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Real Peace. Real People.

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Peace Lutheran Church is a church located in Aiken, South Carolina seeking to center the listener on Christ and Christ alone. He is real peace for real people.


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Peace Lutheran Church is a church located in Aiken, South Carolina seeking to center the listener on Christ and Christ alone. He is real peace for real people.



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But How Do I Do It?

But How Do I Do It? A SERMON BASED ON John 15:9-17 Even the most casual Christian understands a basic principle of Jesus’ teaching and the teaching of Scripture: love those around you. Rarely, the problem is not knowing if we should love our neighbor or our God. The problem is execution. So how do go from a place of understanding God’s call to love to making it happen? We look to the model of our love.


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Remain, Remain, Remain

Remain, Remain, Remain A SERMON BASED ON John 15:1-8 Your connection to Christ need not be tenuous. When he says, “Remain in me,” he isn’t calling on us to do the impossible. Instead, he is calling us to make use of the means that he has established to keep us near to him. In all of this, we understand a critical point: Jesus and Jesus alone is the one who keeps our relationship strong. In that resolute relationship, we find ourselves bearing fruit.
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Don't Settle for the Hired Hand

Don't Settle for the Hired Hand A SERMON BASED ON John 10:11-18 Paying someone to do a job usually works out. You give them a sum of money, sometimes a large sum of money, and they do their work well and on time. But that’s not always the case. Sometimes, the one motivated by simple money isn’t willing to sacrifice what it takes to get the job done well. In John 10, Jesus points out the difference between the Good Shepherd and the hired hand. See the difference in our sermon for this weekend!
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More Than A Slogan

More Than A Slogan A SERMON BASED ON 1 John 1:5-2:2 Do we have something worthwhile to say? Or are the words that Christians speak just as relevant and useful as any common catchphrase of the world? The Apostle John delivers phrases that stick in our mind, but they carry more weight than anything the world offers. Why? Because they are rooted in truth and reality!
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"Stop Doubting and Believe"

"Stop Doubting and Believe" A SERMON BASED ON John 20:19-31 When Jesus says “stop doubting,” we can’t help but notice an edge in his voice. In fact, he says that those who believe without seeing are blessed because they didn’t NEED to make God prove himself. When the doubts of life come our way, how should we react? Do we wallow in them and allow them to take ownership of our mind, or do we answer them with the truth of the resurrection?


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How Are You Doing?

How Are You Doing? A SERMON BASED ON Job 19:23-27 The hymn I Know that My Redeemer Lives is based on the words of Job, uttered when he was in the depths of despair and was forced to still find his hope in a God who seemed to abandon him. The reason these words of Job and the song writer are so poignant is that in the midst of trouble, the resurrection of Jesus changes death and life itself. If Christ has been risen from the grave, why on earth should I walk around being afraid of dying? And if death is not my primary concern in life, how does that shape my worldview?


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Real Sacrifice

Real Sacrifice A SERMON BASED ON John 19:17-30 On Good Friday, Jesus isn’t beaten just to gain pity. He’s not nailed to a cross to score your sympathy. He doesn’t die for your tears. Here at the cross, we see these beautiful juxtapositions. At the same time, we see the wrath of God, the innocent helpless looking sacrifice, and the seeming defeat of Christ himself. But if we blink, we see at the same time the love of God, the strong redeemer, and the victory of our Lord. Come to the cross and see!


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Unity Worth Preserving

Unity Worth Preserving A SERMON BASED ON 1 Corinthians 10:16-17 Keeping a group of people together isn’t an easy thing to do. A church is no different. Personalities loom large. Opinions are stated (maybe overstated). Things fall apart. So how do we preserve and defend the unity in a church? At the Lord’s Supper, God gives us a rich opportunity to find safety in the oneness that we share at his table.


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Making A Strong Entrance

Making A Strong Entrance A SERMON BASED ON Mark 11:1-11 Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem isn’t exactly understated. It is one of the few times that Jesus indulges the fanfare. The expectation of those in the city was that he would be this strong warrior on their behalf. They believed that he had the strength to answer their cries of “hosanna” which means “please save us!” And he would. Jesus would be that Savior… but maybe not the one everyone expected.


