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The Stone Chapel Podcast

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“The Stone Chapel Podcast” is a weekly podcast of the friends and staff of The Lanier Theological Library and Learning Center in Houston, Texas. It is hosted by David Capes, Director of Academic Programming of the Lanier Theological Library and Learning Center. David is an engaging host, a respected New Testament scholar, and the author of Rediscovering Paul and Matthew through Old Testament Eyes. “The Stone Chapel Podcast” features theologians, scholars, and thought leaders from around the world for lively, informative, and educational discussions. With over 200 compelling, uplifting episodes that are valuable for all spiritually curious listeners, the Stone Chapel Podcast provides an unique, weekly refresh and renewal resource for pastors and church leaders. In case you're interested in going deeper and want more educational content, most of the Stone Chapel podcasts are associated with The Lanier Theological Library and Learning Center’s public lecture series, programs, and classes. Please visit our website for videos and panel discussions with many of the podcast visitors David has hosted, as well as all our resources and opportunities! You can find all “The Stone Chapel Podcast” episodes on your favorite podcast platform. “The Stone Chapel Podcast” is now part of the ChurchLeaders Podcast Network. Copyright Lanier Foundation


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“The Stone Chapel Podcast” is a weekly podcast of the friends and staff of The Lanier Theological Library and Learning Center in Houston, Texas. It is hosted by David Capes, Director of Academic Programming of the Lanier Theological Library and Learning Center. David is an engaging host, a respected New Testament scholar, and the author of Rediscovering Paul and Matthew through Old Testament Eyes. “The Stone Chapel Podcast” features theologians, scholars, and thought leaders from around the world for lively, informative, and educational discussions. With over 200 compelling, uplifting episodes that are valuable for all spiritually curious listeners, the Stone Chapel Podcast provides an unique, weekly refresh and renewal resource for pastors and church leaders. In case you're interested in going deeper and want more educational content, most of the Stone Chapel podcasts are associated with The Lanier Theological Library and Learning Center’s public lecture series, programs, and classes. Please visit our website for videos and panel discussions with many of the podcast visitors David has hosted, as well as all our resources and opportunities! You can find all “The Stone Chapel Podcast” episodes on your favorite podcast platform. “The Stone Chapel Podcast” is now part of the ChurchLeaders Podcast Network. Copyright Lanier Foundation



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'Christmaker' With James McGrath

Recently, Dr. James McGrath, professor of New Testament Literature at Butler University, made his first visit on The Stone Chapel Podcast. He and David Capes discussed his new book, Christmaker: A Life of John the Baptist (Eerdmans). The provocative title came to McGrath to describe the life and legacy of the Baptist. McGrath shares with us his inclinations to write the book and some of the things he learned along the way. Many in the west have a hard time understanding how in certain circles John the Baptist was, and still is, more popular than Jesus of Nazareth. Still, the sources inside and outside the Bible reveal John to be a powerful and polarizing figure for his day. After writing the book, McGrath came to think; if we don’t pay attention to John the Baptist, we will find that we misunderstand Jesus. The Stone Chapel Podcast is part of the ChurchLeaders Podcast Network. For a transcript of this episode click here: To listen to previous episodes of “The Stone Chapel Podcast” click here. This podcast is about 20 minutes in length.


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Politics in Theology? With Mike Bird

Dr. Michael Bird returns to The Stone Chapel Podcast to talk with David Capes about his recent book, co-authored with Tom Wright, entitled Jesus and the Powers: Christian Political Witness in an Age of Totalitarian Terror and Dysfunctional Democracies. Bird and Wright teamed up to write about politics, the kingdom of God, and theology in light of the polarized nature of western societies. They make a compelling case that followers of Jesus need actually to follow Jesus in his teachings about the kingdom of God as an antidote to the competitive and destructive nature of politics these days. If you think Jesus had more to say about life than how to get to heaven when you die, this is a book you need to read and study. It will lead you deeper into Scripture. The Stone Chapel Podcast is part of the ChurchLeaders Podcast Network. For a transcript of this episode click here: To listen to previous episodes of “The Stone Chapel Podcast” click here. This podcast is about 20 minutes in length.


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Verbal Aspect in Biblical Greek With Constantine Campbell

Constantine Campbell, professor and research director at the Sydney College of Divinity in Australia, joins David Capes on The Stone Chapel Podcast to talk about a new edition of a well-known book, Basics of Verbal Aspect in Biblical Greek (2nd edition, Zondervan Language Basics Series). He and David nerd out a little on the Greek, but they demonstrate how knowing verbal aspect—a universal feature of languages—pays off when reading Scripture. Con, as his friends know him, is also an amazing jazz saxophonist. We include a snippet of one of his songs, “Lykabettus” from the album Athina, released in March 2024. The album’s site is here: For more about Con Campbell as a musician and scholar see his website: For a transcript of this episode click here: The Stone Chapel Podcast is part of the ChurchLeaders Podcast Network. To listen to previous episodes of “The Stone Chapel Podcast” click here. This podcast is approximately 21 minutes in length.


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The Gospels and the Anti-Slavery Movement With Esau McCaulley

Esau McCaulley (PhD, St. Andrews University) joins David Capes on the Stone Chapel Podcast to discuss his upcoming lecture at the Lanier Theological Library, October 12, 2024. His title is “The Gospels and the Anti-Slavery Movement.” Many scholars and critics of the Bible conclude that the proper reading of the Christian Scripture promotes slavery and is thus immoral. Indeed, the best cases made from the Bible during the anti-slavery movement were on the side of the slave owners and defenders. Esau McCaulley challenges that conclusion; he says the best readings of Scripture were on the side of the abolitionists. In this lecture McCaulley will show how the life and teachings of Jesus ultimately undermine one of humanity’s oldest and gravest sins. For a transcript of this episode click here: The Stone Chapel Podcast is part of the ChurchLeaders Podcast Network. To listen to previous episodes of “The Stone Chapel Podcast” click here.


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Why We Pray with John Peckham

John Peckham returns to The Stone Chapel Podcast to discuss a new book, titled "Why We Pray: Understanding Prayer in the Context of Cosmic Conflict" (Baker Academic, 2024). Rather than conceiving of prayer as merely communication one to another, Peckham asks of us to put prayer within the context of what is and has been going on since creation; there is a conflict between God and the principalities and power. There are conflicts too between human beings and God. In particular, Peckham’s book tackles the thorny question of seemingly unanswered prayers. Check out John’s earlier book, "The Theodicy of Love." For a transcript of this episode click here: The Stone Chapel Podcast is part of the ChurchLeaders Podcast Network. To listen to previous episodes of “The Stone Chapel Podcast” click here.


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C.S. Lewis and Pain With Amy Orr-Ewing

Dr. Amy Orr-Ewing is an international author, speaker, and influencer from near London. She will lecture at the Lanier Theological Library on the weekend of 20-22 September 2024. Her topic: “C. S. Lewis and the Problem of Pain.” In this podcast we provide a bit of apreview to that lecture. Click here for a description of that weekend’s lecture: If you are interested in attending the lecture in person or on the Internet, please register as soon as possible. Jerry Root, Stephanie Derrick, Jahdiel Perez, and Mark Lanier will join us for the panel discussion. For a transcript of this episode click here: The Stone Chapel Podcast is part of the ChurchLeaders Podcast Network. To listen to previous episodes of “The Stone Chapel Podcast” click here.


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Is Paul in Sync With John? With Michael Gorman and Andy Johnson

In September 2024 the Lanier Theological Library in Houston will host the 2024 Earle Lectures in Biblical Studies for the Nazarene Theological Seminary (NTS) in Kansas City, Missouri. Dr. Michael Gorman, widely known for his work in hermeneutics, Paul, and John, will deliver the lectures which will be streamed all around the world and presented live to a special audience of about forty people. Dr. Gorman and Dr. Andy Johnson, Professor of New Testament at NTS, join Dr. David Capes on the Stone Chapel Podcasts to discuss the series, its significance, and summarize Dr. Gorman’s upcoming lectures at LTLHouston. To join the special, live audience in Houston email Here’s the link to stream the lecture- 2024 Earle Lectures in Biblical Studies for the Nazarene Theological Seminary For a transcript of this episode click here: The Stone Chapel Podcast is part of the ChurchLeaders Podcast Network. To listen to previous episodes of “The Stone Chapel Podcast” click here.


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Abraham: Friend of God With John Lennox

World acclaimed mathematician and Christian scholar, John Lennox, returns to the Stone Chapel Podcast, this time to talk with David Capes about his recent book, Friend of God: The Inspiration of Abraham in an Age of Doubt (SPCK, 2024). Lennox writes about Abraham with passion and insight into the whole of Scripture. Abraham’s faith becomes the stuff of Paul’s argumentation regarding faith in Christ in Galatians and Romans. So, Abraham is an exemplar for faith and trust in all eras. In his last podcast John talked with David Capes about Artificial Intelligence and the future of humanity. To hear that podcast click here. You can read the transcript of this episode here: The Stone Chapel Podcast is part of the ChurchLeaders Podcast Network. To listen to previous episodes of “The Stone Chapel Podcast” click here.


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How Christology Began With Stan Porter

Dr. Stanley Porter is a well-known New Testament scholar. He is also president and dean of McMaster Divinity College in Hamilton, Ontario. He and Bryan Dyer, Baker Academic Books, co-authored a new book investigating the New Testament’s titles and traditions associated with Jesus. Stan joined David Capes on the Stone Chapel Podcasts to talk about their latest book, which offers a modified-titles approach to Christology. You can read the transcript of this episode here: Check out other podcasts on the ChurchLeaders Podcast Network. To listen to previous episodes of “The Stone Chapel Podcast” click here.


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A Bible for First Nations With Terry Wildman

The First Nations Version is a new Bible translation created by and created for native Americans. The project director, Terry Wildman, joined David Capes on The Stone Chapel Podcast to talk about the impetus to the translation and to read selections. You can read the transcript of this episode here: Check out other podcasts on the ChurchLeaders Podcast Network. To listen to previous episodes of “The Stone Chapel Podcast” click here.


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Genres in the New Testament With Jeannine Brown

Interpreting the Bible begins with wrestling with the original context. In part that means understanding the genre of the literature (Gospel, history, letter, apocalypse, etc.) and the genres embedded in them (hymns, letters, confessions, preformed traditions, riddles, etc). Dr. Jeannine Brown, Professor of New Testament at Bethel Seminary (Minneapolis, MN), joins David Capes on the Stone Chapel Podcast to discuss how identifying genre helps to know the Bible better. You can read the transcript of this episode here: Check out other podcasts on the ChurchLeaders Podcast Network. To listen to previous episodes of “The Stone Chapel Podcast” click here. For Jeannine Brown’s book: Embedded Genres in the New Testament: Understanding Their Impact for Interpretation.


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Jesus and the Powers with N.T. Wright

In this episode of the Stone Chapel Podcast, David Capes talks with N. T. Wright about his book, Jesus and the Powers (Zondervan). Wright and his co-author, Michael Bird, are deeply concerned about the political polarization in cultures now across the globe. And they are more disturbed with how Christians are responding in the midst of it. Wright and Bird address these issues with wisdom and theological clarity. You can read the transcript of this episode here: To listen to previous episodes of “The Stone Chapel Podcast” click here. “The Stone Chapel Podcast” is part of the ChurchLeaders Podcast Network.


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Episode 199 Rebirth 2.0 with Jonathan Brant

Stone Chapel Podcasts hosted by David Capes Episode 199 Rebirth 2.0 with Jonathan Brant Jonathan Brant was recently at the Lanier Theological Library in Houston. While there, he delivered a great address. He stopped by and talked with David Capes on The Stone Chapel Podcasts. Who is Jonathan Brant? Jonathan Brant has spent the last 20 years or so in and around Oxford. Prior to that he lived in London. After earning his PhD, he is today Dean of Research and Cultural Engagement at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford University. Before coming to Wycliffe, he traveled around the United States and did some work in Uruguay. Brant also directs an initiative launched by Michael Lloyd. They are calling it the Renaissance Project or Rebirth 2.0. Rebirth 2.0 Given the tension in the world, Wycliffe Hall believes that the world is ripe for a new renaissance. The word means “rebirth.â€Â  In a Christian context, the idea of rebirth or “born again†is common. But Wycliffe Hall is embarking on a grand project. They want to be a catalyst for a grand vision of the rebirth of Christian culture and tradition, Christian values, and Christian participation. Brant talks about this primarily in three ways: scholarship, leadership, and creativity. Each of these are crucial if they want to influence culture. Scholarship is important because it is influential on culture. What happens in the university trickles down to culture. Leadership is important for various reasons. But we can think especially of business and politics. Creativity is key as well because artists, poets, musicians, and filmmakers tell stories that can shape us in valuable ways. More Resources For Michael Lloyd’s podcast, “Truth, Culture, and Rebirth,†click here. Jonathan Brant’s book: Running into No Man’s Land – The Wisdom of Woodbine Williean Jonathan Brant’s book: Guide to Knowing God For information about Wycliffe Hall, Oxford click here. For a transcript of this episode click here. More Resources Want more Stone Chapel Podcasts on some great topics? Just click here. You can get information on upcoming lectures at Lanier Theological Library by clicking here Subscribe to this podcast so you don’t miss any of the great conversations with scholars and church leaders from around the world. Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsSpotifyAmazon MusicAndroidiHeartRadioStitcherSubscribe by EmailYour Fav Podcasting Platform The post Episode 199 Rebirth 2.0 with Jonathan Brant first appeared on Lanier Theological Library.


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Episode 198 Lost World of the Prophets with John Walton

Stone Chapel Podcasts hosted by David Capes Episode 198 Lost World of the Prophets John Walton was recently at the Lanier Theological Library in Houston. He addressed a packed house on a topic related to the book of Daniel. Recently, he and Dr. Aubrey Buster, a colleague from Wheaton College, have been working on a commentary on the visionary prophet. John talked with David Capes on The Stone Chapel Podcasts about another book he published, The Lost World of the Prophets. Who Is John Walton? Dr. John Walton is a well known Old Testament scholar. He retired recently from Wheaton College and was named Professor of Old Testament Emeritus at Wheaton College. John spent the better part of nineteen years teaching there. He also taught at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago for nearly twenty years. Dr. Walton has spent a career helping us understand that to interpret the Bible well you must interpret it against the background of the times, language and culture of the people to whom it was originally addressed.  He has a series of “Lost World†books demonstrating the value of knowing the culture. Lost World of the Prophets John’s most recent book is The Lost World of the Prophets. It does for the writing prophets what The Lost World of Genesis did for the first book of the Bible. And there have been others. Walton believes many pigeon-hole the prophets into people who merely predicted future events. Often at a distance. But when prophecy is understood against the times and history of when they were speaking or writing, prophecy takes on a different character. As with his other “Lost World†books, he divides the chapters into a number of propositions about the prophets and the seemingly odd character of Israel’s prophets. If you want to interpret Scripture well, this is a podcast to which you must listen. Resources For some of John Walton’s “Lost World†books, see below. These are available as audiobooks and paperback books: The Lost World of the Prophets: Old Testament Prophecy and Apocalyptic Literature in Ancient Context The Lost World of Genesis One: Ancient Cosmology and the Origins Debate The Lost World of the Torah: Law as Covenant and Wisdom in Ancient Context More Resources Want more Stone Chapel Podcasts on some great topics? Just click here. You can get information on upcoming lectures at Lanier Theological Library by clicking here Subscribe to this podcast so you don’t miss any of the great conversations with scholars and church leaders from around the world. Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsSpotifyAmazon MusicAndroidiHeartRadioStitcherSubscribe by EmailYour Fav Podcasting Platform The post Episode 198 Lost World of the Prophets with John Walton first appeared on Lanier Theological Library.


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Episode 197 Truth, Culture, and Rebirth with Michael Lloyd

Stone Chapel Podcasts hosted by David Capes Episode 197 Truth, Culture, and Rebirth with Michael Lloyd In spring 2024 David Capes and his wife, Cathy, were in Yarnton for a conference. While there, they met with Dr. Michael Lloyd to talk about an initiative at Wycliffe Hall, one of the permanent houses at Oxford. In this podcast David and Michael discuss briefly a huge project to reset the tone of culture. Who Is Michael Lloyd? Dr. Michael Lloyd is principal of Wycliffe Hall. He has been with us before on this podcast. Be sure to check the show notes for links to those podcasts. He has also been a lecturer at the Lanier Theological Library in Houston. They are below as well. As principal, Michael is tasked with the overall direction of the school. Wycliffe is an Anglican training college in one of the oldest, most important universities in the world. Indeed, the world comes to Oxford, and then goes back to their respective countries. Truth, Culture, and Rebirth Michael Lloyd believes we are at a crossroads. People have become fed up with the idea that truth is subjective and relative. They recognize that relativism is a danger to science and justice. So, they are looking for something more reasonable. The Christian faith addresses the question of truth. The world has witnessed many renaissances. The most famous, the Italian Renaissance of the late middle ages. Renaissance means rebirth. It is the rediscovery of the truth, goodness, and beauty of the classical world. Dr. Lloyd believes we need a new rebirth of culture and the Christian faith can speak profoundly to that. He wants Wycliffe Hall to take a leading role in gathering scholars, artists, and other creatives to reimagine the world through the lens of the Christian faith. Listen to get a more complete picture of what Michael is proposing. Truth, Culture, and Rebirth Resources Click here for a transcript of this podcast. For Dr. Lloyd’s book Café Theology click here. To hear his earlier podcast on Jesus, Evil and Suffering on the Stone Chapel Podcasts click here. And here for a podcast on Wycliff Hall. To see his lecture at the Lanier Theological Library on Jesus, Satan and the Problem of Suffering click here. Want more Stone Chapel Podcasts on some great topics? Just click here. You can get information on upcoming lectures at Lanier Theological Library by clicking here Subscribe to this podcast so you don’t miss any of the great conversations with scholars and church leaders from around the world. Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsSpotifyAmazon MusicAndroidiHeartRadioStitcherSubscribe by EmailYour Fav Podcasting Platform The post Episode 197 Truth, Culture, and Rebirth with Michael Lloyd first appeared on Lanier Theological Library.


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Episode 196 Matthew and the “Trauma” of the Parousia

Stone Chapel Podcasts hosted by David Capes Episode 196 Matthew and the “Trauma” of the Parousia In May 2024 the Evangelical Foundation for Biblical Research hosted two conferences at Lanier Library and Learning Centre at Yarnton, UK. The focus of one of those conferences was on returning the pastoral purpose to the Parousia. It was led by David Capes, Randy Richards and Terry Wilder. In all there were thirteen papers presented by scholars from North America, Britain, India, and Europe. One of those papers deals with the “trauma†some experienced in the 1970s and 80s over the teaching, movies, and music associated with the Parousia. Jeannine Brown and Carla Dahl joins David Capes on The Stone Chapel Podcasts to discuss their topic. Who Is Jeannine Brown and Carla Dahl? Jeannine Brown is a well-known and accomplished New Testament Scholar. She is a New Testament professor at Bethel Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota. She’s writes broadly on NT themes. Her focus is on the Gospels. Carla Dahl is a retired Professor of Pastoral Care and Spiritual Formation from Bethel Seminary and Luther Seminary in Minnesota. She continues in psychotherapy private practice. Both women experienced anxiety over how the Parousia was presented to them.  At the time, they were afraid they’d be left behind. Matthew and the “Trauma” of the Parousia Jeannine Brown points out in Jesus’ “sermon†in Matthew 24—25 that the first part has to do with Jesus’ prediction of the fall of the temple. Many of those “signs†are taken in dispensational interpretations as signs of the second coming (Parousia). It is in Matt 24:36 that Jesus’ turns his attention to the return of the Son of Man. Larry Norman’s Song I Wish We’d All Be Ready typifies Jesus Music in the 1970s and 80s. Movies too describe how Jesus would come “like a thief in the night.â€Â Carla Dahl discussed how our brains work when there are perceived threats out there. People, for example, who fear abandonment because of some childhood trauma were especially vulnerable. Resources for Matthew and the “trauma” of the Parousia Click here for a transcript of this podcast. Jeannine Brown’s book The Gospels as Stories: A Narrative Approach to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John Click here to watch Dr. Brown’s participation in a panel discussion at the Lanier Theological Library on the Atonement and the death of Jesus. Want more Stone Chapel Podcasts on some great topics? Just click here. You can get information on upcoming lectures at Lanier Theological Library by clicking here Subscribe to this podcast so you don’t miss any of the great conversations with scholars and church leaders from around the world. Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsSpotifyAmazon MusicAndroidiHeartRadioStitcherSubscribe by EmailYour Fav Podcasting Platform The post Episode 196 Matthew and the “Trauma†of the Parousia first appeared on Lanier Theological Library.


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Episode 195 The Letter to the Hebrews with Amy Peeler

Stone Chapel Podcasts hosted by David Capes Episode 195 Letter to the Hebrews with Amy Peeler Amy Peeler has been with us before on The Stone Chapel Podcasts.  Her first podcast has two parts and she talked about her book Women and the Gender of God. There is a link in the show notes below to find those two podcasts. She joins David Capes today on the podcast to discuss her new commentary on the letter to the Hebrews. Who Is Amy Peeler? Amy Peeler is the Kenneth T. Wessner Chair of Biblical Studies at Wheaton College. The former holder of that chair was Dr. Doug Moo. She earned her PhD at Princeton Theological Seminary and today is ordained as a priest in the Anglican Church.  She serves as associate rector of St. Mark’s Episcopal church in Geneva, IL. The Letter to the Hebrews For all practical purposes the letter to the Hebrews is one of the most complicated and robust of biblical books. It has attracted Dr. Peeler’s attention since grad school. She loves it, first, because of its heavy engagement with the Scriptures of Israel. She also loves it as a historian because of the way you can see Greek influences in the book. We call it a letter today. It also has the overtones of a sermon and deep encouragement to a community under stress. The commentary is part of a new series on Spiritual Formation. For Dr. Peeler the essential questions are: (1) who is God as revealed in Hebrews? (2) how are we to live in the light of this revelation? (3) how does reading this book change your life? Joshua Jipp, professor at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Chicago, said on social media that this is his all time favorite commentary. High praise, indeed! So if you want to know more about the letter to the Hebrews, listen to this podcast first. Then find Dr. Peeler’s book. Resources For a link to Part 1 of her earlier podcast click here. Part 2 can be found by clicking here. For a link to her book, Hebrews in the Series Commentary for Christian Formation (Eerdmans 2024), click here. For a link to her book, Women and the Gender of God (Eerdmans 2022), click here.  Want more Stone Chapel Podcasts on some great topics? Just click here. You can get information on upcoming lectures at Lanier Theological Library by clicking here Subscribe to this podcast so you don’t miss any of the great conversations with scholars and church leaders from around the world. Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsSpotifyAmazon MusicAndroidiHeartRadioStitcherSubscribe by EmailYour Fav Podcasting Platform The post Episode 195 The Letter to the Hebrews with Amy Peeler first appeared on Lanier Theological Library.


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Episode 194 How We Got Our New Testament with Lee McDonald

Stone Chapel Podcasts hosted by David Capes Episode 194 How we got our New Testament with Lee McDonald One of the questions I often get is “How did we get our Bible?â€Â As you’re going to hear on this podcast, there is not a quick, easy answer. It’s an important historical question that had a few questions marks around it. Dr. Lee McDonald has given a lifetime to the question and has authored more than a dozen books on the topic. You can find a link to those later in these shownotes. Dr. McDonald joined David Capes on the Stone Chapel Podcasts to talk about this question. Who Is Lee McDonald? Lee McDonald earned his PhD at the University of Edinburgh. Prior to that he earned his masters at Harvard. Today he is retired. But he spent many years as professor of New Testament Studies and President of Acadia Divinity College in Nova Scotia. He has written a number of books on the canon of the Bible. See the show notes below for some of those. In retirement he lives in southern California. How We Got Our New Testament McDonald is interested in the question of how we got our Bible. But this podcast deals only with part two of the Bible, the New Testament. The issues are challenging. We have minimal historical sources that discuss the canon. The presence of manuscripts themselves help us somewhat. Canon is a technical term for the list of inspired books referred to today as the New Testament. There are historical forces and factors that led to the development of the canon. Capes and McDonald outline a few of these in the podcast.  But there are also theological factors and concerns at the same time. Geographically, the church was scattered. So, practices in Ethiopia were different than those in Italy. Early Christians were a very bookish people. They wrote a lot of books. I suppose you could say they also read a lot of books Some of those books were included in the canon, but many were excluded. In this podcast Capes and McDonald discuss the criteria for apostolic authorship. Resources Click here for a transcript of today’s podcast. A key book on the question which he wrote with interested lay people in mind: Formation of the Bible: The Story of the Church’s Canon (Hendrickson, 2012). A bit more technical is: The Biblical Canon: Its Origin, Transmission, and Authority (Baker Academic, 2006) To see a lecture by Dr. Lee McDonald at the Lanier Theological Library click here. More Resources Want more Stone Chapel Podcasts on some great topics? Just click here. You can get information on upcoming lectures at Lanier Theological Library by clicking here Subscribe to this podcast so you don’t miss any of the great conversations with scholars and church leaders from around the world. Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsSpotifyAmazon MusicAndroidiHeartRadioStitcherSubscribe by EmailYour Fav Podcasting Platform The post Episode 194 How We Got Our New Testament with Lee McDonald first appeared on Lanier Theological Library.


