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Life and Business In Flow

Business & Economics Podcasts

It’s time to redefine what success looks like to you and design a business that supports and nourishes the life you want to live. I’m Kate Addamo, the Mentor to Creatives and host of Life and Business In Flow. In this podcast, I’ll share my story and journey of growth, and empower you to think and do things differently - both in business and life. Together, let’s build a sustainable, grounded business that aligns with the life you want to live and supports YOU - the woman behind the brand. I’ll show you how to reconnect with yourself, prioritise your health and value, and find your feminine flow. This is your invitation to come back to the foundations of your business, build with clarity and confidence, and create space to live life on your terms. Join me and let’s explore all things life, health, worth and boundaries, business, finances, brand and so much more.


United States


It’s time to redefine what success looks like to you and design a business that supports and nourishes the life you want to live. I’m Kate Addamo, the Mentor to Creatives and host of Life and Business In Flow. In this podcast, I’ll share my story and journey of growth, and empower you to think and do things differently - both in business and life. Together, let’s build a sustainable, grounded business that aligns with the life you want to live and supports YOU - the woman behind the brand. I’ll show you how to reconnect with yourself, prioritise your health and value, and find your feminine flow. This is your invitation to come back to the foundations of your business, build with clarity and confidence, and create space to live life on your terms. Join me and let’s explore all things life, health, worth and boundaries, business, finances, brand and so much more.



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What Are Your Business Obstacles (and How to Overcome Them)

We all face obstacles in our businesses and lose our sense of direction from time to time. It’s both an inevitable and a natural process. However, the power is in how we handle these situations. Do you continue dragging yourself physically, emotionally, and financially through the trenches in hopes that it will sort itself out on its own? Or do you take control by pausing, reflecting and then creating the mental space to think about each obstacle that’s in your way and how you can gradually start making changes to remove them? It’s so easy to get disconnected and resentful when things aren’t flowing. This is where someone from the outside looking in can support you. Someone with the experience to help you remove the stones in your shoe that are hindering your process, your finances, your team culture, and your LIFE! It’s time to get your business (and life) back into a state of flow. Not sure what obstacles are standing in your way? This episode is for you. __________ Going it alone will only get you so far. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and don’t know whether to grow your business or scale it back, you’ve outgrown your brand, struggling with your process, finances, pricing, sales and how and when to hire, I’d love to connect and support you. Together, we will refine your business to support you, the woman behind the brand. It’s time to Flourish 🌸 __________ I’d love to connect with you and support you 🪻 Website: Instagram: @lifeandbusinessinflow Get to know me


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A Refreshing Take On Marketing with Amy Edwards from Markedly

It’s time to take the pressure off and simplify marketing in your business. Somewhere along the way, we overcomplicated marketing and we lost sight of what its true purpose is. Sure, a pretty photo or aesthetically pleasing feed on Instagram still has a place, but without a marketing strategy behind it, you won’t be able to convey the value of your work or services, attract aligned clients that you actually want to work with, or know what actions to take to get your brand out there. Let’s change all that. Today, you’re in for a very special episode as my friend, my client, and marketing extraordinaire, Amy Edwards from Markedly is on the podcast. Amy is the founder of Markedly - a marketing consultancy for designers, architects and creatives. They’re all about helping people bring the passion and creativity they have for their work into their marketing. Amy’s passionate about helping creatives - and their work - be seen and valued by all who use it. Take a look behind the curtain of marketing as Amy shares her wealth of knowledge on how to get back to the foundations of your marketing, what value-based marketing is, how to nurture your audience in the online space, and how she intertwines life and business. __________ It’s time to invest in YOU. Come and join me on Nurture: The Retreat, an intimate retreat for 8 wonderful women in business. It’s an opportunity to pause, reflect and connect in a beautiful, serene setting that can only be described as magical ✨ Nurture: The Retreat has launched and your spot is waiting for you! __________ Where you can find and connect with Amy Edwards: Website: Instagram: The Content Curator Program is relaunching this September. Find out more and get your name on the waitlist here. __________ I’d love to connect with you and support you 🪻 Website: Instagram: @lifeandbusinessinflow Get to know me


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Evolving and Finding Yourself As a Woman On Your Business Journey

We change, we grow and we evolve as women so when it comes to our businesses, the best thing we can do is allow it to grow and flow with us in a way that feels really aligned. I’m a completely different woman today from who I was when I started my business 7 years ago. I’ve evolved so naturally, my business and my brand should too because my brand is an extension of who I am, my values, and the message I’m trying to share. As women, we’re constantly meeting new versions of ourselves and if we don't take the time to reflect and do the work, we're just going to keep sailing, missing opportunities, missing aligned clients, and missing out on the real depth of what our businesses could be. I want you to have a brand and business that you're proud of, and that feels in alignment with you, but I also want it to reflect who you are as a woman on this business journey that you're on right now and the season that you are in. It’s time to Flourish as I guide, empower and support you, the woman behind the brand, through navigating your business decisions and personal growth while opening you up to new possibilities in a supportive way. You can find more information on my website at You can find and connect with me over on Instagram at @lifeandbusinessinflow.


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The Biggest Challenges I See With Creative Businesses

It breaks my heart just how many women in creative business are feeling so alone right now, who aren’t reaching their potential, and who lack the finances and freedom to create a business and life they want to live. Business isn’t something to go alone. And without the right support of someone who understands how to run a creative business and all its intricacies – you’re left feeling stuck, stagnant and in a vicious cycle. So, what do we do in this situation? We play small, we keep our heads down, we don’t confront what needs work in our business, and we keep going down the same path of resistance sacrificing our health, and our happiness, just to be a slave to our computer screens for the sake of being “busy” and pushing through. All it takes is someone on the outside who understands and can see a clearer picture through a different lens of what is truly possible for you and what you need to do in order to get where you want to go. And more than likely, that person isn’t going to be your husband, your partner, your best friend, or a business connection you made online. That person is going to be a mentor. Someone who can see your potential, someone who understands the ins and outs, the highs and lows, and the day-to-day tasks required to run, grow and create a sustainable creative business. And if this resonates with you, then today's episode will give you the gentle nudge you need to make that decision for yourself and move you in the direction you need to go. Today, I share with you the story of two very remarkable women that I mentor. I am forever inspired by the extraordinary women that I work with and how with the right support and in such a short period of time, they have made some incredible changes in their creative businesses which are now having a positive impact on their lives, too. From pricing, mindset shifts, and hiring - these stories serve as a testament to the power of personalised support. So, I want to ask, who’s supporting you? -------- I'm so excited to announce that Nurture: The Retreat Spring Edition, is launching late May 2024. Nurture is an opportunity to pause, reflect, and reconnect in a beautiful, serene setting that can only be described as magical. Make sure to add your name to the waitlist so you have first access to spots available. It’s an intimate retreat for only 8 women so don’t delay booking as spots go fast! You can find the itinerary and waitlist on my website here: Let’s connect on Instagram at @lifeandbusinessinflow.


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The Diagnosis That Changed It All

Life has an interesting way of teaching us important lessons. Whether through grief, heartbreak, sadness, or losing someone or something close to your heart, life sure knows how to help us use that experience and learn from it to better ourselves. When I lost my Mum to cancer, I learned a lot. I learned about who I am, what I’m here to do, and how I can take better care of not just myself but those around me too. I shared conversations with her that I’d never shared before in all my life, and after her passing, I reflected on those conversations and just how profound they were. Today’s episode was a hard one to record and my most vulnerable episode yet but it’s something that I know is so important to share with you. I am here to bring women together, have those deeper conversations, and no longer live life on autopilot while putting our health on the back burner. Life is precious and if there is anything I’ve taken away from those conversations with Mum, it is to just start. Start taking care of yourself now so that you can live a longer life for you and the ones you love. This is the diagnosis that changed it all. ------- We all have the opportunity to create a life on our terms, but we rarely come up for air to see what that looks like. Now is your chance! My retreat, Nurture: The Retreat Spring Edition is launching in May 2024. Make sure to add your name to the waitlist so you have first access to spots available. It’s an intimate retreat with only 8 spots available – don’t delay booking! Spots go fast. Let’s connect on Instagram at @lifeandbusinessinflow.


