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Join us as we watch, play, and read our way through the horror world and determine what is truly essential.
132. Thanksgiving (2023)
Back the Holiday season with our first episode of the year covering Thanksgiving (2023) directed by Eli Roth! How much has his directing chops improved over 20 years? Well, frankly a ton. He is still as subtle as a bull in a china shop, but for what this film is, it really is a blast. Could it possibly be the essential Thanksgiving film?!!?!
0:00 - Intro
1:31 - Spoiler Warning
2:27 - Synopsis
3:17 - Discussion
34:07 - Final Review
39:42 - Is it essential?
50:23 - Socials, Suggestions, Sign Off
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131. Cabin Fever (2002)
Fear the FEVER! Eli Roth's debut is certainly a solid start for any given horror director. Is this film as "mean spirited" as Bobby claims Roth's work is? Only one way to find out!
0:00 - Intro
1:21 - Spoiler Warning
2:10 - Synopsis
3:18 - Discussion
32:24 - Final Review
38:35 - Is it essential?
44:57- Socials, Suggestions, Sign Off
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130. Wishmaster (1997)
Wishmaster is often a forgotten horror franchise, and while the later entries may deserve to be forgotten the first does not. This film is largely carried by Andrew Divoff's performance as the Djinn, his toying with characters and delivery of lines is so evil and vile it is a treat to see. Does this film being forgotten tell you something about its score, its essentiality? Find out today!
0:00 - Intro
0:56 - Spoiler Warning
1:41 - Synopsis
3:19 - Discussion
36:36 - Final Review
40:33 - Is it essential?
46:45- Socials, Suggestions, Sign Off
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129. Friday the 13th Part 2 (1981)
The introduction of Jason had to make onto the show at some point and here we are. Could this film possibly live up to the expectations? Find out today!
0:00 - Intro
0:46 - Spoiler Warning
1:21 - Synopsis
2:33 - Discussion
36:06 - Final Review
42:54 - Is it essential?
49:03 - Socials, Suggestions, Sign Off
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128. Lake Placid (1999)
Giant Spiders last week and now Giant Crocs this week, where could we go from here?!?!?! Its been a fun time having a brief romp through the creature features subgenre of horror, and we have reach what Corbin may say is a Classic in Lake Placid. Does a Creature Feature need to have a comically large creature? Apparently not! However, the all important question must be answered, does this film have what it takes to be essential?
0:00 - Intro
0:49 - Spoiler Warning
3:03 - Synopsis
4:51 - Discussion
26:41 - Final Review
32:44 - Is it essential?
38:37 - Socials, Suggestions, Sign Off
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127. Eight Legged Freaks (2002)
The base level of scares in this film is much higher than your typical PG-13 Horror Film. Why? ITS FILLED WITH FUCKING SPIDERS. This movie is an absolute blast filled with a soundtrack of early 2000's bangers. What more do you need out a film?
0:00 - Intro
0:52 - Spoiler Warning
1:43 - Synopsis
2:42 - Discussion
28:15 - Final Review
34:15 - Is it essential?
41:56 - Socials, Suggestions, Sign Off
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126. Scream 2 (1997)
Look, its Scream 2. Do you really need me to tell you that we love this film?
0:00 - Intro
1:22 - Spoiler Warning
2:09 - Synopsis
4:05 - Discussion
48:44 - Final Review
53:33 - Is it essential?
1:01:41 - Socials, Suggestions, Sign Off
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125. Sleepy Hollow (1999)
The lack of Sleepy Hollow related media is truly disturbing, luckily we do have this gem of a Tim Burton film to fill the void. With a star studded cast and more gore than we were really expecting at the time and even today, Sleepy Hollow (1999) is a wonderful little romp.
0:00 - Intro
0:42 - Spoiler Warning
1:55 - Synopsis
3:29 - Discussion
36:57 - Final Review
41:30 - Is it essential?
54:12 - Socials, Suggestions, Sign Off
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124. Nightbreed (1990)
How is it that two weeks in a row we ended up with movies that were far longer than they had any right to be? Well regardless we now have Nightbreed a movie that just cannot seem to decide what it wants to be. It has some of the fastest and slowest pacing in a movie the three of us have ever seen. However, Clive Barker is involved so it has to be at least decent, right? Maybe. Essential? Find out today!
0:00 - Intro
0:53 - Spoiler Warning
1:23 - Synopsis
2:39 - Discussion
27:03 - Final Review
32:19 - Is it essential?
35:59 - Socials, Suggestions, Sign Off
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123. Ritual
Often confused with The Ritual, Ritual is a rather bad movie focused around Jamaican rituals. Is the pacing bad? Yes. Is the CGI awful? Yes. Is this movie still a fun time, well for 2 of the 3 hosts the answer is a resounding yes. Find out who hates it today!
