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Redemption Unveiled

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Say "yes" to the adventures God has for you & be prepared to do what it takes!


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Say "yes" to the adventures God has for you & be prepared to do what it takes!



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29. Family Announcement from Haley!

Family Announcement from Haley!


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28. The Final Step of Every Adventure

Do you have a preconceived idea about what victory is supposed to look like? I know for me, I used to have this idea that victory was a very clear and true win. It was when God would place an idea on my heart, I start walking the journey of that adventure and then it ends how I would it expect it to win. Here's the thing though...saying yes to God's call on you doesn't mean that you will receive the victory that you thought you would. We have to remember what the true victory is when we follow God's call on our life, and that is now always what we expect it to be. Find Us:


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27. Feeling Discouraged in Your Walk with God?

Do you feel discouraged in your walk with God? Do you feel like you know what God has called you to do but seem to hit obstacle after obstacle? Do you get excited about what God has for you and then struggle to stay focused once the week gets going? I get it! I have created the "Taking My Adventure" Community for women who WANT to do what God has for them, but are struggling to stay on track each week. This is what I wish I had 8 years ago! Join me at I can't wait to help you finally get the progress you were born for!


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26. Step 2 of Every Adventure is This!

What role does struggle play in the adventure God has for you? It's easy to think that after we act on an idea that God has given us, that things will be easy, successful and that we cannot fail because this is from God. I'm sorry to tell you, this isn't always the case. I have found that when we act on the big ideas, the ones directly correlated with the call God has placed on our life, we will face struggle...and a lot of it. Possibly the most struggle we have experienced in our life. The struggle can begin to make us question if we heard God correctly or if we are even on the right path. The beautiful part is that you were literally created to conquer these struggles. And when you do conquer them, you come one step closer to fully stepping into the adventure God created you for. Find Us:


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25. The Key to Building a Strong Family

What does it take to build a strong family, no matter the size, circumstances and/or experiences that have impacted your adventure with God? Today we have an audience favorite back on, my mom Shelly! She shares her adventure in becoming a mother to several of us kids, what that revealed within her about the healing she needed and the impacts that had on her relationship with God. No adventure is the same. We all have our experiences that have led to where we are in life. We all have past experiences that have a part in who we are and how we make choices. But Shelly is going to reveal to us the one element that helped her dig deep to build and grow her strong family. Find Us:


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24. Every Adventure Starts with This Simple Thing

Every adventure starts with this one simple thing.... It will introduce itself to you. It will revisit you. It will catch you off guard. It will surprise you and make you uncomfortable. I'm talking about an idea. God sends ideas our way to keep us connected to our purpose and our adventure. We then have the choice to foster that idea or say no thanks. Both choices come with a cost and consequences, but only one leads us to our true adventure that God created for us. Find Us:


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23. Living an Unexpected Life

Have you ever had one of those intense seasons of life where it feels like everything around you is crumbling? This week, my sister-in-law shares the details of one of the most intense seasons of her life. The life that she thought she was building came crashing down and to a complete halt, leading her to a life that she didn't see coming. Are you squeezing the bar of soap? (you'll have to listen in to know the answer to this one) Find Us:


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22. New Teaching! Introducing the One Idea Rule!

Look at your habits. I'm talking about your morning routines, what you do at the end of a busy day, what choices you make throughout the day, etc... How many of these habits do you believe can be matched with the adventure and call that God has placed in your heart? Today, I want to share more with you about the "One Idea Rule." It has given me so many AHA moments about what tasks fulfill me in life and what tasks drain me. It's such a great starting place to understanding if we are heading in the direction of the adventure God has for us! Find Us:


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21. Creating an Adventurous Life

What did you think your adventure would look like? For this episode, my sister Ivy joins me on the podcast and shares how her adventure turned into something very different from what she originally imagined. With a naturally adventurous personality and a known desire to travel, every vision she had of her adventure for her life ended up looking much different than she anticipated. Adventure can have so many different forms, which I think is sometimes why we can struggle to identify our adventure or we don't even recognize it until we have been through and made it past some things in our life. Does your adventure for your life look as you had expected it to? Find Us:


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20. Don't End This Year Feeling Disappointed

Are you actually seeking clarity? Like actively seeking it for your life and for this year? I created Redemption Unveiled 8 years ago. 8 YEARS!! And I had no idea why other than I just knew that was something God wanted me to do. Without much understanding as to why or what or even how, I continued on, seeking clarity from God. Where was this blog going? Why do I have a blog? You get the point. It wasn't until about a year ago...and a year after turning this into a podcast I might add....that I was finally given clarity on why God led me down this path. That was 8 years of active seeking. How long have you been actively seeking God's purpose in your life? Find Us:


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19. The Struggle to Find True Love

Is your journey to finding true love nothing like you thought it would be? You felt like God put a call on your heart to be a mother and a wife, but finding the person you are supposed to share that with isn't going as you expected. Today, my sister Chloe shares how her expectations on finding her future husband didn't go as planned, the challenges she faced while dating and what she had to work through to get past it until one day, the picture became so clear. The adventure isn't always easy, in fact, it seems like it rarely is. Chloe shares some great perspectives on today's podcast about how her difficult dating journey is directly correlated to finding her person. Find Us:


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18. Why Little Choices are Such a Big Deal

The laundry. The dishes. Running errands. Taking kids here and there. Being a supportive and loving spouse each day. Everyday choices. Each day, we make these small choices. Within these small choices, we have successes, failures, let downs and sometimes things just straight don't work out. But we try again the next day. For me, laundry has a direct impact on my big picture and my adventure. Why? Because I want a flourishing family. I can look at my pile of laundry that never seems to end and get discouraged about how I can never get caught up. But instead, I look at that pile of laundry and connect it to my adventure.... I made choices today that didn't allow me to get caught up on my laundry, but I DID make choices to make sure my family is flourishing. How do you connect your small choices to your big desires? Find Us:


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17. When Your Adventure Sucks

This week, my husband Ryan, a.k.a. "Carter Allen," joined me on the podcast to share about an adventure we went on together that SUCKED! It put us in a place where we had no control, minimal resources and truly had to lean into our trust for God to take care of us and our kids. Sometimes our adventures are filled with difficulty and we are forced to walk through things that we would prefer not to walk through. Listen in as we share all of the difficulties and challenges we faced on this specific journey, how it impacted our lives and our marriage and how we transformed through it all. Find Us:


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16. What Does God Have for You This Year?

It is officially 2024. I am not big on New Year Resolutions, but I am big on New Years. I like evaluating what I have been working towards, where God is calling me and what changes I can make as I move forward. Do you take the time to evaluate your life? Do you look at where you are saying yes to God and where you have been holding back? God's adventure for you is not forced on you. It is an invitation. When we get focused and gain clarity, we can clearly hear that invitation, but that's not where the journey stops. There is a shift that must take place between hearing and living. God might invite us to the adventure He created for us over and over, but God will not force you to say yes. YOU have to take action and begin living the life He has placed on your heart. Faith without works is dead. Find Us:


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15. When a Normal Mom Finds a Grand Adventure

Does your life feel boring? Do you struggle to see the Adventure you are on? I am excited to announce that I am bringing back GUESTS to the podcast! Every other week, we will hear from someone about an adventure they took with God! I can’t wait to share these amazing stories with you! Today’s podcast has one of the best stories I have ever heard! Today, I have on my mom, Shelly, and she is sharing with you the story of when God called her to adopt… even though she already had 6 biological children! She faced a lot of problems along the way, it was NOT an easy Adventure for her to go on. But all along the way, God wrote himself into the story. This is one of the most inspiring stories I’ve ever heard, and it never gets old. If you need to feel inspired this Holiday Season, listen to this podcast today! Find Us:


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14. How to Become Who God Created Us to Be

This is the final week of our 6-week series on all the things we will experience if we take the Adventure God has for us. This series has been so fun to be a part of and this is my favorite week of all the weeks! Today, we talk about Transforming! This is the most amazing part of saying “yes” to what God has for us. We get to find the freedom to be who He created us to be! Find Us:


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13. Is God Asking You to Do Something That Scares You?

Do you ever wonder why God asks you to do scary things? Do you ever wonder if maybe you misunderstood where God led you because you feel like things haven’t turned out like you expected? If so, then this week’s podcast will help you understand the role that risks will have in your Adventure with God. Put your pods in and let me help you feel encouraged as you take the risks God asks you to take! You’ve got this! Find Us:


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12. Why Are Your Problems So Important?

Are you tired of all the problems you keep facing? Do you feel like you have tried to say “yes” to what God wants you to do but then feel defeated? If so, then this week’s podcast will help you understand the role that problems will face in your Adventure with God. Put your pods in and let me help you feel encouraged that you have what it takes to handle these problems! You’ve got this! Find Us:


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11. The Connection Between Anxiety and Adventure

If you want to take the Adventure God made you for you will have to be willing to do things that make you feel uncomfortable and dare, I even say, anxious. For many of us, we have come to the wrong conclusion that feeling anxious is a reason not to do things. When in fact, anxiety is often a sign that we are doing something new, something challenging, or something bold. I want to help you take this adventure you were made for, and I need to help prepare you for what it will entail. One of the things God will definitely do is ask you to do things you don’t want to do. It’s not if, it’s when. And these things He asks you to do will sometimes scare you. In fact, there will be times that you would rather do ANYTHING but the thing He wants you to do. And it will be in these moments of spiraling that we determine if we will or will not find the Adventure we were made for… Find Us:


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10. What Were You Born To Do?

What does God want me to do? It’s an age ol question. What does God want us to do? Whether it be in how to handle a relationship conflict, a new job opportunity, or any number of other questions that life brings at us, “What does God want us to do?” The question can plague us. How do we know what God wants? Easy. Haha! Just kidding. It’s not easy. Although, I wish it was. Finding God’s will for your life isn’t easy; in fact, it is in God’s very nature to send us into challenging circumstances even when we are living out the life He created us for. So, a life with God is anything but easy. A life living out God’s purposes is not easy; however, it is clear. Find Us:
