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Bulletproof Hygiene

Business & Economics Podcasts

Learn from the BEST in the business and discover purposeful, profitable hygiene!


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Learn from the BEST in the business and discover purposeful, profitable hygiene!



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Playing Geologist

The Bulletproof Hygiene Episode 139 TITLE: Playing Geologist HOSTS: Charissa Wood, RDH DESCRIPTION In this episode, Charissa Wood discusses tonsil stones, also known as tonsilloliths. She explains what tonsil stones are, how they form, and the symptoms they can cause. Charissa also explores the treatment options for tonsil stones and provides tips for prevention. The episode concludes with a promotion for the Bulletproof Hygiene community on the Mighty Network. TAKEAWAYS Tonsil stones, or tonsilloliths, are small lumps that form in the tonsils and are made up of food, debris, mucus, bacteria, and fungus. They can cause symptoms such as bad breath, sore throat, earache, inflammation, and difficulty swallowing. Treatment options for tonsil stones include coughing or sneezing them out, using a damp cotton tip or rubber tip to remove them, gargling with salt water, or undergoing coblation cryptolysis. Prevention strategies include practicing good oral hygiene, using oral probiotics, staying hydrated, avoiding smoking and vaping, and being mindful of dietary contributions. Join the Bulletproof Hygiene community on the Mighty Network to share tips and tricks for effectively removing or preventing tonsil stones. CHAPTERS 00:00 - Understanding Tonsil Stones: Causes and Symptoms 04:14 - The Mal Odor and Bacterial Trapping 05:37 - Treatment Options: Coblation Cryptolysis 06:35 - Preventing Tonsil Stones: Tips and Strategies 10:45 - Join the Bulletproof Hygiene Community REFERENCES Bulletproof Mastermind Bulletproof Hygiene Bulletproof Summit 2025 Mighty Network


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Time To Shut Our Mouths!

The Bulletproof Hygiene Podcast Episode 138 Title: Time To Shut Our Mouths! HOSTS: Charissa Wood, RDH DESCRIPTION In this episode, Charissa Wood discusses the topic of mouth breathing and its impact on oral health. Charissa provides visual signs and medical history indicators to identify mouth breathers and offers recommendations for treatment, including seeing an ENT or doing a sleep study. She also suggests using nasal strips or mouth tape to improve breathing and discusses the importance of addressing airway issues in orthodontic treatment. Charissa emphasizes the role of dental professionals in raising awareness about mouth breathing and its consequences. TAKEAWAYS Mouth breathing can have detrimental effects on oral health and overall well-being. Visual signs and medical history can help identify mouth breathers. Patients should be asked about their ability to breathe through their nose. Referral to an ENT or a sleep study may be necessary for further evaluation and treatment. Nasal strips or mouth tape can be used to improve breathing. Addressing airway issues is important in orthodontic treatment. Dental professionals play a crucial role in raising awareness about mouth breathing and its consequences. CHAPTERS 00:00 - Introduction and Summit Announcement 03:40 - Defining Mouth Breathing and Its Causes 06:26 - The Negative Effects of Mouth Breathing 08:22 - Visual Signs and Medical History Indicators of Mouth Breathers 10:15 - Identifying Mouth Breathers through Dental Examinations 12:18 - Asking Questions to Assess Airway Issues 17:33 - Recommendations for Further Evaluation and Treatment 19:43 - The Role of Dental Professionals in Raising Awareness REFERENCES Bulletproof Mastermind


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Simply PERIO with Dr. Dave Vigerust

