English in Brazil Podcasts - sua dose de ingles a qualquer momento-logo

English in Brazil Podcasts - sua dose de ingles a qualquer momento

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Acompanhe nossos três programas: "Starting Up", com conteúdos para o nível iniciante, "Way Ahead", para quem já está mais avançado e preparado para acompanhar um conteúdo 100% em inglês, e "The Blah Blah Spot", programa em que os teachers Carina Fragozo e Fábio Emerim batem um papo sobre algum assunto relacionado à língua inglesa em português, em inglês, ou em uma mistura dos dois idiomas.


United States


Acompanhe nossos três programas: "Starting Up", com conteúdos para o nível iniciante, "Way Ahead", para quem já está mais avançado e preparado para acompanhar um conteúdo 100% em inglês, e "The Blah Blah Spot", programa em que os teachers Carina Fragozo e Fábio Emerim batem um papo sobre algum assunto relacionado à língua inglesa em português, em inglês, ou em uma mistura dos dois idiomas.



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Speaking in Brazil #06 - Os cursos de inglês online funcionam? | Ft. Lilian Bittencourt

Será que é possível aprender inglês em curso online, ou será que a onda passou? E as escolas tradicionais de idiomas, será que funcionam? Como é criar e gravar um curso online? E as semanas gratuitas de inglês, ainda existem? Eu e a Teacher Lilian Bittencourt, da Fluency Academy, falamos sobre tudo isso neste episódio do Speaking in Brazil!


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Starting Up | Episode 108 - Resumão Salva-Vidas da Terceira Pessoa do Singular

O Starting Up volta à ativa hoje com o teacher Fábio Emerim falando TUDO sobre a terceira pessoa do singular! Vem junto pra colar na cachola! Texto, edição e apresentação - Teacher Fábio Emerim EBOOK SOBRE PRONÚNCIA - https://eibrazil.com/GMQX NOSSO PERFIL OFICIAL NO INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/englishinbrazil


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Behind the Language | Episode 54 - Why Atlanta?

In this episode of BTL, we will talk about this place that has been on my mind for quite some time. Y’all already know that I love the south and I always bring up Texas and Virginia, because they are places where I lived, but why Atlanta? https://lp.englishinbrazil.com.br/pronunciation-masters/video/


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The Blah Blah Spot | Episode 09 - Inglês no Mundo da Moda participação - Steal The Look

(Episódio original respostado e corrigido porque tivemos problemas com direitos autorais de uma música) Prepare o look pra mergulhar no mundo do inglês na moda com as nossas convidadas especialíssimas Manuela Bordasch e Aline Santos do portal Steal the Look!


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Behind the Language | Episode 53 - Plans will help you live better

In this episode of BTL, we will talk about the importance of planning your life. Having dreams and set-up plans will help you live more comfortably and excitedly. Knowing that you’ll soon be accomplishing something, going on a trip, celebrating your birthday, or simply visiting a friend will help you want to get there. So, let’s talk about it. https://lp.englishinbrazil.com.br/pronunciation-masters/video/


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Speaking in Brazil #05 - Faculdade de Letras, Mestrado e Doutorado: novos caminhos

O papo hoje é sobre vida acadêmica e novos caminhos para o profissional de Letras. Arthur Santana, PhD em Linguística pela USP e linguista sênior em uma empresa de tecnologia, fala sobre suas experiências e perrengues no mestrado e doutorado, sobre novas oportunidades para linguistas na área da tecnologia e sobre sua experiência estudando na UCLA, universidade de Los Angeles. De verdade: o papo está super leve e informativo. Have fun!


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Way Ahead | Episode 129 - Rock and Roll, Records and Life

In this episode teacher Fabio Emerim has a chat with the great journalist and radio host from Rio Grande do Sul Daniel Scola. He talks about music, life and the most difficult battle he has ever fought. Apresentação e edição: Fábio Emerim www.instagram.com/teacher_fabioemerim NOSSO PERFIL OFICIAL NO INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/englishinbrazil Podcasts do ScolaCrônicas da Máfia https://open.spotify.com/show/7stlgJh45d8062dNQ3AJtH?si=70d927c2144f41d1 Sessão Extraordinária https://open.spotify.com/show/1049t6VzaoZUaMKW9G02CD?si=117754fce9474d1a


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Speaking in Brazil #04 - O BRASIL na visão de um AMERICANO

Neste episódio do Speaking in Brazil, Tim Explica, um americano que encontrou seu lar no Brasil, fala sobre as diferenças culturais entre os dois países. Como ele aprendeu português? Por que escolheu morar no Brasil? O que tem de pior e melhor no Brasil? Além disso, comentamos sobre sua carreira como um dos primeiros gringos famosos na internet brasileira. Também tem saudade dos primeiros vídeos do Tim? Vem conferir o nosso papo! Se inscreva no NOVO CANAL de cortes: https://www.youtube.com/@SpeakinginBrazil-Cortes


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Speaking in Brazil #03 - Os segredos para crescer na internet em 2024