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Quarter 1 Reflections: What I've Learned

Today, I wanted to step back, take a breather, and settle into a period of reflection. Looking at what transpired over the first three months of 2024. Reflecting on my Q1, I’ve come to realise that some of my to-do lists for my business just didn’t happen. And you know what? I’m okay with that. I’ve accepted that it’s okay to take the pressure off in quarter one as I step into a new year (especially after the year that was 2023). I stopped pushing the things that don’t matter right now and gave a gentle nudge to the things that do. So, I want to ask… What did quarter 1 look like for you? In today’s episode, I want you to reflect on your quarter 1 for 2024 as you look back at all you’ve achieved and what you’ve put on the backburner, whilst planning any much-needed shifts to your life, health, and business so that the year ahead not only feels good but will take you in the direction that you want to go in your life and business. My retreat, Nurture: The Retreat Spring Edition is going on sale shortly. Make sure to add your name to the waitlist so you have first access. It’s an intimate retreat with only 8 spots available. Let's connect on Instagram at @lifeandbusinessinflow.


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You Are Enough, Despite What Social Media Says

It’s no secret that I’m tired of the hustle culture, the boss-babe mentality, and the harmful messaging that social media seems to be consumed by of late. It’s all about quick money, overnight success and going viral; if we’re not on the bandwagon, we’re failing. It’s making women feel like they constantly need to be more and do more to “show up”. Authenticity is being replaced by trending. We’re giving too much energy to what everyone else is doing, and as a result, our authenticity and creativity suffer. I’ve always known that I’m here to make a positive impact for all women, and to remind them that they are already enough, despite what social media says. We can do things differently. We can change the message. It's time to connect back to ourselves and reclaim our self-worth, on and offline. If you resonated with this episode, listen to Episode 36. The End of Hustle Culture and The Boss Babe. I'd love to know what you loved and resonated with most from this episode. Reach out to me over on Instagram at @lifeandbusinessinflow. Ready to create a sustainable life and business? Get started with The First Steps Guide.


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The Unexpected Shifts of Being in My Feminine Energy

One of the most profound lessons I’ve learned, not just in my business but in my life, is to embrace the balance of my masculine and feminine energies. I grew up in a primarily masculine environment, being raised on a family farm where there was always something to do and not taking a moment to rest was considered normal or working in male-dominated industries full of hustle culture and competition. I had learned that working hard and sitting in my masculine was just a way of life. I was taught by society that those who go hard and are in a constant state of busy are worthy of celebration as if it’s some badge of honour and what is defined as “success”. For me, this resulted in extreme burnout. Since then, I’ve been on a journey of self-discovery and learning more about what it really means to embrace your femininity, and in turn, balance both masculine and feminine energies in both my business and my life. Join me in today’s episode as I take you behind the scenes of my life and the unexpected shifts that happened when I stepped more into my feminine flow. It’s a beautiful dance and one I can’t wait to share with you. Ready to create a sustainable life and business? Get started with the First Steps Guide. Let’s connect on Instagram at @lifeandbusinessinflow. It’s time to bring in a new era of the woman who’s connected, in alignment and doing things on her terms. Find out how I can support you on my website.


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Slowing Your Business is a Real Sign of Growth, Just Ask These Interior Designers!