Bulletproof Hygiene Podcast Episode 137 HOST: Charissa Wood, RDH GUEST: Dr. Dave Vigerust TAKEAWAYS Focusing on determining the treatment plan based on the damage that has already occurred, rather than the initial causes of that damage. Simply Perio provides comprehensive insights beyond bacterial pathogens, allowing us to understand the broader context and optimize patient care strategies. An anomaly recently linked to colorectal cancer has been identified as one of the factors contributing to disease. Charles Mayo, co-founder of the Mayo Clinic, once highlighted that the future of medicine lay in the hands of dentists. Specificity and sensitivity in clinical terms refer to accurately detecting a disease-causing organism when it's present and correctly avoiding detection when the organism is not associated with the disease. We continue to evolve, aiming to create the best possible product for clinicians. The better our product, the better treatments we can provide to our patients. CHAPTERS 00:00 Introduction topic 03:38 Introducing Dr. Dave Vigerust 07:26 Quick rundown of what Simply Perio looks for - 9 bacterial pathogen 08:32 Digging and understanding the specificity aspects of knowing this information helps us 29:25 Discussing PCR Test in detecting levels of specificity and sensitivity 36:23 Understanding the carries risk assessment and what to look for 47:07 Closing remarks/Conclusion QUOTABLES “No matter how healthy you are, no matter what your approach to life is, we are all universally infected with these viruses” “If ever you were worried about cancer, if ever you were worried about losing your cognition, if you were worried about your liver, you have to be worried about your mouth” “I used to tell my students that when they look in the mirror what we see is 10% human and 90% microbio” REFERENCES Science Education Center - SimplyTest™ Hygiene Mastermind


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Exiting Your Comfort Zone with Lisa Sarrett

Bulletproof Hygiene Podcast Episode 136 HOST: Charissa Wood, RDH GUEST: Lisa Sarrett TAKEAWAYS Staying within one's comfort zone can lead to boredom, apathy, and stagnation in the dental hygiene profession. Embracing new research, technologies, and practices is necessary to provide the best care for patients. Stepping out of one's comfort zone can be uncomfortable and challenging, but it leads to personal and professional growth. Consulting companies can bring about change, which can be uncomfortable, but it is important to embrace change for growth and improvement. Stepping out of our comfort zones is essential for personal and professional growth. Trying new technologies and treatment protocols can lead to improved patient care and satisfaction. Joining professional networks and organizations can provide valuable resources and connections. As dental hygienists, our work has the potential to be life-saving, and it's important to continuously seek growth and empowerment CHAPTERS 00:00 - Introduction and Podcast Topic 06:35 - The Importance of Stepping Out of Comfort Zones 15:31 - Becoming a Clinical Adjunct Faculty 33:31 - Connecting with Professional Networks 41:03 - Recognizing the Oral-Systemic Connection 49:59 - Seeking Growth and Opportunity QUOTABLES “Our old school paradigms are exactly that, old school and outdated.” “Hygiene can be very repetitive and stagnant if we don't embrace something new.” “New can be painful, clunky, uncertain, and embarrassing, but it's necessary for growth.” REFERENCES Hygiene Mastermind Bulletproof Summit Bulletproof Hygiene


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Daily Dental Care with Dr. Emily Stein

Bulletproof Hygiene Podcast Episode 135 HOST: Charissa Wood, RDH GUEST: Dr. Emily Stein TAKEAWAYS Understanding biofilm in the oral environment is crucial for effective dental disease management. Diet plays a significant role in the development and maintenance of a healthy commensurate biofilm. Current dental practices, such as brushing and flossing, only temporarily disrupt biofilm and do not address the underlying issues. Dr. Emily Stein's Daily Dental Care offers a revolutionary approach to biofilm management, promoting a healthy oral microbiome and reducing bleeding and inflammation. The product is also available for pets, addressing their dental health needs. 00:00 - Introduction 01:38 - Dr. Emily Stein's Background in Microbiology 10:04 - Impact of Current Dental Practices on Biofilm Management 13:19 - The Importance of Diet in Dental Disease 25:09 - The Effectiveness of Probiotics in Managing Biofilm 27:36 - Introduction to Dr. Stein's Revolutionary Approach 28:06 - Development of Daily Dental Care 34:20 - Recommendations for Usage of Daily Dental Care 39:29 - Availability and Wholesale Options for Daily Dental Care 41:16 - Conclusion and Contact Information REFERENCES Primal Health Hygiene Mastermind Bulletproof Summit Bulletproof Hygiene


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The Lifeguard Approach with Cris Duvall

Bulletproof Hygiene Podcast Episode 134 HOST: Charissa Wood, RDH GUEST: Cris Duvall, RDH TAKEAWAYS Cris Duval's Introduction and Background Dental community's role as lifeguards Cris's experience helped her shift as a health model The Lifeguard approach: Helping dental and medical teams mindset The concept of health models is very passionate about helping other people CHAPTERS 00:00 - Introduction and Background 01:00 - Dental community role as a lifeguard hygienist 02:19 - Guest introduction: Cris Duval 03:30 - Cris's experiences on her shift from practicing standard hygiene to being a health model 07:30 - The importance of the role of health models in health and wellness as a lifeguard 12:00 - How medicine helps with health and wellness 14:00 - How we can embrace the mindset of being a lifeguard hygienist 18:00 - Overview of the practice of a lifeguard coach 25:34 - The lifeguard approach how it can help us connect with medical professionals 28:00 - How to get information in embracing the lifeguard approach 34:00 - How humans are wired to connect and how hygienists can help in taking care of others 38:00 - Closing remarks REFERENCES Bulletproof Summit 2024 Email Cris Duvall The Lifeguard Approach


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The Informed Approach with Summer LaMoureaux

Bulletproof Hygiene Podcast Episode 133 HOST: Charissa Wood, RDH GUEST: Summer LaMoureaux, RDH TAKEAWAYS Introduction Background of Summer LaMoureaux Oral Systemic Health Approach to embracing the Oral Systemic Care Model Quantitative versus qualitative dentistry Embracing the concept of “new” Molecular technology in dentistry Testing for predictive treatment AMMP-8 screening Saliva testing for pathogens Building trust with patients It is critical to gather baseline information during patient assessment We can’t own our patient’s choices but we can provide value in the decision-making We don’t have to know everything The ideal hygiene appointment Intentional approach to outcomes Tips for where to start - the Oral Fitness Check REFERENCES Hygiene Mastermind Bulletproof Summit Use code BPHYG100 for $100 off your BP Summit Admission! TWEETABLES That’s why I’m here- to provide education, tools, resources, and a choice- Summer We are the guides, the patient gets to be the hero - Charissa


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The Balancing Act with Dr. Tarryn MacCarthy

Bulletproof Hygiene Podcast Episode 132 HOST: Charissa Wood, RDH GUEST: Dr. Tarryn MacCarthy TAKEAWAYS Introduction The Balancing Act Reflecting on our wins and losses from the previous year Setting our sights on setting new goals and breaking bad habits Being drawn to take care of the people around us Addressing the feeling of shame Work-life balance and work-life blending Fight or flight Sympathetic nervous system stress and myopic vision How to use your body to go from stress to calm Vista vision Meditation Vagus nerve stimulation Permitting yourself to feel good Leaving our emotions at the door REFERENCES The Business of Happiness Podcast The Business of Happiness Hygiene Mastermind Bulletproof Summit TWEETABLES When you feel good, you make good choices in your actions - Dr. MacCarthy


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Lions, Tigers, and Candida with Megan Barnett

Bulletproof Hygiene Podcast Episode 131 HOST: Charissa Wood, RDH GUEST: Megan Barnett TAKEAWAYS Introduction What is Biolounge? Components of non-bacterial microbes Candida and Oral health How does yeast eat? Increased histamine in the brain Circulating glucose levels Circulating glucose and fructose Balance of fungus or yeast and bacteria The antifungal diet Iron and Zinc Fermented foods Viruses that can impact oral health Protocol of Vitamin C Endotoxins Appropriate diet for the human species REFERENCES Florasophy BioLounge Hygiene Mastermind Bulletproof Summit Bulletproof Hygiene


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Medical Science Liaisons with Dr. Ebone Jordan

