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Keeping It Centered

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

This podcast is for women who want to keep God at the center of their marriage, their role as a mom, and while making a difference in the lives of others.


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This podcast is for women who want to keep God at the center of their marriage, their role as a mom, and while making a difference in the lives of others.



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I'm Not What I Do: The Truth About My Identity (season finale)

As a sophomore in high school, I decided to join the cross country team because I didn’t have to try out! Rejection was more than I could handle during the first year of being at a boarding school that was two states away from my family. I thought I was going to die during my first few practices but by God’s grace, I eventually improved and ended up thoroughly enjoying running long distance. Track, on the other hand, wasn’t in my wheelhouse. (You’ll have to listen to today’s episode to know...


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How to Share Your Story with Others

When I was a little girl, my love for words and stories began through trips to our local and school libraries. When my mom was at a hair salon, sometimes, I’d even hit the jackpot and find a book left behind that I could read. I also loved Sunday School and how my teachers shared Bible stories with my peers and me. Stories have the power to make you feel less lonely and more understood. They can take you to galaxies far away or give you hard truths from your favorite motivational...


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How Adopting a Sibling Group Changed My Life

I didn't grow up hearing much about adoption. Honestly, I can only pinpoint one time I did as a young girl. That's when my dad (I never call him 'step dad') and mom brought it up briefly. As I got older, I saw the commercials about sending money monthly to help take care of children in parts of the globe I'd never heard of before. Then, about 5 years ago, my family started attending the church where we currently worship. There are so many families in our congregation who have chosen to...


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The Importance of Boundaries as an Entrepreneur

Setting boundaries is so important. One reason is that it helps protect our mental health. When we allow ourselves to be slaves to the lack mentality or hustle culture, we open the doors for stress, fear, and a host of other issues to run amuck in our lives. God didn't call us to live overwhelmed, chaotic lives. In Him, we can find rest and peace--even as entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship may look glamourous but trust me, many entrepreneurs will let you know all that glitters ain't gold!...


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5 Practical Ways to Care for Your Kid's Mental Health

Children oftentimes get a bad wrap. We tell them they've got ‘the easy life’ and how many of us adults would love to switch places with them. The problem, however, is that children go through tough times, too. However, many don't take their issues seriously. Last week, we shared how important it is to take care of yourself physically and mentally. It's also equally important that our kiddos learn to take care of their physical and mental health, too. In this episode, we chat...


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Mental Health Matters, Mama

Mental health is still a touchy subject in many circles--even though it's 2021. No one wants to look as if they don't have it all together but the truth is, who does? What I can tell you is that God cares about you from the inside out, sis. You don't have to do anything to be loved or accepted by Him. He made you and you're good enough for Him. While you're keeping track of extracurricular activities, grocery runs, your job, and everything in between don't forget to take care of yourself....


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Hope for Suicidal Thoughts

Losing a loved one is never easy. However, when a loved one chooses to end their life, that can add to the sting of loss. Heather Palacios knows all too well what it’s like to struggle with suicidal thoughts. She’s been on this journey since she was 8 years old and God has allowed her to use her life experiences to help others through their mental afflictions, too. Oftentimes, many of us are afraid to share our struggles with others. We fear what they will think, say or do. But Heather’s...


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How to Look & Feel Your Best

Blown out diapers, grass stains from soccer games, and hurled spaghetti. These are just a few things we ladies encounter along our motherhood journey. Who has time to put together outfits you’d see former First Lady, Michelle Obama rockin’ when you’re busy cleaning up and running to multiple extracurricular activities? Listen, I hear you and I see you, mama. That’s why I’m so glad I had the opportunity to chat with Personal Stylist, Melanie Kendall. She’s a wife, mom, and entrepreneur with...


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Being Black and Christian in America

The United States has come a long way in terms of equality; however, we still have much more work to do, as evidenced by the recent shooting of Daunte Wright, an unarmed Black man. So many men and women have fought and continue to do so to make life better for all people. For those individuals, including this week's guest, Dr. Quantrilla Ard, I'm deeply grateful. Over the past few years, I've come to realize there seems to be a divide within the Black community, in particular. Every...


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Strengthen Your Faith Through Bible Journaling

I’ve got to admit that the initial Bible journaling craze threw me for a loop! I didn’t understand why anyone would want to draw and color in their Bible. Don’t get me wrong—I love a good doodle and I actually used to draw a bit back in the day. It’s just that I grew up in an environment where I was taught the Bible is sacred and highlighting was the most I’d seen anyone do in their Bible. That’s why I’m so glad my friend, Jen was able to chat with me about some myths and misconceptions...