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Episode 193 Does the Church Have a Future? with Pablo Deiros

Stone Chapel Podcasts hosted by David Capes Episode 193 Does the Church Have a Future? With Pablo Deiros Dr. Pablo Deiros gave a lecture at the Lanier Theological Library to an audience of about 300 people in April 2024. He lectured in his heart language, Spanish, the heart language of a growing number of people in the United States. Every year the Lanier Theological Library sponsors a lecture in Spanish. Pablo stopped by the library to talk with David Capes for this episode of the Stone Chapel Podcasts. Who is Pablo Deiros? Pablo was born in Paraguay to medial missionaries who were from Argentina. Today he makes his home in Argentina. He has served as a pastor for fifty years. He has also taught and written books, mainly about the history of the church. You can find some of his books at the Lanier Theological Library in the Spanish collection. For a time he taught at Fuller Seminary in California. Does the Church Have a Future? The topic of Dr. Deiros’s lecture at the Lanier Library was the church in the 21 century. His focus was on Latin America and Hispanic churches in America. However, the principles he shared are important for other parts of the world and church too. Deiros believes we need to rethink the whole idea of church and how we “do†church. There must be a new orientation to ministry. Not so much pastor-centered and denominational. But with a greater sense of “the priesthood of all believers.â€Â This was a Reformation focus that got lost in Christendom. This means relying less on a professional clergy and relying more on training every gifted person. Or everyone, because everyone has a ministry gift. And this means a greater emphasis on the gifts and power of the Spirit. There is a lot more here, so just take a listen! Resources  To watch the video of Dr. Deiros’ lecture in Spanish click here. Here’s a link to LTL’s Spanish lecture in 2023, click here. Want more Stone Chapel Podcasts on some great topics? Just click here. You can get information on upcoming lectures at Lanier Theological Library by clicking here Subscribe to this podcast so you don’t miss any of the great conversations with scholars and church leaders from around the world. Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsSpotifyAmazon MusicAndroidiHeartRadioStitcherSubscribe by EmailYour Fav Podcasting Platform The post Episode 193 Does the Church Have a Future? with Pablo Deiros first appeared on Lanier Theological Library.


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Episode 192 “Wise Church Planting” with Dan Steel

Stone Chapel Podcasts hosted by David Capes Episode 192 Wise Church Planting with Dan Steel Dan Steel lives in East Oxford, but he was in Houston recently to talk with various people in the Church Planting Network. While he was in Houston, he met David Capes and David invited him to be on the podcast to talk about his new book. Who Is Dan Steel? Dan is the ministry program director at Yarnton Manor, the Lanier project four miles north of Oxford. It is his first time on The Stone Chapel Podcasts. He is originally from Oxford and has been in pastoral work, specifically church planting for years.  Dan has learned a thing or two about church planting, the right and wrong ways to approach. As a church planter and pastor, he has seen a bit of everything. God placed it on his heart to write his new book, Wise Church Planting. Wise Church Planting Steel’s recent book is about the pitfalls ahead for those who are brave enough to plant a church anywhere in the world. He used his marketing skills to pull together and analyze the major threats confronting church planters. He surveyed people from 27 countries, so these are not just pitfalls for western countries. They are world-wide. In this podcast (22 minutes), he gives a brief overview of the book and offers a summary of some of the issues faced by church planters. Some of these are issues are related to the leaders and the groups itself (internal factors). Others have to do with external pressures and how to negotiate them. If you are a church planter or are interested in church planting, you want to hear this podcast. And if you’re thinking of starting a church, this is a book you need to read. There is wisdom here. Resources For a transcript of this podcast, click here. Want more Stone Chapel Podcasts on some great topics? Just click here. You can get information on upcoming lectures at Lanier Theological Library by clicking here Subscribe to this podcast so you don’t miss any of the great conversations with scholars and church leaders from around the world. Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsSpotifyAmazon MusicAndroidiHeartRadioStitcherSubscribe by EmailYour Fav Podcasting Platform The post Episode 192 “Wise Church Planting†with Dan Steel first appeared on Lanier Theological Library.
