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Heal Your Relationships


This is a show about marriage, Unlike other shows about marriage, Heal Your Relationships is for women whose partners refuse therapy. If that is you, please know that you can still have the marriage you want, and we can help you get there. I’m your host Dr. Kavetha Sun, M.D. Even as a double board-certified psychiatrist, I struggled for years in my intimate relationships. This show is a culmination of everything I learned over ten years of stumbling through my own healing journey. My hope is that it gives you a head start. Each week, I will share simple, research-backed tools that you can use immediately to help you resolve conflict, restore connection, and pass on a legacy you are proud of. P.S: Whenever you are ready, here are 3 ways I can help you: #1: Ready to master your triggers & communicate your needs so you can feel confident, trusting, and secure in your relationships? Check out our monthly membership community --> SECURE Love Lab™ at https://www.skool.com/securerlovelab/about #2: Have you seen my YouTube Channel? I'm putting a lot of energy into creating valuable content that you won't find anywhere else. Come check out my latest stuff, and give me a like and subscribe. -> https://bit.ly/DrKavethaSunYouTubeChannel #3: Want to get my personalized help to feel calm, confident, connected, and courageous and heal your relationships in just 4 months? Book a call here -> https://go.oncehub.com/BreakthroughCallwithDrKavethaSun to see if you are a good fit for our Heal Your Relationships program. (fyi, we typically accept ~ 32% of applicants into the program, as we want to make sure it is the exact right next step for you.)


United States




This is a show about marriage, Unlike other shows about marriage, Heal Your Relationships is for women whose partners refuse therapy. If that is you, please know that you can still have the marriage you want, and we can help you get there. I’m your host Dr. Kavetha Sun, M.D. Even as a double board-certified psychiatrist, I struggled for years in my intimate relationships. This show is a culmination of everything I learned over ten years of stumbling through my own healing journey. My hope is that it gives you a head start. Each week, I will share simple, research-backed tools that you can use immediately to help you resolve conflict, restore connection, and pass on a legacy you are proud of. P.S: Whenever you are ready, here are 3 ways I can help you: #1: Ready to master your triggers & communicate your needs so you can feel confident, trusting, and secure in your relationships? Check out our monthly membership community --> SECURE Love Lab™ at https://www.skool.com/securerlovelab/about #2: Have you seen my YouTube Channel? I'm putting a lot of energy into creating valuable content that you won't find anywhere else. Come check out my latest stuff, and give me a like and subscribe. -> https://bit.ly/DrKavethaSunYouTubeChannel #3: Want to get my personalized help to feel calm, confident, connected, and courageous and heal your relationships in just 4 months? Book a call here -> https://go.oncehub.com/BreakthroughCallwithDrKavethaSun to see if you are a good fit for our Heal Your Relationships program. (fyi, we typically accept ~ 32% of applicants into the program, as we want to make sure it is the exact right next step for you.)



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How to Heal & Reprogram Core Wounds

Why do some people annoy the heck out of us so much so that we ruminate or stay stuck for days, or even weeks?! Because they inadvertently have poked a CORE WOUND with you. In this episode, I’m going to share the 2-step process to healing your core wounds once and for all. Want to find your core wounds? Click here for the free worksheet --> https://bit.ly/DrKavethaSunCoreWondsWorksheet P.S: If you want me to personally guide you to fully release your core wounds, so you never feel triggered again, and can get your needs met in a calm, confident, loving way in your relationships, book a free Relationship Breakthrough call with my team here --> https://go.oncehub.com/BreakthroughCallwithDrKavethaSun During the call, we will learn more about what you need, create a customized plan for you, and see if we are a good fit to help you get there. FREE tools: https://bit.ly/RelationalIQ-Newsletter https://bit.ly/Minicoursefunnel


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Want More Emotional Connection? Do THIS!

If you are an anxious attacher, and tend to complain, get angry, or plead with your partner for more attention, this is for you. The more we criticize, demand, cry, or nag, the more the other person pulls away…..which only feeds our anxiety. This cycle is exhausting and never ending. There is a better way. In this episode, I share 6 steps you can take TODAY to create genuine presence, time and connection in your relationship,Without yelling, shutting down or walking on eggshells. FREE tools: https://bit.ly/RelationalIQ-Newsletterhttps://bit.ly/Minicoursefunnel Need more customized support? Apply for a Relationship Breakthrough Call with Dr. Kavetha Sun —> https://go.oncehub.com/BreakthroughCallwithDrKavethaSun


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How to Handle Family Drama Without Losing Your Mind

Why do the people we love the most, also frustrate and hurt us the most? It's because there are three relationship LEVELS, and the deepest level - where our parents, siblings, spouses and kids are - also holds our CORE WOUNDS from the past. So anything that they do, pokes those wounds, which is why we feel so easily triggered and hurt by their actions. In this podcast episode, I share what the 3 levels are, and how to find your core wounds, so you can begin the process of fully healing them. When you have addressed those wounds, they disappear, and things that used to bother you a lot suddenly feel simple and easy to solve. That is emotional freedom. Want to find your core wounds? Click here for the free worksheet -> https://bit.ly/DrKavethaSunCoreWondsWorksheet Ready to start healing and fully release your core wounds? Check out this video on the 4-step process to do just that —> https://youtu.be/ym1Qyj68lJ4


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Calm Anxiety in 5 Minutes

Have you ever experienced anxiety? You are going about your day, minding your own business, when bam, suddenly something happens and next thing you know, you are feeling anxious, overwhelmed or triggered. You know what you "should" do, but in the moment, all that seems so far out of reach, and you can't seem to calm yourself down enough to think clearly. Why is that?! In this episode, I’m going to show you not only WHY the typical advice doesn't work in the heat of the moment, and also HOW to turn on your body's natural calm switch even in the midst of a trigger, so you can quickly regulate and think clearly in any situation. FREE tools: Subscribe to our weekly newsletterhttps://bit.ly/RelationalIQ-Newsletter“Rapid Relationship Repair” mini-course —> https://bit.ly/Minicoursefunnel Need more customized support? Apply for a Relationship Breakthrough Call with Dr. Kavetha Sun —> https://go.oncehub.com/BreakthroughCallwithDrKavethaSun


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Attachment Styles in Marriage

For years, I've lived my life having an insecure attachment style. Even when I first heard about the topic, I didn't quite connect with it. Looking back, I wish I had paid closer attention to it sooner in my life. In this episode, join me as we delve into the origins of attachment styles. What are they? How do the different character styles manifest in our interactions? And most importantly, how do they influence our relationships with others? If you're looking to transition to a secure attachment style, this episode could be the first step in your journey. It takes work and it's a process but it can be the best thing you will ever do! P.S: Whenever you are ready, here are 3 ways I can help you: #1: Ready to master your triggers & communicate your needs so you can feel confident, trusting, and secure in your relationships? Check out our monthly membership community --> SECURE Love Lab™ #2: Have you seen my YouTube Channel? I'm putting a lot of energy into creating valuable content that you won't find anywhere else. Come check out my latest stuff, and give me a like and subscribe. #3: Want to get my personalized help to feel calm, confident, connected, and courageous and heal your relationships in just 4 months? Book a call here to see if you are a good fit for our Heal Your Relationships program. (fyi, we typically accept ~ 32% of applicants into the program, as we want to make sure it is the exact right next step for you.)


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The 10 Habits of a SECURELY Attached Person

Securely attached people have 10 universal habits. Once I figured this out, I wrote them down to carry with me at all times. Because it helps me figure out exactly what to do when I feel hurt, annoyed, or at odds with someone I care about. It took me 15 years of trial and error to compile this list. I hope to save you that time. Don't forget to subscribe! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P.S: If you are are struggling with repetitive arguments, disconnection and/or resentments in your relationships, And all the information out there - the Gottman books, I-statements etc.- feel like band-aids at best until the next argument happens, 🌈 Secure Love Lab may be for you. See, when our core wounds get triggered by our loved ones, we react before we can think. Hence why all the "communication tips" seldom work or produce lasting change. Inside Secure Love Lab, I teach you the 9 tools that have helped me, and 700+ clients in the past 4 years, heal these wounds and create LASTING love. The best part? You can do this in as little as 10 minutes a day (!) Learn more here: https://www.skool.com/securerlovelab/about