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Reflecting on 2020

It's the end of the year and I'm sure you've seen your fair share of 2020 memes, many of which have a "good riddance" vibe. Rightfully so, there are undeniably several examples of things that sideswiped many of us. However, there's also a lot of good that came out of this year, too. In this year's final episode, we reflect on: Bible References Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if...


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Trusting God as a Film Maker with MS (season finale)

We are SO excited to have Dija Henry as our guest for this final episode of season four (don’t worry, we’ll be back in the Spring with fresh new testimonies from AH-MAZING women of faith)! Dija’s a wife, mama to three, an actress, filmmaker, and most importantly, a woman of God. Dija’s journey to becoming a filmmaker is unlike any we’ve ever heard but there are lots of similarities with which many of us can easily identify. Take marriage, motherhood, and life with MS for example. Many think...


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Beating Stage 4 Cancer While Running a PR Firm

With the normal ins and outs of daily life, none of us would question why we feel tired or have a cough. Neither did Lindsey. She later found out the reason why she started feeling badly was because her body had been fighting against cancer. This twenty-something was also juggling the responsibilities that come along with full-time entrepreneurship. By God’s grace, she’s still here today to continue doing the work she feels called to do—helping brands leverage media exposure to meet the...


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When Infertility and Adoption are Part of God's Plan

As a little girl, I remember dreaming about what my wedding day would look like, who I’d marry, and how many kiddos I’d have. It never occurred to me that there’s a possibility some families may experience difficulty in conceiving children. In the past few years, I’ve been exposed to stories of multiple families in this situation. As a result, some families choose to adopt. However, there are many nuances to the adoption process. That’s why I’m so glad Amanda joins us this week to share her...


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One Thing You Need to Lead Well

God has given each of us gifts, talents, and strengths. We also have limitations. Joy teaches women how to take this knowledge and apply it to their lives so they can lead well in ministry, business, and life. In our chat today, we explore: “Leading well begins with leading ourselves well. ” - Joy Canupp BIBLE REFERENCES Yet He often withdrew to deserted places and prayed. - Luke 5:16 HCSB Immediately He made the disciples get into the boat and go before him to the other side, while he...


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5 Life Changing Prayer Principles

There's a misconception that if you've been in church for a while, you should know how to pray. However, that isn't always the case. For one reason or another, there are some individuals who either don't know how to pray or who don't feel as if they know how to do it properly. This can cause many to forego praying altogether, unfortunately. In today's chat, Pamela D. Smith shares with us: If you've struggled with praying or want to learn how, pull up a chair and get ready to take notes on...


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Trusting God & Healing From a Miscarriage

Forrest Gump tried to tell us years ago that life is like one of those mixed chocolate boxes where you’re not really sure which flavor you’ll end up consuming. The older I become, the more I realize how true this simple analogy is. Sometimes we have a plan of what we want our life to look like but God has a different vision in mind. Life then becomes a journey of unlearning lies and toxic thoughts and instead one of learning the lessons God knows we need the most. That’s what we explore...


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Practical Ways to Raise Prayerful Kids

As a recovering perfectionist, I’ve wondered at times if I’m qualified enough to be a mother to my three incredible daughters. Sarah and Steph remind us that perfectionism isn’t a requirement for parenting. Instead, we need a heart that puts God first. Modeling this behaviour and mindset shift is so critical to helping our kiddos adopt beliefs that are aligned with God’s truth. Sarah and Steph also drop many more gems to help you disciple your kiddos. They share: “One of the best lessons...


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When Pain Leads to Purpose

2020 has been quite an eventful year. We've lost so many people we love and admire. Many have lost jobs, businesses, and homes, too. There's been so much pain and loss. Chadwick Boseman reminded us, however, that our struggles and pains are meant to shape us for our purpose. It's never fun going through tough times but these moments help prune us. To become the women God's called us to be will require us to die to our flesh daily and to take up our cross and follow Him wholeheartedly. In...


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Encouragement for the Weary Mom

Motherhood is a gift from God and a life-long ministry. Each stage has its own set of wonders and growing pains. And if we're honest, moms need someone to encourage them, too. This episode is for you if: You're gonna need to take notes on this episode for sure so grab a pen and paper. Let God speak life into you today as Brandy shares words of hope and encouragement for the weary mom. “We cannot make our faith a checkbox.” - Brandy McDonald Scripture to meditate on: Commit your...