Todos os dias somos bombardeados por ofertas de aulas, cursos online e anúncios. Neste episódio do Speaking in Brazil, a especialista em crescimento digital Isabela Matte conta os segredos para crescer e se destacar na internet. Por onde começar? Qual a melhor plataforma? Qual a melhor rede social? Como ganhar seguidores? Como viver de internet? Por que professores deveriam ter uma presença online? Tudo isso e muito mais neste episódio! Se inscreva no NOVO CANAL de cortes: https://www.youtube.com/@SpeakinginBrazil-CortesO-rc1lo


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Behind the Language | Episode 52 - The Beatles is kinda cool, innit

In this episode of BTL, I will share with y’all one of my personal old dislikes that turned into one of my new likes because of a simple decision of living new experiences and also because of some things that have influenced me to change my mind. Are you a Beatles fan? Do you like them? Do you hate them? Do you find them overrated? Well, let’s talk about it. https://lp.englishinbrazil.com.br/pronunciation-masters/video/


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Way Ahead | Episode 128 - Listening Practice with News

So here Fabio Emerim strikes again with 7 headlines that had people talk about in the past few days! Here are the link for the news: https://www.newsinlevels.com/products/people-trash-many-clothes-level-3/ https://www.newsinlevels.com/products/japans-low-birth-rate-level-3/ https://www.newsinlevels.com/products/nose-surgery-for-cocaine-users-level-3/ https://www.newsinlevels.com/products/too-much-electronic-waste-level-3/ https://www.newsinlevels.com/products/people-do-not-agree-with-eu-migration-policy-level-3/ https://www.newsinlevels.com/products/princess-of-wales-has-cancer-level-3/ https://www.newsinlevels.com/products/notre-dame-may-open-this-year-level-3/ Apresentação e edição: Fábio Emerim www.instagram.com/teacher_fabioemerim Música: The Visit - The Black Moth Project (Fábio Emerim) NOSSO PERFIL OFICIAL NO INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/englishinbrazil


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Speaking in Brazil #02 - Polêmicas da língua portuguesa

No segundo episódio do Speaking in Brazil, mergulhamos nas polêmicas envolvendo a língua portuguesa, abordando questões como linguagem neutra (o famoso "todes"), preconceito linguístico, falhas de interpretação e análise de pedidos de desculpas dos famosos, como Wanessa Camargo e Neymar. Nossa convidada é a professora Ms. Carolina Jesper, do Português é legal, que elegantemente aborda cada um desses temas. Se inscreva no NOVO CANAL de cortes: https://www.youtube.com/@SpeakinginBrazil-Cortes


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Speaking in Brazil #01 - Desvendando a tradução: profissão tradutor e intérprete

No episódio de estreia do Speaking in Brazil Podcast, mergulhamos no fascinante mundo da tradução e interpretação, explorando as diferenças entre o Português e o Inglês. Reuni dois renomados tradutores profissionais, Ulisses Carvalho e Daniel Bonatti, para um papo sobre os desafios, estratégias e curiosidades por trás da arte de traduzir. Se inscreva no NOVO CANAL de cortes no YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@SpeakinginBrazil-Cortes


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Way Ahead | Episode 127 - What Happened to Kate Middleton?

If you were on this planet in the last few weeks you’ve heard of the strange disappearance of Princess Kate Middleton. And as a good controversial topic, of course, I must talk about it on our podcast! Be sure to check the text on our blog: https://englishinbrazil.com.br/2024/03/legenda-para-acompanhar-o-episodio-127-do-podcast-way-ahead-what-happened-to-kate-middleton.html Apresentação texto e edição: Fábio Emerim www.instagram.com/teacher_fabioemerim NOSSO PERFIL OFICIAL NO INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/englishinbrazil


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Behind the Language | Episode 51 - Greatness is not for everybody

In this episode of BTL, we will focus on this man who unfortunately died in a helicopter accident. He was there with his daughter Gigi and some other people. RIP y’all. However, he, Kobe Bryant, wrote a book called Mamba Mentality that has changed the lives of so many people including mine. Ready? https://lp.englishinbrazil.com.br/pronunciation-masters/video/


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Behind the Language | Episode 50 - Well, this is 50!

In this episode of BTL, I want to talk to y’all about the importance of an artist in my life with English. Since this is episode 50, let’s talk a little bit about Curtis Jackson, also known as 50 Cent. He’s played a very important role in the beginning of my career. I’m sure you know him and some of his songs. https://lp.englishinbrazil.com.br/pronunciation-masters/video/


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Way Ahead | Episode 126 - Twenty Idioms to Boost your Conversation

In this episode, teacher Fabio Emerim teaches you 20 idiomatic expressions that will add that special touch to your conversation.The idioms in this episode are: 1. Bite the bullet: • Meaning: To endure a painful or difficult situation with courage. • Example: "I have to bite the bullet and tell my boss that I'm resigning." 2. Break the ice: • Meaning: To initiate a conversation in a social setting, especially to relieve tension or awkwardness. • Example: "I tried to break the ice at the party by telling a funny joke." 3. Burn the midnight oil: • Meaning: To work late into the night or early morning hours. • Example: "I had to burn the midnight oil to meet the deadline for the project." 4. Cut to the chase: • Meaning: To get to the main point without unnecessary details. • Example: "Let's cut to the chase and discuss the budget for the upcoming event." 5. Hit the nail on the head: • Meaning: To describe exactly what is causing a situation or problem. • Example: "You really hit the nail on the head with your analysis of the market trends." 6. Jump on the bandwagon: • Meaning: To adopt a popular activity or trend. • Example: "After the success of the new diet plan, many people decided to jump on the bandwagon and try it themselves." 7. Kick the bucket: • Meaning: To die. • Example: "I can't believe he kicked the bucket so young; it's really sad." 8. Piece of cake: • Meaning: Something very easy to do. • Example: "Don't worry about the test; it's a piece of cake." 9. Spill the beans: • Meaning: To disclose a secret or reveal confidential information. • Example: "I can't believe you spilled the beans about the surprise party; now it's ruined!" 10. Under the weather: • Meaning: Feeling ill or not in good health. • Example: "I won't be able to make it to work today; I'm feeling a bit under the weather." 11. The ball is in your court: • Meaning: It's now your turn to take action or make a decision. • Example: "I've done everything I can to help you; now the ball is in your court to make a decision." 12. Caught between a rock and a hard place: • Meaning: Facing a difficult situation with no easy solution. • Example: "I'm caught between a rock and a hard place – I need to choose between two job offers, and both have their drawbacks." 13. Don't cry over spilled milk: • Meaning: Don't waste time worrying about things that have already happened and cannot be changed. • Example: "I accidentally deleted the important file, but there's no use crying over spilled milk. Let's figure out how to recover it." 14. Elbow grease: • Meaning: Hard work or physical effort. • Example: "Cleaning the garage will require some elbow grease, but it will be worth it in the end." 15. Every cloud has a silver lining: • Meaning: In every difficult situation, there is something positive. • Example: "Even though I lost my job, I'm trying to stay positive – every cloud has a silver lining, right?" 16. Hit the hay: • Meaning: To go to bed or go to sleep. • Example: "I'm exhausted; I think it's time to hit the hay." 17. Out of the blue: • Meaning: Something unexpected or happening without any warning. • Example: "I hadn't heard from her in months, and then out of the blue, she called me yesterday." 18. Throw in the towel: • Meaning: To give up or surrender in the face of adversity. • Example: "After hours of trying to fix the computer, I finally threw in the towel and called for professional help." 19. Turn a blind eye: • Meaning: To deliberately ignore or overlook something. • Example: "The manager decided to turn a blind eye to the minor rule violation this time." 20. Whole nine yards: • Meaning: Everything, the entire amount or extent. • Example: "When I bake cookies, I go the whole nine yards – homemade dough, various toppings, and a special presentation." Apresentação texto e edição: Fábio Emerim www.instagram.com/teacher_fabioemerim NOSSO PERFIL OFICIAL NO INSTAGRAM:...


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Behind the Language | Episode 49 - One Love, Thanks Bob Marley

In this episode of BTL, we will talk about Bob Marley, the language he spoke, his music, the movie, and so much more. How important was he politically? Have you ever heard of the Jamaican Patois or Patwa? Well, get ready to delve deep into the sinting, amazing Jamaican English. Ready to roll? https://lp.englishinbrazil.com.br/pronunciation-masters/video/


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Way Ahead | Episode 125 - After all, what the hell happened in Varginha in 1996?

In this episode, teacher Fabio Emerim invites you to take a closer look at the Varginha incident in 1996. Even if we agree that ET would be not possible, what the hell happened, anyway? A new documentary - Moment of Contact - shows a thorough approach to this case and makes you wonder if this was much more than a joke. The original text you’ll find on: https://nypost.com/2022/10/28/filmmaker-claims-video-exists-of-captured-alien-creature-from-brazil-ufo-incident/ Apresentação, texto introdutório e edição: Fábio Emerim www.instagram.com/teacher_fabioemerim NOSSO PERFIL OFICIAL NO INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/englishinbrazil


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Way Ahead | Episode 125 - After all, what the hell happened in Varginha in 1996?

In this episode, teacher Fabio Emerim invites you to take a closer look at the Varginha incident in 1996. Even if we agree that ET would be not possible, what the hell happened, anyway? A new documentary - Moment of Contact - shows a thorough approach to this case and makes you wonder if this was much more than a joke. The original text you’ll find on: https://nypost.com/2022/10/28/filmmaker-claims-video-exists-of-captured-alien-creature-from-brazil-ufo-incident/ Apresentação, texto introdutório e edição: Fábio Emerim www.instagram.com/teacher_fabioemerim NOSSO PERFIL OFICIAL NO INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/englishinbrazil