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8 Oddly Specific Signs of an Anxious Attachment

Do you have an anxious attachment style? Here are 8 oddly specific traits that you might be struggling with, and what you can do right away to begin healing. P.S: Want to join a community of growth seekers and go from insecure to securely attached, in just 10 mins a day? Check out SECURE Love Lab™ here: https://www.skool.com/securerlovelab/... Need more hands-on help? Join our free FB group for monthly live Q&A’s with Dr. Sun —> https://bit.ly/HYRFacebookGroup


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Why Counting to 10 Doesn't Work and What to Do Instead?

For years, I would get hurt, triggered and worked up easily. And I tried everything that my therapist suggested. Counting to 10, using I-statements, deep breaths….nothing worked. It took a couple years, but I finally figured out why. It was because I was not engaging my frontal lobe. When my frontal lobe is not online, I can’t stop the triggering thoughts and feelings. But how do you switch your frontal lobe on? That’s what I will share with you in this episode. This can change your life if you use it. Need more hands-on help? Join our free FB group for monthly live Q&A’s with Dr. Sun —> https://bit.ly/HYRFacebookGroup


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What to do if You Struggle to Pause Before Reacting

Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is the power to choose our response..." - Viktor Frankl. We know that we should pause when we are triggered, so we can choose a different response. A healthier one, that is more aligned with our values. But it’s so hard to do at the moment, right?? In today’s episode, I will show you HOW to actually pause, even if you’ve tried and failed a million times before. And in next week’s free challenge, I will share the entire system to find and heal your triggers, so you can stay calm in any storm. Register here —> https://bit.ly/BetheCalminAnyStormChallenge


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How to be Calm in Any Storm (Plus Free Workshop Invite!)

Most couples therapy goes in circles because they jump straight to communication tools. The problem is, without building a foundation of inner calm and confidence, no amount of communication tools will work in the heat of the moment! But, how do we build inner calm and confidence?? There are 3 parts to it - Emotion Regulation, Know and Meet Your Needs, Honor Your Boundaries Emotion regulation includes being able to heal your own triggers and wounds from the past, so they don’t keep holding you hostage in the present. This is vitally important. In this episode, and in my upcoming free workshop, I will share 4 simple steps to healing your triggers. Here is the link to register for our upping workshop (it’s free, and replays will be sent to all those who register)—> https://bit.ly/BetheCalminAnyStormChallenge


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How to Make Your Dreams a Reality (Using the Three Calendar System.)

Do you postpone your dreams and aspirations to “someday” in the future? I've been there. The bummer was that the future always seemed….well, in the future lol. Just out of reach.I finally realized that what I had was a wish, not a plan.So I went to work trying to bring my future self into my present. After many many failures, I stumbled onto a 3 calendar system that has truly changed my life. We now teach it in great detail inside Mastery (our monthly membership program). In today’s podcast, I share an overview of this system, so you can run with it and make it your own! Enjoy! Need more hands-on help? Join our free FB group for monthly live Q&A’s with Dr. Sun —> https://bit.ly/HYRFacebookGroup


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Arguing with your spouse? This is how you can solve it.

After working with hundreds of clients, I’ve noticed that there are two types of marital arguments. The day-to-day kerfuffles; and the big repetitive arguments. Most therapists approach both as communication problems. But each type stems from a different core issue, and thus they require very different solutions. In this episode, I share the two things you can do to shift daily irritability in the home, and the one BIG thing that can solve the repetitive arguments that go nowhere. Enjoy! Need more hands-on help? Join our free FB group for monthly live Q&A’s with Dr. Sun —> https://bit.ly/HYRFacebookGroup


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3 Step Formula to Shift Contempt to Connection

Contempt is a feeling of disgust and moral superiority over someone else. It usually stems from loneliness, and years of resentments, mixed with feeling helpless to change the dynamic. In today's episode, I share the 3 steps to shifting contempt to connection. If you or someone in your life struggles with contempt, please share this episode with them. It may have a huge ripple effect on their lives. Need more hands-on help? Join our free FB group for monthly live Q&A’s with Dr. Sun —> https://bit.ly/HYRFacebookGroup


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8 Ideas that Govern my Life.