0:00 - Intro
1:05 - Spoiler Warning
1:49 - Synopsis
3:07 - Discussion
31:17 - Final Review
39:30 - Is it essential?
42:22 - Socials, Suggestions, Sign Off
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122. Aliens (1986)
0:00 - Intro
1:47 - Spoiler Warning
2:14 - Synopsis
3:26 - Discussion
30:11 - Final Review
35:55 - Is it essential?
42:35 - Socials, Suggestions, Sign Off
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121. Alien (1979)
Alien (1979) is a film that has aged incredibly well since it's initial release in 1979. Largely, this can be attributed to the exceptional writing and the use of practical effects as much as possible. This is one of the films that has long since be on our radar, and it was an absolute blast to watch yet again!
0:00 - Intro
0:47 - Spoiler Warning
1:23 - Synopsis
2:45 - Discussion
40:52 - Final Review
40:31 - Is it essential?
55:56 - Socials, Suggestions, Sign Off
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120. Snowpiercer (2013)
Is Snowpiercer a horror film? Maybe. Is it essential, also maybe! Listen in to hear the boys mull over the goods the bads and the inconsistent of the Snowpiercerverse!
0:00 - Intro
0:42 - Spoiler Warning
1:13 - Synopsis
2:28 - Discussion
34:26 - Final Review
41:08 - Is it essential?
47:41 - Socials, Suggestions, Sign Off
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119. Constantine (2005)
Is Constantine (2005) a horror film, well no but it is adjacent so we figured why not talk about it. Could it somehow be essential? Find out today!
0:00 - Intro
1:01 - Spoiler Warning
1:41 - Synopsis
2:26 - Discussion
35:18 - Final Review
40:10 - Is it essential?
45:29 - Socials, Suggestions, Sign Off
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118. Suspiria (2018)
We knew after watching the original Suspiria from 1977 that we would have to cover the remake at some point, well that point came sooner than expected. Suspiria (2018) follows the general idea of the original but finds ways to deepen the plot and characters in new and interesting ways. Both films are spectacular, but could they possibly both be essential? Find out today!
0:00 - Intro
2:09 - Spoiler Warning
3:11 - Synopsis
4:02 - Discussion
41:22 - Final Review
45:40 - Is it essential?
50:52 - Socials, Suggestions, Sign Off
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117. Pearl (2023)
Pearl is the follow up to TI West's excellent film X. Telling the story of how Pearl became the deranged person we see in X. TI has an excellent eye for taking a specific style of film and executing on it masterfully. This film immediately shows its hand as an homage to classic films of the early 20's. Mia Goth manages to act her heart out throughout the film, and this is all to say we loved this movie. I'm not going to bury the lead further please give this film a watch. However, regardless of how much we did enjoy it, does this mean we also said it is essential? Listen in to find out!
None this week SORRY!
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116. Halloween (2007)
Rob Zombie's Halloween sure BLEEDS 2007 on its sleeve. Is that a good or a bad thing? Can it possible be essential? Find out TODAY!
None this week SORRY!
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115. House of the Witch Doctor (2013)
We often use other movies as comparison points when thinking through if a movie is Essential or not. Same thing also can apply when we are looking to score a movie. House of the Witch Doctor might be the single greatest comparison point we could have ever asked for. If a movie is worse than this, it is truly the most pitiful thing on the planet. Is it essential?
0:00 - Intro
0:54 - Spoiler Warning
2:14 - Synopsis
3:36 - Discussion
27:32 - Final Review
32:24 - Is it essential?
36:52 - Socials, Suggestions, Sign Off
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114. Demon Hole (2017)
There are times on this show where we have the pleasure of watching movies that truly surprise us. Demon Hole is almost one of those. This film is largely bad, but it is bad in a way that is quite enjoyable. Plot holes galore, awful effects, some of the most stilted dialogue you could imagine, however it has a certain charm to it. Is it essential?
0:00 - Intro
0:50 - Spoiler Warning
1:41 - Synopsis
2:21 - Discussion
27:27 - Final Review
34:31 - Is it essential?
40:47 - Socials, Suggestions, Sign Off
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113. Terrifier (2016)
Terrifier brought Art the Clown into the popular culture of horror and we are better for it. This movie has one particular scene it is known for, however there are so many more moments this movie should be better known for. In general this film is a masterpiece of makeup and effects, but it is also just hilarious. Please do yourself a favor and watch Terrifier!
0:00 - Intro
0:47 - Spoiler Warning
1:30 - Synopsis
2:37 - Discussion
35:40 - Final Review
42:05 - Is it essential?
49:24 - Socials, Suggestions, Sign Off
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