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Think Courageously with Deb Cummins Stellato

Business & Economics Podcasts

The Think Courageously Podcast challenges successful women to find the courage to make pivots so that they can ignite their life Your host, Deb Cummins Stellato, will challenge you to explore your limited thinking on the “c” word… change. We’ll redefine and explore words like success, courage, and pivots.Each week, Deb, a certified life and leadership coach, will share her stories and insight into igniting energy from within, aimed at women looking to be the best version of themselves. Each month, I’ll ask a guest to join me in the conversation. I'll support you with:•examining your limiting beliefs around success, courage, and pivots•creating alignment in all aspects of your life•accessing new levels of energy•becoming exponentially more self-aware•owning your unique strengthsAs a kid, I had a poster on my wall with a quote from Helen Keller. "Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." Let's embrace the adventure of sparking potential together! Learn more at


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The Think Courageously Podcast challenges successful women to find the courage to make pivots so that they can ignite their life Your host, Deb Cummins Stellato, will challenge you to explore your limited thinking on the “c” word… change. We’ll redefine and explore words like success, courage, and pivots.Each week, Deb, a certified life and leadership coach, will share her stories and insight into igniting energy from within, aimed at women looking to be the best version of themselves. Each month, I’ll ask a guest to join me in the conversation. I'll support you with:•examining your limiting beliefs around success, courage, and pivots•creating alignment in all aspects of your life•accessing new levels of energy•becoming exponentially more self-aware•owning your unique strengthsAs a kid, I had a poster on my wall with a quote from Helen Keller. "Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." Let's embrace the adventure of sparking potential together! Learn more at



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Saying Goodbye and Looking Forward: Reflections from the Think Courageously Podcast

This episode marks the end of my podcast, Think Courageously. For three years, I’ve been discussing topics that center around women’s courage and resilience, and how to cultivate a courageous mindset. I’ve been privileged to speak with amazing women who have shared their stories of success, pivots and of course, courage. The podcast has been a perfect platform for me to reach out to other women as they embark on their own journey of growth and self-discovery. In this last episode, I want to take some time to reflect on the experience that this show has given me and what it has meant to me. One of the most important things that I learned from this experience is that each story of courage is unique. Including mine! The Think Courageously podcast may be ending but my mission remains the same—to Think Courageously! My company, Think Good Coaching & Consulting continues its mission by providing one-on-one and group coaching. Through these services I intend on continuing my work towards empowering more women everywhere! And I am committed to sharing the incredible stories and lessons learned through this show. Look for updates about the book I am committed to beginning in 2023. This final episode of Think Courageously marks an important milestone in my life—it is both an ending and a beginning at once! It has allowed me to connect with so many amazing people who have inspired me along the way. Although I am saying goodbye today, it doesn't mean that my work here is done—in fact, it only serves as motivation for future endeavors! So thank you for joining me on this journey – here's looking forward to more inspiring conversations ahead!


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The Silver Lining: Finding Peace in Life’s Journey with Michelle Zenie

In 2001 at the age of 3 years old, Michelle Zenie’s son was diagnosed with leukemia. Although he is now a successful 24 year old adult, Michelle knows that you can never go back from being a cancer mom. From 2005-2013, Michelle experienced profound grief as she lost 6 people in her life. In the midst of all of this was a difficult divorce. In her healing process, Michelle connected with the Pediatric Cancer Foundation of the Lehigh Valley as a volunteer. Since January 2014, Michelle has served as the agency's Executive Director. With personal experience in the world of pediatric cancer to back her professional expertise, In our conversation, the final installment of The Think Courageously Podcast, we discuss the silver linings found in every traumatic event. We explore what it feels like to be in the direct pathway of grief. Michelle shares her own lessons from living and leading with grief and loss. We talk about how life’s reality is that it is hard. To live a full life, we must appreciate how sadness and beauty are both part of our shared experiences. We talk about Michelle’s philosophy on healing from trauma which includes: Finally , we explore embracing the notion that we are all a mess. That we all have moments of not feeling good enough. Moments where we are battling imposter syndrome. And the power of finding grace in all of the ups and downs of our shared experiences. As the Executive Director of PCFLV, Michelle's passion for this cause, along with her business acumen, has helped her grow PCFLV into an award-winning organization and one of the Lehigh Valley's most well-respected non-profits. PCFLV helps over 300 families in the Greater Lehigh Valley area. In addition, she received the Lehigh Valley Business’ Women of Influence award in 2022. Her vision for PCFLV is to bring a compassionate network of resources and services to families during the most challenging time in their lives, while collaborating with Lehigh Valley businesses, organizations, and community partners. PCFLV works closely with Lehigh Valley Health Network to provide their pediatric oncology patients with programming and services and access to help with bills through the Family Assistance Fund. In her personal life, Michelle is blessed to be mom to three kids: Cole (a pediatric cancer survivor), Aidan, and Makenna. She is a Reiki Master, a Mindfulness and Meditation Teacher, and enjoys yoga, art, writing, hiking and travel with her kids and husband, Eric Rounds. Learn more about Pediatric Cancer Foundation of the Lehigh Valley at:


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The Katvolution with Katharina Stuerzl

Today, I welcome back our very own Katharina Stuerzl to The Think Courageously Podcast. This is another installment in our “The End of an Era…Conversations with Members of the Think Courageously Community”. Since our last recording, Kat has been on a major journey towards becoming the best version of herself. Kat has completed her certification as an iPEC coach. She is also an Amazon bestselling author, contributing a chapter in the collaborative book “Step Into Your Brave.” Our conversation today focuses on pivoting towards alignment…or what we call the “Katvolution.” In today’s conversation, we talk about how when you challenge yourself, you challenge the box that you’ve put yourself in. You lose the weight of expectations and show up in a place of choice. Kat shares the power of being brave enough to take responsibility for what we move towards. And, how our thoughts create our reality. We also talk about: Kat is a Certified Professional Coach and also has her SHRM Certification. As a coach, Kat empowers young professionals and leaders of various experience levels to leave the box of expectations, limiting beliefs and comfort behind. She is To learn more about Kat, visit “Mindset is a practice. Just because you make a step forward doesn’t mean that you cleaned up all the triggers…."


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Hello My Name is Awesome with Leanne Smith

Today, I welcome back Leanne Smith to The Think Courageously Podcast. This is another installment in our “The End of an Era…Conversations with Members of the Think Courageously Community.” You may remember that Leanne was my accountability partner in the “Elevate Your Voice” storytelling project. She is a coach, storyteller and dear friend. Since the launch of the book, Leanne’s story has evolved and blossomed. She is pivoting towards the most powerful version of herself. Her story today starts with this…Hello my name is ___ and I am a failure. In today’s show, we talk about what it takes to deny your inner critic and silence self doubt. For so long, Leanne was not able to show up as her authentic self. Her evolution is focused on how to dig deeper and claim her own personal happiness. She takes us on a very personal journey of a divorce and bankruptcy. And the moment she realized how self-doubt was claiming her future. Leanne describes when she knew that she needed to claim back her own power. In that moment she gave herself permission to unleash her awesomeness. “I was looking for failure and I needed to flip that switch.” Now, today she can say…”Hello My Name is Awesome." She shares some great insight into starting your day and planning for happiness. Leanne Smith is a life and self-esteem specialist that teaches you a piece-by-piece approach to living the life of your dreams, so you can create happy and successful days by using vision planning. She is the founder of Force of Happiness and an active leader inside her VIP women's membership Board of Masterminds. She also authors “The Happiness Report” substack. To learn more about Leanne visit:


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Take Up More Space with Vicki Capps