I am a collector of good ideas. Over the years, these ideas have helped me hone my intuition, repair relationships, honor my boundaries, and take brave action even when it was a bit terrifying. I would not have the life I have now without these guiding principles. They are my North Star. In today’s episode, I share the top 8 ideas (+1) that have changed my life. Enjoy! Need more hands-on help? Join our free FB group for monthly live Q&A’s with Dr. Sun —> https://bit.ly/HYRFacebookGroup


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Interview with Dr. Erica Bove Fertility Coach

Today, we are speaking with one of my fav people in the world - Dr. Erica Bove! She is a renowned OBGYN doctor, and now also a fertility coach! She shares a wealth of information for anyone who is themselves or knows someone who is, going through the long winding road of fertility treatments. In 2019, Erica did our programs as a client, which sparked her interest in coaching. She went on to become a certified coach herself (and worked in our company as head coach for a while!) before making the leap into creating her own unique offering for the world. Her unique 3 step process to help you navigate the world of infertility, is so comprehensive and thoughtful. I myself went through IVF 6 years ago, and would have given an arm and a leg to have this kind of information and support available to me then. Enjoy, and please share with someone in your life if you feel called to do so. Dr. Bove's website: loveandsciencefertility.com Need more hands-on help? Join our free FB group for monthly live Q&A’s with Dr. Sun —> https://bit.ly/HYRFacebookGroup


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How I Beat my Sugar Addiction (after trying and failing for 10+ years)

I have been addicted to sugar for about 10 years. And trust me when I say, I have tried every single freakin’ diet to beat this.It either wouldn’t work at all (for ME), or it would work temporarily but the cravings would get too strong after a while and I’d give up. But for the first time ever, I have been off sugar for 60+ days, and I more than anyone else am surprised lol. I think there are 3 reasons why it has stuck this time around. And I want to share them with you, in case you too are looking to get rid of an unhealthy habit or start a better one. Hint: It’s nothing to do with discipline, self-care, or motivation. Tune in to hear the 3 shifts that have helped me beat a decade-long addiction, and how we can all use these 3 lessons to improve ANY area of our lives. Need more hands-on help? Join our free FB group for monthly live Q&A’s with Dr. Sun —> https://bit.ly/HYRFacebookGroup


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How to Do Hard Things

If you want to change something in your life - a habit, a situation, a relationship pattern - but despite all your good intentions, you can’t seem to do what it takes at the moment, this episode is for you. We all know about our comfort zones and growth zones. But did you know there is another zone that can make or break your plans? Tune in to learn about this THIRD zone, and why it’s the secret to moving toward the life that you want. Need more hands-on help? Join our free FB group for monthly live Q&A’s with Dr. Sun —> https://bit.ly/HYRFacebookGroup


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A Surprising Take On Outsourcing

This weekend, we had less childcare help than we usually do. And although I was dreading it, it turned out to be an eye-opening experience. One that has shaken me awake. I hope that it gives you the loving jolt you need as well. Enjoy! Need more hands-on help? Join our free FB group for monthly live Q&A’s with Dr. Sun —> https://bit.ly/HYRFacebookGroup


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The Tripod Model: How to Go from Keeping Your Head Above Water to Truly Thriving

Does therapy work? Yes and no. Therapy is a “top-down” approach that can at best give you 30-40% relief. You will keep your head above water. But if you want to feel calm, confident, connected, and courageous - we need a three-pronged approach. I call this the Tripod Model, and in this episode, I will share with you what goes into each pillar of the tripod, so you can go from simply surviving, to truly thriving. P.S.: This is the first episode in a series on modern mental health. Please subscribe if you’d like to be notified of future episodes!


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How to Stop Catastrophizing

Some of us get so caught up in what could go wrong, that we stay paralyzed. This is the worst decision though, since joy and fulfillment is always on the other side of fear. In todays episode, I share a little known method for removing the shackles of extreme anxiety. If you use this technique consistently, you will feel calm, confident and courageous to take the action toward the life you want.