In today’s episode, I want to share the story of two Interior Design clients who’ve undergone massive transformations in their lives and businesses over the last 12 months. They came to me burnt out and lost, running on empty, not sure what the next steps were in their business. They’d lost their spark, they were people-pleasing, and letting their clients cross boundaries. They were at a crossroads. Sound familiar? Like so many women out there, they needed space to come up for air. They’d bought into the whole “do more, be more” mantra, thinking that success needs to be hard and that you need to constantly be pushing and grinding. But that’s not how we do things here. Instead, they took a step back, slowed down, and reconnected with what matters most to them. Now? They’re happier, more grounded, and have space for the things they love such as gardening and cooking, being with loved ones, learning new skills, and creating new products and offerings, all while still making an income. The transformation is like day and night. And I want this for you, too. Spots for Nurture: The Retreat Spring edition are now open. This is an exclusive invitation to my clients and community. My retreats are an opportunity to be truly nourished, heard, seen and supported in surroundings that can only be described as magical. It's for the woman who is curious, open, and ready for change. It’s time to Flourish. Let me support you, the woman behind the brand, through navigating your business decisions and personal growth while opening you up to new possibilities in a supportive way. Let’s connect on Instagram at @lifeandbusinessinflow.


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Is It Time to Grow Or Slow this Year in Your Business?

I’ve noticed two different themes lately with the women and creatives that I work with. They are feeling the pull to either grow their business by expanding, rebranding, hiring, purchasing new equipment, investing, or renting office or warehouse space. Or slow down within their business by taking a step back, refining business foundations, focusing on family, well-being, and simplicity. Over the past six years, I've personally experienced the ebb and flow, the moments of pushing forward and pulling back, focusing on the front-end or the back end of business, and being in creative mode vs. going with the flow. This resonates with the women and creatives I work with, sparking conversations on whether it's time to slow down or business growth. Whichever direction you choose, a business needs a solid foundation first and a greater understanding of your finances. By understanding your cash flow, budgets, and tracking your incoming and outgoing expenses, you’ll have the ability to forecast and plan from a more confident and empowered place. It’s all about having the right tools in place to support you and give you back control. Have the confidence, clarity, and knowledge around money that you deserve with In Flow to Grow – the cash flow planner that takes the stress, fear, and mental load out of finances so that you can stay confidently in control of your money, your business, and in seasons of wanting to grow or slow in your business. Let's connect over on Instagram at @lifeandbusinessinflow.


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Are You Building Your Life and Business on Solid Foundations or Shaky Ground?

Building solid foundations in life and business is key for long-term sustainability, growth, and more importantly, mental, and physical well-being - which I am so deeply passionate about. Drawing from 6 years of mentoring and over 1,400 one-on-one sessions, the biggest challenge that I see time and time again is trying to grow your business without a solid grasp on the foundations. The process, client journey, finances, tax/BAS and more just don't work themselves out on their own, we need to commit time to implementing and refining them. Running a business isn't just about your social media presence, building your brand, and your client offerings. It's so much more than that. You need to actually run your business from the ground up. If you don't, you'll burn out, let clients down, use band-aids and quick fixes, face even more overwhelm (aka shaky ground), and find yourself constantly putting out fires in your business that could have been avoided. Look, I get it. Spreadsheets aren’t as sexy as creating fancy Reels and carousels, or an aesthetically pleasing feed. But, with solid foundations in place, your business and life will become so much easier, and it will support you at every turn. Join me in today’s episode as I share the impact of creating solid foundations and continuously refining the back end of my business. It puts me in a position to take holidays, have space to work on my business, to focus on my health, provide a great service to my clients, and create space to grow and create all while supporting me in other areas of my life too. It's taken time, but the peace of mind is so worth it. In flow to grow, the cash flow planner for clarity and confidence with your finances is available on my website to support you in getting clear and being in control of your finances. Let’s connect on Instagram at @lifeandbusinessinflow.


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2023 the Year of Growth and Not in the Way You Would Expect