Bulletproof Hygiene Podcast Episode 130 Host: Charissa Wood, RDH Guest: Dr. Ebone Jordan TAKEAWAYS Introduction Dr. Ebone Jordan’s background Medical Science Liaison definition, role, and purpose MSL’s have advanced scientific training and academic credentials OraPharma Partnering with health care professionals What are the differences between what an MSL can do and what a sales rep can do? Advice for the one who wants to become MSL Future of the MSL in Dentistry. REFERENCES Bulletproof Mastermind Bulletproof Summit Bulletproof Hygiene OraPharma


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Seeing Clearly with Amanda Sanders

Bulletproof Hygiene Podcast Episode 129 HOST: Charissa Wood, RDH GUEST: Amanda Sanders TAKEAWAYS Introduction Proper ergonomics Utilizing loops can help with creating comfortable positioning during patient care Practicing is so important to be able to speak Lumadent General information about the benefits of using Loups Three types of Galilean Prism loop Wrap-around design Neutral posture Changing your working distance from a traditional Galilean loop REFERENCES Hygiene Mastermind Bulletproof Summit Mighty Networks Amanda Sanders Facebook Amanda Sanders Instagram Lumadent


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Saved By the Mouth with Dr. Katie Lee

Bulletproof Hygiene Podcast Episode 128 HOST: Charissa Wood, RDH GUEST: Dr. Katie Lee KEY TAKEAWAYS Introduction Dr. Lee's experience with Surguries Oral Systemic Aspect How do we prevent periodontal disease Heart attacks and strokes are caused by oral infection What were the pain points for you in bringing this level of care to fruition? Implementation Understanding the science is the most crucial part Wins by practicing at this level? What kind of wins did you see from team culture in general? What is the MMP8 enzyme? Patient Stories Genetic predisposition for inflammation REFERENCES Bulletproof Mastermind Bulletproof Summit Bulletproof Hygiene Mouth Body Bio Marker Katie Lee, DDS Katie Lee, DDS Instagram Book: Saved By the Mouth


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Getting Aligned with Caitlin Parsons

Bulletproof Hygiene Podcast Episode 127 HOST: Charissa Wood, RDH GUEST: Caitlin Parsons KEY TAKEAWAYS REFERENCES Bulletproof Hygiene BP Hygiene Mastermind The Aligned Hygienist Book: Atomic Habits


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Showing Up with Vicki Landers

Bulletproof Hygiene Podcast Episode 126 Host: Charissa Wood, RDH Guest: Vicki Landers Key Takeaways: ● Introduction ● Showing up for our patients ● The “Six Distractors” ● Responding vs. Reacting ● Deep dive and self-assessment ● The 5 whys ● Levels of energy ● Being and staying present ● Three foundations of the 10 disciplines of leadership ● Letting go of judgement ● Feedback as an opportunity for growth ● How our energy lenses influences those that we work with ● Taking on other people’s energy vs. influencing with your own energy References: Bulletproof Mastermind Bulletproof Summit In Progress Coaching Tweetables: We show up to be the best version of ourselves for all of those around us in life. There's only one of us. We are made very uniquely and it's really important that we can be that person to those around us.


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It's Not All in Your Head with Hally Brooke

Bulletproof Hygiene Podcast Episode 125 Host: Charissa Wood, RDH Guest: Hally Brooke Key Takeaways: Introduction Battle anxiety and depression Gut and brain Connection Gi Tract Brain starts dealing with inflammation Example of the food that create serotonin Avoid the food the produce serotonin Fake Sugar Engery from Serotonin Diffence between brain fog and depression and anxiety Brain Fog Leaky Gums Drowning in stress affects dental health Nutrition plan Elimination Food Plan Stress reduction, stress management, and mindfulness SIBO Gut Healing protocol References: Bulletproof Mastermind Bulletproof Summit Live Nourished


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Path to Financial Freedom with Dr. Jill Wade

Bulletproof Hygiene Podcast Episode 124 Host: Charissa Wood, RDH Guest: Dr. Jill Wade Key Takeaways: 3 Reasons: Financial Stability reduced stress Optimize oral health Sharing to be how to be successful what kind of influence can you then share to our profession knowing numbers Understand the practice numbers Understanding your bonus system Triple Win References: Hygiene Mastermind - https://bulletproofmastermind.com Summit - https://bulletproofsummit.com Mighty Networks - Bulletproof Hygiene SymplifiHealth podcast Progressivefinances.com Tweetable: You don't know what you don't know and then once you know it, what are you gonna do with it?


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End it with Kandice Swarthout

Bulletproof Hygiene Podcast Episode 123 Host: Charissa Wood, RDH Guest: Kandice Swarthout Key Takeaways: Hygiene and Therapy Trauma Mental Health Awareness of human trafficking Behavior signs in victims of Human Trafficking Steps to take to help victims of Human Trafficking How to care for patients with trauma References: Hygiene Mastermind - https://bulletproofmastermind.com Summit - https://bulletproofsummit.com Mighty Networks - Bulletproof Hygiene @thecounselorhygienist www.kandiceswarthout.com Polarisprojet.com http://inspired-ce.teachable.com/p/in-plain-site-confronting-the-human-trafficking-crisis-in-the-dental-setting


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Beyond the Brush: Mastering Oral Care Instructions with Karina Diaz

Bulletproof Hygiene Podcast Episode 122 Host: Charissa Wood, RDH Guest: Karina Diaz, RDH Key Takeaways: · Control to Oral Health · Preventative care · Early Detection · Support Treatment · Oral Health Education · Customizing our care to patients · How Oral health contributes to overall health and well-being References: Hygiene Mastermind - https://bulletproofmastermind.com Summit - https://bulletproofsummit.com Mighty Networks - Bulletproof Hygiene Tweetable: Don't just disclose and then brush it because then. But brush first use the disclosing and see where you missed and then go back and get that back. But then in the future, you know the areas you need to work on that you're struggling with and use it as like training for yourself. -Charissa Wood Hygiene is a journey with all of our patients we're not going to be able to do all the things at one appointment, like it is a process of what we're going to work through from all things. And oral hygiene instruction is the same way like it's a process where you keep adding until they just are looking really, amazing. -Charissa Wood


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Better Body, Better Brain with Dr. Uche Odiatu

Bulletproof Hygiene Podcast Episode 121 Host: Charissa Wood, RDH Guest: Dr. Uche Odiatu Key Takeaways: ● Health and wellness ● Nutrition ● Moving our bodies ● Health and Brain Health ● Cognitive Activities ● Good Memory ● Memory Loss ● P-gingivitis ● How to exercise the brain ● Food for Brain ● When will the brain be more active References: Hygiene Mastermind - https://bulletproofmastermind.com Summit - https://bulletproofsummit.com Mighty Networks - Bulletproof Hygiene Learn more about Dr. Uche Tweetable: "What is happening anywhere is happening everywhere." - Dr. Odiatu


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Check the Boxes

Bulletproof Hygiene Podcast Episode 120 Host: Charissa Wood, RDH Key Takeaways: Recap of Summit Tactical and Strategies What to consider when treatment planning for perio Assessing the level of damage by the disease or infection to determine the treatment modalities Oral DNA Uncontrolled Diabetes factor How could meds be contributing to the progression of perio or decay? Steps for health for each individual patient Airway Checking in the GI health Looking at occlusion Assessing for nitric oxide levels Discussing Diet Stress Chemical Aspect References: Hygiene Mastermind - https://bulletproofmastermind.com Summit - https://bulletproofsummit.com Mighty Networks - Bulletproof Hygiene Tweetable: We are not creating a sterile environment in the mouth It’s having a good, healthy, Symbiotic community that works to create harmony in the oral environment. We’re killing the bad then we’re now creating available room for either good to move in and populate or the bad that gets left behind.
