, success and happiness we deeply desire. We get into: - What the subconscious mind actually is and how important it is when wanting to create lasting transformation and change. - Why it can feel so hard to change, why we continue to repeat pattern that we know aren’t serving us when all we want is to evolve. - How to navigate the void - the space between where you are right now and where you want to go/who you want to be. a.k.a. How to collapse time! - Tangible tools on how to work with and reprogram the subconscious mind to create success, peace, fulfillment and embodiment of who you came here to be. Follow Jena on IG: Join The Upgrade wait list: Jena Sophia is an internationally renowned Subconscious Specialist and Energy Healer. She has worked with thousands of people from Celebrities, Creatives, Fortune 500 CEOs, Forbes 30 under 30 Entrepreneurs and Billionaires. After curing incurable chronic illness using the power of her mind, she now uses these tools to guide high performers to activate their untapped energetic and physical potential so that they can create exponential growth and balance in all areas of their lives.


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Ep 190: Deconditioning The Not-Self To Live From True Self With Cole Bombino

Today me and my guest, Cole Bombino, deep dive into the process of deconditioning the not-self to live from True Self so we can create the life, business, success, happiness, and abundance we desire. We talk about: What the deconditioning process is from the lens of Human Design and the importance of this process when learning to live your design. The different layers of the not-self, how it shows up for your unique design and more importantly, how to see it as the gift it truly is. The sacredness of the Solar Plexus center and how this particular center is “under construction” for all of us right now. Cole talks about how this is a time in history where we’re all being called to look at our emotions, relationships, our connection to Spirit and ourselves—that place that lives beyond the mind. We are sending you so much love. Get Your Free Chart: Discover the Superpowers of Your Solar Plexus: Free 15 Min Human Design Session plus 10 minute Q&A with Cole: Bio: Cole Bombino is helping people come home to themselves. She is a Living Design Guide on a mission to catalyze transformation, both in herself and in others. Since she was a little girl, she's been asking the deeper questions and has been curious about the mysteries and adventures available for us to explore. Being a highly sensitive empath and intuitive, she's always been connected to people and what makes them tick. These innate aspects in her created an untraditional path. She began exploring the Mind, Body, Emotional, Soul, and Spirit experience at a young age. Over the last 20 years she's studied Human Design, Yoga, Meditation, Integrative Health, Energy Work, Emotional Embodiment, Cathartic Release Work, Shadow Work, and more. The intention behind her work is for all of us to live out our uniqueness, to see our gifts, and to discover a love in being who we are designed to be.


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Ep 189: How To Stop Getting Friend Zoned By Your Audience & Start Attracting Clients Who Are Ready To Invest

Hearing things like, “Oh you’re so inspiring. I love your posts,” are great. Our ego loves it. We get validated, it feels good, but let’s be honest it doesn’t pay the bills. To truly create the kind of success that’s available to you, you’ve got to get out of the friend zone. You’ve got to be unafraid to shake things up and stop trying so hard to be relatable. Because the truth: Your people don’t need you to be relatable. They don’t need you to be their friend. They need you in your power and in your leadership. That’s what this episode is about. We’re talking energetics, embodiment and identity work, along with the strategy and tangible stops to implement in your business to move you out the friend zone, and into a woman of impact. If this conversation activates you, you have to join me inside of my free 5 day training, Attraction where I’m going to be teaching you my exact system in how to master the art of effortless client attraction and how to skyrocket your confidence inside of your business. This training is going to blow your mind and if you take what you learned and implement it, everything will change for you. I guarantee it. The link to join is below. CLICK HERE TO JOIN ATTRACTION!!


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Ep 188: Growing Your Human To Grow Your Business With Amber Hagberg

I’m so excited to introduce my guest, Amber Hagberg. Amber is pure light and brings so much depth and heart to her work. A true leader. Today we dive into the topic of growing your Human to grow your business. We cover: How to discern when you’re in a place where you’re ready to grow and how/where to begin. Growing ourselves and stepping deeper to our alignment and leadership to in turn grow our biz. Turning our business into a devotion. The Truth that it takes time to build a successful business and how to navigate The Void. Tangible steps to growing your audience and connecting deeper with your soul clients. Amber Hagberg is the costa rica jungle mama empowering and holding space for multi-passionate, ambitious, impact driven leaders to open their hearts even deeper, tune into their mission, and connect deeply to the clients they dream to serve. She's here to inspire you, to take time for yourself so you can be the leader in your life and business, the one who stands out and thrives. Amber is the guide showing you what you already have inside of you, to create wealth from the inside out. Join the CEO Ripple Collective: Follow Amber on IG: Listen to Aplified Impact:


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Ep 187: Attracting Clients With Ease

Even at the earliest stages of my business, attracting soul-aligned clients who were an absolute DREAM to work with, who were more than happy to invest and do the work, was something I could do on repeat. Not because I had a ton of experience, a massive following, complicated funnels or a shiny strategy. My secret sauce to my magnetism and client attraction goes deeper than that and in this episode I’m lifting the curtain on just what that is and inviting you to step into it, too. Apply to work with me one on one: Book your Social Media Strategy Session: Follow me on IG:


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Ep 186: A Fresh, Empowering Spin On Niching Down That Will Create More Clients, Confidence & Impact

If the term “niche down” makes you want to contract and never get on social media again 😜 you’ve found your episode, babe! I could never get behind these common coaching “should’s.” Ideal client, niche, avatar…no, no, NO. Idk about you but I’ve always felt like my work didn’t belong in a box or a perfectly crafted “I help” statement. I crave depth, human connection and SOUL. But here’s the thing, my act of rebellion (and ultimate procrastination) around getting more focused and clear around who I’m here to help, the kinds of women I desire to work with and how I’m meant to serve did NOT serve my business at all! Nor does it serve the women who come into work with me who want to grow their business, deepen their impact, work with incredible clients and make more money who also resist the idea that maaaaaybe they need to dial in on their messaging. For women like us, we just gotta be led to that clarity and precision in a different way. The stale, bro marketing and super masculine way of doing business doesn’t work for us—and that is a-OK! In today’s conversation I’m walking you through how to gain clarity on exactly who you’re meant to help, who you desire to BE online, what you want to be a stand for and how you’re meant to lead your people. But we’re IN to fin these answers and are putting a fresh spin on the word “niche.” I promise after this episode you will never look at this word the same again! Let’s get to WERK!! Click here to book your Social Media Strategy Session. Click here for private coaching details and application. Follow me on Instagram:


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Ep 185: Allowing Yourself To Really Go For It

I can’t wait to share this episode with you. It’s for the women with big dreams, with a fire in her belly and a deep inner knowing that she’s meant to do this work. That she’s meant for something BIG. But for whatever reason she has not been fully allowing herself to really go for it. She’s been hesitating, wavering, operating at only a fraction of what she’s capable of and if she’s honest with herself…she knows it’s true. But she also knows that her soul didn’t come here to play it safe. Her soul didn’t come here to only play be half way in. She came here to leave a mark. To make a difference. To be an example of what’s possible. This conversation is the call back to what your soul came here to do. I dare you to not get activated by this conversation. Let’s take it there. Apply for private coaching and mentorship here. Follow me on IG: Access the free Online Presence training here:


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Ep 184: The Power That Lives In Your Decision

Today it all gets to change. Today you get to declare your success and choose to tell the story the way you want it to be. You get to decide what you're available for, how you want to feel, how you want to show up and what gets to be True (capital T) for you. And it starts today. It start with this one conversation, right here. Click here to purchase MOMENTUM MASTERY for $55.00!! Follow me on IG: Check out my website + learn more about me: Access the free Online Presence training here:
