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The Gut Goddess Show with Kezia Hall

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Create a flatter belly, balanced hormones & a happier brain with my unique approach of food, feelings & function.


United States


Create a flatter belly, balanced hormones & a happier brain with my unique approach of food, feelings & function.



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Ep 294: My current GLOW UP plan & why I know it WILL work

In this episode, I'm talking about my current glow-up plan and why I know it will work. I'm going to be sharing some of the things I'm working on and the shifts that I'm trying to create. Specifically, I'm looking to shift some of my own body composition and increase my muscle, decrease a little bit of fat and also some other areas of my current glow-up plan. Glow-up to me means that next version of radiance, of joy, of peace, of wellness, of being that well woman. I talk so much here about being a well woman and how the world needs us all, needs more well women in it and how that is possible for you. You can be well, radiant, confident and feeling really good - That is what I preach. I'm going to let you in on the behind the scenes and more about this plan I've created for myself, why I'm really confident that it's going to work and the key part of this glow-up plan is and why I'm so confident that I'm going to get to where I want to be. Resources Book your free call with me hereBloomBeat the Sweet: Sugar Detox & Recipe Collection


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Ep 293: A new era for women's hormones. (Enough is enough!)

Today we are talking about the new era for women's hormones - for periods and for hormonal health because we are in a new era and enough is enough with all the shame with all the hiding. No more ‘let's not talk about the periods’ or ‘Oh my gosh, she dropped a tampon on the floor’ and ‘we're not talking about menopause’ We're not talking about any of this stuff as much as we should be and enough is enough. Did you know that your period and having female hormones is the reason humanity has existed for thousands of generations? How has it become something that is disdained, embarrassing, humiliating and ignored? That is an atrocity in my books. So, I am just putting this out as his prophetic call. There's a new era for women's hormones. We're in it now. I hope you can feel it, listening to this podcast episode because your hormones can be here to enrich your life, to enrich people’s lives around you, but mainly that your life can be great. If you live with hormonal imbalance, it affects your whole life. I want you to live your one awesome, brilliant, beautiful, messy, imperfect, adventurous life and it's hard to do that if you're on a cycle of pain, anxiety, heaviness, loneliness, sluggishness. It is hard because you’re stuck in this vicious cycle and it doesn't need to be this way. Your hormones when they're balanced are an asset to your humanity As you can tell, I love talking about it so it's gonna be like a passionate rampage of call to action and call to arms so that you can have balanced hormones because I really do want that for you. Resources Spring WorkshopsBook your free call with me hereBloomBeat the Sweet: Sugar Detox & Recipe Collection


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Ep 292: Maybe you DON'T need more therapy. Maybe you need to support your brain.

Maybe you don't need more therapy. Maybe you need to support your brain. This might be a slightly provocative title, but I have some thoughts on this as someone who has done a fair amount of therapy and values it deeply. I am not anti-therapy, I just wonder how often we are missing the practical nourishment of our brains? We usually always jump to therapy, which is well researched but how nourished is our brain with sleep, vitamins, fats, minerals, and the fuel it needs. Because I can tell you it's going to be really hard for you to create all these new thoughts and all these new habits and these beliefs and identities if your brain is poorly nourished and struggling and just surviving. In order for you to deal with whatever symptom that you're in therapy for, whether it's anxiety, depression or trauma, one of the things that you're trying to do is create more safety in your body and the easiest and simplest ways of creating more safety is making sure that your organs and your body are well nourished. So, whether you're struggling with your mental health or not, we really need to learn to support our brains and we need to learn to support our children's brains. When you have more resilience in your brain, you have more resilience in your hormones, in your gut, in your skin, in your sleep, in everything. Resources Spring WorkshopsBook your free call with me hereBloomBeat the Sweet: Sugar Detox & Recipe Collection


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Ep 291: Pressure to be thin vs finding a healthy body size for you

The pressure to be thin, this is finding a healthy body size for you - That's what we're looking at in this episode. We need to do a lot of untangling around this. For most of you listening to this, you'll have grown up heavily brainwashed by dieting culture, and the idea that thin is best, most beautiful, most worthy, it's the goal. But this is actually about being well, finding a healthy body size, being healthy and well in our bodies, and that might look different for all of us. - You can be thin and incredibly unhealthy, you can be thin and incredibly healthy, you can have a larger body and be incredibly healthy, you can have a larger body and not be healthy for you. So, how do we untangle? How do you know, if actually you do need to shift some body fat and are thinking ‘Maybe that would help my hormones and my joints to my back and my autoimmune issue’ versus ‘I've just been brainwashed into thinking thin is best’. It can feel really murky and messy. This is quite a bit of a vulnerable episode for me because I still feel this now. I still feel this pressure to be thin especially as a Holistic Nutritionist - being in the nutrition and wellness space, if I'm not careful I can feel these different comparisons and little threads and whispers in my brain that I should be thinner. Which is total BS. So, we can live in this murky place. Do I need to lose weight? Do I want to lose weight? Is that just dieting mentality? Is that actually true? Will this actually help me? It can all just all feel very overwhelming and a bit messy. So, in this episode, we're addressing decades of dieting indoctrination and how you can find a healthy body size for you. Also, if you want to know more about this, I'm doing 3 workshops starting at the end of April to help you kick-start feeling well. To kick-start your hormone balance and your healthy belly and get help you get rid of IBS and help you sort out your body composition. One of the workshops is going to be diving into body composition a little bit more because I actually have a lot, I have a very unique approach to body composition. I have a lot of tools, a lot of strategies, and a lot of practical actions that can help, but I do think this is an important area that doesn't get talked about and I want to start talking about it. I want you to be free and well in your body and that might mean for some of you shifting your body fat and for some of you that might mean accepting where you are at and I want to help you with both. You can find out all about the workshops here. Resources Spring WorkshopsBook your free call with me hereBloomBeat the Sweet: Sugar Detox & Recipe Collection


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Ep 290: Why do you have awful PMS?

Why do you have awful PMS? Why the low mood, sore boobs, insomnia? Why do you feel like crying all the time? Why do you get really anxious or depressed? What is with PMS? Is it a normal part of being a woman or is there stuff you can do about it? Spoiler alert... There is definitely stuff you can do about it and I'm going to share the things that you can do because your periods and hormones are actually meant to be an incredible superpower. They're not meant to be this thing that limit you, hold you back, that you hate and make your life miserable. You're not meant to be on this hormonal rollercoaster that you don't feel in control of. Your hormones are here to serve you, to add to your life and not take away. I've worked with clients on their periods and hormones and I, myself have been on a rollercoaster with heavy, painful periods where I needed to be medicated for at least 3 days, just to make it through. While it's normal to have fluctuating hormones, it's not normal to feel like you are being tossed around with every part of your cycle. Resources Book your free call with me hereBloomBeat the Sweet: Sugar Detox & Recipe Collection


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Ep 289: The real reason you feel tired and sluggish in the morning. (Why you can’t function without caffeine!)

Why does waking up feel so hard? Why are the mornings difficult and you feel sluggish with brain fog? Why do you really need that coffee or cup of tea in the morning? This is something that a lot of people have and a lot of clients I work with come to me and tell me that this is one of the many symptoms they have. Some people feel like they need a coffee IV trip or have to have a cup of tea, but actually, whilst it's really common to feel like this, it's not normal. - Your body should have a natural alarm clock system within itself and if that's not working and helping you to feel awake and alert in the morning, there are things going awry In this episode, I'm going to share three different areas and three different reasons why mornings feel so hard and why you feel like you have to reach for that coffee or you can't function without the tea or Redbull or whatever it is that you reach for. There are simple things that you can do, and if you implement them in the next two weeks, you could probably have better energy in the morning. Some of this stuff isn't hard. It's just that you have never been taught what's going on and what's going on behind this symptom. Resources Book your free call with me hereBloomBeat the Sweet: Sugar Detox & Recipe Collection


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Ep 288: Are CGM (Continuous Blood Glucose Monitors) useful or just another fad? (AKA should you sign up for Zoe?)

Are continuous blood glucose monitors (CGM) useful or just another fad? Should you sign up for Zoe or some other thing that you're being advertised online? If you're anything like me, with constantly being advertised to about these things - but is it right for you? In this episode, we’re talking about whether it’s useful to you and going to help you to shift your hormones, belly or moods? I'm going to share the reasons why I like and sometimes use Blood Glucose Monitors as well as some of the reasons I don't like them plus more about my recent experiment and what I do with my clients. Resources Book your free call with me hereBloomBeat the Sweet: Sugar Detox & Recipe Collection


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Ep 287: Why the low libido? How to raise your sex drive

In this episode, we're talking about sex! Specifically low libido which comes up a lot with my clients. Why do you have low libido and how you can increase your sex drive? Sex is something I talk about with my clients, but I haven't talked about it here on the show until now! Sex is so good for you and orgasms are incredible for your health. The more orgasms you can have, the more intimacy, pleasure and connection you can have with another person and yourself the better. Resources Book your free call with me hereBloomBeat the Sweet: Sugar Detox & Recipe Collection


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Bonus Episode: The Well Woman Audit

I just have something I want to update you on and announce what is happening in March that I don't want you to miss out on. If you've been listening to the podcast for a long time, you need to get one of these booked in. I have created something called The Well Woman Audit, which is a free holistic health assessment, where we sit for half an hour on Zoom and we go through the holistic process and method that I have to assess what is going on with your health. Why do you feel so awful, tired, bloated and comfortable, fed up? What do your symptoms mean? And what's going to help them to go away? So, if you know, you need some support, but everything just feels really overwhelming and you're really struggling, book in for your Well Woman Audit. I talk all the time on this podcast about getting some personalised support and this is a really great way of getting started, where you can just understand more of what's going on in your body and what you might need, what lab tests you might need, what you need to focus on and we're really going on. When you understand what is going on then you can actually do something about it. These are completely free and I've got eight spaces available in March. If you have been wondering why you feel so rubbish, this is for you. I would love to chat to you, space is limited. Go to to book your free welcome and audit in.


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Ep 286: Why do you end the day so bloated? 4 reasons why…

Why do you wake up with a flatter tummy and end the day with what feels like a huge bloated belly? This is a problem so many of my clients have and they're confused as to why this is happening. This also used to be me… I would wake up in the morning and look at my belly and think this is roughly how my belly looks/is meant to look and then at the end of the day, I would wonder what has happened to my insides. I would feel sore and would wear stretchy things because my jeans wouldn't fit anymore and I would just be so uncomfortable. Why does this happen? What's going on? Why are you bloated in the evening? We are going to dive into some of the reasons in this episode. I also want to remind you, no matter where you are in your health, if you're feeling stuck, you're feeling overwhelmed, if you're in a lot of pain, you're having a really hard time with your health, things can change. It's like when you're in the depth of winter and it's so dark and you wonder if you will ever see the sun again and then the season changes and it happens quite quickly. It’s the same with your health. Resources Book your free call with me hereBloomBeat the Sweet: Sugar Detox & Recipe Collection


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Ep 285: Transforming your health when short on time, energy & money

How do you transform your health when you are short on time or energy or money or all of the above? How do you create the change you want to see, the change in your hormones and your belly and in your mind and in your energy? How do you create that if you feel like you're lacking in one of these resources? That is what we're looking at in this episode. I'm going to share with you a two step process that is going to help you to move through these because I know from working with hundreds of people that if you feel like you're limited in time, in energy and money, you already struggle to make progress. If you want to transform your health, if you want to create change, then know that you're going to have to overcome obstacles in order to do that. You won't create and totally transform your hormones and get rid of your IBS, for example, without overcoming and walking through resistance. Resistance is one of the things that keeps people stuck the most. If they are really clear that they want things to change, but they're not willing to walk through the resistance or overcome the obstacles that get in the way. I don't mean that all of this stuff has to be so hard and awful, it doesn't actually need to be, but there does need to be an awareness for you to be conscious of the fact that if you're saying you want to create change and transformation in your health, there will be obstacles. So, you have to, with full awareness and consciousness, plan for how you're going to overcome those obstacles and that's what I'm going to share with you in this podcast. This episode is going to be really helpful - Because I work with hundreds of people and who are short on time, energy and money, I'm going to share the tools that I use with my clients and for myself. Resources Book your free call with me hereBeat the Sweet: Sugar Detox & Recipe Collection


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BONUS - Why is it SO HARD to implement the healthy habits you know will do you good?

In this bonus episode, I want to cover a really important topic: Why is it so hard to implement these healthy habits that you know about that you read about? Why do you struggle to actually do the things consistently that you know are good for you? I share stuff on this podcast and you probably learn new things, new geeky information but there's also a lot of basic stuff, like the habits that we talked about in the previous episode that you maybe don't actually implement. Why is it hard to do, why is it hard to go to sleep earlier, to stay hydrated, to have a better morning routine? This is what we're looking at today's episode because until you can understand what the obstacles are, what is really holding you back, having the information of the habits and the strategy is kind of pointless. The only way you're going to see results is with the right personalised strategy and the ability to implement that strategy. This is where most people exhaust themselves. They spend so much time researching, Googling, learning and reading, getting strategies, getting formulas, figuring out, and yet they never spend any time understanding what is going to help them to implement that data and information which is pointless. It will actually leave you potentially more burnt out and feeling like you're working really hard on your health, but you're not actually seeing any changes because you're just gathering data, you're not actually able to implement anything. I'm sharing the big picture, the historical picture, the present picture of why it's hard to implement and what you can do, what you can do about that, what you actually need to create incredible shifts and incredible changes, what you actually need so you can become your most radiant, energised, happy, confident version of yourself because that is possible. Just because you maybe haven't created it before, doesn't mean it's not possible now. You just probably weren't supporting yourself, you weren't understanding both the strategy and the behind the scenes of what's going on in your mindset and in your beliefs and the obstacles that are making it feel hard. Because it is possible for you! Yes, change can feel difficult and we need support with that but that doesn't mean it's not an option. It is an option for you. I want you to be your most wonderful self. So, let's dive into this podcast. I hope you enjoy it and I'll see you on the other side. Resources Book your free call with me hereBeat the Sweet: Sugar Detox & Recipe Collection


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Ep 284: The habits that move the needle in your health (The most strategic & time efficient things to do)

What are some of the habits that are actually going to move the needle when it comes to our health? What are the strategic things to focus your precious time and energy on? I'm going to be sharing with you the four things that actually make a big difference and can really help you see some big shifts without you needing to do 20, 30, or 50 things. When it comes to your health, when it comes to transforming your hormones, your IBS, your weight, your energy, and getting rid of pain, you need to be strategic. It is unrealistic for you to try and do 20 or 30 things. This is the thing that holds most people back and stops so many people making progress because they try to do tons of stuff without ever really solving the main issues or without really being strategic in where to focus first. I don't want that for you. I am a holistic nutritionist. I'm super strategic. I like things to be efficient so that's what we're diving into in today's episode. I hope that you enjoy it. Resources Book your free call with me hereBeat the Sweet: Sugar Detox & Recipe Collection


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Ep 283: Nervous System Regulation - Why it's crucial for your belly, hormones & mood

Today, I'm going to share with you why nervous system regulation is crucial for your belly, your hormones and your mood and why for a lot of you actually this is maybe a missing piece more than like making dietary changes and going gluten-free. Nervous system regulation has become very popular. I am seeing tons of reels about it on Instagram and I'm so glad about that. Actually, understanding your nervous system and being equipped with the right tools in order to regulate and balance it will really help all the other healthy things you do to just work much better. This is a really key foundation and I want to share with you A) Why this important B) Three really important things that you can do to help regulate your nervous system this week so you can feel better, improve your belly, and improve your hormones and feel happier. Resources Book your free call with me hereBeat the Sweet: Sugar Detox & Recipe Collection


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Ep 282: The deep transformation of 2023 : big wins for me & my clients

In this episode, we are talking about no longer tolerating discomfort and pain in our health and our bodies. I'm sharing with you some of the big wins from 2023, some of my own and my clients BIG wins. How they made changes despite being told to live with it and that things are ‘never going to change’. But despite being fobbed off they have seen change, seen healing and completely transformed the symptoms that would never go away. So, I'm going to be sharing with you some of these big wins because we all need so much more hope. We settle for the IBS, the awful hormones, the anxiety, the antidepressants, the awful mood, the insomnia, the eczema, the acne, the painful periods and think that there's nothing we can do or there's nothing that can change but that's not always true. So, let's just not settle for our own suffering. I don't want that for you. I don't want that for me. I don't want it for my clients. I don't want it for my kids. I don't want it for anyone in my community. I want you to be as well as you can be. Resources Book your free call with me hereBeat the Sweet: Sugar Detox & Recipe Collection


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Ep 281: The weird & not-so-weird things I do to DETOX

In this episode, I’m talking about the weird and the not so weird things that I do to support detoxification and why you need to detox too. I know that detoxification can be a bit of a buzzword and can feel like a bit of a fad, but I honestly have a lot of detox practices in my life that I do intentionally and plan in. Even though there's the potential of this sounding a bit faddy, these are things that will help you balance your hormones, ditch brain fog, clear up your skin and improve your gut health. Supporting your body to REMOVE toxins in such an important foundation to you feeling good - so let's dive in! Resources Book your free call with me hereBeat the Sweet: Sugar Detox & Recipe CollectionSHIFT challenge


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Ep 280: Feeling fat & what will help

There have been a lot of people in my (non-work) life recently telling me how fat they feel. Frumpy, ‘huge’ and really what they are saying is they feel out of alignment. They feel ‘off’ and they are not enjoying being in their body, and its size and shape. So, let's talk about feeling fat. What is really going on and what can you do to feel better and ENJOY being in the skin you are in whether or not you lose a stone in the next 24 hours… Resources Book your free call with me hereBeat the Sweet: Sugar Detox & Recipe CollectionSHIFT challenge


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Ep 279: Sugar dims your light - The how and the why of ditching sugar

In this episode, we're talking about sugar and how sugar dims your light plus the how and the why of ditching sugar because I would call reducing and removing refined sugar a foundational basic step one and it's easy especially at this time of year (after Christmas) It is easy for this to kind of go dry and for us to lose sight of this so I'm going to share some of the geeky facts around this and inspire you and re-envision your thoughts around this basic area. It's really simple, but the impact that it can have can be really profound. If you can have a healthy relationship with sugar, if you can, take the power back when it comes to your relationship with sugar or said another way in a more practical way: You can just remove refined sugars and refined carbohydrates or reducing them can have a profound impact on your mental health, hormonal health, belly and your joy and pleasure in the world. This isn't about restriction and deprivation and removing food for the sake of being better, deprived and being miserable. This is actually about you feeling really good, feeling your happiest and most joyful and being the most resilient and energised version of yourself. A lot of refined sugar and excess refined carbohydrate is going to dim your light and it's going to make you feel crap. You might need to hit the reset button when it comes to your sugar intake or maybe you've never really addressed this area because it just feels so big and overwhelming. I'm going to break it down into the how and the why. Let’s dive in! Resources Book your free call with me hereBeat the Sweet: Sugar Detox & Recipe CollectionSHIFT challenge


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Ep 278: End your own suffering & create healthy habits with EASE in 2024

Why are you struggling or have you struggled to create new habits, new routines that you can be consistent with? Why is that a struggle? Why does lowering sugar or caffeine or alcohol or doing yoga or meditation feel like so stop-start? What is driving this so-called lack of discipline or lack of self-control? That is what we're diving into today, and I know what I share with you is not anything that you all have thought about in terms of this area so, I really encourage you to listen to this. It's an invitation to think about creating habits and routines and about how you can create massive change in your health this year in a way that's really different to anything that you've thought about before. Resources Book your free call with me hereListen to Mini Episode #4: ‘This is why it feels HARD’ here.Listen to Episode 69: ‘You are worth the effort’ here.


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Ep 277: Two Powerful Lessons from 2023.

2023 was a big year for me and my brain. It was brilliant and awful all at once but as the year ends I am left with with so much gratitude for these two powerful lessons These lessons are simple, but if you let them into your life they can change everything - they have changed my life for the better and I know they can change yours too. Episode Resources herehere