It’s finally time for the final episode of the year - and what a year it’s been. 2023 has been an incredibly significant year in my world. If you’ve listened along, you’ll know that I turned 40, took time to travel with loved ones, and wrestled with grief at the loss of my mum and more recently, a very close friend. I’ve invested in myself physically, mentally and emotionally, and have learned so much about my body and my health in the process. And whilst I’ve prioritised my growth, learning and healing, my business has continued to evolve and grow. I’ve rebranded, grown my team, hosted retreats, launched new products, and laid the foundations for the things I want to bring to life next year. In a year filled with highs and lows, I’ve never felt more passionate and aligned with the work that I do. After 6 years in business and over 1300 one-on-one mentoring sessions, I can see that this support is still needed now more than ever as women continue to struggle with burnout. Join me today to reflect on 2023 - the year of growth, but not in the way you would expect. I wish you a wonderful Christmas, holidays and New Year x To say thank you for being part of the journey and to support you with your own end-of-year reflections, I've created a Christmas gift called Release and Renew for you to reflect on the year that was and release what no longer serves you as you step into 2024. Download your workbook here. In Flow to Grow, the cash flow planner for clarity and confidence with your finances is available to purchase on my website to support you in getting clear on your finances going into 2024 and beyond. Let’s connect on Instagram at @lifeandbusinessinflow.


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An Open Conversation with Adrian Addamo on Growth, Leadership, and Why He's the Difference

Today, I have the very special honour of introducing you to a kindred and passionate spirit whose purpose, just like mine, is to help people achieve their absolute best. In today's episode, I’m thrilled to welcome my husband, Adrian Addamo. With his inspiring story, incredible discipline, and unique coaching style, he has so much value to share with both this community and the world. Coming from a background of 23 years in sales and leadership, Adrian is now a coach and speaker who inspires people to realise their full potential and perform as true professionals. Taking a holistic approach to his coaching, Adrian empowers others with the clarity and energy to achieve and maintain the work-life balance they desire. I’m so excited to share Adrian’s insights around identity, leadership, performance mindset, the true depth of what a work-life balance really means, and how to give our personal identity as much weight and importance as our career identity. He shares his journey of growth, lessons, and embracing vulnerability whilst seizing opportunities to develop and build himself. Adrian’s here to show people that there’s no one right way of doing things, and to help them find their way to Be The Difference - and it’s through that work that you can truly understand and achieve your potential. I have known for some time now that I wanted to bring Adrian onto the podcast as he has so much wisdom to support you and the men in your life. This may be a good episode to share with partners, brothers, sons or anyone you think would benefit from it. Connect with Adrian Addamo Website: Instagram: @bethedifference_co The Hunt, Men's online group coaching The Difference, Team coaching program 1:1 Coaching Programs - The Reset and The Leader In Flow to Grow, the cash flow planner for clarity and confidence with your finances is available to purchase tomorrow, Friday the 22nd of November! Follow me on Instagram at @lifeandbusinessinflow and head over to my website to get your copy. Ready to create a sustainable life and business? Get started with the First Steps Guide.


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Cash Flow and Its Impact On Your Mental Load

In my six years as a mentor, there’s a consistent challenge I’ve seen people face, and that’s cash flow. It’s one of the biggest fears, biggest resistances, and biggest unknowns that I see countless business owners struggle to manage. It can be from a lack of confidence and clarity, not charging the value of their offering, not having the best tools to manage it, or all of this and more. That’s not what I want for you. I want you to feel clear, confident, and empowered to make decisions in your business. Having supported myself from a young age, being financially confident and independent is incredibly important to me. From piles of cash bundled with post-it notes to now an Excel spreadsheet that captures all areas of my personal and business finances, I’ve always had a cash flow system that gave me clarity on exactly where I’m at. Now, I want to share that system with you with, In Flow to Grow. It’s my simple system to help women have the financial confidence and clarity they deserve, with none of the mental load of fear, stress, or anxiety that they don’t know how to manage it. In Flow to Grow is about more than just managing money. It’s about taking control of your business, making decisions with confidence, highlighting where you can grow in your business, and releasing the stress and pressure that builds when we don’t have that knowledge. If you’re ready to know exactly what’s coming in and out of your business, to forecast and plan for growth with confidence, to reduce your mental load, and to have support with your finances even if mentoring isn’t available to you right now, then In Flow to Grow is coming soon. Keep an eye out on Instagram and my newsletter to grab it as soon as it drops, and experience financial flow for yourself. Ready to create a sustainable life and business? Get started with the First Steps Guide. Let’s connect on Instagram at @lifeandbusinessinflow.


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What does life and business in flow mean to you?

Today’s episode goes right to the core of what I do and why I do it. It’s about asking yourself - what does life and business in flow mean to you? To me, it’s simple. It’s a better experience in life and in business, with time and space to live life to the fullest and healthiest, it can be. It’s feeling empowered by solid foundations and a clear, strong connection to who you are. Getting there takes time, consistency, commitment, and investment - but I can guarantee that it works and it is so worth it. Having experienced life and business in flow for myself, as well as seeing what life looks like without that flow, I’m so passionate about helping other women achieve it too. I want to help you overcome the thought of getting around to things “one day” and start making changes NOW. If we endlessly tell ourselves that we don’t have time, then that becomes our story. We’ll never have time until we unlearn that story, and the sooner we start, the sooner things get better. So what does life and business in flow mean to you, and how can you get there? Today we’ll talk about defining that meaning, taking those small steps that lead to big impact, building a solid support team, and setting up the foundations for a life and business that feel healthy, happy, and aligned for you. Ready to create a sustainable life and business? Get started with the First Steps Guide. Let’s connect on Instagram at @lifeandbusinessinflow.


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Storytelling, Copy and Branding with Hayley Griffiths

The right story attracts the right audience. Your story is uniquely yours and its what will draw your dream clients to your business - but being able to tell that story clearly is key. To help us with this, I have the great pleasure of welcoming Hayley Griffiths of Hayley G Creative to the podcast. As a copywriter, Hayley is here to help you confidently tell your unique story, share your value and connect with your dream customers. For her, it’s not just about the products or services that you offer - it’s about finding the right words to articulate your brand in a way that confidently reflects your purpose, values and vision. With over a decade of marketing experience and writing behind her, Hayley is here to help female business owners like you showcase the uniqueness of their brand with copywriting that engages their ideal customer, builds loyalty and delivers results. Hayley’s specialty is storytelling that cuts through the noise and creates a genuine connection. Today, she’s sharing what her process looks like, the power of a strong brand voice, and how to use SEO and AI as tools, NOT the core of your copy. As well as all things copy, Hayley and I talk about business mindset, values, advice, and the journey for her to build a life and business that are truly in flow. For insight into creating clear, consistent, authentic copy that flows naturally and resonates with your ideal audience, look no further. Hayley is an open book on copywriting and telling your story - and to see an example, simply jump on the beautiful website she helped me to create. Ready to create a sustainable life and business? Get started with the First Steps Guide. Let’s connect on Instagram at @lifeandbusinessinflow. Where you can connect with Hayley: Website: Instagram: @hayleyg.creative Get your hands on Hayley's go-to tool to bring those beautiful words to the forefront of your business and brand. Download your free copy right here.


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The Invisible Work

Sometimes, the most powerful work you can do won’t be obvious to anyone else. It’s work that will transform your life inside and out - but it’s a journey you take within yourself. I call it the ‘invisible work’. It’s the inner reflections, healing, and grounding that allows us to live life as our healthiest self, physically and emotionally. It’s work that people won’t necessarily see happening, but the results will make themselves abundantly clear. It isn’t always easy for people to put themselves first and live life on their terms, but the truth is that we are the first foundation of our business. If we’re struggling, then so are our businesses - not to mention our lives, relationships, sleep, health, and so much more. If you feel like you’re forever chasing your tail, running yourself ragged trying to make your business work for everyone else, then it’s time to stop. No more band-aiding your health and stress just to keep going. In today’s episode, I want to shift your thinking to reflect on what it means for you to run your life and business at your own pace. I mean it when I say it’s a journey. There’s no timeframe on it, just one foot in front of the other with small, consistent steps that will build into a healthier, happier version of you. The sooner we start, the sooner we can get there - and when you do, that invisible work will become incredibly visible to both you and everyone around you. Ready to create a sustainable life and business? Get started with the First Steps Guide. Let’s connect on Instagram at @lifeandbusinessinflow.


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Navigating Hiring in Your Business to Support Your Growth

We can’t do it all on our own forever. We can’t be the creative director while we’re caught up being the receptionist. Eventually, we all need support to allow ourselves freedom to grow, expand, and move our businesses forward. For many business owners, hiring support can feel daunting. There can be fear around letting go of work, hiring the right person, finances, the process of onboarding someone, or even releasing someone that isn’t the right fit. Believe me, I totally get it. I hired my first team member 18 months into my business and haven’t looked back since. Without support, I wouldn’t be able to work with as many clients as I do, create new products, host retreats, plan my growth strategy - or even have this podcast. In fact, my only regret about hiring support was that I waited too long to do it. If you’ve been thinking about hiring support or want to know what that could look like one day, then this episode is for you. We’ll go through how to overcome the limiting beliefs around hiring, empower your team members, recognise when it’s time to let someone go, and when we might have waited too long to hire. Today, I’m challenging you to think about how much you could achieve, grow, and earn if you had support in your business. As business owners, we should be building up supports behind us so that we can step up and grow into the business in different ways - but we can’t do that if we’re stuck in the trenches. It’s time to Flourish as I guide, empower, and support you, the woman behind the brand, through navigating your business decisions and personal growth while opening you up to new possibilities in a really supportive way. Ready to create a sustainable life and business? Get started with the First Steps Guide. Let’s connect on Instagram at @lifeandbusinessinflow.


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Small, Consistent Steps Towards Your Vision for Life and Business

For a while now, I’ve held a vision for what I want my life to look like - and to work towards that, I’ve built a business that supports it. My intention from day one was always for my business to support and nourish the life I want to live. It allows time for family, gives me space to recharge, and lets me live a happy, healthy life. It’s the freedom that so many women are dreaming of, but it doesn’t happen overnight. We all know that life doesn’t always go to plan. As much as we’d love for everything to perfectly fall into place, that just isn’t reality. What doesn’t have to be reality is to let that stop you from even starting. It’s all too easy to slip into a pattern of waiting for the right time to start taking those steps toward your vision. We tell ourselves that we’ll get around to it next week, next month, or next year. But why wait? Every little thing that we could start to do NOW is going to compound. Maybe you won’t move through things as quickly as you want or be able to take on everything at once, but those little steps are going to move you toward your vision far more than staying stuck in paralysis and overwhelm. So, if you’ve been holding a vision for your life and business but don’t know how to tackle those big steps to get there - this is your sign to take the small, consistent ones. In today’s episode, I’ll show you exactly what that can look like. From there, you’ll be able to build momentum and see real, steady, and incredible change year on year that will transform your life and business and bring you closer to your vision. Ready to create a sustainable life and business? Get started with the First Steps Guide. Let’s connect on Instagram at @lifeandbusinessinflow. Find out how I can support you on my website.


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Birthing A New Era of Life and Business

There is always room to learn more, grow further, and gain even more clarity. I’m saying this from an incredibly fresh experience. I’ve had amazing clarity in this journey of changing, rebranding, and discovering my true purpose - and yet have found a way to feel even clearer again. That’s because I’ve just come away from one of the most beautiful, soul-healing experiences of my life. I’ve shed layers of hurts, traumas, conditioning, and more, and have been rebirthed into who I am and how I want to show up in the world. The journey of growth and healing never truly ends, and I’ve learned more about myself and my foundations than I ever thought possible. Today, I want to share the power of that with you, and how it can mark the birth of a new era in your life and business too. We are the first foundation of our business. If we’re not creating the space to work on ourselves, how can we ever build our businesses to be solid, sustainable, and supportive of the life we want to live? I’m here to be the interruption you need to step back and reflect. I’m here to take you on this journey with me as we birth this new era of life and business that supports the season of life you’re in, no matter what that season might be. It’s what we deserve, so let’s stop settling for anything less. Ready to create a sustainable life and business? Get started with the First Steps Guide. Let’s connect on Instagram at @lifeandbusinessinflow. Unlock your purpose and design a life and business that nourishes you. Find out how I can support you on my website.