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"You Are Mine"

“You Are Mine” A SERMON BASED ON Isaiah 43:1-7 Many of the problems in life are created by us. We might not love admitting it, but it’s true. When we cause those problems, what does God say to us? Does he give up on us and let us wallow. Isaiah 43 answers that very question as God speaks to his people.


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Sin - Solved

Sin - Solved A SERMON BASED ON Ephesians 2:1-10 How is the problem of sin solved? If you ask members of Christian churches around the world, you might get a variety of answers. But Scripture offers one answer. You are saved BY GRACE ALONE… but what does that mean?


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Worship Is Worth Our Time

Worship Is Worth Our Time A SERMON BASED ON John 2:13-22 We live in a world in which everything is on-demand. You could order a blender today and it will be on your doorstep by the end of the day tomorrow. You can pay your mortgage on your phone from the couch. Everything is instant. Everything is convenient. Everything is done on your timeline. So why not worship? Why would we gather together? Why would we build a space to be used to its fullest once a week? What is so important on a Sunday morning that we drop everything and show up?


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Bearing Our Crosses

Bearing Our Crosses A SERMON BASED ON Romans 5:1-11 It doesn’t take long to realize that we have certain crosses to bear in this life as a result of our Christian faith. We deal with persecution and hatred. We are forced to make difficult decisions that others don’t have to make. It makes us ask the question: why? Why would God give us these crosses? Is it because he needs to see more from us? Is it to punish us? Or does he have so much more in mind for us?
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Is This Some Kind of Joke to God?

Is This Some Kind of Joke to God? A SERMON BASED ON Genesis 22:1-18 When God asked Abraham to do the impossible, Abraham gathered his things and was determined to carry out exactly what he had been called to do. Abraham was willing to do whatever the Lord had called him to do for two reasons. Check out Abraham’s reasons and make them your reasons!


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A Transfiguration Unlike Any Other

A Transfiguration Unlike Any Other A SERMON BASED ON Mark 9:2-9 As the Lord Jesus prepared to approach his suffering and death, he undergoes this transfiguration. It is one of those moments in which it seems that heaven connects with earth. Holiness and perfection are on miraculous display. Jesus is finally seen as he really is. But that still leaves us with one question: WHY?
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An Unworthy Enemy

An Unworthy Enemy A SERMON BASED ON 1 Peter 5:6-11 You might not like to think about it, but the devil does actually exist. He is our adversary and the adversary of the church of Jesus. I don’t think most of us wake up with that prowling lion on our minds, but that doesn’t mean that he isn’t hard at work. In our reading, Peter tells us that while the devil doesn’t quit, we still don’t need to cower in fear. Instead, we find our safety in the grace of Jesus.
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Who's in Charge Here?

Who’s in Charge Here? A SERMON BASED ON Mark 1:21-28 Can you be the boss of your own life? Can you control your destiny? You might think you can. But look back on the last few months of your life. Were you able to make all your problems go away? Probably not. So what do we do when we realize that we’re not actually in total control over our lives? How can we get comfortable with that?


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The Kindness in His Calling

The Kindness in His Calling A SERMON BASED ON 1 Samuel 3:1-10 Our approach to God matters quite a bit. Whether it is in worship or in our daily study of his Word, the way we come before him matters. Will we come before him with pride in our hearts, thinking we know best. Or will we go before him humbly with nothing on our tongue other than: “Speak, Lord, for you servant is listening”?


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It Begins with Baptism

It Begins with Baptism A SERMON BASED ON Romans 6:1-11 “So, what does your church teach about baptism?” Romans offers our explanation for us! The simple truth found in God’s Word, that he is delivering on his promise of forgiveness, life and salvation in Baptism, is found in clear terms in Romans 6. If you have any questions about Peace’s teachings concerning baptism, please reach out to our pastor!


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Power and Grace

Power and Grace A SERMON BASED ON Matthew 2:1-12 In our narrative about the 3 wisemen who came to visit Jesus after his birth, we learn 2 truths about how God reaches his people. He does so with power and he does so with grace. When God goes after someone, he REALLY goes after them.
