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The People v. Star Trek: Voyager

Arts & Culture Podcasts

Is Star Trek: Voyager good... or is it garbage? Journey forward to the courtroom of the Honorable Judge Midnightien Later as he seeks to discern a final and legally-binding answer to this and other perplexing questions, one Voyager episode at a time. Is Janeway the purest exemplar of the overarching Star Trek ethos, or does she personify the dangers of dogmatic adherence to Starfleet’s institutional code? Is the Voyager a pretty ship? Why does the theme song never speed up? The court’s only hope for finding answers are three voices from the ancient past: The apologist, the hater, and the dude who is watching it all for the first time.


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Is Star Trek: Voyager good... or is it garbage? Journey forward to the courtroom of the Honorable Judge Midnightien Later as he seeks to discern a final and legally-binding answer to this and other perplexing questions, one Voyager episode at a time. Is Janeway the purest exemplar of the overarching Star Trek ethos, or does she personify the dangers of dogmatic adherence to Starfleet’s institutional code? Is the Voyager a pretty ship? Why does the theme song never speed up? The court’s only hope for finding answers are three voices from the ancient past: The apologist, the hater, and the dude who is watching it all for the first time.



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Case 7.27: Season Seven Finale

70,000 light years and what felt like 70,000 episodes later, we arrive at the (sort of) end of our journey through STAR TREK: VOYAGER! Is season 7 the send-off this ship and crew truly deserved, or did behind-the-scenes apathy make it a dumping ground for unused scripts? It’s a musical and dramatic extravaganza of interplanetary litigation, but only the Patreon Grand Jury gets to decide: Is the FINAL SEASON of Voyager GOOD… or is it GARBAGE?


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Case 7.26: Endgame - Part Two

It’s Janeway vs. Oldway vs. Borg Queen vs. Time Itself in a quadrangle showdown that will bring the entire series to a thrilling and puzzlingly abrupt conclusion! Can Janeway finally give her crew the happy homecoming of their dreams? Will audiences get the BioWare-style epilogues they deserve? Is “Endgame, Part II” GOOD… or is it GARBAGE?


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Case 7.25: Endgame - Part One

It’s the beginning of the end, and it begins… at the end! Voyager’s not-too-distant future reveals a destination that is less happy than Admiral Janeway is willing to accept. Can she convince Captain Janeway to smash up the timeline (again)? Will audiences believe that Harry actually made Captain? Is “Endgame, Part I” GOOD… or is it GARBAGE?


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Case 7.24: Renaissance Man

Janeway and the Doctor are kidnapped by some aliens, and only the Doctor can endanger the entire ship and crew to save her from a situation she was perfectly capable of handling on her own! Can the Doctor rescue her before she rescues herself? Will anyone explain why the Doctor doesn’t get thirty days in the Tom Paris brig suite for doing a full-on treason? Is “Renaissance Man” GOOD… or is it GARBAGE?


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Case 7.23: Homestead

A once-hated, now-beloved friend is leaving the ship for good, and there’s only one way to properly send him off: with the final DRUNKASODE of The People Vs. Star Trek Voyager! Can Neelix find a true family among the remnants of his people? Is whiskey and pickle juice actually delicious, or do we just hate ourselves? Is “Homestead” GOOD… or is it GARBAGE?


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Case 7.22: Natural Law



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Case 7.21: Friendship One

Humanity tries doing something nice for once and of course it ends up causing a genocide! At least this one was an accident! Can Voyager clean up Earth’s mess in time to rescue their hostage crew members? Will Smarm Johnson’s heroic death prove to be the emotional climax of season 7? Is “Friendship One” GOOD… or is it GARBAGE?


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Case 7.20: Author, Author

With Earth now close enough to receive FaceTime calls and email attachments, the Doctor cashes in on Voyager’s celebrity status to launch his long-postponed literary career! Will his revolutionary work about holo-bigotry wreck the reps of the Delta Quadrant darlings? Will artistic truth lose out to hurt feelings? Is “Author, Author” GOOD… or is it GARBAGE?


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Case 7.19: Q2

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the space-time continuum, it’s Q2! The exciting sequel to Q (“sequel,” like in a biological sense)! Can Mama Janeway teach Qboy how to act right before the Q authorities blast him out of the galactic narrative? Can Q2’s reality-warping powers make Icheb likable? Is “Q2” GOOD… or is it GARBAGE?


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Case 7.18: Human Error

Seven’s new obsession with the holo-romance genre is all good fun until it has her missing work shifts and giving serious thought to smooching Chakotay. Can she get her fantasy-reality balance adjusted in time to rescue the ship from a subspace firing range? Is veggie prep the sexiest of the pseudo-erotic culinary skills? Is “Human Error” GOOD… or is it GARBAGE?


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The People v. Star Trek: Voyager - The Relationship Edition - Live @ DragonCon

***SPECIAL LIVE EPISODE ALERT*** It’s DRAGONCON 2023 and love is in the booze-tinged air of Hilton Galleria ballrooms 1-2! Can the PvSTV team find justice for the best and worst romantic couplings across all seven seasons of Voyager? Will the raucous live crowd shatter the show’s already-fragile veneer of professionalism? Is the concept of romantic love in Star Trek: Voyager GOOD… or is it GARBAGE?


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Case 7.17: Workforce - Part 2

This city is paved with dirty secrets, and regret is the only street sweeper that can work on Thursdays. Can Amal Kotay wave a fiery stick at the thick web of lies and free his crew? Is Amal Kotay Amal Kotay? Is Amal Kotay? Is “Workforce, Part II” AMAL KOTAY… or is it AMAL KOTAY?


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Case 7.16: Workforce - Part 1

Up every morning just to keep their job, the Voyager crew has to find their way through the hustle and bob… of an alien planet where mind control is used to supplement the labor force! Will Janeway find love on the factory floor? Has Paris found his true calling as a smarmy bar back? Is “Workforce, Part 1” GOOD… or is it GARBAGE?


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Case 7.15: The Void

Voyager plunges headlong into an inescapable pocket of space where violence is the only currency and the only rule is to survive! Shockingly, Janeway isn’t super into it. Can Voyager escape with its conscience intact? Will they get their stuff back? Is this the happiest that Chakotay has been in a while? Is “The Void” GOOD… or is it GARBAGE?


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Case 7.14: The Prophecy

Voyager runs into a group of multi-generational religious refugees from the Alpha Quadrant and learns that B’Elanna’s baby might just be the Klingon messiah. It’s a weird Tuesday, even by Voyager standards. Are Tom and B’Elanna up to the job of raising Bat’Leth Jesus? Is a religious lie ok if it’s a beneficial religious lie? Is “Prophecy” GOOD… or is it GARBAGE?


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Case 7.13: Repentance

A chance encounter with a prison ship puts Voyager smack in the middle of a heated debate about state punishment and the death penalty. Will the Prime Directive win out over Janeway’s (historically dubious) respect for life? Will Seven learn a valuable lesson from this? Is “Repentance” GOOD… or is it GARBAGE?


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Case 7.12: Lineage

B’Elanna finds herself in a family way! While everyone else is thrilled to welcome the ship’s newest bundle of rage, Torres thinks now is a good time to make the kinds of tweaks that aren’t street legal in Federation space. Can she edit away years of family trauma? Does Tom get a say? Can we all at least admit that B’Elanna’s dad is trash? Is “Lineage” GOOD… or is it GARBAGE?


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Case 7.11: Shattered

When is a clip show not a clip show? When it’s a Chakotishow! Chakotay takes us ping-ponging through Voyager’s past to revisit old friends, current friends, and old enemies who should have been allowed to become current enemies. Can he save Voyager from the time lightning? Will Chakotay hook up with Season 1 Janeway? Is “Shattered” GOOD… or is it GARBAGE?


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Case 7.9 and 7.10: Flesh and Blood

MEGASODE ALERT! It's two episodes for the price of one when The Doctor meets a group of fellow holograms fleeing Hirogen servitude and discovers that getting radicalized is more fun than being treated like an appliance. Will the Doctor quit his day job and join the revolution? Is Janeway an ally or a #ally? Is “Flesh and Blood” GOOD… or is it GARBAGE?


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Case 7.8: Nightingale

Ensign Kim takes command of an alien ship under fire and steers it right into an interplanetary crisis! Will his latent command abilities manifest in time to prevent Voyager from getting dragged into war? Will audiences finally stop asking why Kim never gets promoted? Will anyone on the ship think to ask if they can maybe borrow that cloaking device? Is “Nightingale” GOOD… or is it GARBAGE?