Welcome to our first installment of what I’m calling “The End of An Era…Stories from The Think Good Community.” Today, I welcome Vicki Grossman Capps. Vicki is trained as a therapist and is a licensed professional counselor, a licensed addiction counselor, a nationally certified therapist, an approved clinical supervisor and an EMDRIA certified trauma therapist. She has worked for nearly 19 years at a program within the District Attorney’s office that offers first time juvenile and adult offenders an alternative to formal court filing by going through a therapeutic counseling program and restorative justice process. At the heart of this episode is the story of one woman’s journey of survivorship. Vicki shares how being swept off her feet as a young professional in New York City set the stage for a marriage that looked promising to her (in all of the bright shiny ways that we can all relate to) and almost more importantly, to others. She talks about the emotional blackmailing that happens in abusive relationships and the final words that put her in a place of action. Vicki’s storytelling is powerful and courageous. She talks about trusting her gut. She also shares a very real internal questioning that happens with the brain of survivors…does my experience qualify as abuse? Was it “real”? And how this mindset contributes to not sharing our stories for fear of not being believed. By sharing her story, Vicki hopes to shine a light on issues of domestic violence with others. She also hopes that she can model the way for her teenage daughters as she owns and steps into her own think courageously moment. For more information on Vicki, visit: This episode of the Think Courageously podcast is brought to you by The Pivot Project…my signature group coaching program. Created for courageous women like you. The Pivot Project is a 6-month virtual group coaching program. Six months. A small tribe of courageous women ready for deep connection and a mindset transformation. Elevate your confidence. Get crystal clear on who you are and where you are headed. Build resilience. Think courageously. For more information on the Pivot Project, visit:


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Sick and Successful with Natalie Suppes

Natalie Suppes is a Mother, a Daughter, and a Wife. In 2007, she was diagnosed with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Crohn's). In today’s episode of The Think Courageously Podcast, Natalie shares her stories of redefining success, leaning towards pivots and living a courageous life. From her days of being a University student to walking away from a corporate gig while on maternity leave to the launch of her business (@SickandSuccessful) , Natalie provides us powerful insight into thinking courageously. And, what I’m calling Pivot Pops…those moments when you trust your intuition enough and make a quick pivot. As the owner of Sick and Successful, Natalie leads a company that has redefined our traditional stories about work and chronic illness. In today’s show, we explore the challenges of holding boundaries and modeling the way for other women. We also explore: This inspiring interview is filled with nuggets around the stories that limit us and those stories that we chose to set ourselves free. For more information about Natalie, visit:


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Breakdown the Walls with Beth Jones

In today’s episode of the Think Courageously Podcast, I chat with Beth Jones, a brand-new Amazon Best-Selling author! Beth is one of the contributors for “Step Into Your Brave”, another collection of powerful stories brought to you by April Adams Pertuis and Lanette Pottle, my publishers! Beth describes herself as a survivor. For 45 years she lived behind a wall that she built to protect herself from trauma and perpetual abuse. In this interview Beth shares her personal pivot…the choice to move towards healing., Beth shares the moment when she knew she could no longer live behind the walls that she had spent years constructing. Through a transformational hypnotherapy session, Beth was able to see how the disjointed pieces of her life were holding her back from unconditional love. We talk about the impact of severe emotional neglect. Today, Beth gives herself permission to thrive…not just survive. We also talk about · the power of survivorship · the importance of finding your tribe and getting connected · the continuum of courage and the readiness for a pivot “Through the healing journey that I've been on for the last two years. I'm discovering who I am, why I'm here on earth and what I will do to help people. It's been very difficult at times and that has required courage to push through. But it's like I'm on autopilot driving through, despite the pain sometimes. I’m stepping into my brave to heal. And now to take my personal experience to others to help where I can.” “Breakdown the Walls”, Beth’s chapter in “Step Into Your Brave” is a powerful story of self-discovery. She tells her story of hope to inspire others to heal and to tell fellow survivors that they, too, can heal and find love. To learn more, you can contact Beth at


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Osunyameye with Hilda Manyo Dickson

Osunyameye is Ghanaian phrase meaning nothing is Impossible with God. And it is the title of Hilda Manyo Dickson’s powerful book. Hilda Manyo Dickson is based in Nigeria. She has been a finance professional for over two decades and is a John Maxwell certified speaker and coach. She is passionate about financial management and harnesses her experience as a chartered accountant to educate other women about their finances and help them multiply their streams of income so they can stand on their own. While living through unimaginable personal challenges of her own, she was inspired to write about her experience in order to help others stay hopeful amid their storms. At 21 months, Hilda’s daughter was diagnosed with neuroblastoma. Hilda also learned at this time that she was pregnant with her second child. She began writing little notes of hope and inspiration during these days.This is where Hilda’s passion around the power of a positive mindset emerged. In our conversation, Hilda shares her writing journey. It took her a year to write five chapters, but she persisted. We talk about her three tips for facing life’s challenges… In this episode, we also chat about: Hilda believes that a positive mindset cannot be separated from any goal she wishes to achieve and doubles as a Personal Finance and Mindset strategist /coach. Learn more about Hilda at:


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Trust Your Voice with Sara Giita Flores

Sara Giita Flores is a vocal empowerment coach, speaker, and singer/songwriter based near Denver, Colorado, USA. With 16 years of facilitation experience, she helps women to deepen their confidence in their voices through playful vocal practices, creative expression, and inner child healing. In today’s episode of The Think Courageously podcast we talk about Sara’s journey to reclaim her voice. As a survivor of sexual assault, Sara learned early how to shut down her voice in times of intense shame. Sara became a master of pleasing and perfectionism. Doing all that she could to maintain a sense of safety. When she discovered the magic of music, everything changed for Sara. We talk about how unblocking the voice starts and ends with inner child healing. And the power of speaking your story. The work of building confidence in your voice starts at a very deep level and helps clear the channel for your bold, whole self-expression to come through. Along with this greater capacity for authentic self-expression, women naturally increase their visibility, success, and ability to make pivots aligned with their potential. Courage is a lifelong exploration. Power/sensation in my body. Powerful core. Accessing the imagery with a tiger. (Retreat) When I sense the power I can also feel the fear. Sara and I explore: Learn more about Sara at:


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Finding Fertility with Monica Cox

Monica Cox is a top Holistic Functional Fertility Coach and Infertility Warrior. She's supports women in finding the root cause of their fertility issues and become the conscious mother they were born to be! In our conversation, we discuss how Monica dealt with years of unexplained infertility, failed IVF's & survived several miscarriages before becoming an IVF mom & getting pregnant naturally even though the doctors said there was nothing she could do to improve her situation. Monica also shares: We also discussed my favorite topic… how to take a crappy situation and turn into an opportunity to work on the things they need to work on. And, finally how we can change the limiting beliefs are the word to infertility to becoming a fertility warrior! Monica is the author of the best-selling journal "Boost Your Embryos" and host of the highly popular podcast Finding Fertility, Monica is dedicated to inspiring women to look beyond their infertility diagnosis and take control of their health. Her signature online program, The Fertility Formula, & personal Fertility Focused Coaching, has helped women increase their chances of creating the family of their dreams. For more info on Monica and the work she is doing visit:


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The Wild Feminine with Charlie Mac

Meet Charlie Mac. Charlie Mac supports and coaches , femmepreneurs who struggle with their own fears, anxiety, issues and confidence. Basically supporting women like yours truly in keeping it together. As a certified coach, speaker, author, and founder of Wild Femmepreneur, Charlie's unique Science meets Spirit approach helps women free themselves from all the pleasing, performing, and perfecting that's been holding them back so they can own their power, step into their confidence and build their legacy. In this conversation we talk about Charlie’s journey to courage, success and pivots. I love Charlie’s concept of "culturescaping " which gives us insight into the time we were born into and how that impacts our “who” and our personal definitions of feminism and how we should “be” as women. This insight enables us to boldly and bravely look at the culture scape. Here are some of the insights we can have when we deploy this tool: For more on Charlie, visit:


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Jump on the Smile Train with Christine Errico

Christine Errico was born with a bilateral cleft lip and palate. Throughout her life, she has had more than 20 surgeries, beginning when she was 2 months old and ending in her late twenties. Her appearance caused her to be bullied constantly at school and she was told that she would never amount to anything because of the stigma attached to having a facial difference. On today’s episode of The Think Courageously Podcast, Christine and I explore how she made a powerful mid-life pivot. One that gave her permission to overcome the shame and low self-confidence associated with a life-long birth defect. During our conversation, we talk about the power of community in the transformative process. When Christine found a Cleft Lip and Palate Facebook page at the age of 48, she also found the courage to share her story. Ultimately, being part of this community gave Christine the confidence to push through her fears and to redefine her purpose. Christine shares the courage she found in applying to be a TEDX speaker three times. And how getting vulnerable after a trip to Kenya made all the difference in sharing her story. Finally, we talk about Christine’s work with SMILE Train, a global nonporift partners with local healthcare workers to provide cleft treatments 365 days a year on five continents. As a certified confidence and transformation coach, Christine helps adults with facial anomalies gain self-acceptance and self-esteem. A TEDx speaker, she shared her experiences growing up with a cleft lip and palate. Christine holds a PhD in business administration and accounting and has been a college professor for more than 12 years. She owns multiple businesses and advocates for the cleft lip and palate community. Learn more about Christine at:


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Bliss Beyond the Buzz with Janet White

Janet White is a registered nurse, certified coach and author. She has spent decades in healthcare administration, coaching, mentoring and leading teams. Janet is a devoted grandmother and enjoys warm sunny beaches. Janet loves sharing her passion for living a happy, healthy and alcohol-free lifestyle. Her story includes a surviving a long term abusive marriage. A bout with cancer, struggles with self-esteem/body issues and grief. During this conversation, Janet shares her unique story of living beyond the buzz. We talk about the importance of alignment in all areas of our lives. Janet shares her PRECANS habits as a tangible way to track success. We talk about: Janet has lost 50 pounds, has quit drinking and is learning to be happy with herself ....despite her imperfections. Today she empowers people to be the best version of themselves. For more information visit:


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From Pain to Pivot with Fran Garton

On today's episode of The Think Courageously, two pain warriors share their battle stories of dealing with chronic pain. Both of us share our "what's your score" experience of waking up each morning thinking about the score we would give our pain. We talk about the freedom of letting go that morning question and the power of giving up your pain story. We explore Fran's pivot from being defined by Fibromyalgia to supporting others on their journey to live pain free. We also explore: -The frustration of the pain journey -Gut health, mindset work, forgiveness work, and shifting limiting beliefs around movement. -The physiology of pain and how it tells your body how it hurts. -And finally, we explore the mindset of pain. And how we can ask the tough questions around how pain is serving you. When she's not coaching, Fran enjoys volunteering with donkeys, playing with kittens, cross-stitching and having dance parties. Meet Fran + get ready to end your pain forever. Learn more about Fran at:


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The Bold Faced Truth with Amy Green Smith

How can we as women learn to stand up for ourselves? How can we clear the space for courageous conversations? How do we reframe how to be vulnerable and safe at the same time? In today’s episode with Amy Green Smith, we explore how finding your voice with grace and kindness can be the new paradigm for delivering powerful feedback. Amy shares her personal pivot. A pivot that was the result of an ultimatum. A “push come to shove” moment that changed everything for her. The moment she realized she had to choose herself. We explore: -The binary thinking that creates limiting beliefs for women around bold conversation -How we can ask for what we need -How to hold polarities -Redefining what it means to be a confident and assertive person Our conversation takes a deep dive into why it is so hard to have conversations around boundaries. And, how we can be vulnerable without horrible consequences. Amy also shares a few practical and powerful tips from her free e-workbook/Audiobook, Stand Up for Yourself Without Being a Dick: 9 Proven Challenges to Radically Improve Your Self-Confidence and Self-Worth. You can start stalking Amy at and grab a free copy of her eWorkbook/Audiobook, Stand Free resources can be found at


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Little Failures with Alisha Wielfaert

Alisha Wielfaert is a creativity, transitions, and resiliency coach for women who lives by the motto “We rise by lifting others”. She is the host of the Yoke and Abundance Wise Women weekly podcast. Alisha spent 11 years as an award-winning internal wholesaler in the life insurance industry. Feeling like something was out of alignment, Alisha took herself on a solo retreat. During this time, she arrived at some huge “aha’s” around her higher purpose. “If my dream job isn’t out there, I have to just make it.” In today’s conversation we talk about: We explore many of the lessons uncovered in “Little Failures”. Alisha shares insights into why “failure is the best kept success secret.” Our conversation covers everything from processing and acknowledging failure to why regret is even more painful than failing. Alisha shares her well researched framework around leaning into our failures. Alisha is a 500-hour certified yoga teacher and certified Positive Psychology Practitioner. Alisha was named one of the Triad Business Journal’s 40 under 40 in 2020 and is the author of Little Failures: Learning to build resilience through everyday setbacks, challenges, and obstacles. Alisha is an avid creator, writer, and speaker who enjoys working with anyone who has a propensity to take action towards their dreams. To learn more about Alisha, visit:


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The Tiny Little Runway with Lanette Pottle

Today, I welcome Lanette Pottle, my publisher, to the show. Lanette is an International Best-Selling Author and owner/publisher of Positivity Lady Press. In this show, we take a deep-dive into her remarkable life. Growing up in poverty, Lanette became a mom at 17. In a story filled with multiple challenges, Lanette shares her stories of thinking courageously. From abusive relationships to toxic marriages, Lanette’s story is full of remarkable nuggets about just “doing the next thing”. Her life was forever changed after reading “The Success Principles” by Jack Canfield, a book recommended to her by her son. Her mindset shift happened when she accepted 100% responsibility for her life. And realized that she wanted to be of service to others. In this episode we also learn about the birth of “Positivity Lady Press”. Lanette shares how we can begin thinking about writing our stories and offers listeners a special resource, the Book Idea Selection Tool. Her stories of finding the gifts of the universe and finding “tiny little runaways” for pivots' is an exceptional story of thinking courageously. To learn more about Lanette visit:


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Growing Up Feminist with Alli Kosik

What does it mean to grow up as a fourth generation feminist? Today on the podcast, my daughter, Alli Hoff Kosik, and I share our generational stories of feminism and activism. You’ll learn about how our mother’s and grandmother’s have shaped us into the women we are today. This show is an intimate conversation between mother and daughter. The kind of conversation that is happening at kitchen tables across our country. We talk about how being difference makers looks to both of us. Whether it is through volunteering, financial support or advocacy, listeners will get a glimpse into how there are multiple pathways for impacting our world Alli also shares her personal commitment to the Brigid Alliance. The Brigid Alliance is a referral-based service that provides people seeking abortions with travel, food, lodging, child care and other logistical support Alli Hoff Kosik is a full-time freelance writer, editor, and content manager based in Philadelphia, and the host and producer of the nostalgic, book-focused, feminist-y podcast The SSR Podcast. She has an MFA in Fiction from Temple University. When she's not writing or reading, she's working out, watching embarrassing TV, or hanging out with her golden retriever, Irv. You can support the Brigid Alliance by For more on Alli, visit: SSR Facebook: Alli IG:


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Becoming the Millionaire Goddess with Franceska McCaughan

Franceska McCaughan built a powerful brand as the Hotel Florist. In 2020, like many of us, she faced having to redefine success. During that process, she learned how to decondition her worthiness around money. In this episode of the Think Courageously Podcast, Franceska shares her story of personal transformation. We talk about her pivot which she defines as working in alignment with what your soul wants to do versus who you were told to be. We explore other topics including: Finally, we discuss the concept of being radically responsible. A concept that resonates with me in the work that I do around building a leadership mindset. Franceska now specializes in supporting women seeking to reclaim their power by breaking the cycle of abuse, trauma and poverty via entrepreneurship, energetics and Human Design. She focuses on leading women to become their million dollar versions of themselves. Learn more about Franceska at:


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The Motherhood Mindset with Amelia Mora Mars

Amelia Mora Mars is a Mom to six daughters and four sons, a psychotherapist and mom coach to women raised by emotionally unavailable mothers. In today’s episode of the Think Courageously podcast we discuss the limiting beliefs that many women have around success and motherhood. And the courage it takes to allow our children to fail while giving ourselves permission to grow and let go. We also explore: -Intergenerational parenting -The power of using truth, tenderness, time and tribe in our healing journey for leaving a legacy of love -Self care and self compassion -The unpredictable variables we face as mother’s -And of course…control and letting go… Amelia empowers women to break the cycle, heal their hearts, and reclaim their lives. As a mom, she too had to learn to overcome these wounds caused by her own mother.Amelia supports moms to leave a lasting legacy of love for their children and generations to come. Learn more about Amelia at:
